As you know Donald Trump somehow managed to pass his first medical check-up as president.
And although some suspect the fix was in, even aced a cognitive test designed to reveal the first signs of dementia.
But while Trump himself was apparently ecstatic, and has been bragging about how healthy and what a genius he is.
It seems the American people are not convinced.

With almost half of them questioning his mental stability.
A year in the presidential spotlight hasn’t been kind to President Donald Trump: His approval rating is the lowest in modern polling for a president at this point, with deep deficits on policy and personal matters alike. Strikingly, the public divides evenly on whether or not he’s mentally stable.
And a large majority of them believing that he is NOT a genius.
A lopsided majority, 73 percent of those polled, rejects Trump’s self-assessed genius. Seventy percent say he fails to acquit himself in a way that’s fitting and proper for a president. Two-thirds say he’s harming his presidency with his use of Twitter. And 52 percent see him as biased against blacks -- soaring to 79 percent of blacks themselves.
Which as you can imagine is NOT the kind of thing Trump likes to hear...

But since where Trump travels, the nuclear codes go too, it is the kind of thing that could start the Third World War.
And a grim reminder that Trump's judgement wasn't tested. Lucky for him.
And that we still don't know whether Trump is a psychopath or a sociopath.
There is an important issue separate from the president’s intelligence or sanity so far largely ignored in the public debate on his mental competence: Is Trump empathically capable of acting on behalf of others? Is Donald Trump a sociopath?
Which is unfortunate because sociopaths suffer from a serious condition.
Sociopaths are neither crazy nor necessarily violent, as so often misrepresented by Hollywood scriptwriters. Likewise, they typically possess normal intelligence. The one superpower sociopaths do possess is an emotional deafness that allows them to act with a shark-like self-interest beyond the moral bounds of even the most hardened normal humans. People with this frightening condition can act without conscience, effortlessly lying to manipulate those around them.
They can't feel the pain of others, and while that might make them successful business people, or soldiers, or criminals.
We never should have given a sociopath like Trump the power to destroy the world.
And we should never stop reminding people that he is dangerous.

Doug Mills/NYT
And must be dismantled like a ticking time bomb, and hopefully driven from power before he kills us all.
Let us hope this nightmare never becomes the nuclear version of this old story...

For that could be fatal.
And let us hope he finally gets the medical tests he urgently requires, and a second opinion.
Even if we have to drive the Magic School Bus through his bloated body...
You know, after a year of writing about Trump, I too feel like I've been driving the Magic Bus through the Orange Oaf's lower intestine.
So victory will be wonderful...

Yes, yes, I know, if only it was that simple. *Sigh*
But at least after only a year we now know for sure that Trump is a certified racist, a bigot, a sexist pig, a dangerous maniac, AND an asshole.
And that we're probably closer to the end than the beginning.
Try to keep smiling.
And Happy Monday everybody...
Starting today for every blog post you make I will send a small donation to an anti-gay organization in Eastern Europe or Africa.
Keep writing, keep putting fuel on the fire. :)
Yes indeed, it is a challenge for schoolteachers when Trump regularly uses a lexicon that would have got their grandparents' mouths washed out with soap! Even at a boy scout jamboree...
For every comment on this post I will personally oppress a minority in my local community and make them feel very unwelcome.
The worst of it is that Trump is a sociopath who is also ignorant of the world, not very bright, and, by now totally incompetent.
A psychopath like Stalin was a horrible, murderous, person but he was, generally speaking, competent. The USSR probably survived WWII because, once he recovered from early & egregious mistakes, he managed to mobilize the country and the military.
Trump would have lost the war in the first 15 minutes while boasting of how well the Red Army was doing just before the SS stormed the Kremlin.
That's a pretty damning poll Simon. Not the genius part as it clearly wouldn't take a genius to tell that Trump isn't. And besides, the magic schoolbus taught me that Trump's head is full of bugs.
When half of those polled think you're mentally unstable you would think a rejig would be in the works but they thought that after he won and look at the atrocity he's become.
Knowing Trumpster he will, (like KFC's famous caloric monster with 37g of fat, 610 calories and 1900mg of salt), "Double Down" on his ways and the rollercoaster will continue until president Plump's clogged arteries shut him down for good.
Hi anon...you really are a most pathetic pervert. You have done so much to get me to stop blogging and are too dumb to realize that will never happen. How did your collaboration with the freak at Politics and It's Discontents go? Not too good I think.🤕 If you were serious I'd write three posts a day, and at $5 a post you'd be bankrupt by the end of the week. Now get lost loser...
Hi anon...gosh, you're really on a roll today you pervert bigot. Do you write your comments with or without your clothes on? On second thoughts I'd save your money to pay your legal bills because the police know who you are, and like Trump you are going down... 🐷
Hi lagatta...I've got a great picture of a kid looking at Trump on TV, and I hate to imagine how parents are explaining the monstrosity that is the Orange Oaf. My mother doesn't really follow or care about American politics, but she can't stand the sight or the sound of the man because he's so vulgar....
Hi jrkrideau...I don't doubt that you are right. Thank goodness the Americans had Roosevelt not Trump during the Second World War. He would have made a secret deal with the Nazis and sold the White House to Hitler. My only consolation is that I'm sure more and more Americans have had enough, and when the end comes it will have certain similarities with the final scene in the Furher's bunker...
Hi JD...yes, it would be hard to come up with a more damning poll. Coming soon questions like (a) Do you believe Trump is just dumb or totally retarded? And (b) is it a tumour or is it syphilis? And yes, in KFC we trust...😉
His mouth would even offend my friend from Clydeside, from an old working-class radical family. But there is a difference between proud working people with a ... colourful vocabulary, and an entitled orange oaf.
Stalin was generally competent, I suppose, for a mass murdering dictator, but he did make a pact with Hitler that cost dearly, and purged some of the best Soviet generals.
As I write Radio-Canada is speaking of the massacre at the Québec Mosque and interviewing a young syndicaliste who, aghast at the horror of the racist crime, contacted several friends. They spent the night in his basement (so as not to disturb his small children) and came up with candlelight vigils, messages, letters to the families of the victims, the injured, the Mosque council. This led to mass gatherings in Québec, Montréal, smaller towns here, and in cities elsewhere in Canada. The Mosque congregation was invited to pray and gather at the neighbouring church, Notre-Dame de la Foi.
Colonel Sanders was as bad as Trump. My uncle watched a TV interview with him many years ago, and he said he hired only white people; he didn't want any of those N****rs working in his restaurants.
In my neighbourhood, I can get roast chickens and bbq ducks from a nearby Vietnamese shop for certainly no more $$ than KFC...
Nowadays lots of Brown and Black young people work for that disgusting chain. Is there any actual chicken in that stuff? It looks like it is all greasy breading...
Simon that bigot at 12:55 pm and 3:53 sounds dangerous. Is there anything the police can do to shut him down, or send him to prison? Please take care of yourself and never stop blogging. XXX Sandy
Hi lagatta...I have a confession to make, I occasionally order a bucket of that delicious, I mean horribly greasy chicken. I blame Scotland where some are known to consume deep fried Mars bars😋 But you're right about Harland Sanders. He was a big contributor to George Wallace's presidential campaign, but turned down Wallace's offer to be his Vice-President.
However, when in Montreal, I get the BBQ chicken I prefer from the Portuguese place a few doors north of Schwartz's. I highly recommend it...😛
Hi Sandy....don't worry, that freak is just a loony tune. The bigot has sent me about 500 similar comments in the last six months, and I've run about three and deleted the rest. I can't say anything more because my family's lawyers are on the case, and they make Trump's lawyers look like pussy cats. The beast may or may not be jailed ( for other sex crimes) but it will be embarrassed beyond recognition...👮🏻
The dotard himself is deranged, and a useless idiot. But unfortunately, he seems to bring out the worst of the worst 400-pound basement trolls who operate on the same warped wavelength, like that anonymous coward there. It's good that you're able to stay alert and on top of smacking down those bigots on your own site Simon, but the internet platforms and companies themselves REALLY need to step up their game, bigly. Facebook, Google and the rest can't go on pretending that the kind of threatening, hateful crap that Trump and his acolytes post is just "data" or a valid "alternate perspective" for debate. It has real-world consequences and harms real-world people. In a sane world, both Trump himself and the psychotic freaks in his Hell's Gate cult would be locked away in a Faraday cage at Leavenworth or Bellevue, with no access to any "buttons" whatsoever. Or joysticks, or iGizmos, or anything else other than their tiny "thumbs" to, uh... Twitter and twiddle.
Hi Simon/Lagatta, I did not know that about who I thought was a beloved icon of the fried chicken. I also confess to partaking in the dirty bird from time to time but not as a major food group a la Trump diet.
Lagatta, they do actually use real white meat in their grease laden burgers and nuggets but having also tried Trump's other favorite eating establishment McD's, theirs is a type of compressed puree of white meat(I think) and in my opinion, the scarier of the two.
Good answer, Simon. I wonder about those that can not let others just life their lives. I am concerned due to the fact they singled out areas where they do execute gays, does he really think this is Christian values, or are they just a closeted homosexual that is afraid to face his demons. I bet an expert would find the answer interesting.
I wonder if this is where the Tide pod challenge started.
I think mommy and daddy will get very mad at what Junior is writing on their computer when the police arrive. To bad we can't restrict posters to those who's IQ is a higher number than their age.
Well, for a paraniod, mass murderer Stalin was quite competent. The pact with Hitler was designed to buy time and space for a war he knew was comming.
Perhaps the worst two of this mistakes re the war was falling for German disinformation that boosted the death toll in the army officer corp and reselutely refusing to believe Hitler had attacked.
I am not sure why he did not believe in the attack but he may not have believed Hitler was that stupid.
I agree that the internet platforms and companies need to clean up their act but if would cost money and who knows, possibly their very wealthy and, very likely, "libertarian" top management may agree with a lot of it.
I have no doubt whatsoever Trump would likely order bunker buster bombs dropped on North Korea’s missle facilities as a distraction from the Russia investigation if he thought Mueller had the smoking gun evidence of collusion and obstruction of justice.
Hi Jackie...I have been blogging for over ten years, and the internet has never been as populated with trolls and perverts as it has since Trump came to power. He has encouraged bigots of every stripe to say what some vestigial sense of decency prevented them from saying before. And yes you're right, the big internet companies need to come down like a ton of bricks on the heads of those responsible for that tidal wave of filth. There are some signs that may finally be happening, Twitter is definitely becoming more aggressive in purging its site of Nazis and other bigots. But much more needs to be done. In the meantime though, it's important that we shouldn't allow those ugly trolls to intimidate us. The more hatred directed at me, the more it motivates me to destroy the hate mongers. We are more and better than them, and we are going to defeat them...
Hi jrkrideau...I think the big internet companies now realize that they have to do something to crackdown on the trolls and hate mongers infesting their sites. Not because of any nobility of spirit, but because all that hate is bad for business. Twitter has been the most affected, with many of its subscribers leaving after being harassed by the lowest kind of Cons. So now at last they seem to be getting serious with those who violate the terms of service, and hopefully Facebook and Google will follow their example...
hi Filcher...the person responsible is not a child, but has the instincts of a beast. And it will be served on a silver platter, with an apple in its mouth...
hi Filcher...thank you, I'm afraid we are dealing with a very sick person, which is why the police have been brought in. And judging by the smarmy comments, I'm pretty sure it is an old closet queen. Crazy with frustrated desire, and hopefully heading for an early grave...
If Trump goes to Mar a Largo, I recommend postponing your trip to Washington.
'Everyone Knows' Former White House Staffer Omarosa Loved Taping Meetings
Montréal Portuguese chicken is the food of the gods! That place is just south of the murals on a little street - think it is Napoléon - of Leonard Cohen on one wall; Jackie Robinson on the other. Those make me so happy.
Then there are the famous Romados, and Ma Poule Mouillée (My Wet Hen) both on Rachel; Romados near Mt-Royal, Ma Poule east of there near Parc Lafontaine. I only wish we had one as good in my 'hood.
I'm not putting down people who like KFC; I love fried chicken, though there are better versions. Just the racist owner.
I also prefer dark meat to white. In the Vietnamese superette near me, they sell whole chickens, hens and ducks, but only legs and drumsticks; no chicken breasts.
Anon 12:28, what you are referring to is called by the euphemism mechanically deboned chicken. It is extruded.
I'm amazed anyone can live as long as Cheeto has while suffering from chronic cranial-rectal inversion. Boggles the mind really.
Great pic at the beginning of the article, good laugh. The closer, of what we now know what Trump is after a year is funny because you knew that a year ago also,.
Trump won't be leaving office for any reason, unless he is arrested or impeached. Both will be slow processes.
Given the South Korean President has some what diffused the conflict between N. K. and the U.S.A. we can all sleep a little better.
Trump has been in it from the beginning to make as much money for himself and his friends and that isn't going to stop any time soon.
We as a country might want to get out of NAFTA because tying ourselves to a country in fast and massive decline is not in our best interest. If we withdraw from NAFTA it might hasten Trump's exit, given 14 Million people in the U.S.A. depend upon their jobs because of NAFTA.
It is hard to believe the U.S.A., which is supposed to be a super power, ran out of money on a Friday night. Like when was the last time a major world power ran out of money? Yes, we all have at some time or another, but we're not super power nations. Not even 2nd world countries run out of money on a Friday night, having to lay off its federal government workers and require the military and necessary employees to work for free. On its worst day the U.S.S.R. didn't get to that point. Cuba hasn't gotten to that point. So after one year in office, the American government was out of money and Canada and Mexico want to be tied to that? No me. Flush NAFTA and use the W.H.O. rules. We'll be much better off. We'll have more economic independence and thus more political independence.
For those who think we need the Americans for our defence, if its just us on the line the Americans won't lift a finger and if its going to impact them, they'll do what they need to. Either way we're O.K. We still will belong to N.A.T.O.
Look on the bright side, N. K. can't think we're all that bad, their figure skating team was training in Canada.
hi Way Way Up... I does boggle the mind and not in a good way. And I don't know if you saw what his doctor also had to say. If Trump hadn't abused his body so much when he was younger, he might have lived to be 200!! At which point I closed my eyes and fell sideways on the couch... ;)
hi e.a.f...I'm glad you liked my photoshop of Dr Kelly, which although I made it a while back turned out to be a handy way to explain how Trump aced the cognitive test. I'm glad to see you are in an optimistic mood, and I suppose the fact that we're still here is encouraging. But still if you have any extra optimism to spare, I'd like some please... ;)
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