Dan Murphy
Donald Trump does a lot of bad and dirty things. Always has, always will. It's the nature of the beast.
But the one that disgusts me the most, without the shadow of a doubt, is the sight of that morally depraved pervert posing as a pious person.
Or a fake Christian...

While his grotesque Evangelical groupies hug him and stroke him, and sell their souls for political power, so they can go after women and LGBT Americans.
And the stench of hypocrisy burns the nostrils.
Which is why I really like this story.

The story of Donald Trump and the porn star Stephanie Clifford aka Stormy Daniels.
Donald Trump's lawyer reportedly used a private company and a fake name to pay off the porn star who allegedly had an affair with the President.
Attorney Michael Cohen reportedly used Essential Consultants LLC to send a lawyer representing Stormy Daniels $130,000 (£100,000) 'hush money', according to the Wall Street Journal.
For it seems to me that Trump and his lawyer went to extraordinary lengths to muzzle Clifford, and try to bury the story.
So I couldn't help wondering, what was the old orange pervert so anxious to conceal?
And concluded it had to be this.
According to 2009 emails between political operatives who were at the time advising Daniels on a possible political campaign, the adult film actor and director claimed that her affair with Trump included an unusual act: spanking him with a copy of Forbes magazine.
For obvious reasons.
One, it doesn't look good for Trump to have the Fake News be seen to be spanking him, instead of the other way around.
Two, the evangelicals wouldn't have liked it, but would have been forced to accept it...

And degrade themselves even more, if that's possible.
While the late night talk shows would have loved it...
The details from Trump's tryst with porn star Stormy Daniels are out, and they deserve to be on Forbes' list of 30 Most Disturbing... #LSSC pic.twitter.com/P6SEg6Htcj— The Late Show (@colbertlateshow) January 19, 2018
And then of course, there's that other pornographic question:
If Trump did pay Stormy Daniels to whip him with a magazine, with himself and his daughter Ivanka on the cover...

Could he have paid a trio of Russian prostitutes to pee on a bed where Obama and his wife Michelle had slept?

And if the Russians were taping him does that explain EVERYTHING?
You know, Tony Schwarz, who wrote The Art of the Deal with Trump and knows him better than most, says what we're dealing with is a scared child.
There are two Trumps. The one he presents to the world is all bluster, bullying and certainty. The other, which I have long felt haunts his inner world, is the frightened child of a relentlessly critical and bullying father and a distant and disengaged mother who couldn’t or wouldn’t protect him.
Fear is the hidden through-line in Trump’s life – fear of weakness, of inadequacy, of failure, of criticism and of insignificance. He has spent his life trying to outrun these fears by “winning” – as he puts it – and by redefining reality whenever the facts don’t serve the narrative he seeks to create.
A needy man child who now embodies the limits of traditional masculinity.
“We raise boys,” writes the author Terrence Real, “to live in a world in which they are either winners or losers, grandiose or shame-filled, … perpetrators or victims. Society shows little mercy for men if they fail in the performance of their role. But the price of that performance is an inward sickness.”
And I think this picture is worth a thousand words...

Save Barron.
Save America.
Spank this pervert out of power...

A year ago I would have said even Trump would not fall for the Moscow hotel trip. Now, he might have.
And if the Russians were taping him does that explain EVERYTHING?
I doubt it. He would have come up with some cockamamie story.
I still hold to the opinion that his money-laundering is what is scaring him. We look to be talking billions.
"According to 2009 emails between political operatives who were at the time advising Daniels on a possible political campaign..."
Bah ha ha!
Furthermore, no one believes the media, at all, and when they come out with some “BIGGEST SHOCKER YET” story, everyone just rolls their eyes at this point.
The liberals don’t even believe this stuff, they just spread it because they think Trump-supporters are too stupid not to believe it. That is the level of callousness involved in modern political discourse.
I'm watching Trump at The March For Life right now. What a leader! Lots of young people in the crowd. Trudeau would never show up to something like this. #notmyprimeminister
It is a matter of public record that Stormy Daniels did explore the possibility of a senate run in 2009, so I see no reason to dismiss the emails as a conspiracy without more information. The problem is not that "no one believes the media", it is that far to many think opinion and commentary is news when it is simply entertainment and does not require all the facts to be reported.
Considering the actual news that is verified about Trump, the sex tape with "grab her by the pussy", and the comments uttered by him through the years, it is actually easy to believe this could happen. I will reserve judgement until more information is known.
It appears that climate change has finally caught up to president Spankme Simon. First he has to weather the "Stormy" Daniels story and even worse, "Hurricane Melania" is on the horizon and a "Russian pee monsoon" video could be next.
As bizarre as these claims are, they are certainly relatable in their use of perverted irony which makes them even more believable given the twisted mind of Trump.
On an even more disturbing level, during one of his trysts with Stormy, he compares Ms. Daniels to his darling Ivanka. Eww. http://www.lifeandstylemag.com/posts/stormy-daniels-ivanka-trump-151756
The picture of Trump(from the link) holding Ivanka by her sides is as creepy as it gets. If it doesn't give you the heebie-jeebies I doubt anything will.
You do know how silly that sounds, right? Suggesting Trudeau support a march opposed to not only his personal beliefs, but also the law as enshrined in Canadian legislation.
Everything about Trump disgusts me. I don't normally judge people on their sexual lives, but after all the gross statements that sexist pig has made, the fact that he would be whoring around while his wife was recovering from giving birth is sickening. He hasn't an ounce of class in his whole body.
@Anon 12:43 -- Con hypocrites like Hair Drumpfsterfire and Storm Trooper Scheer are so "pro-life" they support bombing and deporting brown people and reducing women to second-class dehumanized status as sperm containers. Trump, like his acolytes, is a blood-and-soil ethnic nationalist who only wants whites to hurry up and breed en masse to get the Caucasian population above replacement levels. Republicans plan on forcing that issue by putting roadblocks every step of the way in women's reproductive rights. After you're born, though, you're on your own. Pull yourself up by the bootstraps or go away, kid, and don't bother me. It's all about keeping women fecund from the time they start getting attractive to sick perverts like Roy Moore until the time as they're deemed useless because they can no longer physically propagate the master race. Conservatives disgust me because they hold no regard for women except as incubator vessels. The notion that a woman might have a mind of her own and make the decision to control her own organs without input or approval from the man of the house is abhorrent to you. You see us as objects reduced to our uteri. Get your rosaries away from my ovaries, and keep your Lebensborn cult ideology in the German history books where it belongs.
I'm not even from Canada, but Trudeau is #MyPrimeMinister. I suspect, then, that Putin is your leader. Might as well be, since Trump is nothing more than a "vessel" or "container" for whatever fascist monstrosities that Vlad the Impaler wants to spawn onto society. Aided and abetted, of course, by Gilead's Own Party of the Talibangelical set. I find your obsession with "faith" disturbing.
The Haitian government was so rightfully ticked off by his "shithole" comments that they released information indicating that Trump's hotels were money-laundering centers for none other than Baby Doc Duvalier. Snopes confirms the BuzzFeed report as true:
The hotels were also ground zero for Latin American drug cartels in the very same "shitholes" he now wants to deport people back to and build a wall to "protect" America from. When actually America and the unfortunate Latin American countries have always needed protection from Trump:
At this point it wouldn't surprise me if actual Nazis from Argentina made use of the gold-plated laundromats too. You'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. "Welcome to the Hotel Putintopia! Such an ugly face, in a shithole place..."
The law needs to be changed Filcher.
Personally, I'm concerned that the most disturbing revelation will be that the pee-hookers were underage mini-Ivankas. For all the Pizzagate projection that the Trump cult made about Clinton, we know for a fact that sex trafficking of minors is epidemic in Eastern Europe, and is covered up more or less by calling it a "modeling contract" or something else to that effect.
What goes on in the homes of consenting adults is none of my business or anyone else's either. But if it involves kids, then that's something for which anyone involved should be remanded to hard labor in a supermax prison permanently, and so should anyone who aided and abetted it. Which means that if Trump is involved in one way or another with underage sex trafficking, then the whole GOP belongs behind bars for turning a blind eye just so they can get their deplorable, eugenicist tax cuts. The idiot who posted above about the March for Life is so blinded by their obsession with fetuses that they obviously don't care what else that party does and allows involving children. He is more than a chauvinist pig. He is a pervert of the lowest order, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if little girls were his victims too, considering his penchant for barging in on the dressing rooms of teen beauty pageant contestants and how willing he was to go to the bat for the subhuman pervert Roy Moore.
And to think, people have the damn nerve to froth over ridiculous conspiracies like some fictional fling between Obama and Trudeau or Hillary and Pelosi or whatever other lunacy they write on the Internet. I honestly wouldn't give a rat's tail if Obama or Trudeau really was gay. I am far more troubled by the likelihood that the president of the United States might very well be a pedophile.
Going after Trump's weight and his sex life... who cares?
1.5 million new jobs in under 1 year of taking office. Record high stock markets. Lowest unemployment rate in 17 years.
Anon 12:43 here. Jackie why are you attacking me for my personal beliefs?
"The notion that a woman might have a mind of her own and make the decision to control her own organs without input or approval from the man of the house is abhorrent to you."
First of all I am a woman. The same one you said "women buy guns to protect themselves from their husbands" to.
Listen we get it. You don't like Trump. The message has been received loud and clear. That's fine.
I've seen you go on these long venom filled rants every other day for months now against Trump. But you don't need to make everything personal with Simon's commenters because they don't share the same beliefs as you.
- A woman (gasp!) who's pro life in Canada.
Today Jim Messina (former White House deputy of staff) said on MSNBC: “He [Trump] wrote a book called The Art of the Deal. Now the only person who gets a deal is his porn-star ex-girlfriend.”
It's a Republican myth that Trump is responsible for all of it. It's mainly the natural progression of the pattern that began during Obama's presidency.
How Barack Obama rescued the US economy
Obama’s Economic Record: An Assessment
Obama’s policies helped lift the economy out of a frightening slump and set it on a path to steady, if unspectacular, growth. In fact, I’d call this his biggest achievement. The scale of the financial panic of 2008 and the extent of the job losses that occurred in the first months of 2009 should never be forgotten.
Hi jrkrideau....you may be right, shady deals is probably what will get Trump in the most trouble. But if the porn star's story is true, his request that he be spanked with a certain issue of Forbes magazine sets off alarm bells, and makes what might have happened in that Moscow hotel slightly more plausible. And one thing is for sure, having an affair with a prostitute just after his wife had given birth to their first child, tells me all I need to know about that crass vulgarian...
Hi Jackie...thanks for those links. I can't believe how low Trump and his crime family have gone. I suppose we shouldn't be surprised since he has no moral compass. Even my Mum figured him out long ago, asking us to never let her hear his voice in our house. I hope other governments do the same as the Haitians did, and nail that ghastly criminal...
Hi anon....as I said in my post, if the story was a total fabrication, why did Trump's lawyer go to such extraordinary lengths to try to cover it up? As Richard Nixon once said, it's the cover-up that gets you. I admit I am biased against Trump, my parents raised me to avoid people like him. But you are being blinded by your partisanship, and Trump is going to leave you, like so many others, looking like a sucker or an idiot...
Hi anon 12:43 pm...Trump, the man who cheated on his wife with a prostitute, and has made a mockery out of religion, turns up at a March for Life, and you cheer him wildly? And of course Justin Trudeau wouldn't turn up at a March like that one, when he has morals and principles, and stands for something unlike Trump...
Hi anon 12:43...I don't think Jackie was attacking your personal beliefs. She was making her feelings known about a movement that claims to be pro-life but seems to care more about fetuses than it does about babies, and has been associated with some deadly attacks against abortion providers. As a man my position is very simple, women must have the right to control their own bodies, and you have the right to believe what you want to believe, but you don't have the right to impose your beliefs on others...
Hi Filcher...I think that's fair. We do have to reserve judgement until all the facts are known. But I must admit that when a man like Trump has a sordid record of extreme misogyny and boasts about sexual assault, it is extremely difficult to give him the benefit of the doubt...
Hi JD....President Spankme? I love it!! 😀 And you're right, all these bizarre events could only happen in Trumpland, and slowly but surely a pattern is developing. The man has no morals, so as far as I'm concerned he is capable of anything. His relationship with Ivanka is creepy, and one can only wonder whether the fact she was on the magazine cover had anything to do with him instructing Stormy Daniels to use it to spank him. For if he did he is clearly a very sick man. There are many other more pressing reasons he should be removed from office, but his lowlife morals also make him, in my opinion at least, unfit to be President...
If the economy had tanked after the election he would have been blamed so it is fair he should take credit for its performance but in reality its just a continuation of the trends started during the Obama era. The US is like the Titanic, its takes years for a new captain to leave their mark. Although nothing is certain its likely that Trumps lack of discipline, retrograde domestic policies and all over the place foreign policies will leave them worse off in the future. This time the results will be felt in the US, unlike the crazy Bush Cheney years where eliminating weapons of mass destruction and bringing democracy to the Muslim world resulted in Europe paying the price of terrorism and mass migration. I suspect history will no be kind to Trump but time will tell, we are only part way through the first inning unless lady bad luck has other plans.
Economic trends Obama Trump https://www.economist.com/blogs/graphicdetail/2018/01/daily-chart-13
Hi anon 2:26 pm...I just read a story in the Washington Post describing how Trump treated Melania after she had Barron, and I was absolutely disgusted. I started portraying Trump as a hideous hog long ago, but now I feel I owe hogs an apology. The man is a monster,and I only hope Melania and Barron can get away from him as soon as possible...
Hi anon 3:47 pm ...I have not gone after Trump's weight, and as for his sex life what interests me is not what he does in bed, but what he has done to cover up the truth. Because it's starting to look like his entire life is a cover-up. As for the economy, don't flatter either Trump or yourself, much of the credit must be shared with Obama...
HI David...thanks for that one. I must admit that I was already horrified by Trump's abominable behaviour. But the re-emergence of Stormy Daniels has left me shaking my head, and wondering how low this political porn show can go, before the orange pervert is finally given his walking papers...
During interviews in the nineties Trump stated he would not run for president because his amorous adventures were comparable/worse than Clinton's, around the same when asked how he dealt with negative news he stated that the news cycle only lasts one week... you just had to survive that week and all was forgotten as attention moved on to something else. He probably still thinks the Stormy Daniels story is just a one week cycle but I wonder if he feels the same way about the Steele dossier,the Mueller investigation and the gaining momentum of the #metoo movement as well as others. It seems that perhaps he projected his past experiences with the news cycle just a little too far into the future and if you are a big enough ass people will go beyond the one week limit to get you!
The law is fine as is, anon. I do not attack your belief in the decision not to abort, I respect that, but I also respect the decision of those women who choose to abort. It would be nice if the world followed our personal beliefs and moral code, but far to often a reality of the situation sets in and people follow a code dictated by their own personal experience and by their own personal beliefs. Which is why the right to choose on lifestyle choices is enshrined in law, and through Through Canadian values.
The pro Life people that I know are the same ones that 50 yrs ago ,would sneer down their noses at unwed teen mothers, that complained if pregnant Susie went to school as it would negatively affect her children and her being seen while pregnant was not decent around proper folk, that would complain about little Susie's children being dirty and that Susie was not a good mother because she was working instead of looking after her children. In other words hypocrites that cared more for control over a person, than in doing anything to help that person. I know there were exceptions, that is why the law on abortion has changed, through well meaning and intelligent people who know that everyone, women included, should have the option of having control over their life.
Historically, abortions have always been available, although they were done under horrible conditions and by people without proper medical training. Many people of an older age can tell stories of fellow students, co workers or family members dying or being crippled through illegal abortions. There was really no reason to limit the choice of women in this medical procedure, and abortion rates have fallen through public education, better methods of contraception, and social acceptance of lifestyle choices.
I personally dislike attacks on Melania or Barron, both seem more or less victims of Trump. Psychologically we can see a connection between her life and the fact she is speaking out on cyber bullying. It was an interesting choice as her husband is one of the biggest bullies there is, and it was doubtful she would receive much support for it from media, social media or the GOP, due to the actions of her husband. I do seriously think she is a woman who sold her soul, and regrets it now.
Stephen Rents The 'Trump Pee Pee Tape' Hotel Room For A Night
This Diagram Makes Sense Of Trump's Relationship With Putin
1.5 million new jobs in under 1 year of taking office.
Post hoc, propter hoc.
To slightly paraphrase something seen on the net. This man has hit rockbottom and has started digging again.
hi jrkrideau...yes, and if he doesn't watch it he'll end up in China... ;)
I wish people would stop referring to the woman as a porn star. I'd suggest it is an attempt to make her less or make her look predatory/
She is an actress and a director. She has a name, she makes a living. The real "porn" star here is Trump.
When the story broke I couldn't stop laughing. Looks good on Trump caught in an affair. All those religious types who pillared Clinton, well the chickens have come home to roost.
Wolfe on Bill Mahr's show suggested Trump may in fact be having an affair right now, but he didn't "have a blue dress" as evidence.
Don't expect any of those religious leaders to say anything about Trump's "affairs". As long as he promises to deliver what they want, they will ignore what he does. Just remember how they continued to flock around Roy Moore.
if the jobs don't pay enough for people to be able to see a doctor, then it really doesn't matter. 60 minutes ran an article a few weeks ago based in Virginia The grinding poverty was unbelievable. the only health care people could afford was a travelling clinic staffed by two nurse practioners who also provided free medication. the two people featured, both died. One was a young man in his 20s who went blind in one eye due to an inability to afford insulin aand by the time he got to the travelling clinic, his health had deteriorated so far, he died. Another was a woman who cleared $200 a week, working full time. Couldn't afford medical insurance or medical help. By the time she got the help from the travelling clinic, she had stage 4 brain cancer.
Where there are jobs or not, the real issue is do they pay enough so people can afford doctors, drugs, and/or health insurance. A job doesn't mean you can survive in America to day.
What??? Does she not proudly refer to herself as a porn star?
Alleged Trump mistress Stormy Daniels is visiting a strip club in Greenville this Saturday
Even if Trump is having an affair with someone:
"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
(Matthew 7: 1-5)
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