Donald Trump has always been a racist. From the day he launched his campaign to the monstrous place we are in now.
But yesterday had to be his worst and most racist day ever.
He was up late the night before, tweeting away. Trying to deny that he had called El Salvador, Haiti, and some African countries "shitholes" at a meeting with lawmakers.

Only to be called a liar by a Senator who was at that meeting.
And portrayed as a shithole himself.
Or as an asshole....

Or a maniac...

Or by people all over the world, as a racist who preys on the powerless.
Donald Trump is a racist. This should be said without excuses, without evasions, without caveats.
But this is not only about racism. It is about power -- Trump's power and that of his administration in kicking the helpless, the deprived, the desperate.
Which is of course as low as you can go.
But then, for an extra dose of humiliation, there was the insane excuse the flaming Orange Oaf came up with for cancelling his visit to Britain:

Even though the embassy was relocated for security reasons, by George W. Bush not Obama.
And the real reason Trump cancelled his visit to Britain, was because the British people had made it clear he wasn't wanted, and were planning massive demonstrations.
Which was truly pathetic, or sad. And had all kinds of people laughing at him, and calling him a coward

#ICancelledMyTripToLondon because of Kitten Kong - NOT SAFE!— Danny D Pearson ✎ (@Danny_D_Pearson) January 12, 2018
#ICancelledMyTripToLondon because I found that Paddington bear is an undocumented migrant from Peru— Ghosted G (@g_ghosted) January 12, 2018
And then as if Trump wasn't done enough, there was the story about The Groper and the porn star Stormy Daniels.
On Friday, The Wall Street Journal reported that Michael Cohen, the longtime lawyer for President Donald J. Trump, arranged a $130,000 hush payment to porn star Stormy Daniels one month prior to the 2016 presidential election.
‘All I’m going to say is: I ended up with Donald in his hotel room. Picture him chasing me around his hotel room in his tighty-whities.’
Which which whether it's true or not, can only make more people wonder whether that Russian hooker story was true. And if so, how much did he pay them to pee in that bed, and keep their mouths shut?
There was some good news for Trump.
His White House physician declared him to be in excellent health.
President Donald Trump‘s White House physician declared him in “excellent health” after the president received his first medical checkup at Walter Reed military hospital on Friday, undergoing a physical examination amid suggestions in a recent book and by his detractors that he’s mentally unfit.
Which I was forced to admit on Twitter did disappoint me...

But since his checkup didn't include a psychiatric examination, we still don't know whether he's mentally fit to be President.
And now that he has been officially diagnosed as a white supremacist...

I doubt his presidency will ever recover.
But since the only way he can try to stop people calling him President Shithole is to start a war, he's still dangerous.
So resistance has never been more necessary or more urgent...

The liberal outrage over this was amazing. I love seeing you lefties get triggered.
Here's some lovely diversity for you.
How exactly would you recommend assimilating these people torturing horses Simon? Serious question.
One of the biggest self delusions of any nation is that everyone else in the world wants to live there. The only people who want to live somewhere else are those who want to sample the world, or those whose world is a shithole.
Maybe Norwegians could come to the USA and bring civilization with it. Real Maternity leave, a National Energy Plan, 6 weeks holidays, free University and single payer health care.
Norwegians are also happier than Americans Steve, they make more money and live longer too. Can I become a Norwegian ?
Anon 8:25, Anyone with a smidgen of a moral compass, Lib. or Con would be outraged by president Shithole's remark which was clearly aimed at his base of Shitheads.
We have heard about satanic rituals for years. People have been arrested and jailed for them. After a few years, the hysteria passes. the authorities realise there never was any problem and the people are released. 'News outlets ' like the daily caller and deplorable from the basket go for this stuff like a fish for a worm, time after time.
I was kind of animated by the thought of bodily functions and the capacity of the earth to consume this human waste. No one can deny there are shitholes
and Trump spoke a truth. If you deny reality its just going to get worse.
Wasn't the Daily Caller instrumental in the Pizzagate fiasco. Remember that; the only criminal involved was a Right Wing Nut Job ( RWNJ ) fueled by fake news stories.
If we have enough incidents its a trend. But one of one. Which is what most so called terrorist incidents are is not a trend.
Anon 8:25, I am surprised that so many racists, bigots and Nazi's are slithering into the sunlight where they can be seen, voicing their support for a racist, misogynistic narcissist who is an idiot in the worst possible way. We need no other evidence to place you with the worst that Nazi Germany had to offer, supporters and apologists of a xenophobic leader. Donald and the GOP may not setup concentration camps, but there is nothing separating their beliefs from those who did it 80 years ago. You may feel secure and supported hidden in the Donald's fat folds, but after next election, when The Donald and his KKKlown Band is turfed, his supporters will be exposed for the crass vile snakes they are, shunned by the vast majority of decent people. Tighten your belt sweetheart, because some of those shithole countries could throw off the oppressive yoke the West has them under, and which determines their economic strengths and weaknesses, and improve their standards, at least enough to shame the ways the US treats it's most marginalized and poorest citizens.
One incident is not a trend. Do not be distracted by the minuscule when the meat is all on the bone waiting for you to enjoy after a multicultural BBQ. When we eat together we grow humanity.
Because they must be immigrants, right, and not already natural born citizens? Maybe we can do it the same way we assimilate cHristians, with their ritualistic cannabalism, and vampire worship?
The Third World nation is immunized against all dangers: one may call it impoverished, undeveloped, crime-ridden, dangerous, and it will milk this for aid donations. But call it a shithole and you will be astonished at how it reacts.
What's really disheartening about the shithole remark is that a bipartisan DACA deal had been negotiated and Trump decided to kill it. Congress is now at a point where Trump will not support a Republican deal, has torpedoed a bipartisan deal and has no plan of his own. This mess cannot be cleaned up quickly ( even using all the King's horse ) so shutdown looms ever closer. With midterms campaigns taking over in a couple of months, both the Republican party and Trumps seem to have a deathwish.
Didn't know shithole was a race. These globalist neoliberals like Montreal Simon are the real racists. They think People of Color are the servant class and should be consigned to inner-city ghettos and shitholes around the world. Just don't say "shithole" or "ghetto" because THAT would be racist!
You're supposed to call them "sanctuaries." If the 'sanctuaries' get too out of hand, Big City Liberals will call the inhabitants "super predators" and get in early on private prison stocks. If they get really out of hand, they'll build a wall down the middle of the city and call it a gated community. (Big City Liberal weasels are funny - if you got a twisted sense of humor like I do. LOL.)
A psychiatrist isn't going to tell us anything useful about Trump. A diagnosis helps predict future behaviour that may be dangerous. But it's not going predict things any better than what everyone can readily observe.
We can all see that Trump is impulsive, erratic, driven by petty aggression and paranoia, that he shows poor impulse control and an inability to moderate self-destructive behavior, and that he's either a compulsive liar or completely detached from reality. These are all dangerous traits in a president and we don't need a shrink to tell us that he's mentally unfit for the job. In fact, he's not even interested in doing the work of a president. He's only interested in all the sucking up and ego stroking that comes with the position.
Getting rid of Trump is a political decision, not a medical one.
Anon 1:04, I don't know what's more absurd, calling Simon a racist or your inability to grasp context. Let me explain. Calling one's apartment a shithole is not racist. Calling multiple countries with dominant black populations shitholes is racist in the context that it was used, period!
anonymous 11;17, you are posting at a Canadian blog, where Liberals are centrists, not "lefties". By the way, a prominent Republican of Haitian origin, Ms Love from Utah, was very much triggered.
Hi anon@8:25am...I don't know why you right-wingers think left-wingers are being "triggered." Our reaction is a mixture of disgust at the foul mouth of a low life degenerate, and absolute delight at the damage he is doing to himself and his party. You right-wingers are the ones who should be upset, not because you have a moral compass, you don't. But because Trump like Scheer is killing his own party, and your time is running out...
Hi don't have to assimilate people who torture animals you arrest them, and their ethnic background is irrevelant. People of all backgrounds commit horrible crimes all the time, but right-wingers only focus on the ones they can use as weapons against the innocent. As for religion there's a reason I'm an atheist. There are some good religious people, but all religions have committed horrifying crimes against humanity, so please don't single out some and ignore the others...
Hi Steve...There are so-called shitholes all over the world, including this country. In Canada it's caused by poverty and deprivation, in other places it's a lack of democracy that makes a place a shitholes. But I'm describing places, while Trump was describing people and that's the difference. Some of the best people come from some of the worst placed, and a country as violent as the U.S. where millions have no health coverage, and Trump is President, has no right to call any other country a shithole..
Hi anon@12:04PM...may I remind you that most of the white people who colonized this country came from what were at the time third world nations. And were treated as badly in this country as some new immigrants are treated by racists today. Try to see the big picture instead of squinting at the world through the narrow slit of your prejudice...
Hi anon@1:04pm...Well I must say that's the first time somebody has called me a neoliberal globalist racist, at least in the space of one comment. I won't dignify your absurd comment by even attempting to answer it. Except to say that I hate racists and any other kind of bigots with every bone in my body, and I have the scars to prove it. And anyone who believes that Trump is a revolutionary is either as dumb as a spoon or out of their minds...
Hi anon...I agree that getting rid of Trump is a political decision not a medical one. But the state of his mind will I hope facilitate that decision because he is armed and dangerous. If the Republicans had a moral compass they would have started impeachment proceedings already. But after their midterm disaster they will be much easier to persuade. And if Trump is not removed, at least he will be neutered...
Hi rumleyfips...yes, I agree that it depressing. But we can't expect Trump to act rationally. And the good news is that all of this will eventually be used against him. And when things start going wrong, his allies will abandon him so quickly he won't know what hit him...
A psychiatrist said on MSNBC that a battery of mental tests taken over 2 days would all that would be required to diagnose whether a person is psychologically unstable. Van Jones said on CNN that every 3 months the US military men who have access to the nuclear codes must be given mental tests every 3 months. So why shouldn’t every US President be required to have a mental at least once a year?
The January 22/18 cover of The New Yorker:
From: Pin Head
If Trump came to Canada on an official visit, there would be demonstrations all across Canada protesting his visit. Imagine how that would play in the rest of the world: “What??? Even those polite Canadians, who are America’s largest trading partners, have no use for him!”
My point is that we already know all that we need to know about the state of Trump's mind - he's unhinged, armed and dangerous. Republicans don't care.
Republicans also don't care about the midterms. They got their tax cuts and Dems can't reverse the damage done. It's possible for Dems to gain a bare majority in the Senate (51 to 49). But no matter what happens in the midterms, Dems will never have the 2/3 majority needed to impeach there. At best, the GOP agenda will be neutered, but Trump will remain a clear and present danger at least until January 20, 2021.
We already know Trump's unstable - just look at what he says and tweets. A battery of psych tests may help to flush out a hidden instability, but Trump's not hiding anything. His instability is obvious to everyone, including his GOP colleagues. The problem is that they don't care and psych testing won't change that.
CNN on the very small number of Norwegians emigrating to the US.
There are places much closer where they can travel to enjoy warmer weather if they so desire.
And they've had women PMs for a long time now.
Such a small number would indicate that the migration is either for personal reasons (usually LOVE) or securing a specific professional job.
The Irish were treated like utter filth.
And to cats! Especially Black ones...
The National (January 14, 2018)
43:02 mark
Trump-Nixon Parallels
Michael Harris: A message of hope from the Great White North: Trump’s days are numbered:
Harper and Trump: political peas in a pod
Council of Canadians: A new online petition to keep Trump out of Canada has already gathered over 5,000 signatures
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