Friday, July 14, 2023

How Pierre Poilievre's Makeover Failed So Miserably

It has been more than a week since Pierre Poilievre finally realized he had to soften his image or give up any hope of ever being Prime Minister.

So he gave himself a waxy looking makeover, and tried to fool us into believing that he's really a nice guy.

But sadly for him that makeover has been an absolute disaster.

And even dressing up in cowboy drag didn't help

Not when he slathered on so much makeup, it smeared all over his collar.

Not when some suggested that he was wearing a corset or a male brassiere to make himself look more muscular.

And not when Justin Trudeau does it all so much better.

In fact,  the sight of Justin being greeted so warmly in Con Alberta must have driven Poilievre KRAAAZY with jealousy.

Which may help explain why his "I'm really a nice guy" campaign didn't last very long.

And why he went quickly back to blaming Justin Trudeau for EVERYTHING. From the state of the economy to random stabbings in the streets.

So who could be surprised that his own drag show got even uglier?

Poilievre was quick to try to disassociate himself from that photo of him and that anti-gay bigot.

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre sought to distance himself Wednesday from a man who wore a "straight pride" T-shirt while posing for a photo with Poilievre at the Calgary Stampede over the weekend.

He claimed he hadn't had time to read what was written on that T-shirt.

But it turns that he knew the bigot, he was one of his convoy buddies.

The man also has been seen carrying a "F--- Trudeau" flag — the favoured prop of elements associated with the Freedom Convoy that protested COVID-era restrictions. 

And the way Poilievre reacted, when he was asked about the ugly T-shirt at a newser yesterday, told us all we need to know. 

Speaking to reporters in Penticton, B.C., Poilievre offered a terse response to a question about the T-shirt and its message, which is offensive to many in the LGBTQ community. 

"I don't agree with that shirt," Poilievre said before moving on to the next question.

He looked guilty, and with good reason, for the whole ugly incident was almost certainly a set-up.

Poilievre knows that in the U.S. LGBT Americans are now the targets of choice of right-wingers, from the corrupt Republican political class to the Proud Boys.

For the past two years, the Proud Boys have waged a concerted campaign to harass and menace LGBTQ people, zeroing in on Drag Queen Story Hours and performances as their main target.

According to data compiled by LGBTQ media advocacy group GLAAD and the Anti-Defamation League, there have been 166 incidents of anti-LGBTQ protests and threats targeting drag events since early 2022. Far-right groups such as the Proud Boys took part in at least 35 of the incidents.

And here at home the sight of a group of Muslim children stomping on small rainbow flags at a Story Hour in Ontario, has the Cons in a frenzy... 

So I can see Poilievre hoping that flashing a little homophobia might convince more Muslims to join his bigot party.

While believing he could escape responsibility for that message, by claiming he couldn't see it. 

Right. Give him back his glasses.

You know, not long ago I warned that Poilievre was stoking the fires of anti-gay hatred...

Now, although our shabby Con media can't seem to see what's happening, or doesn't care, there can be no doubt that's exactly where he wants to take his ugly un-Canadian party.

In his feverish attempt to try to destroy Justin Trudeau.

Just like there can be no doubt that the only way we can keep our country from falling into the hands of the Con hate mongers is to destroy them, before they destroy this country and its values.

It's that simple, and that depressing. But as always there are some things to celebrate.

One, they're laughing at Poilievre.

Two, he's never looked less like a leader.

Three, he has now shown that he is a racist, a vile misogynist, and a scummy homophobe.

And four, he has proved, beyond the shadow of a doubt.

That try as you might, you can't put lipstick on a Con hog...


Elizabeth said...

What got me was How his Wife looked embarrassed and sheepish during the interview. What is he trying to prove dragging her around where he goes?

Myworld1916 said...

Elizabeth, I would've asked the same thing. Just recalling how a con on Facebook once snarled that unlike Stephen Harper's wife who shows up at every rally and event with him, Justin Trudeau's wife was no where to be seen (which by the way, she did show up at rallies and all and thus the man was still an enraged unconvinced being in the end).

Myworld1916 said...

I really enjoy reading your posts but I'm always wondering why I have to wait more than week or a month. Keep in mind there are other issues to help me demistify, like how to convince the whole country that Pierre Putin won't solve the Housing Gap. And still, how even if his soi disant policies of giving a tax relief won't solve this in five minutes after he's elected. And you are talking to someone who even then don't want to hear positive things about him because having him elected won't prevent the nightmarish thunderstorm and the rain that flooded my basement appartment yesterday.

Simon said...

Hi Elizabeth....Poilievre's wife is part of his makeover. Presumably having her follow him around is supposed to humanize him and show that despite his vicious misogyny he doesn't hate women, or at least THAT much. Poilievre's whole campaign is one of deception, and if enough Canadians are fooled, it would be the end of the country as we know it. We will need to unite to smash the Cons harder than we ever done before....

Simon said...

Hi Myworld1916....I apologize for not writing enough Blogger posts. But I am working on a book (fiction) and the pandemic has left me feeling very tired. I need to recharge my batteries before getting back in the saddle. But with an election still in the distance you can be sure that I will be ready when the time comes. But hopefully so will my readers, for the encouragement bloggers get in this country is minimal to say the least. If bloggers received more support they would be more engaged. As it is if you want to feel that anybody cares you're better off on Twitter as horrible as it has become. I'm sorry about your apartment being flooded, but this morning if you check out the news there is one climate change catastrophe to report after the other. So Poilievre is heading for an apocalypse that will almost certainly consume him and his Cons...

Steve said...

He has mastered the Preston Manning

Simon said...

Hi Steve.....He still has to master Manning's unique way of speaking i.e. "Hi I'm Pwierre Pwoilievre and I want you to have some powerful pwaycheques..." But apart from that he would take us to the same tarry hell Manning would. And please note that despite Poilievre's serial lying,Pastor Manning has yet to complain. So much for Mr Morality....

ottlib said...

Simon it is all about power, power, power, that is all that is important.

Gaining power to tear down the just society our fathers and grandfathers built. Power to be able to put all non-white, non-straight, non-Christian and non-males back in "their place".

If they can gain that power and do all of that then God will forgive them the little lies they made to accomplish those objectives. At least that is what they tell themselves.

Simon said...

Hi Ottlib...I'm afraid you are right. Those ugly Cons have no respect for our Canadian values and traditions, and no moral compass. They lie over and over again, and count on our hapless media to get away with it. It's depressing, but I am still confident that their time is coming. Among other things climate change is making its impact felt, and they will not be able to keep up their axe the tax campaign lest they look like deranged criminals intent on torching the planet. And if they give any ground on that one, their whole house of cards will come tumbling down...

Steve said...

The world was perfect before Justin, and if Justin leaves it will be perfect again. Canada will not only be the freeest country in the world and the solar system, it will also automaicly be the most perfect. Math is hard, politics is easy.

Anonymous said...

Poor Cons, the parliamentary drama stage is closed for the summer. No drama to pass on to post media to amplify which is then manipulated by major social media platforms to target and engage the susceptible all in the name of advertising revenue. Oh well at least Skippy and his entourage made sure the faithful had a "we are winning" poll to hang onto during the summer months. Least they wander to the dark side.
What will the fall hold in store? Probably more of the same amplified drama, public inquiries, communist innuendos, extravagant spending, punitive taxes, a soft on crime criminal love fest. The opportunities for distraction are endless except for facts and things that really matter such as climate change and helping Canadians succeed in a rapidly changing world.
Perhaps its unintended but the law forcing the social media platforms to pay the garbage producers for the low quality news/opinion pieces they use could break the cycle. Perhaps the social media giants have discovered that the type of political garbage Skippy generates can be replaced with AI generated content that is far more engaging at lower cost. Aardvark politicians, the first casualties on the new frontier. If it were only that simple!!


Simon said...

Hi Steve…..Well that’s what the Convoy Cons and other Jesus freaks believe. But if Trudeau should leave this country would be in big big trouble, so he’s not going anywhere. Amen….

Simon said...

Hi RT….Yes Pancake Face Poilievre is looking increasingly desperate. With Parliament closed for the summer all he can do is travel around from small town to small town and hope his makeup doesn’t run, and still he keeps making mistakes like calling a woman’s home a “shack” insulting her greatly, and reminding people that he lives in a mansion and owns homes all over the place. He is a hypocritical little nerd, and if we had a serious media he would be heading for the exit already. As it is he will probably not start to fall apart until late fall, unless August is brutally hot, climate change becomes the biggest real issue, and PP starts to melt early…

Pierre D. said...

Poor Jenni Byrne, it must really sting that her old BFF can't generate any buzz out there because he's just not likeable and I'm not going to go on about physical appearance except I'll say this: SKippy should stick to what works and that's the mean-spirited, bespectabled, brillo cream attack dog that's angry all the time. And bringing his wife with him isn't helping any; nothing against Anaida, I'm sure she's a fine...oh wait, she also engages in attack ads and that will be reminded to her as well.

And yes, we're about to enter the real dog days of summer...with more droughts, more floods, more tornadoes and all Skippy can do is Blame Trudeau and **** Trudeau...and that is why he will lose. We don't want Harper's party, we want a smart Opposition, period.

Simon said...

Hi Pierre....According to Poilievre his makeover was choreographed by his wife, but I can't imagine Byrne taking a back seat to the Anaconda. In fact, I can even imagine Byrne hoping the makeover fails so she can have Poilievre all to herself again. If you remember Jenni had to be thrown off the Harper bus in 2015 after losing her cool and causing a scandal. And I', predicting that if things go south during the campaign Byrne and the Anaconda could end up wrestling each other, while poor PP runs for cover. He's trying to come across as a nicer guy but it's not working, and with climate change almost certain to become a huge issue later this summer, Poilievre will be left gasping for air, like a Swiss Chalet chicken....

Anonymous said...

I've always voted Liberal and I've done work for the Liveral party but Pierre is looking stacked and mighty fine 😻😻😻 and I'll say this as a woman I know another happy woman when I see it and she is lived. You can see how much he adores her.

Anonymous said...

Pierre is looking pretty good right now Simon. I guess that’s why no comments from you. The CORRUPT DISHONEST PROVEN UNETHICAL FAKE FEMINIST LIEBERAL CULT LEADER going down fast.