For weeks they waged war on their own government and their own leader Justin Trudeau.
They plotted and coordinated their activities to try to cause maximum damage. They were the darlings of the Con media, who cheered them on wildly, and used them to smear Trudeau.
And of course they were the useful idiots of Andrew Scheer and his far-right extremists, who were hoping their fake scandal would make him and his monstrous Cons the new masters of Canada.
But despite that the two Connies got away with it for what seemed like forever. Until at last their luck ran out yesterday.

When Justin Trudeau told them that enough was enough, and gave them both the boot.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has expelled Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott from the Liberal caucus, saying that trust with the two former cabinet ministers has been irreparably broken.
"The trust that previously existed between these two individuals and our team has been broken, whether it's taping conversations without consent, or repeatedly expressing a lack of confidence in our government or me personally as leader," he said.
And who can blame him? What kind of Prime Minister would not have done the same?

What kind of Prime Minister would have done nothing as the two Connies tried to destroy his party, and paralyze his government?
And no, the fake scandal had very little to do with SNC-Lavalin, as Wilson-Raybould's increasingly angry texts to Gerald Butts clearly demonstrate.
Text messages between Jody Wilson-Raybould and one of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's top advisers suggest she initially tried to prevent her move out of the prestigious Justice portfolio by arguing it would send the wrong message to Indigenous Peoples.
But Wilson-Raybould's exchanges with Gerald Butts, Trudeau's former principal secretary, became increasingly angry and ominous-sounding as the day of the Jan. 14 cabinet shuffle approached. In one of her final texts before the shuffle, she told Butts he should "know I will be prepared for tomorrow. And I know why this is happening."
But did have everything to do with her raging desire to make the Prime Minister pay for daring to shuffle her out of her dream job.
And not showing her the respect she demanded...

She didn't care about the lives of others, or the jobs of others, she only cared about herself.
So quite frankly, I couldn't care less about her.
I do feel a little more sympathy for the other Connie, Jane Philpott, who I admire as a doctor and is a much better person than Wilson-Raybould, who I can't help feeling led her astray.Good. If you had any decency you would have resigned long ago. You have hurt a decent PM, you have set back the cause of human rights by aiding and abetting the far-right extremist Cons. Your behaviour has been abominable, and you will not be missed. #cdnpoli https://t.co/ywQVibE1WS— 🇨🇦 Simon 🏴🍀 (@montrealsimon) April 2, 2019
But Philpott timed her last intervention, an interview with the smarmy Con fluffer Paul Wells, to do maximum damage to the government's attempts to roll out its budget. So she was cut from the same cloth.
Along with her beloved Jody she didn't seem to care that she might help elect the most misogynist, racist, anti-indigenous, and homophobic government this country has ever known.

A government of far-right extremists that could inflict unimaginable suffering on the poor and the vulnerable, dismember our medicare and pension systems, and end the war on climate change even as the planet burns.
Neither did the Connies apparently ever bother to think what a Canada under the control of these three Cons might resemble...

Another age of darkness even worse than the sinister years of the Harper regime.
And to make matters even more disgusting, the two women played into the hands of the toxic Trudeau haters and the dirty old men, who used them to try to destroy the most feminist Prime Minister ever.
And the best friend LGBT Canadians ever had.

And for all that I can never forgive them.
So as I watched Trudeau's motorcade leave Parliament Hill yesterday, I was happy and felt that he could look back with pride on a good day's work.
PMJT leaving Parliament Hill after announcing @Puglaas and @janephilpott have been removed from the Liberal caucus pic.twitter.com/A4JpmjqxSJ— Mike Le Couteur (@mikelecouteur) April 2, 2019
One that will mark the beginning of the campaign to save our country from the Trumpling Cons.
But as for the two Connies all they can look forward to is the contempt of millions of Canadians, who believe in the country they betrayed.
They got into the wrong car, they drove down the wrong road.
They got the fate they deserved...

We will defeat the Cons more easily without them.
And the sooner they are forgotten the better...
I hope there's still time to turn this around, and move on to real issues like climate change and the Cons' gleeful embrace of far-right extremism, and the Liberals' impressive record that absolutely needs to continue. One thing is certain, Justin has always been a fighter and he is going to put every effort into working overtime over the next six months to do just that. Not just him, but the TEAM, a word that apparently isn't in the connies' vocabulary. And speaking of being a fighter, it looks like he used Ali's rope-a-dope strategy on Thelma and Louise.
Robert fucking Fife needs to issue a front-page retraction and a public apology. And be fired for his complicity in a de facto "Kudatah." The G&M should be sanctioned by that oversight agency that issued penalties to the Sun after Levy's fake news blurb that spurred on some lunatic to set fire to a hotel where refugees were staying. He's a disgrace as a "journalist" and so is everyone else who got suckered in by the wicked witch of the West. Postmedia in particular needs to die, and CBC News must either be purged of Con hacks or outright axed as a colossal waste of taxpayer money. Coyne et. al. either need to retire or go over to CTV where it can wear the disgraceful title as Fox News North. Or let them just skip the country, head to New York and spend their golden years sucking up to Trump and spewing bile from Rupert Murdoch's vomitorium.
After all that, THE truth comes out. It was a tale told by a shrew, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Hail Caesar!
NANOS has it 35-35. The bleeding has been staunched and it's amazing after 7 weeks of relentless pounding and coordinated negative media coverage the Cons couldn't seal the deal. Fife, Coyne, Wells et-al are desperately trying to keep this non-scandal alive even if Canadians are sick to death of it and have moved on. Coyne for one is one particularly noxious asshole who keeps lying and misrepresenting DPA's and penning a whiny column on why these two turncoats should have been left in caucus. Someone should ask Coyne how long he would have a job if he repeatedly questioned his editor and publicly demeaned him/her. Point in fact in the last election he had an article pulled that did not endorse the CPC. If he any respect he would have resigned then. As far as I'm concerned Fife, and the rest of the filthy Con cabal can go straight to hell.
Oh I hope you are right! I am disturbed by the number of people who see Trudeau as the "villain" of this drama, though heartened by some of the interviews I saw of people in JWR's riding who criticized the secret taping behavior. Warren Kinsella is already hinting there are more "secret tapes" and saying the order to send the SNC-L case to a DPA has already been drafted.
Simon. Bravo!
God, you're good!
Reformatory flack seems to have settled on the " you can't expect a woman to act ethically " idea. Sorry guys,this is incredibly condescending . Sheer nonsense needs to be told that women can act responsibly. Wornout should have someone explain to him that expecting a woman to do her job is not sexist. The last post pundits need to realize that unethical behaviors are unethical no matter who does them.
We can't get rid of these patronizing misogynists, but we can call them out.
Trudeau is correct when he says diversity is strength. The Ottawa press/political pipeline is literally too incestuous. Funny, nobody's paying attention to Rob Ford's idiot brother. But CBC had yet another interview with Bill Wilson last night (again, how convenient that Pierre can't sit across from this time around and advocate for his son). CTV went after Gerald's wife and someone scored an interview with Celina's husband and you know the vultures are salivating to go harass Margaret. Or Sophie. Or stick a microphone in Hadrien's face at preschool and ask him "Do you think your daddy is a bad man?" Coyne reportedly has his own issues with Justin surrounding the branch of the family connected to Pierre through his cousin who had a brief relationship producing a child... and who ran for the Liberal leadership the same year Justin did. Oh, my God, it's like Game of Thrones in the style of Petticoat Junction. Enough of this Hatfields vs McCoys shit that has SFA to do with anything resembling actual facts and has degenerated to the level of a Kardashian soap opera. Can the fucking media please talk about issues instead of airing a Jerry Springer family squabble for all the country to gawk at? Geez, they're worse than TMZ.
I'd pay to watch a boxing match where Gerald beats the crap out of Warren. Just saying.
The two Connies I love it!! Those two women acted like Cons in Liberal clothing, and Justin should have tossed them weeks ago. But better late than never!
They were probably Cons, bitter Dippers or just jealous malcontents who already hated him and needed an excuse to justify it besides his hair, socks, the Bollywood fashion show, he's a nerd, he's gay, he's a Muslim, he has a Mercedes, he's Fidel Castro Jr., blah blah Pierre did this or that, Margaret danced at Studio 54, Sophie's nannies, swing sets, Laurentian elites, Québec sucks, drama teacher, empty-suit neoliberal shill, UN globalist, Superman sex cult, Pizzagate, Kokanee Grope, etc. When all else fails, go with "Crooked Hillary."
It was not Trudeau but the regional liberal associations that voted to turf them. Because the Cons have nothing to offer the average Canadian other than a bag full of negative emotion the sooner we can get away from discussing personalities and on to issues the better. For example SNC is a multinational and a bit of a problem child. During the 2000 to 20015 time period billions of Canadian tax dollars were funneled in through export development, some of which probably went into bribes and covered with shoddy accounting . The CDC brakes were put on in 2015 and funding only resumed in 2017 once it was verified the company had made the necessary changes. Both Federal parties have been deeply involved with SNC over thee past 20 plus years. Multinationals can bring great value to a country but also can bring some significant downsides if not managed properly. If we don't trust anyone especially our governments then maximum penalty for any detected wrong doing is a comfort but not really a solution as wrong doing was buried for 10 to 15 years. No see no tell! The rehabilitation route is potentially a win win but if there is no trust its back to the same old story... no see no tell. My opinion is to give them another chance with supervision (dpa) and be prepared to take remedial action if they screw up. The other option is to insist on absolute purity in a variably corrupt world, force them to leave and return to an introspective remit such as being hewers of wood and drawers of water. That is until someone decides that we have something they want and woos us with bags of emotional propaganda aimed at drumming up support for a tin pot dictator who promises a new populist inspired beginning. We have one major party that sometimes stumbles as they move Canada into the future, the other promotes an illusion of past glory days. The choice should be simple for anyone who expects to be around for a while.
"I'd pay to watch a boxing match where Gerald beats the crap out of Warren. Just saying."
Jackie Blue unwittingly sums up this blog post and its commenters perfectly.
It's all about power with you lot isn't it? You're incapable of recognising principle because the very concept is completely alien to you.
Jackie Blue, do you realize how entertaining you are? At the same time, takes nothing away from your passion.
You had me in stitches at "the Bollywood fashion show" "he has a Mercedes"
Do you have to think hard about what you're going to say? If not, you'd seem to be a natural for stand-up. Of the John Oliver and Samantha Bee sort.
Evil Brad,
You must know that principle comes with a price.
The issue is who should pay it?
On that note, I shall repeat my reply to Simon's previous Post:
Maybe to be as morally right as one can be involves weighing the harm in their their moral positioning before deciding.
What will do the least harm?
Why make collateral damage of thousands and thousands who are totally innocent of the offense (workers, pensioners, shareholders, spin-off businesses, etc, etc) when there is an available solution-as-punishment tool worth considering for that very reason--and more.
a:156 p.m. "those two women acted like Cons in Liberal clothing", using t?he words "those women" is so dismissive of women and in my opinion sexist. when was the last time we heard people say/write, "those two men"
JWR and JP are LIBERAL, not Cons in Liberal clothing. they simply have a difference of opinion. If you attribute "negative" qualities to people you disagree with, we will never make progress. It may feel good, but in the long run you will simply turn people off. If a political party is to grow and thrive in this environment, they need to be able to handle dissent. In Australia, the caucus can remove their leader, and thus elect a new PM. when ever they deem best. It has not caused a government to fail. Developing a cult around Trudeau is not wise. It makes the party more susceptible to defeat. Trudeau may have been born on Christmas Day but he is not Jesus Christ.
Just have a good look at how much money SNC has funnelled into the federal Liberal party and their candidates. It leaves one wondering. Trudeau may be a very good P.M. but even very good P.M.s can make mistakes and trying to convience JWR to provide a DAP for SNC is one of those mistakes. the 9K job thing is just so much smoke and mirrors. Had the Liberals not tried to push JWR into a DAP we would most likely not be where we are today. Last evening's news in JWR's riding, they were still showing support for her. Good chance, if she runs as an independent, she will win
Great post as always Simon! It was relief to me that the 2 have finally been purged from the party and can not run as Liberals in the next election. Thanks to JWR for sealing her fate with her secret tape. Just shows how woefully incompetent and downright evil she is. She’s been watching too much noir crime shows on Netflix that she see’s herself as some kind of character in a drama of her own creation — believing the narrative she has created for herself. She could write the book now on how to burn your career when given immense opportunities she was unqualified for. Trudeau’s mistake on this was to put her in a position that required gravitas, experience, wisdom and humility — all of which she lacks. She’s an arrogant petulant vindictive person and has done the indigenous file no favours. As a woman she embarrasses me along with her side kick — they make women look weak and thin skinned — they made it all about them when JT has much bigger issues to deal with in the country like free trade with the US at the time. Sadly I doubt JWR will go away quietly — too much venom still ready to inject into the country’s politic. Frankly she was the one bullying Butts on her cabinet change! Cheers and thanks Simon - you give us all hope we can keep the moron Sheer and his 19c ideas out of destroying our beautiful country. Obviously the 2 J’s just didn’t give a damn about the future of our country, climate change, equality and on and on. Arrogance and self importance amplified.
para 2 leaves you sounding more like trump than a person involved in a democratic political society. trump advocates "firing" of press people he doesn't agree with. I don't agree with Fife. but we do have freedom of speech in Canada and we do have freedom of the press. If he believes he had an honest story than he has the right to run with it. We do not censor the press because they attack politicians we like. it leads to dictatorship. Referring to him as "Robert fucking Fife" does not impress anyone. It says more about you than him/
CBC ought never to be axed. That is one of those things the conservatives have always tried to do in this country. again you sound like a Russian/American/Saudi troll. for many in this country CBC is the only news the receive. they provide Canadian content and they do provide decent news. If you dont' think so, have a good look at some of the other news operations. The other news operations frequently don't adequately cover world events, the cbc does and it gives a Canadian perspective, not an American one.
"THE truth" varies depending upon the interpretation of the facts. I would suggest we might want a listing of the facts with time lines. then people can make their own decisions. Your truth may not be my truth.
Referring to JWR and JP as Thelma and Louise simply smacks of sexism. Its not welcome in many progressive circles. as I've written previously, you're a very good writer. this para. like some others are beneath you and do nothing to find support, amongst he greater population. You're singing to the choir.
one man beating the 'crap' out of another is so trumpsterish. fighting never solved any of these types of problems. beating the "crap" out of another human being will cause death. I certainly disagree with Kinsella, but beat him up never. Just stopped reading him a couple of years ago when he simply could not see the corruption in B.C or the responsibility Christy clark had in the whole thing. She was after all the premier. Christy Clark, the former wife of one of the Liberal strategists. Kinsella is very loyal to his friends, but sometimes that prevents him from seeing the truth about them also.
e.a.f. 2:41PM
Re: "those women" "those two women" not such an issue, really, when there's all those other women in the Trudeau cabinet and government. All those other women are doing a good job---I say this as a woman.
It's a joke, referencing the Brazeau fight. Get a grip.
I'm really glad to see them go.
But something still REALLY stinks about this. Just today, there's another new story about SNC and their corruption. Are these stories being dripped intentionally by the media to keep a pointless issue front and centre?
And the Connies will likely sue and sue again to keep the story alive.
They really hate him and we need more of a public discussion about why they made Canada's biggest HR problem a national crisis.
Junior still has a LOT of heavy lifting to do, but he might actually win me back if he pulls a fast one a releases electoral reform.
Otherwise, he's toast.
Lack of principle comes with a price too, as the Liberal Party will discover in the next election.
Anyway, if you think dispensing with the rule of law is a small price to pay in exchange for jobs (jobs which would probably be provided just as readily by some other company in some other riding, btw), you're really in no position to lecture others on the cost-benefit proposition of morality.
"using t?he words "those women" is so dismissive of women and in my opinion sexist."
Get a grip, please. Your over the top political correctness is as ridiculous as your continued defense of JWR. I could care less whether she was a he or white instead of indigenous. It matters not and should matter not but your continued defense of JWR is based on the fact that she is indigenous and as such and in your eyes she can do no wrong. In the real world truth is truth and lies are lies. No one gets a free pass. Not even JWR. In fact I've heard from a reliable insider that Saint Jody(who burned through 4 or 5 chiefs of staff) was the most toxic and incompetent boss they'd ever worked for and they celebrated when she was shuffled out. The insider went on to say that it was so bad, they had a common 4 letter nickname for her that I wont repeat here out of respect to everyone but mostly out of fear that your head might explode.
There was no rule of law broken, the bar is much higher than that. We can even have a senator charged with accepting a bribe but no one charged with with offering one although a verified exchange of money took place. In this instance no action took place other than she was transferred by the person responsible for selecting her and her performance while in the job. If casual links are sufficient to throw people in the slammer we had better start building more jails. If you feel it was unjust vote for someone else but don't muddy the waters with rule of law dribble.
I spoke of neither: "lack of principle" nor "rule of law".
1. I spoke of a lawful choice.
2. Evil Brad, do I really have to explain to you that standing on principle most often means choosing the lesser evil?
a most simple for instance. A parent believes in always being honest. Does that mean the parent should tell the child, (as much as I love you) yes, you're stupid; you're ugly, i cann ot tell a lie.
e.a.f. if i may further qualify, I will admit, "binders full of women" doesn't quite cut it. :)
This already costing Trudeau as a lot of Liberals and Swing voters are turning on him overover booting Jane and Jody. Maybe it had to be done, maybe it didn't, but itsnot going to be free. I think if Jody goes over to the NDP a good chunk of BC, Indigeneous, and Feminist Liberals will do so as well. Best case scenerio, its costed Trudeau BC. Worst case scenerio for Trudeau is that the revolt is more widw spread then he thought and the Liberals end up in third.
More blow back against Justin.
the fact is a DPA is the only sensible thing
what great is the great CHaste Kenny is not walking to victory in Alberta and the NaTIONAL DISCACE is in four alarm fire mode.
They WALKED OUT on Scheer. Blame the Conservative Bullshit Channel for only reporting half the story.
If he does go down, it will be ALL THEIR FAULT. "Because it's 1955."
Anon 3.02 pm
"releases electoral reform."
The Trudeau government commissioned a committee to recommend the path forward on electoral reform. Instead of proportioning the members based on the number of party seats, the proportions were based on popular vote which of course gave the liberals less than 50% representation. It went nowhere, likely much the same as a proportionally represented government would. The Cons use a ranked ballot system to select their leaders and have demonstrated over and over again how easy it is to game this type of system. More complex systems are an improvement but as evident in some European countries things move a whole lot slower and there is still the opportunity for small special interest groups to lever unsupported legislation because they hold the balance of power. That said a complex slow moving type of government could still be preferable to the boom - bust type of choices we now seem to be facing where 38 to 40% of an ill informed populist vote can wreck havoc with the remaining 60%. Perhaps another choice would be to require a 50% plus representative vote before certain critical laws can be changed or appointments made, possibly starting with the AG. Harper demonstrated how quickly some of our key institutions could be trashed and now that they have had experience the next round could be brutal. True proportional representation that works is likely in the domain of a more enlightened society, meanwhile changes that prevent minority governments from trashing our institutions and associated rights by requiring a 50% plus legislative vote on key legislation would be a good place to start.
It was the Liberal riding associations that voted to give them the boot. Trudeau delivered the decision, or should he have overruled them?
It's not over. Thelma and Louise are crying to Fife now. They want Justin to fucking GROVEL. They want him to go down in flames. They don't care about the party, about the country. All they care about is THEMSELVES.
They're determined to ruin him by any means necessary for not caving to their demands. This isn't about integrity, it's a ransom demand. It's extortion. It's BLACKMAIL.
God, these two make me sick with their bullshit sob story. I hate them SO MUCH. GO AWAY!
It astonishes me how the Con MSM has shaped this whole ridiculous office spat into the crime of the century. Something that wouldn't even register on the daily Trumpian Corrupt-O-Meter but yet here we are, having to listen to this bullshit day in, day out, while the real issues facing us are ignored for that all important "Breaking Bullshit News". Click, click, click. Ka-ching, ka-ching, ka-ching.
If JWR and JP go away quietly this will be mostly forgotten by election time but given their audacity and the damage they've done already from within the caucus, I expect their vendetta will continue, drip after pathetic drip. They not only want JT destroyed, they want to rub his face in it in perpetuity. That is not only disturbing, it's borderline psychotic.
Will they run as independents or will they jump on board Aryan Andy's campaign of terror and misfortune, fear and loathing, death and despair? I'm guessing they will go Con as they would be treated like royalty and urged to continue their destructive ways. A win win situation for all involved, at least until their usefulness has worn out.
If JWR goes with the Cons it will affirm that this was always about her. This so called champion of the indigenous population will have joined a party whose base has a large section that looks upon them with nothing but derision and hate. If she's okay with that then I would have to ask her, "how do you sleep at night"?
BC Liberal voters are largely taking Jody's side in this .
A condition imposed by Raybould during mend the rift negotiations. "Sources said she also sought assurances that her replacement as attorney general, David Lametti, would not overrule Director of Public Prosecutions Kathleen Roussell and direct her to give SNC-Lavalin a deferred prosecution agreement."
Isn't this type of demand exactly the same thing she accused Trudeau of doing when she was justice minister?
When your opponent is playing chess and you are playing marbles, what do you expect?
From reading this Simon blog, the rest of Progressive Bloggers and other newsgroups, I'm finally giving way to my intuition which says this is all about voter suppression. Can anyone see foreign influences behind this all?
If not, I'll go back and shine up my tinfoil hat, to come up with a better explanation.
Hi Anon 3:57AM
Re: "they will go Con as they would be treated like royalty"
They will have to be. Yes, that would be interesting to see. Whichever Party JWR might join would be accepting her on her terms, unconditionally. There's a list, written or unwritten, one must assume. She's already shown them how she operates, and what she's capable of. I'm not sure Scheer and Singh would fare any better in a contest with her.
Justin may as well leave the country at this point and leave it to rot. Spit in their faces like they've spat in his. He may need to anyway, and for what? What the actual fuck does being indigenous and a woman have to do with DPAs? They're making it seem like he raped her, that he is a chauvinist pig and a racist bigot. Andrew MacDougall's latest steaming pile of hot take is that JT is a younger, telegenic version of Donald Trump. I have never seen such a rabid pile-on against a decent humanitarian and I would even go so far as to argue that the GOP's crucifixion of Kerry, Obama and Clinton didn't escalate to the levels of disproportionate madness targeting Justin Trudeau. This is dehumanization, the politics of personal destruction. He's not Ted Bundy or Brett Kavanaugh, FFS. He is a husband, a son, a brother and a father of three. A schoolteacher. A tireless advocate for refugees, the LGBT community, Muslims and, yes, women and indigenous populations. A human being. No PM has done more to fight bigotry in Canada. This bullshit non-scandal shouldn't erase all of that just because a psychotic narcissist and her craven enablers are exploiting her identity as a cudgel against him. Does no one care about how this feeding frenzy might be affecting his family? His ailing mother, his young children? No, of course not. As evidenced by the vile things they say about and even threaten to the Trudeau family even as they brand themselves the chivalrous champions of this poor, oppressed damsel in distress who at the same time is a "strong woman" who doesn't need any help. Jody's own yellow vest cult on the rampage. What a self-serving, bad-faith crock of shit this whole sordid mess has been. He should just hop in the Mercedes right now or pack the family in a Chevy Chase station wagon and drive all the way to Mexico with a Fuddle Duddle Salute held high.
Let the Western bastards rot in the dark.
Dear gawd alive. I see a Post on the proggressivebloggers platform titled: The Potential Power of a Fulsome Apology.
Yea, What's the problem? All JT has to do is meet JWR's 5 conditions.
Why not give away all his power to his opposition? Completely defang himself and his party! Who seriously thinks that's going to satisfy the opposition parties to back off and have disaffected Liberals come running back? The cons will just turn that back on him, too, and use it as a demonstation of his weakness.
I found this CBC Radio piece to be painfully lacking in self-awareness.
We can all play a role in spreading falsehoods, whether it's gossip or sharing stuff on social media that turns out to be fake. But for those directly affected, the impact can be profound. When a falsehood catches fire, how do you get ahead of it?
I guess it doesn't apply to media-created / conservative-exploited character assassination campaigns against "polarizing" liberal politicians. Justin Trudeau and Hillary Clinton would have a lot in common to share in the support group.
"Hi I'm Hillary, I had a private email server and people think I'm a serial killer who eats babies in Satanic rituals."
"Hi I'm Justin, I found myself in the middle of an office spat with someone who couldn't handle disagreement, and people think I raped her and did collusion with the Russians."
See also this John Oliver interview with (awkward, and ironic) Monica Lewinsky. Like JWR, she was a woman who the cynical Cons and the vulture press used in bad faith to punish a popular liberal leader. Unlike JWR, though, Monica wasn't the one who deliberately set out to destroy anyone's life and career.
And Justin Trudeau is no Bill Clinton.
Gyor, you could be correct. This is cost the Liberals. Your analysis may be correct. We'll see in Oct. What would be ironical, is if Trudeau wins a minority government and needs the support of the NDP and JWR to continue to hold office as P.M. We need to wait and see. Perhaps Simon will reprint these articles after the election.
Hi Jackie,
She strikes me as an "office trouble-maker", the type that cropped up in several places I worked. The trouble-maker part only becomes apparent after the job interview and they're hired. Works well with others--turns out to be NOT.
So, a politician interfering with the administration of justice is the "lesser evil" is it? Unless the "greater evil" in this case was some sort of extinction-level event, you've just told me everything I need to know about your broken moral compass.
Hi Jackie...first of all I want to apologize to you and all the others for taking so long to reply to your comments. My hand is almost recovered, but I have been incredibly busy, and the volume of comments has been overwhelming. But I just want to say that there is still plenty of time to move beyond the fake scandal, and win the next election....
Hi e.a.f...comparing Jody and Jane to Thelma and Louise is not sexist. And what “progressive circles” are you referring to? Some circles in BC where you gather around a plaster cast of JWR beat a drum, burn incense and chant Jody Jody Jody!!! If so please keep it to yourself because I’m not interested...l
Hi anon 12:11 PM...I share your views on the Con media. As far as I’m concerned they have lost what little credibility they have left. And you’re right, Coyne is one of the worst, and has been making an absolute ass out of himself...
Hi Cathie....it’s not surprising that a lot of people have been brainwashed into thinking that Trudeau is the villain, by the relentless biased coverage of the Con media. But there are still many months of campaigning and all the time we need to remind Canadians what a Canada with Andrew Scheer as PM would be like...
Hi brawnfire...Thank you I haven’t been myself recently after falling off a ladder and hurting my right hand. But this obscene fake scandal, and the Con media’s attempt to smear the decent Justin Trudeau motivates me to keep going. So thanks again...
Evil Brad, I'm not going to let that one go by.
The broken moral compass in this matter is the same JWR who has no problem with the same interference as long as it's not with her; insists that the PM interfere with her replacement, or else.
Meanwhile my moral compass hasn't moved an inch: Magnetized toward doing the least harm, by protecting the innocents; and always will be.
Hi Rumleyfips...l totally reject the gender angle to this story. It is as you say incredibly condescending. I’m for equality of opportunity, but that achieved men and women should be judged equally....
Hi RT...I am pretty hardline on crime, corporate or otherwise. But since SNC-Lavalin seems to be trying to clean up its act, I would have no problem punishing it with a DPA rather than a straight conviction. Especially since you can’t put a company in jail, and the only difference between the two sentences is the ban on doing business for ten years. Canadians love to flagellate themselves, but they really should grow up..l
Hi Brad...nothing you say makes any sense. Nobody interfered with the administration of justice, even your darling Jody says that no laws were broken. DPAs are legitimate tools for punishing companies, and can be more effective in getting companies to confess to previously unknown crimes, as well as getting them to clean up their acts, than traditional methods. And please, a Con talking about broken moral compasses couldn’t be more ridiculous...
Jackie blue, that is very divisive. As to us "rot in the dark", not so much. B.C. has more electricity than we know what to do with and Alberta has more tar/oil than they need.
Telling the west to rot in the dark is very divisive and not what the federal liberal party needs. If Trudeau is to become the next P.M. after the upcoming election, he will need all the seats in the west he can get. He doesn't have a firm grip yet on the east. When you make statements like this, it may make you feel better, but it causes people to start to ignore the other things you say, because it make you look Irresponsible. as I've written before it makes you look like an Anti Liberal Troll. Remember Trudeau's maternal family is from B.C.
Hi JD...thanks, I’m not answering any more comments from e.a.f. Now that he is a fullfledged member of the Jody and Jane cult. And if he keeps his nonsense up, I will delete his comments on arrival. Those two Connies are working to install a fascist Schee government and deserve what they get...
Which reminds me, Simon, how's the healing coming along? (Your last reply to me was that you expected to feel much better by mid-week.)
I wondered how you'd hurt yourself but wasn't comfortable to ask. Thank you for telling me. Being one who's leery of ladders, you have my complete sympathy.
I'm relieved you're here. We need you!
Re: "the volume of comments has been overwhelming."
Simon, in all the times I read you before I decided to participate, I'd never scrolled down further, to see there was a comment section. How overwhelming is this compared to before....?
A. 9:32 a.m. Yes, I do see the hands of foreign entities being involved in all of this. As I've commented some of the writers here have sounded more like foreign trolls than people who want a united Liberal Party.
We saw Ms. Freeland in the news last evening expressing concern regarding the up coming federal election. going back at least 10 yrs a former head of CISIS expressed concern regarding China's influence on Canadian politicians and if you saw the Vancouver Sun yesterday there was an article in there about how China controls the Mandarin speaking media in Canada and business people.
In my opinion China would be happy if Trudeau and Freeland disappeared as would Russia and Saudi. They see Scheer as some one more easily manipulated. It was after all the Conservatives with Harper who signed a free trade deal with China. It had grave implications for our sovereignty.
by dividing the federal Liberal party and vilifying people such as JWR and JP, people divide the Liberal Party while appearing to support Trudeau. However, Trudeau can not become P.M. without as many seats as possible. Its why I object to the slamming of JWR and JP. Some accuse me of being sexist, supporting JWR only because she is Indigenous, the list goes on. I've been clear in my writings, I consider Trudeau a good P.M. and would like to see him continue in the position. I'm not a Conservative fan. If people go back and have a look at how the American federal election was manipulated, you'll see what is going on in Canada.
Some bloggers here in B.C. have made it their business and have techies who assist them in knowing who comes to their blogs. They found out some of them were government officials who didn't like what they wrote. One blogger has discovered some very criminal types were coming to their blog to threaten them. Perhaps its time Simon had a look at who is here and where they come from. I don't know what the readership is of this blog only who comments. In B.C. bloggers some times discover their readership is as large as some major newspapers, but the majority don't comment. A blog such as Montreal Simon may well have the same exposure and could be targeted by trolls from over seas or from over seas via another spot.
Several years ago a blogger, Laila Yuile's blog was "blown up". although Laila wrote about B.C. politics and corruption the "whatever" which blew up her blog was from over seas. Some other bloggers then made their sites much more secure because they know they can be targeted.
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