Oh no! It looks as if they're going to be eating Chocolate Jesus sooner than they thought.
A planned Holy Week exhibition of a nude, anatomically correct chocolate sculpture of Jesus Christ was canceled Friday after Cardinal Edward Egan and other outraged Catholics complained.
How disappointing. I was hoping to fly down to New York next week, to see if I could make a bid for the chocolate dick. So after giving it a lick or two .....I could mail it to the Catholic thug Bill Donohue. And have him melt it in the right place....
“The Roger Smith Hotel is morally bankrupt. It is the goal of the Catholic League to make it financially bankrupt as well.....The Roger Smith Hotel will rue the day it sought to declare war on Christian sensibilities......”
Yikes! Holy Unvirgin Mary! I don't understand what the thug inquisitor is going on about. I mean when you think of Easter what comes to mind? Jesus...... or a chocolate egg?
And besides I thought Cosimo Cavallaro's rendition of Our Sweet Lord was pretty restrained and classy....when compared to some of his other work....
Like his porky classic Ham Bed....
That's Cosimo slicing the ham. He said that although he studied art in Italy, he rejected prosciutto because "it would have been pompous."
Wow! Isn't that Canadian? Although I am happy to report he didn't spare the mozzarela in his cheesy classic.. Hotel Room...
Mama mia! That's a lot of mozzarella....he shoulda called it Mouse Heaven....and pissed off the wingnuts again. I just hope Cosimo isn't too disappointed by the chocolate fiasco.
He should remember that Donohue is a crazy wingnut freak who should be locked up in a lunatic asylum ........or sealed up with the perverts in the Vatican.
Hollywood is controlled by secular Jews who hate Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular. It's not a secret, okay? And I'm not afraid to say it. ... Hollywood likes anal sex.
And that the wacko inquisitor has gone after other artists too...like the Broadway producers of Stairway to Heaven.
And the creators of South Park.
I call them the "secular supremacists," and they have it out against the 85 percent of the population who's Christian, because they don't like the idea that liberty means the right to do what you ought to do. They believe in license.
So liberty means the right to do what you ought to do...and where would we find that kind of liberty I wonder? Answer: in a theocracy.....like Iran.
So why should we be surprised that the same people who presume to tell us what we can watch or eat...should now be trying to tell gay teenagers who and when they can fuck.
"With legislation proposed by the government to raise the age of natural sex from its current 14 to 16, at the request of homosexual activists, Comartin proposed an amendment at the committee stage to “harmonize” the consent age for anal sex with that for vaginal sex; making it 16 for both."
Isn't that great? A 17-year-old can fuck a girlfriend in the vagina and it's ok. But if he fucks her or his boyfriend in the ass he's a criminal and could go to jail for ten years?
Woohoo! Something tells me there are going to be a lot of sexual outlaws out there.....gay...and straight.
But what are we going to do with the religious crazies of this world....who believe their voodoo gods should tell the rest of us what to do? What can we do to keep their cold clammy hands off our bodies...or keep their pointy noses out of our assholes?
Except maybe join the Blog Against Theocracy If they want a war let's give them one.
And relax with a little freedom song...to remind us what life is really all about.
Have a great weekend everyone!
And if you're down in New York, please give Chocolate Jesus...
A lick and a bite from me...