Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The Fascist Frenzy of Pierre Poilievre

It was horrible. After taking a break from Canadian politics, and the right-wing sewer that social media has become, I returned to find Pierre Poilievre cackling like a hyena.

Opening his mouth and showing his teeth, believing he is on the cusp of a massive majority. 

And no doubt getting ready to take a big bite out this country, and change it beyond recognition.

And who can blame him?

With numbers like those I'm surprised that the greasy Poilievre isn't demanding that he be made Prime Minister TOMORROW!!!

But after watching his ghastly speech to the Con faithful the other day, the ugliest speech I have ever witnessed, I am more than ever convinced that he must NEVER be allowed to be Prime Minister

For I thought it was a horror show, and so did Tom Mulcair, who doesn't think much of Poilievre's fake makeover.

I had the opportunity to work across the aisle from Poilievre for over a decade. They can lose the glasses, drop the tie, slow the cadence and reduce the Brylcreem. Those of us who got to know his overheated demagoguery firsthand know that nothing will have really changed -- and that’s the danger.

Poilievre tends to see nothing good in…goodness, in generosity of spirit and benevolence. He knows what’s right and he’ll try to shove it down your throat if you don’t see things the way he does. It’ll take more than a one-hour speech to paper over that fundamental characteristic. That’s why I sincerely believe that people should take a much closer look at the contents of the snake oil that Poilievre is prescribing.

The speech which seemed to go on forever, was dripping with hatred for Justin Trudeau. and what made it even more disturbing was the creepy smile on his face reminiscent of a serial killer.

Which makes perfect sense coming from a grubby Con who wants to privatize medicare, kill the CBC, make life even harder for trans kids, slash the pensions of older Canadians, kill child support payments, and do nothing to fight climate change.

And even as the planet burns, all he could offer up was even more hate... 

As for winning over the young, by offering them them cheap affordable homes, that may give him a short term boost, but only until the truth is revealed.

Executives at big real estate companies profiting off and even driving up high real estate prices across Canada are listed as donors to the federal Conservative Party, Elections Canada records show. 

Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre has been railing against high real estate prices and presenting himself as the solution to Canada’s housing affordability crisis, yet Poilievre’s party also appears to have received financial support from top executives at some of Canada’s biggest real estate investment trusts.

And most of new young supporters finally understand that Poilievre and his ghastly Anaida are only working for their rich friends, and themselves. 

While posing 
as ordinary Canadians, in a rent-free home with 19 rooms, and a small army of servants.

The hypocrisy of those two Con grifters is sickening, as is their far-right ideology, with Poilievre's would be Evita even ending her convention speech by praising the terrorist convoy. 

And so soon after Poilievre had outed himself as a fascist...

Which is enough to disgust most decent Canadians, but not Stephen Harper.

He was so carried away by the intoxicating stench of that bloody majority, that he finally outed himself as the real leader of the Poilievre campaign.

And that will be used against him over and over again, all the way to the next election.

Harper helped make Poilievre...

And now he will help us to destroy him…



Anonymous said...

The Libs don't have to call an election for another two years, so i wouldn't get too worried over the polls or what the Cons decide at their convention. By then, PP will be trying desperately to cut his ties to Trump and the overpowering loser stench that'll follow a few convictions.

Myworld1916 said...

Right what I was expecting. Gone was the time during the Harper era where you were unable to easily leave the family nest to go enjoy the college way of living close by with an appartment which the rent could be easily payed if you get a full time job instead. Humiliation should I said! I will say it again, but this is the reason Poilievre solution will solve nothing. Thanks for the Pressprogress link. What I feel sorry is for the tory fanbase that wasted their money for their airplane ticket to Quebec city and hit a wall regarding what Poilievre will put in his platform. Although I'm would've given the benefit of the doubt regarding his priorities, everyone loses since these religious doofus thought they will see their entourage just like them (not gay/trans no longer). Just like those rich pricks that live by american broadcasting and internet platforms who thought that Radio-Canada will befunded just like the CBC when in fact Poilievre had never understood that both networks are under the same corporate crown which he will have to explain why he will come back to his statement and lie on his promise to leave it alone. Just like Chantal Hébert said, Radio-Canada needs to rely on the CBC in order to gather stories from the francophones outside of Quebec. And lets not forget everyone else of us who are not his voters and never will be will have to live through worst storms and heatwaves as for rainy christmas winters. The only winners: everyone who are rich and are mostly christians (and yes, even right wing atheists who are in my opinion more worst then the first). You know, the ones who are able to live by both tradition and progress as for their celebrations while anyone else outside the bubble might have nothing of it. No clean environment like the beautiful area with the huge house far from the city, no stable family whether you are christian or not with not enough ressources, even it it's to realise their own dreams. In other words, a neo-darwinism kind of concept (my bad if I repeated that term). Just to sum it all up, vote for Poilievre and he will chew your ballot before spitting it back in your face since you will lose more chance to prosper under him if your parents is lets say not in the 1%.

Rodgerthis said...

Sorry to say Simon but Canada always follows U.S. electoral trends. This goes back to at least the 1960's .
Canada needs its Trump moment and Poilievre will do...
The CPC could run a cereal box and win.

Jackie Blue said...

Simon, you may find this interesting. Coletto tweeted earlier that Poilievre's "plan, all along" for a majority has been to shave off tiny slivers of votes from the LPC, NDP, Bloc and PPC, and add them on top of the 33-34% CPC cult. All the % he gave for each party were within the MoE. I'm not saying the polls are necessarily "fake," but that I have to keep reminding myself they're fluid and a snapshot of a weather forecast in time. And I am one of the most pessimistic people you will ever come across, so for me to say that is something.

This article explains how polling data is torqued and manipulated by self-interested media organizations to create the air of a particular narrative -- in this case Poilievre's "inevitability" and Trudeau nearing the end of his "shelf life" -- that said organizations are heavily invested in seeing through to a self-fulfilling prophecy. U.S. media is doing the same thing to Biden as Canadian media is to Trudeau. They are manufacturing a poll slump for ratings, because they desperately want Indicted Conspirator #P01135809 to run the White House from the Big House. Mark Twain said it best: there are lies, damn lies and statistics. The Poll-ievre number crunchers, and the bought media they are hired to conduct fuzzy math for, are the epitome of that.


rumleyfips said...

Glad to read you again.

I was struck by the reformatories rank and file ignoring PP and going full neandertal. Little Pete knows he can't show his real agenda before the election but the clowns at the back of the room want their hate and spite and insecurity to be out front.

Bozo eruptions may be on the horizon. Pollywallydoodle will have to decide whether to mollify his crazies or alienate normal, decent Canadians. His basic insincerity could alienate both sides.If he can't fool his base, he may not even last till the election.

Simon said...

Hi anon@9:10PM....I'm not worried about this slew of summer polls, as you point out the election is two years away. So we will have all the time we need to totally discredit the greasy Pierre Poilievre, and his grubby wife. But I think progressives have been taking it a little too easy, and I include myself. It's easy to look at Poilievre and laugh at his dirty campaign, but I think the time has arrived to start taking him apart, before more Canadians are fooled into believing what he is saying...

Simon said...

Hi Myworld1916....Poilievre has no serious solutions for anything. All he can do is repeat cheap slogans, and make the ignorant believe that he can solve all our problems. Unfortunately for him that Liberals are finally waking up and can use the next two years to start one project after the other while Poilievre looks on and screams like a maniac. Unfortunately for Poilievre we live in the second best country in the world, and if we can make it even better he will have nowhere to go. In my opinion Harper's public endorsement is the beginning of the end. Nobody, but nobody wants that washed up far-right extremist showing his ugly face again. Trudeau booted him out, and he will do the same to Poilievre, burying the dirty little man in a heap of his own excrement. And I for one intend to enjoy every minute...

ottlib said...

Jackie, Mr. Coletto's musing are interesting but he is forgetting one key point. The Conservatives garnered 33-34% in the last two elections and never gained more than 120 some odd seats. With that kind of voter inefficiency it will take more than the "base" plus a few points shaved here and there to win the most seats let alone a majority. It will take significant gains in key battlegrounds and I am not seeing any evidence that they are doing that. And if anybody truly believes polls are "evidence" I have a bridge to sell you.

As well, the article you point to is a good summary of what is wrong with polling in North America. Polls used to be useful information to provide interested people with an idea of how things were going politically. However, now they are used by the media to push narratives and as the article points out polling companies are more than happy to oblige and since our media is mostly biased towards the Conservatives it is not hard to see which narratives they want to push. BTW, it used to be that polling companies published much more detailed information on their methodology. That is not the case any more. One could wonder why.

Finally, the obvious narrative the media is pushing is Mr. Poilievre is up while Mr. Trudeau is down. The question that needs to be asked is why are they doing that two years out from an election? That narrative usually does not get pushed to voters until an election is called. Here is a thought, perhaps the media still believes that in a one-on-one showdown between Mr. Trudeau and Mr. Poilievre, Mr. Trudeau would still come out on top. So the obvious solution to mitigating that risk is to convince Mr. Trudeau to step down.

He does not appear inclined to so and why would he? Even the public polls are saying his personal popularity is higher at this stage of his mandate than Stephen Harper's and Jean Chretien's at their eight year marks. I would bet that the parties' internal data are showing things to be alot closer than the public polls are indicating.

Simon said...

Hi Roger...I'm afraid your comment makes absolutely no sense. Canada does not follow U.S. electoral trends, and especially not in the Trump era. Trump is looking increasingly desperate, as he tries to avoid going to jail, and Canada needs a Con crook like him like we need a hole in the head. As Trump's legal woes continue, all he will do is make Poilievre look bad. When the ghastly Pee Pee threw his lot in with the Trump loving convoy, it was the beginning of the end. He may not know it now, but trust me he will...

Simon said...

Hi Jackie....I'm very disappointed with David Coletto. I used to like him, but not any longer. I consider his polls to be increasingly dubious, and his analysis to be simplistic. The Cons have always tried to steal votes from other parties, but how he can steal votes from disaffected Liberals and Bernier's far right freaks seems to me to be very very difficult. In my view the real problem the Liberals have is that they have allowed the Cons to smear them again and again, and have failed to reply in kind. If Trudeau and his Liberals can do that I'm pretty confident they can still win the next election. And if they can't, or don't want to, then the future could be ominous. For the sake of this country, let's hope progressives can step up their game...

Simon said...

Hi rumleylips....Thank you, I'm glad to be back too. Like many other progressives I took a lot of time off this summer. But now I am ready to return to the Coliseum and join others trying to deflate Poilievre, until him and his ghastly Evita are left squealing like pigs.
I agree with you, Pollywallydoodle will soon be caught between a rock and a a hard place. And if the Liberals can go after him and his ghastly Evita any lead he has in the polls will go down like the Hindenburg. Mein Harper, Mein Harper please save me my leader!!!

ottlib said...

To expand on one of my thoughts in my last post.

You will note that the narrative being pushed is that Justin Trudeau should resign. It is not that Justin Trudeau should call an election or that Mr. Singh should force an election. After all, he could do that by breaking the agreement with the Liberal government.

If the Conservatives are in such a commanding lead, as the public polls are indicating, then the election speculation going into the Fall sitting of The House should be deafening. Instead, the lack of that speculation is deafening, and telling.

Really, the Conservatives and their cheerleaders in the media really do not want Justin Trudeau to be around for the next election and we always have to ask why that is.

Simon said...

Hi Ottlib….The reason the Cons are doing all they can to try to get Justin Trudeau to resign is because they know that he could beat their precious Poilievre in the next election. They also know that the more time before that election is held the more time Poilievre will have to screw things up. They’re afraid of Trudeau, and they are afraid of their own candidate. I’ve always known that Cons are cowards but that is the very limit. Like Poilievre they are a kooky lot and I can’t wait for the day we defeat them. Again….

Steve said...

PP paints these word pictures that make no sense. Sitting on the porch with a cold drink in one hand and a paycheck in the other. William Wallace he is not. Freedom, lets make Canada the freest country in the world. How do you measure that? He wants everything to be free, thats commie talk.

Simon said...

Hi Steve....Poilievre isn't very bright, but his word pictures are a deliberate strategy to appeal to his equally dumb followers. Most of them are designed to stir up a murderous hatred against Justin Trudeau, and the day will come when him and his ugly Cons met and will be held accountable. As for a Harper sucking fascist like Poilievre claiming to be a "freedom fighter" it's simply grotesque, since he has always sought to limit the freedom of others...

Anonymous said...

And which party is giving standing ovations to actual Nazis?

Simon said...

Hi anon@6:13 PM....It should be be obvious that members of all parties in the House of Commons gave that one-time Nazi a standing ovation. That's what makes it so embarrassing. But the Cons are trying to make it appear like it's all Justin Trudeau's fault. They are now such a cult, they live in a parallel universe, and it's yet another reason they must never govern this country again...

ottlib said...

Anon 6:13

The Speaker bringing Mr. Hunka to the House was a failure in vetting, a mistake. Embarrassing, certainly. The invitation should not have been extended to him but it was and the Speaker apologized and paid a price.

Three Conservative MPs had dinner with an avowed neo-Nazi from an avowed neo-Nazi political party, going all the way to Calgary to do it. They attended this dinner knowingly and with intent. One of those MPs is a senior member of the Shadow Cabinet and was a candidate for the leadership of the CPC twice.

When it was revealed the Members denied they knew the neo-Nazi's politics, even though a simple Google search would have revealed it, and then attacked those who criticized them. Mr. Poilievre, to his discredit, did not require them to pay any price.

But by all means push your false equivalency.

Anonymous said...

It’s hilarious that any supporter of Justin would call any other political party a ‘cult’.

Seriously, other than homosexuals and middled aged divorced white women, who else supports Justin?

And the whole Nazigate business is just another example of liberal ignorance and incompetence.

Steve said...

If you follow the words of the deep state, you can see the tide has turned on Ukraine. Case in point, NYT, on the day Zelensky lands in Washington they do a hit peice about a Ukrainan missle hitting a Ukrainian market.

Yesterday front page, in the last year Russia has captured more territory than Ukraine. The counter offensive is offensive.

Therefore I refuse to believe the simple story. Its like Condi Rice saying "no one could image using a commerical airline as a weapon"
No one could have figured out a WW2 vet who fought against the Russians was also fighting against Canada? This was a deep state hit against Ukraine. The deep state called and Trudeau once again said yes sir.

Anonymous said...

The deep state? What kind of drooling moron actually believes this stuff.

Who runs, ‘the deep state’?

Where it is based?

Steve said...

Deep State




Snopes, the white helments won and Oscar.

Anonymous said...

So basically Wikipedia and biased crank websites?

I am surprised you didn’t include Infowars.com

Simon said...

Hi anon@2:20 PM....So the only people who support Justin Trudeau are homosexuals and middle aged divorced white women? Got it. You know, social scientists say that Cons are the dumbest and least educated Canadians, and I believe them. And if you believe what you believe, you definitely belong to the Con cult. Before you pop off try to get an education, instead of spending all your time living in your own world and polishing Poilevre's butt...

Anonymous said...

Wow! Just wow! What's going on, Simon?
Besides the inane, lowlife comment of anon 2:40pm, Steve's tin foil hat must be a bit tight. That's what's going on.
To the point though, you're right. PP is poison and he proves it every single day.

Pierre D. said...

Coletto's polls are bunk. They are modelling as was explained above. He is just moving a percent here and there to the CPC to make them look good. And yes, EXCELLENT comment that the CPC doesn't want an election again against PMJT. Because if they lose, Herr Harper will have egg on his face and no IDO napkins to wipe with.

Angry Tom Mulcair might be the only one calling for an election anytime soon and you know the signs of the season...when Mulcair is wrong about an election call, you know the government is doing some good stuff. Which good stuff? Has anyone seen/heard Sean Fraser lately? He's had perfect messaging about housing, essentially turning Poilievre's shrill inanities against him and making he Libs look great! Poilievre's babe Jenni Byrne must be aghast that she's being out-maneuvered, and look for her to join that podcast as soon as possible with Christy Clark and Korey Teneycke to yuk it up.

And no Anon, I'm not Queer, I'm not a Steer and I'm not a Woman and I voted for PMJT. Because humility, grace under pressure and empathy all matter. So take my big red voting card and stuff it up your ballot box!


Simon said...

Hi JD...Nice to hear from you, I hope you had a good summer. As to what is going on I have no idea, If you find out please tell me. What can't be denied is that this country appears to be having some kind of nervous breakdown. I have never seen such an explosions of mental illness, and I have to say I'm not impressed. We should be so much better than this, and if more Canadians don't smarten up in a hurry, our country could be in big trouble. It's the same kind of fascism we see in the United States where it seems that nothing can put a dent in Trump's popularity. And although Joe Biden has managed to keep the country afloat, and has an excellent economic record, he isn't getting any credit. Since we can't count on the our shabby Con media, we are going to have to start a popular revolt of our own. The lying grifter Poilievre must be stopped before he destroys this country....

Simon said...

Hi Pierre....I'm not quite sure about what to think about David Coletto. I used to consider him a fairly balanced person in the dog eat dog Canadian polling world. But now I sometimes get the feeling he's trying too hard to make Abacus a consulting service, that can deliver the results his clients want. But then there is no doubt that the Cons have helped undermine decent government in Canada, so anything is possible. There can also be no doubt that Poilievre is aiming to become the leader of a quasi fascist government, by destroying everything that defines the Canada we love. So we cannot take the Con threat lightly. Disinformation and economic despair have combined with pandemic paranoia to create a very dangerous beast. Or we rise to the challenge, or it will destroy us....

Steve said...

Their used to be a sacred institution called forgien policy.
Politics stopped at the border. But nooo the cons have made everything political, disgusting. Especialy trying to ruin our pension and healtcare. Real people dont ride a bus you know?

Anonymous said...

So with recent events in Israel, Justin has come out completely on Israel’s side.

Remember when you used to shill for the terrorists when Harper was in power?

Still want peace and flowers for Gaza now?

ottlib said...

Anonymous 12:26...You are a schmuck.

The only way there can be peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians is for the two of them to talk to each other. The Liberals have been stating and promoting that for some time and if you truly believe that is shilling for the terrorists then I stick by my assessment of you.

BTW, there is a second way for the Israelis to achieve lasting peace and that is to go the route of ethnic cleansing. That is, force the 5 million or so Palestinians from their homes by any means necessary, including killing 100s of thousands of them. If you happen to be OK with such an approach please let us know. Be specific and be clear.

However, if all you want to do is come back with yet another snide remark then, at the risk of overstepping with our host Simon, go away. You add nothing useful to the discussion.

Steve said...

anon that kind of stupid comment is why the world is now more stupid, thanks for your contribution to the idiot cause.

Anonymous said...

Push the animals in Gaza into the sea?

Oh if only life were so easy.

Anonymous said...

Don’t you think the deep state is out to get you and that Putin is right?


Pierre D. said...

@Anon@12:26 AM

Bad take but Simon is very generous with his blog space. More's the credit to him, he's a much more patient person than I would be.

No one was "shilling" for terrorism, whether in support of AL-Qaueda, ISIL, Hamas, HEzbollah or any number of other organizations in Nigeria, Panama, Russia, Ireland, Cnaada, the United States, etc. Do you see Proud Boys banners up to here?

Stop this silliness. What's happening in the Middle East is terrible. As ottlib said it will eventually have to come to the table for talks. Because otherwise, Iran will get involved and that could be a very, very, very bad time for all of us.

P.S. The BirdApp algorith is basically blocking any of your or JackieBlue's content as well as any relevant news content, so keep yourselves informed and safe.

Steve said...

The Apple interview with the Penis. Was this a set up. I mean how stupid do they think we are. Canadians believe you are a penis, what Canadians, can you name one. Yes Steve

Pierre D. said...

1310 news Ottawa has shut down through Rogers fiat and it's an interesting case to see that the only two radio stations in Ottawa are CFRA 580 and TSN 1200 (Sports).

If you look at 1310, it's really a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde scenario.

Dr. Jekyll: The newscast was incredible and did their jobs perfectly. Timely updates, local news, local weather, international news, political updates, etc. Can't ask for a lot more than that.

Mr. Hyde: The station was essentially a paid advertisement for the CPC. Rob Snow played Pierre Poilievre soundbites, Ian Lee (Econ Prof) is a raving Libertarian, David Smith (talk host) is a raving Libertarian and they just invited Harper's people to reinforce their views. Even the NDP and OLP people weren't particularly progressive and that's what it was, really, an add for Pierre Poilievre.

But...out of the ashes comes, positivity?
With this CPC outlet gone and with the House of Commons regulating misinfo and use of proceedings in outside media, we're suddenly seeing a lot less of Poilievre in our feeds, leading to less rage being generated, leading to...the CPC losing ground in the polls. That huge 10-14 point lead is down to...8-10 points. And as Justin Trudau "axes the tax" on heating oil and as more populist goodies come in the next Budget, Poilievre will have to actually come up with policy.

Bad news for him, the only policy wonks CPC ever had are either passed away or in consulting firms...

Have a good Remembrance Day American Thanksgiving all.

Steve said...

RIP the Carbon Tax. Cons destroying the world with their emotional power of persuasion.

Anonymous said...

Hope all is well. We need to hear from you soon. We need your inspiration in times of sorrow and hate.

Anonymous said...

I share anon 8:15's sentiments, Simon. Hope you're okay and back to blogging soon.

Simon said...

Hi anon@8:15 AM...I had to leave the country for a while to deal with an urgent personal matter. But all is good now, I'm back and ready to do battle....

Simon said...

Hi JD...Thank you, it's good to be back and hear from you and all the others. The times may be grim, and I confess I don't know where to start. But I hope to get back to blogging this weekend, and start helping the resistance pop Poilievre's balloon. The Cons are behaving like Poilievre is going to win the next election...tomorrow. Somebody is going to be real disappointed, and it won't be us...

Steve said...

I was devestated by the surrender in the Atlantic. Trudeau should have sent in the army armed with trainloads of Winnipeg made oil killing heat pumps.
Thrown in some Que made ERV. Then the world would watch as mobs on Maritimers rejoced at leaving their dirty carbon past behind. Not only would they save gobs of money, they would be more comfortable in body and mind.

Anonymous said...

You haven't missed anything. The TruAnon nutjob cult is in hysteria. With their screeching about fake polls and conspiracies about the pollsters deliberately producing these polls to suppress the vote so Trudeau loses in 2025, they've gone full out MAGA. Actually scratch that...they actually make the MAGA cult look rational.

Myworld1916 said...

Simon, I know it's been weeks, but if you write your next blog, start it up with talking about Cowboy Fringants singer Karl Tremblay? Of course, add also Vivian Silver the israeli-humanist that promoted peace. Because for this first, I was so woed that the story of his death made the CBC news. You know, when from the outside you see his band as a seperatist nest which makes us feel shrinked toward what I called Quebec's Beatles. As a matter of fact, I knew people who are federalists who love the band and even in the CAQ government they are on board with it. But then again, peer pressure in my youth in other words. And as for the last, it sure helps me to be mentally stable because even if I wish for a Two State solution, I cannot fake myself to become supportive of Israel (The Government to avoid being in hot water with anyone reading this) because unless after they clean up Gaza of the Hamas organisation and promises to give back the Northern territory to the palestinian civils and give money to reconstructing, I am not siding with a country who has every ressources for its population while it takes away land from a different civilian population that has less and less of it, thus repeats the circle of violence for generations to come.

Anonymous said...

Three months and counting Simon…….

Sunny Scholl said...

Hi Simon, is everything okay? You haven't posted in months.

Jackie Blue said...

Jan 18 2024

Hi Simon, I hope everything is okay. I too went on hiatus from blogging and the bird app around the same time as you.

I too am discouraged (to the point of despondency) about the state of affairs on both sides of our border. Barring an asteroid hitting the surface of the earth, it seems like Trump pulling a Grover Cleveland has become a foregone conclusion. I fear the same for Canada, since the good folks upstairs unfortunately seem to have a habit of picking up our worst habits every ten years or so.

I have been conversing offline with some folks I met on the bird app. And poking my head in every so often to check if things have improved somewhat in the apartment upstairs. At least as of now, it does not seem to be the case. I don't want to seem pessimistic, but I am afraid of the prospect we're living through a 100-year return cycle of fascism popping up all over the world -- and that Canada isn't immune.

Speaking of immunity, or lack thereof, some personal news. Both my parents were diagnosed with cancer this past year: my father in August and my mom two weeks before Christmas. It has been an exhausting process over these past months, and it has hit me like a ton of bricks, on top of my preexisting despair about the condition of things in the world, especially in Weimar Canada. However, if there can be said to be any silver lining of hope, it may come from whip-smart strategist and pundit Supriya Dwivedi, who has recently announced that she was hired to give much-needed advice in the PMO. Her husband died of cancer last year, and she was viciously harassed by antivaxers and other assorted lowlifes in Poilievre's fan club, who sent rape and death threats to her, vile racist vitriol, and fomented insane conspiracies that he "died suddenly" of the covid vaccine. Ms. Dwivedi penned an op-ed for the Star, in which she said that she joined the PMO because she wanted to fight the cancer of the CPC's lies and hatred before it metastasizes any further and kills the body politic of Canada.


If you're still out there, Simon, I hope all is well otherwise, and that you're just catching a break at home or spending some quality time with family and friends in Scotland. It remains to be seen what comes of my parents' cancer, or the infected orange tumor here in the States that keeps growing in strength day by day. But hopefully the cancer will be arrested (ok, convicted) before the infectious subvariant of pigeon flu consumes Canada. I hope sunlight and Sunny Ways is the best disinfectant. And I hope that for the time being, you're finding some sunshine in your life too.

Take care of yourself, and all the best to everyone else here on the board. From a longtime reader, part-time tweeter, lifetime fan and friend.

-Jackie Blue, aka Katie M.
Boston, MA, USA

Anonymous said...

Going on almost 6 months now Simon. 😂

Cathie from Canada said...

Hi Simon
Hope things are good with you. We miss you!

Also, Hi to Jackie -- hope your parents are OK and that you are managing too. We miss you also.