Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Is Pierre Poilievre Finally Losing His Marbles?

Pierre Poilievre is a really kooky person, a really kooky Con, and he has been making some really kooky videos.

Like the one where he appeared to make love to a piece of wood, slobbering all over it like he wanted to mount it.

Or the the one where he visited a small nightclub and managed to make it look like a mini version of Dracula's castle.

But his latest video has a lot of people wondering whether the ghastly Con is losing his marbles.


For when it was finally over, I must admit I was stunned. What on earth was that I wondered?

What is the creepy PP doing in that car, looking like a serial killer in a Hitchcock movie? 

Why are so many Canadians laughing at him? More seriously, why is he attacking the Trudeau family, again, for daring to take a vacation?

Will he not rest until they're all dead?

And lastly but definitely not leastly, why is he demanding that the carbon tax be axed?

Even as temperatures soar all over the world. And even though the carbon tax is the best tool we presently have to fight climate change.

Before it torches the planet beyond recognition...

Is that not insanity?

It's all so deeply disturbing, it really makes me wonder how  can even DREAM of being Prime Minister?

When he's not only such a kook, he's so terribly mediocre.

But the good news is that a growing number of Cons are now wondering the same thing.

For remember when Poilievre got so excited when his Big Daddy Stephen Harper endorsed him...

Well now that excitement has suddenly deflated KABOOM!!!!!

After the poor little Pee Pee discovered that gold plated endorsement was worth practically nothing.

Stephen Harper’s endorsement of Pierre Poilievre for the Conservative Party leadership may have soured some voters on the Ottawa MP, a new poll suggests.

A new Nanos Research poll commissioned by The Globe and Mail says that Canadians are more than two times more likely to say Mr. Harper’s endorsement has given them a more negative impression of Mr. Poilievre than a more positive impression. 

And goodness knows that must have been painful... 

But not as painful as that Gary Mason story I wrote about the other day, which takes aim at Poilievre for fanning the fires of hatred.

Mr. Poilievre has blamed Justin Trudeau for almost every problem conceivable to man. He has blamed him for high gas prices, high housing costs, high grocery bills, even calling it “Justinflation.” He has blamed him for a lack of jobs and for spying on people. He’s blamed him for COVID-19 lockdowns and the carnage at our airports. Essentially, he has given people fodder to be really angry with the Prime Minister, even if the issues aren’t necessarily exclusively his fault. 

And warns it could end badly.

In today’s highly charged world, that is a dangerous game. Leadership should be about easing people’s rage, not feeding it – especially since one day, it could well come at a horrible cost. 

For Mason's powerful story apparently has Con Headquarters in a panic.

Their vile campaign to try to bring down Justin Trudeau has come back to bite them, and is making them all look like terrorist sympathizers.


For far too long Poilievre has got away with one atrocity after the other, as he stirred up hatred for crass political purposes.... 

For far too long progressives have been far too easy on him.

But enough is enough. 

Now is finally the time to start giving him a taste of his own medicine...


  1. Anonymous4:31 PM

    So I have to fly with a mask on, Justin McFuck Face and his brood do not?

    Yeah, that’s why people hate him, his hypocrisy more than anything else.

  2. Anonymous6:23 PM

    That Skippy video's gotta be one of the worst I've seen from any politician. What a condescending little prick! I turned it off after he started pretended to be concerned for "the aforementioned impoverished Canadians." Since when has a Con leader given a rat's ass for "impoverished Canadians," aforementioned or not? The man's a complete phoney.

  3. Hi anon@4:31 PM….like so many Cons you are not just vulgar, and totally devoid of class, you’re also deplorably ignorant. First of all there’s no evidence that the PM and his entourage weren’t wearing masks on the plane. And secondly Costa Rica has no mask requirements, so there was no need to keep them on when they left the plane. Thirdly, according to the latest Nanos poll that I included for your benefit, Trudeau is the most popular leader by far. So instead of sticking pins in his doll, I suggest you start sticking them in yourself, for the next three years are going to be very painful for you hatemongering Cons…..

    1. Anonymous7:03 PM

      There is a requirement to travel on aircraft, especially CAF, with a mask.

      He didn’t. He doesn’t. And he is playing his supporters for rubes.

      Might want to check some other polls over the popularity of ‘Big Red’. Juststain isn’t going to win on his on own.

    2. Anonymous9:26 PM

      Anon 7:03

      Gawd … what an a::hole you are


  4. Hi anon@6:23PM….I agree, I can’t remember a worse political video. And you’re right having that ghastly Con claim that he cares about impoverished Canadians Is absolutely obscene, coming from a millionaire who has never shown any consideration for poor people, and in fact has gone out of his way to make their lives more miserable, by opposing any plans to provide them with relief. He didn’t want Canadians to get the CERB payments, and like his evil master Harper, he believes that welfare payments are charity.
    If the Cons had been governing the country during the pandemic, tens of thousands of Canadians would have gone to bed hungry every night, and many would have died. The Cons are like a cancer on this country, and we can’t do enough to destroy them….

  5. hi anon@7:03 PM….How do you know that he didn’t wear a mask on the plane? Are you clairvoyant? Or are you just another desperate Con trying to find something, anything, to try to slime Trudeau.? But it’s not working. Even Cons took one look at Harper and stampeded for the exits. And with a leader as weird as Ratface Poilievre you Cons won’t stand a chance when the election campaign begins in earnest. You need to prepare yourselves, and stop living in your cult cave, for if you don’t I fear for your mental health, when your Cons are crushed like cockroaches…..

  6. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Anon 4:31 and 7:03PM, whether they were wearing masks or not is moot as they don't fly with the general population but regardless, you petulant children like to play make-up, as in stories to fling shit at our outstanding leader, The Right Honorable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. I know it's beyond your comprehension but it's a courtesy towards others who may have underlying health conditions and who may and have died because of covid. Not that it matters to you 2 clowns. The extra added benefit of having you whiners wearing a diaper on your face would be to muffle your whimpering and to catch the Con tears that perpetually roll down your faces after Justin kicked your asses in the last election. Get over it and get a life, losers!

  7. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Mask is required during boarding and when seated if you can't maintain distancing. Was the plane full?

  8. You`ll notice the Airman at the bottom of the stairs is not wearing a mask -either is the security man . Why ? Because that`s NOT a civilian plane. It`s an Air Force plane (out of CFB Trenton) . The captain of the plane is in COMPLETE charge of the plane. IT`S not a democracy .No matter who`s on board .PLUS Costa Rica has no mask requirements. The dirty Cons think people on vacation scores political "hypocrite" points . Because of carbon foot print . Meanwhile Poilievre crisis-crosses the country spewing this nonsense . Racking up a huge carbon foot print.

  9. Anonymous9:38 PM

    I couldn't watch the whole video either(I ran out of barf bags). PP feeding his "Walking Braindead" base some red meat to keep the hate machine roaring is stunningly idiotic. Yet these morons will lap it up as any diehard Trumpian moron would lap up Donnie's verbal diarrhea.
    I disagree with Charles Adler saying PP is not a security threat to JT. Directly, not. However, just like the cowardly Trump, he knows his rhetoric inspires his PPlings to threaten harm and death to our PM and that is what I find most disgusting about him and his predecessors. It's time more journalists like Gary Mason call him out on it and maybe more people sitting on the political fence will snap out of their stupor and see just how odious PP is and the damage he is doing to our beloved Canada.

  10. Hi JD@8:41PM...Great comment. I can't believe how with all the problems we and the world face, the Convoy Party supporters keep ranting and raving about Trudeau's trip to Costa Rica. It tells us how desperate they are, and will do anything to distract us from Poilievre's disastrous campaign. I thought I had made some reasonable arguments that the poor Pee Pee is losing his marbles, and is now clearly unfit to even think of being PM, but the Convoy thugs are trying to drown that out by screaming about Trudeau in Costa Rica. What? The problem is that all the polls show that Poilievre is losing support, and the Cons can't deal with the reality that they are about to choose the wrong leader, who Justin Trudeau is going to flatten in the next election.
    Canadians like their medicare system, they like their $10 a day child support program, and their pensions, and they won't have any Con take them away in the name of the disgusting ideology....

  11. Hi anon@8:55 pm....I have no idea whether the plane was full, but your trying to make this issue a scandal, only makes you look like an idiot. Get over it loser, only your cult members care about that non-story. Most Canadians don't give a damn one way or the other. So please get a life...

  12. Hi anon@9:16PM....The Cons are too dumb to realize that their Trudeau vacation fake scandal isn't going anywhere. They think that by repeating the same tired talking points Canadians will rise up and depose or kill Justin Trudeau. It's absolute insanity, and all it does is try to deflect the attention of Canadians away from the real story of Poilievre's disgusting behaviour, which suggests that Pee Pee is losing his marbles. We're trying to track down his biological father, the one who knocked up his 16-year-old mother and then "ghosted" himself, to see if there is any mental illness in the family, for only that could explain Poilievre's bizarre behaviour. I hope to have a full report by the end of the summer....

    1. Anonymous6:33 AM

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Hi UU...I can't agree more, that Con really is a low IQ asshole. But of course he is not alone. I have been bombarded by vile comments from Cons trying to claim that Poilievre is not mentally ill, and would make a great Prime Minister. But some have been exposed as bots, possibly from Russia, and the others are so stupid I almost feel sorry for them when I delete their comments. But delete them I do...

  14. Hi JD@9:38 PM....You make a very good point that I somehow missed. Adler's comment was a good one, but he was wrong when he suggested that Poilievre was not a security threat. For while he doesn't have the balls to threaten Justin directly, he is clearly trying to stir up his Convoy Party followers to go after Trudeau, and those zombies are a clear danger to the Prime Minister and our democracy. But the police arrested another Convoy thug today, and I fully expect that many more arrests will follow...

  15. The plane thing is a non-issue.
    The PM's flights are outside federal regulation and it's up to the pilot to enforce stuff. Given that the PM's family has fought multiple bouts of COVID-19 despite being completely vaccinated and given that he actually shows empathy this is likely the most ridiculous talking point in a long, long time.

    As for Milhous, he's obviously deranged and obsessed with the prime minister to an unhealthy degree. Don't count on the lamestream media to talk about this though, they are so bereft of ideas that they want the prime minister to resign before the next election. What will they do when the LPC wins yet another minority or majority in three years? Poor saps, they have nothing and even with the media posing as fluffers to Peter Popinjay (how low can you go if that's the best you can get...) he's still only tied with Jagmeet Singh for preferred prime minister.

    Poor, poor CPC.

  16. Hi Pierre...The plane story is indeed a non-issue, stirred up by the Cons to try to deflect attention from their murderous policies and the deranged behaviour of the sicko Poilievre. As proof of that my humble blog has been deluged with comments about the Prime Minister's holiday. I have deleted TEN very similar comments since publishing this post, but still they keep on coming. We're checking to see if any of them are Russian bots, for if they are we can then label the Cons as a threat to our national security. Pierre Poilievre's obsession with the Prime Minister is so fevered, it's hard to believe it doesn't have a sexual component. But at least he isn't getting anywhere, even Cons are abandoning him, so I'm starting to doubt whether he will even be around to fight a general election. And good riddance to bad rubbish...

  17. Gary Mason's latest is all about how Canadians supposedly hate Justin. He must have gotten a talking-to from the G&M brass, and directed to throw the cons a bone. So he did, based on regurgitation of old Benghazi/tan suit non-scandals like the Agha Khan and JWR's tantrum, and that garbage outlier Abacus poll that's already old data been countered by this morning's Leger. A lot of ink has been wasted this summer reading the tea leaves and concluding yet again that JT's departure is imminent, based on a confluence of irrelevant factors including summer polls, haircuts, and now family vacations. In some seven years he's been in office, the pundit class has been unable to stop trying to find sinister symbolism in his socks.

    The fact is when you dig deep down, every poll save for a few torqued outliers, and even just casual conversation with normal Canadians, shows that whatever grumblings they may or may not have about Justin, PP is so detestable as to invoke a visceral emetic reaction. The pigeon is a cuckoo bird, as off-kilter as his party of Maple MAGA and the embittered IDU mob boss pulling his strings. I'm reminded of the old saying about Goldwater, which fits perfectly for PP: "In your guts, you know he's nuts."

  18. Hi Jackie....That's just what I thought. Mason's first story had such an impact that his bosses commanded him to write a column putting Trudeau down. And you're right it was pathetic. There was no there there. And the problem with saying a that a some Canadians hate Trudeau, is that you could say the same thing about Poilievre, and the polls still show that if an election was held tomorrow, the Liberals would easily win it. And after a three-year election campaign, that victory would almost certainly be a majority. That's why the Cons are sounding increasingly desperate, and have been bombarding me with comments about the fake scandal in Costa Rica. The trolls are clearly been told what to say since so many of the comments resemble each other, so needless to say I laugh loudly as I delete them. It will be a fierce battle but we've got enough dirt to bury them all...

  19. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Jet travel is a very carbon intensive activity. A large passenger jet burns over 4000 kg of fuel per hour which converts to approximately 120 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions for a round trip lasting a total of 10 hours. Unnecessary travel is not only jeopardising our own future but is also robbing from people who are living in places that are already on the edge,do not have the resources to adapt and will die as a result. Unlike us they have little flexibility to reduce emissions as their meagre life styles only contribute 2 metric tons a year to the problem.

    PP and his followers are selfish pricks that use denial and blame to justify their actions but the rest of us do not have that excuse and have to reconcile our actions with an informed conscience.


  20. Hi RT....Yes you're right, jet travel is very carbon intensive. But Justin Trudeau can't vacation anywhere in Canada because the Cons have made that too dangerous for him and his family. And unfortunately getting to Costa Rica on bicycles isn't a realistic option. But the Trudeaus deserve a nice peaceful vacation after all the work their father is doing to fight climate change, and give his kids a future. Now, as to all those driving around in cars...

  21. Sorry Conchella....Vulgar Con comments are not welcome here. Please drop your drawers and deposit them at The Rebel where they belong. Thanks...
