Friday, August 05, 2022

Pierre Poilievre and the Deadly Terrorist Threat

I call them the toxic Trudeau haters, and have long warned that unless these ugly Cons are brought under control they could set this country on fire.

Only to be shocked by the indifference of so many Canadians, and the media's failure to recognize the danger and expose those would be domestic terrorists.

So you can imagine how happy I am to see one reporter, Gary Mason, sound the alarm.

Warn of the dangerous rage sweeping across our country.

This country appears to have gone mad – a portion of it, at least.

And I don’t mean that these people are no longer in control of their faculties. I mean literally consumed by anger. And much of it seems directed at our public figures, particularly politicians, and more specifically Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

And denounce the outrageous way the Con mob is threatening our Prime Minister.

I can’t remember a Canadian political figure who has been the object of more visible vitriol than Mr. Trudeau. The National Post reported in June that the Prime Minister had 59 threats made against him during the 40-day federal election in 2019. It didn’t get much better in 2021, where he was regularly met on the campaign trail with braying mobs screaming death threats and obscenities at him, and, in one case, where he was pelted by small rocks. And earlier this year, he cancelled a planned in-person appearance at a fundraiser in Surrey, B.C., because of aggressive protesters.

I am also particularly pleased that while Mason rightfully blames the toxic influence of social media.

Social media and the internet broadly have become cesspools of hate, and when you wallow in such toxic waters it is easy to become intoxicated by anger and bitterness. People feed off of one another, too, so it doesn’t take long before you have a mob organizing to disrupt one of the Prime Minister’s public appearances, or to occupy the nation’s capital as the so-called freedom convoy did earlier this year.

He also points the finger straight at Pierre Poilievre, and his twin monkeys of anger and hate.

He has been a federal cabinet minister. He is not some random dude on the internet. When he talks, people listen, and lately, they have been listening in droves to the man.

Yet in videos and speeches, Mr. Poilievre has blamed Justin Trudeau for almost every problem conceivable to man. He has blamed him for high gas prices, high housing costs, high grocery bills, even calling it “Justinflation.” He has blamed him for a lack of jobs and for spying on people. He’s blamed him for COVID-19 lockdowns and the carnage at our airports.

Essentially, he has given people fodder to be really angry with the Prime Minister, even if the issues aren’t necessarily exclusively his fault. He’s surely convinced many of them that whatever problems they have are Mr. Trudeau’s responsibility – that he alone is to blame for the fact their lives are miserable. In that framing, why wouldn’t they be enraged?

For nobody spews more hatred at Justin Trudeau on a daily basis, and for no good reason, than does that convoy terrorist sympathizer.

Who was still sucking up to them this morning...

Even though the consequences could be deadly.

In today’s highly charged world, that is a dangerous game. Leadership should be about easing people’s rage, not feeding it – especially since one day, it could well come at a horrible cost.

You know, I don't know whether Poilievre even knows what he is doing. He is such an obvious psychopath he may not be capable of understanding where he is taking this country.

And even if he did who could trust anything he said...

But one thing is for sure, he is a man without a moral compass.

He is unfit to even dream of being Prime Minister.

And the decent people of this country will make damn sure he doesn't...


  1. Anonymous3:13 PM

    I'm glad to see you calling this terrorism. The Conservative Party and its proxies - the Rebel, Canada Proud, Ontario Proud, the Freedumb Convoy and TUPOC - are practicing stochastic terrorism. That is "the public demonization of a person or group resulting in the incitement of a violent act, which is statistically probable but whose specifics cannot be predicted."

    In the past couple of days, some loon drove an amphibious tour bus into the fence of the PM's unoccupied official residence at 24 Sussex. This came hours after another whacko rammed his vehicle into the front gates of Parliament Hill. Thankfully, nobody was hurt in either incident.

    The media needs to be a lot more forceful in investigating and calling out stochastic terrorism, before someone gets hurt. When that happens, expect everyone responsible to go, "dont blame us, it's free speech."

  2. Why does the msm Canada continue to give him flowers everyday. Especially the dubious ownership Sun Media.
    We need to stop this color revolution before we end up like Ukranie.

  3. Anonymous6:58 PM

    The amount of hatred in this country is beyond anything I have ever witnessed. I cannot even talk with people I have known and worked with for decades. They have no objectives but to get rid of Trudeau any way they can.
    The modern day conservatism is not the conservatives that were, and I blame the eastern Dick Peter Mackey who hand the party over to Preston Manning and the mobster Harper.
    I remember PeePee Pierre as Harpers bitch sitting in parliament before he was a member, as secretary I believe.
    The hatered of modern day conservatives is all they have and seems like they don’t want to go beyond this.

  4. Anon 3:13pm Do not expect our media to call this crap out on a consistent basis. Maybe some pieces like Mr. Mason's but not much else.

    It is very simple really. Most of our media wants the CPC to win the next election. Mr. Poilievre is the front runner and most likely to win the leadership. Therefore, they will dance around his involvement in inciting these yahoos because to do otherwise will reduce the chances of meeting their objectives.

    As well, nothing sells newspapers, air time and clicks like a good political assassination. First you get the coverage of the actual event and then you get the weeks of "analysis" of why it happened. For an industry that is slowly dying that is a potential windfall that cannot be ignored.

  5. Anonymous10:12 PM

    PP's marketing propaganda reminds me of the following anonymous poem and is likely to end the same way. Unfortunately not before he takes out some innocent and not so innocent victims along the way.

    A lion met a tiger
    As they drank beside a pool
    Said the tiger, “Tell me why
    You’re roaring like a fool.”
    “That’s not foolish,” said the lion
    With a twinkle in his eyes
    “They call me king of all the beasts
    Because I advertise!”

    A rabbit heard them talking
    And ran home like a streak
    He thought he’d try the lion’s plan,
    But his roar was just a squeak.
    A fox came to investigate —
    Had luncheon in the woods.

    Moral: Aggressive marketing only speeds up the rate at which the world finds out the product is no good.


  6. @Ottlib for some reason I have a feeling the MSM in Canada aren't interested in the ratings bonanza of a JFK incident up north. They would probably as blasΓ© if a sausage maker actually did complete a LARP of Lee Harvey Oswald and kill the PM, as they were when the original sausage maker plowed his weapon-filled pickup truck into the Rideau gates two years ago (but thankfully, was not able to carry out his QAnon-tinged "mission"). There'd be a blurb buried in the back pages of the Globe followed by endless polls and pundit panels about the Liberal leadership race to follow. One thing is for sure there would not be the nationally televised state funeral that PET got. The networks would ensure would make sure that it remains confined to the LPC YouTube channel. Then they'd go back to bitching about the deficit and calling Chrystia Freeland a nasty woman in a pant suit who is overprepared and shrill.

    Now, Gary Mason has long been a canary in the coal mine, but the rest of the bubbleheads of MSM don't care. On Twitter tonight, it was revealed that apparently the Trudeau-derangement addicts of anti-social media are still going at him about his vacation, and now seem to have obtained either pictures or video of the family disembarking. It's unclear if these "intrepid sleuths" have been able to pinpoint their location, but it would not surprise me either. I don't think they're working alone; they're not that bright, and there's a lot of foreign dark money operatives (making friends with Canadian IDU domestic seditionists) who want Trudeau gone by ballot or by bullet.

    Harper wants blood. He's wanted it since 2015; in fact I would say he's wanted it a lot longer than that. Orban's fire-and-brimstone speech the other night, reminiscent of a certain Austrian poster artist, is a clear indication of where the CPC is going, where they already are and have been for quite some time. Of course it's terrorism, and thank you, Anon 3:13 PM for using the phrase stochastic terrorism. I'm sad, I can't believe this is Canada. You guys were supposed to be the place that had its shit together when we went insane. But I guess America inevitably does share a lot of the blame. The elephant in the bed is ornery, it's sleepwalking, and it's acting like a pigeon uncaged.

  7. Hi anon@3:13PM... I have been warning about and denouncing the rise of the hard right would be terrorists for years. In the beginning I thought that our peaceful Canadian way of life would smother their ugly violent words, and leave only a small hardcore group of far right fascists that could be easily removed from the Canadian body politic. But now it's too late for that, the cancer has spread all over our country, and it will take major surgery to remove it.

    I noted what Gary Mason has to say this evening about the reaction to his article:

    As a columnist, I'm used to the odd bit of hate mail. But the stuff I've been receiving over this column is next level:

    And I'm not surprised because I too have been bombarded with vile comments like I never have before.

    So yes, we have a real problem. I expect the media to do a much better job at investigating this torrent of hate, and I expect the police to do what they can to crackdown on those who I believe are poisoning this country...

  8. Hi Steve....I don't know why the media hasn't come down harder on Poilievre and his foul Convoy Party. They have helped stir up the worst kind of Trudeau hate with their biased coverage, so they have a responsibility to correct the record, and do what they must to make sure that Poilievre does not win the next election....

  9. Hi anon@6:58 PM... I feel the same way. I have never seen such a level of hatred in this country. I realize that the Trump years helped poison this country as it poisoned the political scene in the U.S. But the way the Cons have gone after Trudeau is as disgusting as anything I have ever seen. There's a lynch mob mentality out there, it's sickening to behold, and if it isn't put down by whatever means necessary, we won't be left with much of a country. A friend who has studied the Salem witch trials says she has found many similarities with what's happening here, especially with the levels of hysteria that allowed so many once reasonably stable citizens to murder so many of their neighbours so casually. We're not there yet, but all it would take is one searing act of violence, and this country would never be the same. So it can't be allowed to happen, and we must do what we can to put down the Con terrorists, and save our peaceful Canada from those who would destroy it...

  10. Hi Ottlib...I hope you're wrong. We have a very sick media that depends on sensationalism and fake scandals to try to boost its sagging popularity. And I strongly suspect that Big Oil is subsidizing the war on Justin Trudeau, although I can't prove that. But although it seems that they are hoping to topple the Trudeau government by whatever means necessary, I don't believe they would welcome an assassination which would have many Canadians going after them as well. For far too long too many Canadians have believed that what is happening in the United States couldn't happen here, and they need to be disabused of that notion before it's too late. If the Cons want a war, then that's what they should get...

  11. Hi RT...Thanks for that poem which made me laugh out loud, which isn't that easy these days. I have to believe that Poilievre's campaign of lies and relentless anti-Trudeau hatred will eventually run out of steam, like Scheer and O'Toole did. Canadians can only take so much relentless negativity, and so many lies, before they rear back on their hind legs and let the Cons know what they think. Sooner or later some Cons will want Poilievre to dial back his Trump-like campaign, and if he does the hardliners will go berserk, and hopefully the party will fragment into a thousand pieces. Their hysterical hatred for Trudeau having blinded them, and on issues such as climate change led them to a place of no return. Many of them seem to believe that hate is all they need, but sooner or later they will learn that in Canada that's not enough...

  12. Hi Jackie....I understand how you feel. Our shabby media has earned itself the contempt of most decent Canadians. But any kind of terrorist attack aimed at Trudeau and his family, would shake this country to its core, and defenestrate Con propaganda sheets like The Sun and other Postmedia papers. They would have a lot to feel guilty about, it would force them to realign their biased political coverage. And the Cons would soon find themselves flying on empty. I have seen the pictures of Trudeau and his family disembarking in Costa Rica, but the Cons aren't going to get anything out of that. Screaming about Trudeau using a government jet only makes them look cheap and ridiculous. And as for the fascist Orban, he's another gift to us, and when combined with Trump's successes in November will make it even easier to create an us versus them contest, and turn all but the seriously crazy Cons away from Trump and his lunatics, Finally, when you throw in climate change, which is expected to produce temperatures of close to 40 degrees in the place where I live this weekend, it should further damage the Cons and make Poilievre even less attractive, if that's possible. Trudeau is looking good, and should make quick work of the squawking poseur Poilievre, and we're digging up so much shit on the Pigeon. he's going to lose most of his feathers long before the campaign even gets underway...Could see ask for anything better?

  13. Anonymous11:38 PM

    PP Le Puke would love nothing more than to see one of his far right pieces of shit take the next step and attempt to kill our PM. It's the only way he can beat JT. Meanwhile, he will keep blaming JT for our poisoned political system and division that PP and his convoy clown MPs are solely responsible for. They make me sick by what they're doing to this country. If dividing this country beyond recognition isn't a form of treason then it should be. Punishable by a minimum of ten years in jail or preferably the tried and true method from days of yore when you were lined up and shot as deserving vermin should be.

  14. Hi JD....I also have come to believe that the Harperite rat Poilievre is hoping that one of his convoy thugs will attack Justin Trudeau and his family and at the very least force him to resign before he wins a fourth election. The very idea is horrifying, but the Cons have degenerated to such a degree that anything is possible. However, I don't believe in capital punishment, all I want is for the police to act and arrest all those responsible for poisoning our country with their ugly and very un-Canadians behaviour. With a few dozen behind bars, the fight will ooze out of those wannabe terrorists clown terrorists like air out of a hot air balloon...

  15. The thing is, the prime minister won't resign even if he is attacked.
    It will just embolden him and he'll speak against it and so on.
    He's going to run and he's going to win. He has to, to put the final nail in the coffin of Harper's dream team and also to drive opinion and click-based media to the dustbin of history.

    For now, though, I'm going to make some cheeseburgers because even though it's terribly humid in Ottawa, it is still mostly a nice place to live and TUPOC will never live to see its goals fulfilled, the local citizenry, Ottawa Police and RCMP will be on them like white on rice. And Poilievre will crumble under questioning as he always does...

  16. Hi Pierre... I think you're right, the more the Cons attack Trudeau the more determined he will be to bury Poilievre. Like father like son. But Poilievre just doesn't get it. He thinks he can make Trudeau so unpopular Canadians will love the ugly pigeon, which of course is ridiculous. Poilievre is so psychopathic he just can't understand why he repels so many people, and it will cost him the next election. He is apparently devastated by the Gary Mason story, which all but accuses him of encouraging the convoy loonies to try to try to hurt or kill Justin Trudeau. The Mason story is getting a lot of traction, and even some in his entourage of flunkies are apparently really worried that Poilievre has gone too far. So expect some resignations soon, as Pee Pee ignores their advice and doubles down on his Trudeau hate. And as for his latest video, it's so kooky it can only reinforce the views of those who believe that he is losing his marbles. Isn't that tragic? I almost feel sorry for him. He has no idea how much dirt we have on him, and when we dump on him he's going to be a real mess.... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  17. Anonymous3:24 PM

    How many actual people do you know with this level of hatred. I don't know any. It's popular to bad mouth the government, but the over the top stuff is all being orchestrated by a relatively small group.

    They are going crazy over any article saying anything negative because it seems there is an elephant in the room. My figures may not be current but it seems over half the CPC votes have not been sent in yet.

  18. Well, I don't know anyone that is that obsessed with the prime minister but there is a recurrent thread among Tory supporters that they just can't handle anyone showing empathy or social balance/justice issues.
    They just want more money and more things and status and they think people should be genuflecting before them because of said things. But...said people don't really care about that stuff. They're used to a government that has the country in the right direction.

    Except for PP and Herle Burly, who's been reduced to hosting Jenni Byrne and Lisa Raitt hahahahha. Poor David Herle, he and Kinsella should form a Fight Club-esque therapy group if they didn't despise each other so much. And if that isn't an image of the problems with CPC, I don't know what is...

  19. Hi anon@3:24….I have never seen a collection of hatemongers like the Cons are today. I would love to read a serious study on why they are like that, but I haven’t the slightest doubt that misogyny and homophobia play a big role. There is now a very large number of old men who hate Trudeau because he is so supportive of women and gay Canadians. These unhealthy tendencies have been aggravated by Donald Trump and his foul supporters, so much so that if you read their social media they are more American than Canadian. Unless we can can aggressively assert our values, and crack down on the hatemongers, the future of this country will hang in the balance.

  20. Hi Pierre…. Yes, unfortunately Many Canadians have become incredibly greedy. Our country became successful by emphasizing collective values over individual ones. But starting in the late seventies we became more and more American and started measuring themselves against that sick society. And ten years of Harper who hated this country with a passion only made things worse. As I told the previous commenter, if we can’t purge the Cons out of the body politic, we may not survive. However, I note the latest polls have Trudeau leading the pack, so despite all their wailing and sliming the Convoy Party is still going nowhere….
