Thursday, August 11, 2022

How Many Lives Is Pierre Poilievre Prepared to Sacrifice?

In my last post I wrote about reports that Pierre Poilievre is slowly but surely losing his marbles.

The news that Stephen Harper's endorsement had done him more harm than good has apparently pushed him over the deep end.

He can't believe that his Big Daddy could let him down so badly, after all his faithful years of service.

And then there's that other question, that sooner or later will come back to haunt him.

The question of how many Canadians might have died, and how many more will die, because Poilievre convinced them not to get vaccinated.

For crass political purposes.

Just so he could pleasure the sicko members of his Convoy Party.

But there will be a price to pay for his depraved behaviour.

For as even as one of his most faithful media cheerleaders John Ibbitson points out, Poilievre's war on vaccine mandates doesn't reconcile with the public harm it would cause.  

Pierre Poilievre, who is likely to become leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, opposes COVID-19 vaccine mandates, going so far as to introduce a private-member’s bill that would prohibit them at the federal level. He has yet to explain how he can reconcile that position with the public harm such a policy could cause.

Even though vaccine hesitancy threatens us all.

The World Health Organization declared in 2019, before the onset of the pandemic, that vaccine hesitancy was one of the top 10 threats to global public health.

And with polio and other childhood diseases threatening to rear their ugly head again, what Poilievre is doing can only be called CRIMINAL. 

It would be tragic if, in Canada and elsewhere, vaccine hesitancy generated by the pandemic led to an increase in dangerous and preventable childhood diseases.

Everyone in a position of public responsibility must lead the way in educating parents about the need to vaccinate their children. That includes the leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition. 

For without vaccine mandates Canada would not have one of the lowest Covid death rates in the world, and our hospitals would have collapsed long ago.
It's a sickening situation, but nobody should be surprised. The grubby little Con Poilievre doesn't give a damn about anybody but himself.

He doesn't give a damn how many Canadians his psycho policies might kill.

But fortunately the latest polls suggest that is going to cost him.

Ontario MP Pierre Poilievre remains the heavy favourite to be the next Conservative party leader but he trails opponent Jean Charest for support among Canadians as a whole.

About one in seven Canadians polled said a Poilievre victory would make them more likely to vote Conservative in the next election, with only a small fraction more saying the same of a Charest victory.

However, more than one in four people polled said a Poilievre victory would make them less likely to vote Conservative, compared with one in five who said that about Charest.

And I mean COST him...

For the air is starting to hiss out of his balloon, and a three-year election campaign should finish him off.

You know, there are many reasons not to vote for Pierre Poilievre. From his plans to privatize medicare, slash pensions and kill the CBC, to his plans to end the war on climate change etc etc.

But the biggest reason is Poilievre himself...

He is simply morally unfit to be Prime Minister. A low life if ever there was one.

We can do so much better.

And I don't doubt that we will...


  1. Meanwhile, Pierre Polio is bloviating about the supposed "bombshell" (which isn't really one at all), reported today in bad faith by the notoriously clickbaitish ToryStar, about the "potential for a breakthrough" with the clownvoy thugs. The headline leaves out the fact that it ultimately failed, because 1) you don't negotiate with terrorists, and 2) their ultimate goal was to oust Trudeau by any means necessary and claim themselves as the government. The only "breakthrough" would have involved his head on a platter, and obviously that is not a "peaceful solution."

    Actual journalists, meanwhile (not to be confused with insular and privileged hack pundits) are receiving death threats from far-right lunatics if they dare report honestly on Pierre Polio's motivations or that of his cult of idiots -- and most of the targets are women and/or visible minorities. Pierre Polio is a thanatophile: that is, one who exalts death for entertainment or pleasure. Whether it's courting anti-vaxers, or encouraging violent threats to a free press, or stochastically goading the next sausage maker Oswald LARPer to take aim at the PM, Pierre Polio has become death, destroyer of worlds.

    But of course he's not alone: he is joined in his quest by a shameless cabal of "resistance" premiers, who are selling off Canadian healthcare to the highest bidder and branding it "innovation" or "finding efficiencies". Conservatism writ large is all about FREEDUM! to choose hate and wanton destruction, either to line one's pockets or retaliate against anyone who gets in one's way. Cruelty Party of Canada is what they should be called. A writer for The Atlantic summed up the MAGA mentality as thus: the cruelty is the point.

  2. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Ontario offered a meeting with the leaders at the bridge but they had to open the bridge first. This olive branch was rebuffed.

  3. I am chuckling at the continued efforts by some to make the invocation of the Emergencies Act a negative for the government. The Trudeau government were very shrewd in the timing of its invocation. By they time they did so all tolerance towards the "Convoy" had evaporated among Canadians except for its hard core supporters.

    When the government invoked the Act it was a very popular move and revoking it less than a week later, after all of those nice pictures and videos of the people and equipment being removed, was also very shrewd.

    This is not a winning issue for the Conservatives. All they do by bringing up the "Convoy" is to remind non-Conservatives of how they disliked it and how they appreciated the government finally acting. Then again, the Conservatives have stopped trying to win and instead have just decided that keeping their supporters constantly angry is in their best political interests.

    That seems strange to me but what to I know? I am just an amateur political strategist, not like the professionals being employed by the CPC.

  4. So the FBI shooter in Cincinnati was radicalized by a Canadian convoy streamer who goes by the ridiculous pseudonym of "Viva Frei," but I doubt anyone is going to ask Skippy about this or even bring up the story at all.

    The decrepit pundit class consisting of Martin, Coyne and their ilk can't blame America 100% anymore for Canada being a net exporter of far right terrorism. They will of course continue to plug their ears and make up red herring stories about Trudeau or rack their brains for why "Canadians don't like him". Anything to avoid pinpointing the Complicit Party of Canada, punching above its weight since the days of the Northern Foundation, and now spilling over internationally through conduits like Orban and the Proud Boys. But the transport stream, the "trade exchange" to and from the border, is mutual.

    While we're at it, anyone from IDU happen to get a peek inside Trump's safe?

  5. Hi Jackie...I thought that absurd Con Convoy story was absurd. Anybody who thinks that the trucker terrorists were ever going to compromise with the Trudeau government should have their heads examined. And why would the government even bother to negotiate with them when they wanted to overthrow it, and kill the Prime Minister. My only regret is that the police didn't crack any Con heads, for they so richly deserved it. As for the story of that Convoy fascist who radicalized the FBI shooter it merits serious investigation, but this is Canada so I'm not holding my breath. BTW I saw your reply to De Adder and it was right on. Tolerance has made this country great. But not when it allows Cons to get away with murder...

  6. Hi anon@12:48...Of course Con the terrorists would refuse to open the bridge, unless they were served Justin Trudeau's head on a plate. They weren't playing games they were out to bring down the government. They got off far to easily, but hopefully Poilievre and his Convoy Party will be made to pay for their crimes against Canada, and I'm really looking forward to that....

  7. Hi Ottlib...I wish I could laugh at the way the Convoy Party and their bought media are still whining about the Emergencies Act, when it was the only way to stop the trucker terrorists from continuing their bestial occupation of Ottawa. But I'm still angry at the way the Cons got off so lightly. However, as you point out, if we ever get an inquiry going it will come back to haunt people like Poilievre and Candy Bergen. The Emergencies Act was very popular with decent Canadians, and by attacking it the filthy Cons are only attacking themselves. It's an issue that will help Poilievre win the Con leadership, but one that should guarantee that the Cons lose the next federal election. 2025 can't come soon enough...

  8. Anonymous5:36 PM

    PP doesn't give a shit what his dangerously deluded rhetoric is doing to our country as long as he secures another vote from Canada's idiotic far right. They're really no different than Trump's following in that they're intelligently challenged with a proclivity for threats and violence. The important difference here is that one can't just go to a store and buy an assault rifle to do some dastardly deed to innocent people. So instead, PP will kill people through lies about vaccines or empty the bank accounts of very stupid people who throw money at him and/or bought into his crypto bullshit.
    I had read somewhere that there is a group of moderate Cons who are trying to undermine his run so it wont be a walk in the park for PP and it should be as divisive as the PP himself. Nothing like a good old fashioned Con eat Con smorgasbord for our viewing pleasure. If the raging snot does win the leadership, say goodbye to any viable chance at winning an election with the hope that the fallout leads to the end of the Harper party once and for all.

  9. Lets negotiate with terrorists. All the Die Hard movies put this concept to bed.

  10. Hi JD....I've also heard that some more moderate Cons are planning something special for the little Nazi Pigeon. I doubt that they can affect the outcome of the Con leadership race, but if it helps divide the party, it will be well worth it. Poilievre's idiot Cons seem to believe that if he win the tinny Con crown he will be Prime Minister. I look forward to their bitter disappointment, for they really are out to lunch. I wonder how many will even remember to vote, after consuming their daily doses of crack/meth and booze. If they have a convention hoo ha I hope they search them all for weapons, or it could be a bloodbath. What those ugly Cons have done to our country must never be forgotten or forgiven...

  11. Hi Steve...The idea of negotiating with those Con terrorists was out of the question. Trudeau is supposed to negotiate with those who are always threatening to kill him? I don't think so. They should consider themselves lucky not to be in jail, which is where those Cons belong...

  12. It is darkly hilarious that Peter Popinjay will be undone by the people he needs for a vote. As information about the Emergencies Act invocation becomes unfurled, the federal government is smelling like roses, and the convoy is looking like a bunch of reactionary proto-fascists.

    He wonèt become prime minister and his party will splinter again, leaving Canada with a pizza parliament that will require cross-party cooperation; and since CPC can't play well with others, they are doomed. Even more-so that the convoy stuff will be in the rear-view, COVID-19 will be behind us and Ella-Grace Trudeau will be able to run for office...and if that doesn't drive whatever is left of CPC crazy, nothing will... :-)

  13. Perrie Penis will give us Polio, Bitcoin bankruptcy and the true freedom of having nothing to loose. (me and bobby mcgee type)

  14. Hi Pierre....I never thought the Poilievre story would become such a farce. He can't seem to do anything right, and he's swimming in such fascist waters that it seems to me that there is very little he can do to save himself. The campaign is losing so many regular Con supporters I expect that even Jenni Byrne might have to be replaced like she was during Harper's 2015 campaign. Eventually they will have to try to moderate Poilievre's kooky far right message. But if they do that he'll lose his uber crazy supporters to Bernier's People Party fanatics. And Poilievre isn't the kind of Con most people would trust as a born again moderate. It just wouldn't work, so sooner or later they will have to acknowledge that they have the wrong candidate, and after sputtering like a Roman candle he will finally go out, likely the day after he loses the next federal election. I'm off to lose myself in the vast expanses of Lake Ontario, have a great weekend !!!!

  15. Anonymous10:43 PM

    StatsCan statistics show that in 2020 Covid replaced all forms of accidents as the 3 rd leading cause of death in Canada. When we consider all of the provincial and federal legislation aimed at preventing construction, product, medical, road, water, air, electrical etc accidents it would seem that a few measures to prevent death by Covid would be a no brainer. Also US police statistics show that exposure to Covid killed 5 times more active duty police officers than bad hombres with guns yet the Con clowns are all about more draconian laws when it comes to crime and nothing about a more virulent killer. One could suspect that if Covid was predominately spread by minority groups and women there would be no end of punitive laws and stiff penalties to protect the good guys but the virus does not discriminate therefore it cannot exist in the Con world. Just imagine what would happen if PP were to declare that Covid is a threat to us all and promote working together using the best science we have to defeat this deadly killer. The reason why the Cons cannot say that tells the story. Aside from the blasphemy of promoting science and working together the basic reason he cannot say it is because he and his followers consider themselves a “distinctly special” group with uncanny insight and wisdom. There is nothing special about following the science and infectious disease guidelines by wearing masks and getting vaccinated.


  16. Hi RT...Pierre Poilievre's failure to encourage Canadians to get vaccinated is the main reason I believe he is unfit to be Prime Minister, followed closely by his indifference to climate change. The man is just not the kind of person Canadians can trust to be a leader, for he is clearly willing to sacrifice the lives of goodness knows how many Canadians for crass political reasons. I've never seen a politician in this country stoop so low, and I'm confident that decent Canadians will make an example out of him in the general election...
