Thursday, April 20, 2023

Why Is Pierre Poilievre Always So Angry?

I'll never forget the day I attended a Poilievre leadership campaign rally at the Steam Whistle brewery in my neighbourhood.

It was a hot day, the Cons were sweating like pigs. And Poilievre's speech was so boring I was getting ready to leave, when suddenly the grubby demagogue started chanting "Defund the CBC" "Defund the CBC!!"

And the crowd went wild. 

Nothing motivates the Cons more than the idea of dismembering the CBC, with their bare hands if necessary.

And whenever they get a chance to vent that hate, it's both disturbing and disgusting...

With Poilievre and his hard right wife encouraging even children to hate that great Canadian institution.

But even that isn't enough to satiate Poilievre's foaming CBC hate, so he just had to reach out to the creepy Elon Musk, to help him smear it further. 

And when Musk gave him what he wanted, this is how he reacted:

Can you believe that? Thanks to an Elon Musk hashtag, we now KNOW that CBC is "Trudeau propaganda not news."


What a troubled little man, what an appalling loser... 

What a ghastly hypocrite.

But then as Gerald Butts points out, this is a world wide fascist conspiracy.

As Tom Brodeck reminds us, it is all political fabrication.

Nary a week goes by without federal Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre showing how unfit he is to become Canada’s next prime minister.

Whether it’s spreading falsehoods the federal government is “flooding the streets with heroin” or making juvenile claims the CBC is the “propaganda arm” of the Liberal government, Poilievre continues to show he’s been unable to make the jump from political adolescence to adulthood.

The kind of fabrication that can poison a country, and lead it to disaster. 

Fabrication has become a mainstay of Poilievre’s political tactics. If you repeat a lie often enough, the hope is people will start to believe it.

The thought of this guy becoming our next prime minister is frightening.

Which still begs the question: why does Poilievre hate the CBC so much?

Some suggest he's just trying to follow the example of Donald Trump, and his deranged war on "fake news."

Others claim he is just trying to please his Big Daddy Stephen Harper, who has always hated the CBC with a passion.

As Prime Minister Harper cut the CBC's budget, He spent millions setting up his own Con YouTube channel where he got to control the news. And in 2015 he was planning to kick the CBC out of every building it owned, and sell the real estate.

Until Justin Trudeau arrived just in the nick of time, and kicked him out of power.

Which left Harper humiliated and very bitter, and Poilievre desperate to pleasure him, AND himself.

But while all of the above may be true to some extent, it still doesn't fully answer the burning question Lawrence Martin asks himself: why is that grubby demagogue so angry about EVERYTHING?

Why is Pierre Poilievre trying so hard to get us so mad? Why does anger seep from his every pore? Why does the Conservative Leader insist on being – to borrow a phrase from former U.S. vice-president Spiro Agnew – our “nattering nabob of negativism?”

Opposition leaders of course are supposed to oppose. But has there ever been a Conservative opposition leader so rabid, so given over to the politics of destruction? 

Why doesn't he realize how un-Canadian or out to lunch he sounds?

With Pierre the Polarizer, there’s only one card in the playbook. The attack card. Run down the country and blame all its woes on Justin Trudeau. The Prime Minister has “vile and racist views.” He bears responsibility for the increased homicide rate. The flooding of British Columbia streets with heroin is partly his fault as well. Jeepers! What’s next? Dutch elm disease?

But while Martin asks some good questions, I honestly believe he is deluded if he thinks that Poilievre can change.

Instead of doing anything that remotely resembles the politics of Donald Trump that brutally divided America, Mr. Poilievre should be advocating a conservatism that unites. He should be about new politics, and he should have some dignity, imagination, humility.

When it should be obvious that Poilievre is too far down Crazy Road to change, he can't help himself, and is slowly but surely losing his marbles.

I'm not a psychiatrist, so I don't know what brought him to this point.

Did being abandoned by both his parents scar him in some dreadful way? Does bullying others, especially women, make up for what his mother did to him? 

Or give him some kind of perverted thrill?

Who are the people in the Poilievre's inner circle?

Could a sordid bank scandal in Venezuela be keeping him awake at night?

Is he afraid that a public inquiry into foreign interference might expose HIM as a Russian stooge?  

As well as force him to explain why he is refusing to get a security clearance.

Oh boy. So many questions, so few answers.

But at least two things are for sure:

One, the more pressure progressives can bring to bear on that grubby little demagogue, the sooner he will crack.

And two, he has exposed his inner crazy to Canadians, and even some of his Cons are horrified.

So try as he might, he will NEVER be Prime Minister...


  1. Anonymous8:28 AM

    No security clearance? I’m afraid I don’t understand.


  2. He is so angry all of the time because he is not a leader.

    The simple fact is the Conservative Party is the dog, the Right Wing Nut Jobs of this country are the tail and currently that tail is wagging the dog. And since the default emotion of those RWNJs is anger Mr. Poilievre needs to be seen to be angry as well or he will lose them.

    For you see, those very same RWNJs have the emotional maturity of a toddler. If you are not constantly paying attention to them and validating their belief that they are being victimized they will have a temper tantrum, trash you on Twitter and look at the PPC as an alternative.

    The CPC has held the belief since their inception that the way to win is to keep their base onside and then convince enough centre-right voters to vote for them to give them victory. The problem with that strategy now is their base is so much more radicalized that it is no longer easy to pivot away from it. If they try to do so their base will make things very difficult for them.

    So Mr. Poilievre is stuck in a vice and he has two stark choices. Continue to pander to a constantly and an increasingly angry base or be a leader and start talking some sense into them and telling the it is not always about them. We are seeing what choice he has made.

  3. PP seems disinterested in attracting more votes, choosing instead to pander to the minority Manning Harper base. He seems to be settling for a permanent 33 % out of fear that Max will draw the lowest common denominator away from him. I see his anger but suspect he suffers from free floating fear as well.

    To angry to think clearly and to afraid to change course will only alienate him from reachable swing voters.

  4. Rage farming is all he has. He has no policy, no ideas but giving ground to conspiracy theorists (see the latest clip about WE foundation at one of his rallies) is bread& butter. As stated previously, he needs to get Mad Max's goons onside to get a few seats back.

    The CBC, with its wide expanse of coverage and opinions, is anathema to CPC.
    But we know SUN News had...8,000 viewers out of an available pool of about 2,000,000 viewers. No one really reads the Sun, National Post, etc. I go into a smoke shop to get a stick of gum and I can get free copies of National Post, it's birdcage lining.

    And Justin CAN win a 4th term...even more so if Larry Elder wins the Republican lead, for his monstrousness knows no bounds...

  5. (TORANNA AREA. The Camera pans in to MTL Simon's hedonistic love den. A TALL MAN< FROM QWEBECK, KNOCKS ON DOOR.)

    "Oh, bonjour Simon, I have a news adjacent story for you. It nominally deals with sports but read to the second and third paragraphs... :-)"

    THE TALL MAN leaves, Bonhomme Carnval in his wake.

  6. Hi UU....MPs can get security clearances to allow them access to classified information. But it involves background checks and Poilievre is clearly trying to hide something. My guess is that it's his connection to Russian operatives and bot farms that facilitated his election as Con leader, and tried to encourage an insurrection they hoped would bring down the government. Poilievre is a clear and present danger to the security of this country, but it's only a matter of time before he is exposed and hopefully arrested...

  7. Hi Ottlib....I suppose it's possible that it's just an act designed to keep some of his Cons from defecting to The People's Party. But after observing him closely I still can't help feeling that it's more neurosis than strategy. As you point out, his base is now so radicalized that any signs of moderation would be met with howls of indignation and of course chants of "freedumb" "freedumb." Like Harper Poilievre has always enjoyed destroying things than creating things. That's why his policies ring so hollow, and he prefers to concentrate on the politics of personal destruction. Interestingly enough, the UK's Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab was forced to resign yesterday after being found guilty of bullying civil servants. As I have written about before, Poilievre has been accused of doing the same thing during the dark days of the Harper Regime. He has a lot of skeletons in his closet and sooner or later they could come back to haunt him....

  8. Hi Rumleyfips....There can be no doubt that Poilievre seems more interested in hanging on to his rabid base, than trying to appeal to more moderate Cons. It's something the Cons have been doing since Harper became their leader. But I am told that Poilievre believes that Harper was too soft on his opponents, and that he is determined not to make the same mistake. But of course he is making an even greater mistake, for that strategy will not get him the more moderate votes he needs to become Prime Minister. Which is why I believe that he is not playing with a full deck, and that sooner or later all that hatred aimed at Justin Trudeau will come back to hurt him. I recognize that the pandemic, and the convoy thugs have created a lot of anger that could take us to a very bad place. But It's just not the Canadian way, and I'm confident he will pay the price for all that ugliness....

  9. Hi Pierre...Thank you so much for that story on the dilapidated state of that Postmedia hate rag the Sun. I could see that it was hurting having shrunk to the size of a supermarket handout. But I hadn't realized that it's now so poor it can't even afford to send reporters to the United States to cover the Blue Jays. That's really good news, and more than made up for Arsenal's disastrous performance yesterday. The question is what can we do to help that rag sink below the surface of the sewer it floats in, and never come up again. One of my friends suggests a coordinated attack on its readership, and its advertisers. And I'm more than ready to do what needs to be done to help bring the Postmedia chain down, and rid us of the malignant influence they have had on our politics. The Con in charge of that filthy chain once said that he didn't think that it was right-wing enough. So I would love to see him choke on those words....

  10. Gunners can still win the league but they MUST MUST beat City next week. It's all well and good that teams and managers are throwing roses at Arteta feet but the team needs to impose itself. Saka forever!

    The funny thing about the Convoy's largely faded from public view, its main perpetrators are in prison or grifting (or both...see Tamara Lich) and Canada as a whole largely rejected the whole thing. So what's left for Skippy? His usual rabid base and maybe he'll flip a few seats in Ontario and B.C.. That doesn't give him 170+...and that means he's out.

    How in the Conservatives' heads is Justin Trudeau? Let me count the ways...

    Rona Ambrose (interim leader)
    Candice Bergen
    Andrew Scheer
    Erin O'Toole
    Pierre Poilievre

    Am I missing anyone? And CPC just don't learn...not that they can't they just choose not to. It's as if they like being the angry stepcousin that never has to get a real job.

    1. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Just wait till Justin tries to legislate PSAC back to work. That ought to be good for a laugh.

      Oh and remember that song ‘Haperman’?

      I spoke to the author and he called Justin a ‘lying piece of shit’ Plan on writing another song about him.


  11. Hi Pierre...I am still hoping that Arsenal can beat Manchester City, but the way our team is playing, and after watching City roll up one team after the other without even using all their stars, I'm afraid it may be a bridge too far. I am not an Arteta fan, I don't like his team selection, and find he is often too late to substitute players. I'm afraid the only thing that can save us is if Poilievre can play goalie for City ;)
    Now that would be hilarious, for the guy is such a loser. He's trying to soften his image now that the Convoy terrorists have faded away, but he's stuck between a rock and that other loser Bernier. You're right to point out that the CPC never seems to learn, but I don't think it's because they choose not to, it's because they can't. They are stuck in a Rut and condemned to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. Oh well, their misfortune is our good luck...

  12. Hi anon@4:39PM...Oh really, you are getting more desperate by the day, and always looking for something that might bring the Trudeau government down. Please try to accept reality, or ask your doctor to increase your medication, because it's not going to happen. Not with a loser like Poilievre as your candidate. And as for that Harperman story, I just can't imagine Tony Turner singing a Trudeauman song, unless he's suffering from an advanced case of dementia. The PSAC strike will be over sooner rather than later, and with Poilievre's fascist anti-union record he will gain no benefit from it at all. Sorry...

  13. Anon keep trying hard. The feds aren't breaking PSAC, the strike will end when an agreement is reached, which should be in the next few weeks.
    And no one believes you on the "Harperman" dude, it would have hit the YT airwaves if it were true.

    At least Tarek Fatah has moved on from the less islamophobe among us...

  14. Hi Pierre...I'm reading the Con comments to the the tentative deals with the PSAC workers, and they are truly pathetic. They really seemed to think that the strike would drag on forever and bring down the Trudeau government, and now they are squealing like hogs, on the way to the slaughterhouse. While I laugh and laugh and laugh. I wonder how many will kill themselves after Trudeau wins the next election? It won't be pretty...

  15. The pigeon is angry because the pigeon is too stupid to have an original thought in his small bird brain. The vulgar smearing of Sacha Trudeau and the Pierre Trudeau Foundation (and dignitaries like Rosenberg and Johnston) is a rerun of WE-Ghazi and a plagiarized cribbing from the Republican playbook on Hunter Biden. And the poutrage about PMJT being well-liked enough to be welcome among celebrities and other cosmopolitans using their stature to build a better world is a plagiarized cribbing from the Republican playbook on Barack Obama.

    The temper tantrums and impotent shit fits over Hillary Clinton making a special appearance at the Liberal Party convention is a plagiarized cribbing from the Republican playbook on... uh, Hillary Clinton. For that matter, the same is true of the caveman chest-thumping about Chrystia Freeland. Cons cannot compute the concept of an enlightened metrosexual male who is comfortable enough in his identity to uplift women as his equals, so they thrash and yell and break rocks because that's how their inchoate rage tells them to react.

    The pigeon hates the Trudeau family and the Trudeau foundation because Harper hates them, and Harper told him to hate them too. The pigeon has no policies because Harper told him he doesn't need policies, just hatred of all things Trudeau. So I would say the pigeon is angry because the pigeon is a lesser species incapable of higher-order cognition, and the same goes for his flock of trained dodo birds who go cuckoo over Z-list influencer cult leaders like Pawlowski and the assortment of PostMedia/convoy chuds like Anthony Furey and Chris Sky running for Toronto mayor. The pigeon knows this, and so he is irritated because his abject stupidity actually causes him pain.

    In short, and again I'll refer back to celebrated author Mo Willems to sum up the temperament of the disloyal leader of the disordered and defiant opposition: The pigeon is angry because he is not getting what he wants, and he knows that everyone is laughing at him!

  16. Hi Jackie....I have been taking a little break from social media, and was enjoying the break from what Canada has become thanks to the Cons. But now I've checked back in, and there is Poilievre with his grating voice and his deranged attacks on anything Trudeau. As you point out, almost everything he does is cribbed from the Republican handbook. He really is a traitor to this country and his values. I only hope that what is so obvious to people like you and me, is also obvious to most Canadians. For if it isn't stupidity, or apathy, could kill this country, and our crappy Con media is going to have to bear a lot of the blame. Progressives need to do more to denounce those Con collaborators. It all sounds very exhausting, but the Cons are not going to steal our country without a real fight...

  17. PP makes Harper look like a statesman.

  18. Visitor- Pierre D. On mobile6:11 AM

    The Cons aren"t winning shit. I mean they could win a minority but the more likely outcome is another LPC/NDP alliance or LPC/BQ alliance. And did you see JT at the LPC convention? Still pure magic.

    1. Anonymous12:22 PM

      Magic? You could literally hear the ovaries vibrating, because that’s all the appeal he’s got.

  19. Hi Steve....I would never call old Harper a statesman, but he at least was able to restrain himself while plotting to change Canada beyond recognition. Poilievre and his wife are just white trash and can't be trusted as far as most people can spit. I give thanks the they will never replace the classy Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie, or we would have to walk around with paper bags over our heads...

  20. Hi Pierre....Yes, I saw some of what Justin Trudeau had to say at the Liberal convention and he was simply magnificent. He put the Cons in their place, and set the stage for an even better future. It really is a choice between Canadians and Conservatives. Marcel and his ghastly IDU wife should be running for office in Venezuela not Canada. And you're right, Poilievre might win a minority government, but it wouldn't last longer than a matter of days before it came crashing down. But even a matter of days would be too much, so we must work hard to make sure the Liberals get a strong majority, so we can preserve the good image of this country, and put Poilievre and his ugly wife out to pasture for good....

  21. Hi anon@12:22...I love it when Cons like you expose their hideous misogyny, because while stuff like that makes me shudder with disgust, it's one of the big reasons the kooky Poilievre will never be Prime Minister. So keep it up and keep on losing....

  22. Anon@12.22 do you realize women are:
    -Largest voting bloc
    -Taking care of household finances on a larger scale;
    -Investing on a larger scale;
    -Out-educating men;
    -Going to decide elections?

    Keep hiding in your man-cave, because CPC and you are all that's left of a shameful approach. And you will be sent to pasture...
