Tuesday, May 23, 2023

The Unravelling of the Con Fascist Pierre Poilievre

Pierre Poilievre has been laughing a lot recently. Or in his case opening his mouth and showing his teeth.

He's trying to soften his bestial Con image, but don't be fooled.

His hate mongering campaign to try to destroy Justin Trudeau continues, and is getting, even more desperate and dangerous.

For here he is using a Montreal smoked meat sandwich as a weapon to go after Trudeau... 

Can you believe that? Which is of course not just insane, the product of a diseased mind, but is also totally ridiculous. Montrealers may passionately disagree over which restaurant makes, or made, the best smoked meat.

But the great majority of them agree on one thing: sleazy Pee Pee should NEVER be Prime Minister….

And really, who can blame them, and so many other Canadians? The other day, while heckling the Liberal minister Karina Gould, the ghastly Con demagogue was overheard screaming that Trudeau had set the wild fires in Alberta...

And if that wasn't disturbing enough, while in that same fevered state Poilievre also went on to claim that the Prime Minister was also KILLING Canadians by supporting safe injection clinics.

Which can only further inflame some of his bestial supporters who spend their grubby lives dreaming of hurting and killing Trudeau….

And can also make us wonder to what other dark place might the rage farmer Poilievre and his ugly Trump Cons take us?

Or whether his pathological hatred for Justin Trudeau is now out of control.

For it should be clear by now that Poilievre isn’t playing with a full deck.

Despite his increasingly kooky behaviour, some of the Con media  been actually promoting the grotesque idea that he is ready to be Prime Minister…

Which tells us all we need to know about the dilapidated state of our shabby Con media. They too must be desperate.

And this is nothing less than criminal...

I must admit it's depressing to see so many Canadian newspapers and television stations spewing out Con propaganda, all trying to make Canada look broken, as the shabby Con artist and Bitcoin hustler 
Poilievre would have us believe.

When Canada is definitely not broken. It's one of the most successful countries on earth.

But there is some good news. Even some in the Con media are starting to wonder whether Poilievre is a serious candidate for Prime Minister.

And despite all their sleazy behaviour and rabid hate mongering, according to this latest Abacus poll, the Cons aren't going anywhere in a hurry.

Of course, I'm disappointed to see how many Canadians still support Poilievre, and don't seem to care about Poilievre's debasing of our democracy, and his threats to eviscerate our hospitals, slash social services for parents, the old and the vulnerable, and end the war on climate change, etc etc.

But that almost certainly won't last.

For the deranged demagogue is now also threatening to ignore the constitution and turn Canada into a prison state. And that should get the attention of many Canadians even if they are the dumbest of the freedumbers. (OK maybe not them.)

As more and more Canadians are rising to the challenge to stop him...

For they know a fascist clown when they see one.

They know what he would do to this country if he ever got a chance.

And they will make sure that he will NEVER be Prime Minister...


  1. Han Dong allegation ralse. As soon as petey ran with it I knew it was.

    Johnson was impressive, clear and knowledgable. He answered questions in an organised and informative manner off the cuff with no notes. He also was clear that Poilievre was uncooperative but laid out a way he could participate in the next stage. Gauntlet thrown !

    PP , in his presser right know is trying to ignore Johnson's report. Sorry pete you lost this one.

  2. Woo new Simon post!

    Today's announcement by Special Rappoteur David Johnston could not have been worse for SKippy, who was out lobbying in Mad Max's new riding. No need for a public inquiry, encourages all party leaders to obtain clearance to get info, public hearings to be held by Johnston. All done in a rational manner and the Globe & Mail & French media got told, vis a vis his "relationship" to Pierre Eliot Trudeau amounted to lending the family a parking spot at Mont Tremblant.

    And now...the Spring session of Parliament ends in a week or so. In early July the Trudeau Bonus Bucks arrive in our accounts and no one will care about this fabricated scandal. Of course Johnston did state there was a lot of disinformation, misinformation hindering processes and lo and behold, the parties are still in a dead heat in the polls.

    Except on Nanos, but Nanos gonna Nanons with his 4-week samples...
    Poor Skippy, even his Melania isn't around with him these days.

  3. Poilievre having a temper tantrum when media ask him what he thinks about Mr. Johnston's declaration and even Coyne/Hebert/Rob Anderson and company all calling him a child. Dude won't last until the election hahahahha.

  4. Anonymous5:07 PM

    I'm very worried. The CON ATTACK ADS started this last weekend. In a non-election cycle, nonetheless! Looks like outright I.D.U. voter suppression to me.

    If the Libs were not so polite, they'd start running their own PP RIDICULE ADS to create some reality to the situation.

    Do the CON's know something about the election cycle which the pundits do not know?

    Be vigilant... and watch the borders!


  5. What does the old foole think he is doing. Testimony a few days ago and backpedalling today. He can't be thinking of a comeback but he must be plumping for a PP replacement. Reformatory knives out ?

  6. Soooooooooooooooo...if Poilievre wins, will he ever help bring the Deli back? Or will he leave Montreal with his more than 20$ for an 'entrée' restaurants who will replace basic restaurants for the needies? Yes, when I was in University, I listened during one of my sociology course, a documentary about Schwartz and how it was easily accessible for even homeless people who can pay a smoke meat sandwich with a simple 5 buck (it was filmed in 2003). By just experiencing Montreal in escapades, and if Poilievre was really serious with his nostalgia of bringing back local fastfoodesque places beyond 10$, such as the Deli as for that other restaurant close to the Corona Theatre in the Saint-Henri borough (which was sadly replaced by another restaurant certainly more expensive based on the suppose bourgeois setting and it feels expensive), then maybe I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. Otherwise, what better way to explain this then say that the Cons will slack and surf along the Darwinian ideology of only the strong can survive. And it goes the same way with restaurants. Montreal might feel inhabitable with high prices condos, but don't tell me Poilimerde is ever going to solve the issue of restaurants who like it or not will continue to grow like mushrooms with places that only the rich can afford to eat there, while the more lesser ones has to deal with buffets that don't
    even get the taste. Oh and by the way, returning on the fast food restaurant in Saint-Henri who got closed last year, my friend accuses this on the CERB and he is definitely being brainwashed by claiming that the new con leader is not right wing.

  7. If I know one thing about Herr Harper it's that he hates to lose and he hates being made to look the fool. He can read the polls and he can see Canada isn't warming to Skippy. The knives are likely out and I'd be shocked if Poilievre were still the leader in 2025. Even his own spouse and children look overburdened in his presence and Conservative diehards like Coyne, Hebert and co. are all calling him disgraceful.

    The LPC will run attack ads when the writ is dropped. No need now.
    Jackie, any opinions?

  8. Hi rumleyfips....Han Dong is in a great position to put a big dent in Global News and Pierre Poilievre. Both were carried away with their versions of the Yellow Peril, and both must be held to account. I have enormous respect for David Johnston a decent and distinguished Canadian who makes Poilievre look like a twisted dwarf. As for Erin O'Toole, I have no idea why he is further tarnishing his own record when he is about to retire from politics. It makes no sense, especially since Russian interference and Poilievre's convoy buddies were instrumental in O'Toole's downfall. It would make much more sense for him to cut all ties with Poilievre and try to save what's left of his reputation. But he never could make up his mind about anything, and his faulty moral compass is once again leading him in the wrong direction....

  9. Hi Pierre...Yes, the cat came back. I needed to take some time for myself, but I am now fully rested and I can't wait to take on Poilievre on a more regular basis. As you point out, the Spring session of Parliament is almost over, so Poilievre's smear campaign will be beached until the fall, while we use the foul material he has given us already to make him look like monster, or a maniac. And when that happens his slight lead in the polls will evaporate, and we should be able to club him like seal. There is a lot of dirt under PP's rock, and it will be used to bury I'm when the time comes. I watched all of his newser in Quebec City yesterday, and it was not pretty. Sooner or later he will be challenged for all the lies he pumps out every day, and his Trump impersonation will come crashing to the ground. I look forward to that moment...

  10. Hi Myworld1916....I find it very hard to imagine Pierre Poilievre in a place like Schwartz's delicatessen. It's too Montreal and too crowded for him to feel at ease. As for the smoked meat challenge, I used to enjoy steaks at The Main, because it was less crowded, and if I recall more reasonable. As well as being a place where Leonard Cohen used to frequent. But as for smoked meat, there was only Schwartz's for me. Lester's Deli also got good reviews from some of my friends, but it's in Outremont so it was out of my reach. My older brother claims that Ben's smoked meat sandwich with Swiss cheese was the best, but it was demolished so now that the Main has gone, I guess Schwartz's is the place for me...

  11. Attention Cons....Kindly stop bombarding me with your disgusting comments. I have no interest in reading your vile comments on women and gay people, and will delete them as soon as I receive them. Grow up, get a life....

  12. Anonymous6:51 PM

    You're never going to convince a hard-core rightist to vote Lib, but I found you can do the next best thing and get them to not vote Con. I worked on my Rebel News, Jordan Peterson fanboi brother before the last Ontario election and got him to vote True Blue. He even had a lawn sign!

    When he was over on the weekend, I started steering him towards the PPC. I told him the bill banning LGBT conversion therapy passed with unanimous support and no Con MP, including Poilievre, spoke against it. Of course, he didn't believe me until I pulled up the LifeShite website that confirmed it. Judging by his righteous rant, that may have done the trick. I'll work on him some more once an election is called.

  13. @ rumleyfips

    I did not see Johnson but I read the report. Skippy's antics and grandstanding did not endear him to Johnson.

  14. @ Pierre D.

    Johnston did not so much say, "No need for a public inquiry" but rather it could not be done in any reasonable fashion. Most of the testimoney would be about top secret materials so almost all of the inquiry would have to be held in camera. A public inquiry help in secret is a bit of a contradiction in terms.

    I think I have read that there are some sensible reasons why a leader of an opposition party might not want a security clearance, possible because it would limit their ability to deal with leaks? However if Jagmeet Singh and Blanchet agree, Skippy is really handing Trudeau a club.

  15. jrkrideau, correct.

    Basically anything that would come out of the public inquiry would be heavily redacted and thus uninformative to the Canadian public. But that won't stop the media from frothing at the mouth, seeing maybe this time they might have the LPC government on its kneews.

    Blachet and Poilievre have both refused the top secret clearance, from what I've seen in the news. Sign has acceppted. It's weird to think the NDP is the most serious party in Parliament at the moment, but here we are...

    (And people, ignore Nanos. I beg you to ignore Nanos, those numbers are unthinkably, hilariously askew. There isn't more than a 3-5% voting swing separating the major parties and NDP is not at %25 approval...they're in the 18-20% range. Come on Nik...

  16. No Adults left in the right

  17. Anonymous7:47 PM

    @Pierre D. I don't think that's quite correct. As a former cabinet minister and member of the Privy Council, Skippy has the security clearance to see the documents. He's just refusing to look so he's free to mischaracterize things.

  18. Anyone read that another Chinese-Canadian national is suing the Globe & Mail and Bob "The Kniife" Fife for unfounded accusations? This could be the turning point in media coverage. If Fife, the Globe, "Pooper's" Cooper and GLobal News lose a mint in court we might finally get back to reporting with some backing in truth and evidence...one can hope, anyways.

  19. Hi Steve...I believe there are quite a few adults...just hairy rodents who need to be caged....

  20. Hi anon@7:47PM....I thought I read somewhere that those top level clearances have to be renewed every five years. And after Poilievre's involvement with the terrorist convoy and its Russian and far-right American backers, I'm not surprised the cowardly spit gargler is too chicken to dare be tested again....

  21. Hi Pierre...I'm glad someone is willing to stand up against the Con media lynch mob and their yellow peril fake scandal. What the Cons and their bought media are doing to this country must never be forgotten or forgiven. And the only way to get their attention is to make them pay for their dirty games....

  22. This is correct. Even the Enhanced/Secret ones need to be renews for general office work. It's generally just a question of seeing Jan in HR and stuff but it's a thing.

    Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut on this topic, Harper toadie Michael Taube was actually informative and useful (for once!) on local radio when he straight up said the reason Pierre Poilievre and Yves-François Blanchet don't want to do all the legwork and read the documents is that they will be sworn to secrecy on the stuff they read and thus can't make hay. They want to stay out of know so they can play politics. At this point I'm staring to get on board with Simon that a MAJORITY LIBERAL GOVERNMENT is the only reasonable outcome, and here's why:

    1)It rids us of Skippy and breaks CPC. This is the best-case scenario, they finally get humbled and start a renewal process
    2)BQ becomes a local afterthought;
    3)LPC can get to making social change with UBI, a stronger electoral system (IE perhaps online secure voting, easier access to polling areas for disabled/elderly/indigenous)
    4)From a personal standpoint, sticking it to Skippy would be amazing.

    So I hear y'all..."But Pierre, Berta gonna Berta."
    To which I answer: "Who the fuck cares? Even without Albertas 30-40 seats LPC just needs around 20 more seats nationwide. They can get those in Quebec, B.C. and Ontario. It just needs a strong ground game and campaign and if there's one thing the Liberals do better than anyone, it's a ground game. Just put Justin out there, he'll draw the whackos out which will boost his ratings and he'll draw the supporters too.


  23. Yes Pierre D I would agree.

    The simple fact is the RWNJs have taken over the CPC pushing out the "moderate" Conservatives. If those same moderates want to be able to influence Canadian politics again the CPC needs to be humiliated in the next election. I mean reduced to less than 100 seats humiliated. Such an outcome could (although it is not guaranteed) cause the current CPC establishment to be so discredited that they fall and are replaced. That would be the opportunity for the "moderates" to regain influence in the party. Again there would be no guarantee.

    I would point to the Liberals as the example of what happens when a long-standing party establishment is pushed out after an electoral humiliation. I have always believed that Justin Trudeau does not receive enough credit for rebuilding the Liberal Party in such a short time. And he did it by being ruthless in turfing the Liberal old guard, which is why Mr. Kinsella and his ilk hate him so much. Your worst political enemies almost always start out as friends.

    A similar opportunity for moderate conservatives could await them if the CPC is humiliated. They may not be able to take advantage but if the current incarnation of the CPC actually wins the next election then moderate conservatives can look forward to having absolutely no influence on Canadian politics and society for at least a generation.
