Tuesday, March 21, 2023

The Never-ending Depravity of Pierre Poilievre

I always knew that Pierre Poilievre would take us to a very dark and very dirty place.

I knew that he's a cold cruel Con who gets his kooky thrills by destroying things rather than creating them. A ghastly bully who enjoys the pain of others.

I knew that his creepy obsession with Justin Trudeau made him dangerous, for Trudeau AND our country.

But still he manages to shock and disgust me.

For trying to debase a distinguished Canadian like David Johnston, and accusing Justin Trudeau of being a Chinese agent is both shocking and disgusting.

Poilievre did hurriedly delete that tweet, but by that time the Con media were up in arms and baying for blood.

It was an extraordinary sight, all the old dinosaurs in the Con media coming together to repeat the same Con talking points, and inhale each other's farts.

With some like Andrew Coyne becoming so carried away by his hatred of Justin Trudeau, as well as his hatred of Pierre Trudeau (for knocking up Coyne's cousin but never marrying her.)

That he finally lost what little credibility he had left, as did all the other Con media stooges.

None of them has ever bothered to point out that the biggest assault on our electoral system was Pierre Poilievre's sinister Fair Elections Act, that would have disenfranchised hundreds of thousands of Canadians.

Or bothered to remind Canadians what even the Globe editorialists had to say, when the newly elected Trudeau government sent the Fair Elections Act into the garbage can of history.

Which is a devastating indictment of a man who for that alone, should be barred forever from seeking to be Prime Minister.

But the greatest failure of the Con media is its failure to understand why Poilievre does what he does. Why he blasts out one vile attack ad after the other, even though most are riddled with lies and gross distortions.

The failure to recognize that Poilievre learned that trick from his grubby mentor Steve Bannon, who famously called for his far-right supporters to "flood the zone with shit," to confuse and demoralize the decent and make it harder for them to fight back.

So anything goes, and an attack on a person like David Johnston can also become an attack on our equally decent Governor General Mary Simon.

By some of Poilievre's many bigoted Con supporters who disgrace their country every time they open their dirty mouths.

The kind of human scum the Cons were hoping would overthrow the duly elected Liberal government...

The kind that debase themselves and our country every day of the year with their disgusting behaviour.

For that's where that lowlife Con cult would take us.

And so is this...

From Poilievre's good buddy and fellow vile misogynist Jordan Peterson...

Who should have been locked up in a mental hospital long ago.

You know, in a recent article the writer Mark Bourrie looked at the wildly overhyped Chinagate "scandal" and what Poilievre and his Convoy Party are doing to our country.

It’s clear that Pierre Poilievre wants to slither into office on a skid-mark of smear. He has no boundaries, no ethics, no concern about the damage to Canada, no scruples at all. The PostMedia newspaper chain – a real, destructive foreign interest, if anyone’s actually looking – is Poilievre’s megaphone. It doesn’t matter how many decent people, including Paul Rouleau and David Johnston, are collateral damage.

And what could happen if the Poilievre and his Convoy Cons are not decisively defeated. 

This country does face an existential crisis. Its most important democratic and rule of law institutions are under serious attack and may not survive. Its most respected leaders are being driven from the public sphere, and talented people now see the price they’ll pay if they try to contribute to politics by donating or running for office.

Our institutions are being torn down and humiliated.

And Canadians are doing it.

Another writer, Michael Harris, also issued his own warning: 

Something fundamental, and dangerous, has happened to the normally partisan world of politics, with all it warts. Populism has arrived like an 18-wheeler crashing into a bridge abutment, scattering its ugly cargo of racism, xenophobia, and trumped up distrust of government and government institutions all over the road.

Now incumbent governments are not just incompetent boobs who are mucking things up and ought to be shown the door. They are now the “enemy,” who must not only be replaced, but wiped out. Now the frontal attack on incumbent government is not simply a matter of offering voters a skewed version of its record. Now it is about whipping people into a frenzy of hatred and distrust of the status quo—and of individual politicians. It is rage set to political slogans, it’s anger on steroids.

So the warnings are starting to come in fast and furious, and can no longer be ignored.

They say Donald Trump could be arrested this week. Let's hope that the orange fascist is convicted and made to pay for his crimes.

And let's also hope that this kooky rage farmer, this depraved little Con who has done so much damage to our country, ends up in the same place...


  1. The vicious media is also aiding and abetting Herr Hairy Hare to put targets on innocent people's backs. I blame the whole lot of them for the exponential increase in death threats being made to the prime minister. But I blame Sam Cooper in particular for the death threats that Han Dong has been receiving. That sloppy, racist conspiracy theorist masquerading as a "journalist" should be fired, but Goebbels News has clearly chosen a side. They fired Rachel Gilmore for trying desperately to sound the alarm about the hate coming from the right. Poilievre in particular identified her as an enemy and sure enough, she lost her job, while Pooper Scooper will probably get a promotion for his shambolic work in libeling innocent Asian people.

    The whole thing disgusts me, and I worry that Canada is on the precipice of something very bad sweeping the globe, something that Poilievre is the "agent" for (how curious that he cockblocked a motion to study Russian interference?), something that will only get worse before it gets better -- if it ever does.

    The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses. The press is so powerful in its image-making role, it can make the criminal look like he's the victim and make the victim look like he's the criminal. ~Malcolm X

  2. Anonymous4:33 AM

    So when the CSIS reporting ends-up sending Justin to prison……how much do you think he will enjoy shower time? 😂

    1. Anonymous11:16 AM

      You must be looking forward to sharing the showers with Justin. Did they let you keep your teeth or you know not to bite men that are bigger than you

    2. Anonymous1:56 AM

      Dream on. If only you understood how this will all come back to bite PP maybe you’d shut your cake hole.

  3. Nothing matters but the polls, and if Abacus Data, which tends to lean right in polling, has the CPC and LPC at 33-31, it's almost certain that it is in face the LPC at 33-35 and the CPC at 30-33. That's a 9 point drop since polling wa done "pre-Rapporteur". I wonder what happened?

    Maybe, just maybe, the public got wind of Jenni Byrne going off and got wind of SKippy and his allusions of Beijing backing the Trudeau Foundation (false!) and are starting to realise it's just better to stick with the devil you know.

    CPC has nothing to offer except rage-farming and catering to the misinformed and the biggest voting blocks are very informed so....

    Also Anon @ 4:33, no one in Parliament has been charged, let alone convicted, on a criminal offence. PMJT will leave the House of his own volition. Either after a long, successful career as PM or when his team meets defeat at the hands of CPC.

  4. Anonymouse probably thinks Hillary went to prison becuase the Trumaloonie said so.

  5. Hi Jackie...The Con media has really gone off the deep end. But then like the loser Cons they are also desperate. Even the mighty Postmedia is six months away from collapsing. The once proud Montreal Gazette is now being put out by about 40 people. And the Toronto Sun is now so thin it resembles a supermarket flyer. So they all know that they must try to topple Trudeau now before they come crashing down. The result is a lot of unpleasantness, but it will soon pass, and when the smoke clears Justin Trudeau will still be Prime Minister, and Pierre Poilievre will be even smaller than he is now...

  6. Hi unknown@4:33AM...I don't know what kind of a pervert you are, and I only hope that you don't get all aroused and go after children like so many Cons and religious fanatics do. But get this straight: even if an inquiry is held Justin Trudeau will be in no danger of losing power or being sent to prison. But you can't write anything without dreaming about Trudeau, and descending into vile homophobia. When the bitter truth is your little Pee Pee will NEVER be Prime Minister...

  7. Hi Pierre...yes, I've noticed that Poilievre's polls are heading down, having lost eight points in just a matter of months. I don't know if there is a specific reason for that mini-collapse, but I've always said that the more Canadians get to know Poilievre, and listen to his grating voice, the more they dislike him. Poilievre is putting out more trashy videos than ever to try to bolster his sagging polls, but fails to recognize that the more he makes, the weirder and less popular he will become. I've heard that even some Con MPs are questioning his mental health, and I wouldn't be surprised if he has a complete mental breakdown. The political gods gave us a Con candidate with a self destruct function, and for that we are grateful...

  8. Anonymous9:48 AM

    It's nauseating to watch PP launch his verbal vomit on a daily basis while our absolutely useless media give him a platform with little to no pushback. They're trying their best to normalize this clown and at this point it's succeeding. As Jackie points out, it's increasingly apparent that if you, as a journalist, continually pursue valid stories that are not favorable to the Cons then you, as a journalist, will soon find yourself without employment. Rachel Gilmore will attest to that. That is an MSM that's utterly failed Canadians and I expect it will only get worse in the lead up to the next election. If anything, an inquiry should be launched into our MSM for the very thing they accuse the Liberals of. They are unabashedly interfering in our politics/elections by attacking the Liberals for any little thing while ignoring the real threat to this country, PP and his Nazi party of Canada. These fuckers are sleepwalking us into a failed totalitarian state under the fascist fuckhead PP. Canada would be the embarrassment of the world and our economy would surely crash under the amateur youtube economist. Pretty scary stuff unless JT can rise above the noise and squash the PP like the cockroach that he is. Fuck I hate him so much but what I hate even more is how the MSM and PP have unleashed these emotions in an otherwise peace loving person as myself. And I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one. I pray that a special place in hell awaits these fuckers. Every single fucking one of them.

  9. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Hey Cletus 2:58AM, always with the blackface eh? It must get tiring regurgitating ancient history that wasn't by any means meant to be racist and for which apologies were made, repeatedly. That's what the better man does though. They learn and accept responsibility for their actions whereas your POS PP has never apologized for any of his constant vomit stream of malice and slander. I stand with Trudeau and you lick PP's balls, of his feet. How's the weather down there?

  10. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Hey Cletus 11:16AM, you seem to be fixated on showers and teeth. Two things you are in dire need of no doubt. No worries though, it's a common trait among inbred hillbillies.

  11. Anonymous3:31 PM

    beforehand, to President Joe Biden. I'm not sure what rule states that you have to meet with the leader of the insurrect....oops, opposition, Pierre Poilievre. Or as he's affectionately known up here as, PeePee. I know you have dealt with many a lowlife scumbag over the years and this one probably wont be much different. Think of him as a skinny Trump that you will have absolutely nothing in common with.
    In spite of that, I do know that you will thoroughly enjoy your time with the Right Honorable Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau. A true statesman on a global scale and one to which you share the same ideals, decency and compassion. Thanks for the visit and again, please accept my apologies and condolences on behalf of Canada for having to meet with PeePee.

  12. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Trudeau needs to sack up and implement proportional representation so that we, the popular majority, can crush the Christian nationalists and the rest of the alt-right looney bin.

  13. Hi JD...I know how you feel. I'm a pretty cheerful guy, but I have to admit I can no longer stand the sight of Pierre Poilievre or listen to his grating voice. He is without a doubt the lowest creature in modern Canadian history. Harper was bad, but if the crazed far right demagogue ever becomes Prime Minister he will destroy this country. So if any decent person didn't get angry I'd be worried. But luckily I'm not. I was painting my boat the other day, the daffodils were starting to sprout in a nearby garden, and if I closed me eyes I could almost imagine the nasty little Poilievre pushing up the daisies himself. We could be three years away from the next election, but he's acting as if the election is next month, and is sure to burn up soon, or make even more Canadians despise him. He's not playing with a full deck of cards, and that will soon become even more obvious. In the meantime I believe that we must prepare to hit him and his shabby media stooges like we have never hit them before. That will be a lot of fun....

  14. Ooooh what an eeeeeeeeeeenteresting turn of events in the Han Dong story.
    Apparently the Global Refuse ran with a mistranslation of Minister Dong's entreaty to release the two Michael's and immediately accused the MP of treason. And now..he's suing. Ironically enough the Grope & Flail had the same info and chose not to run the story, perhaps knowing it was a dead end.

    I hope Minister Dong wings. I'm not a big fan of politicos going after media, but this case is different, a shaemful lack of research combined with an expediency for clicks. I'll start a GoFundMe for Sam Cooper to get him a few barrels he can wear as clothing. One might evevn have winter lining!

  15. Hahah Joe Biden just dunked on Skippy, who was again self-aggrandizing:

    Skippy: "Pierre Poilievre. Loyal Official Opposition"
    President Biden: "Loyal eh? *chuckle*"
    Skippy: "Blah blah blah."
    President: "That's unfortunate for you. *everyone laughs*"

    The Preisdent knows, we know, our Prime Minister knows. Milhous, go to bed already.

  16. Of all the nothing burgers the so called Media have dregeed up this is the worst. A MP is runined no matter what the outcome, half of Canada will consider him a tratior. What I find treanous is that some media outlet argure in the great flat is round tradition that keeping the two Mikes in captivity helped the Liberals. God Help us.

  17. I loathe Poilievre with a passion. He almost makes me miss Harper, he’s JUST THAT SLIMY and arrogant.

    Woe to Canuckistan if he ever becomes PM. Or if the KKKons ever win power again, really - but square that with Major Toht Cosplayer Poilievre.

    Would that his political career melt away as thoroughly as the Major’s face at the end of Raiders.

    I think I just made myself feel sorry for the Major, though, to associate him with Pierre Poutine. The Major at least had a sense of humour, and some weird, skeezy sort of charm. :P

    Seriously, though - Poilievre is a blight on Canada. Also a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER to our country. Anyone have a few million to hire Harrison Ford, Willem Dafoe, Raymond Cruz and a $2M helicopter to take care of that threat? Mostly kidding. Mostly.

  18. It's ok Steve the media are back to the hotel room, and no one cared about that.
    They are 100% scared that when they lose the next election they'll be out of a job. And boy, anyone remember Howdy Doody Scheer? Because if you didn't, just check the newsreel. Or your emails. I check mine all the time for work and social purposes. Why isn't the head of CPC and the leader of the Official Oppo checking his?

  19. Anonymous12:16 AM

    "The Pigeon That Layed The Political Golden Egg(for Justin)."

    A fitting title for what transpired today in the HoC. Uncle Joe chuckling at PP for insinuating he was loyal or even honorable. Laughable would be my choice of words. "His Majesty's leader of the boiled opposition" is another. As in poached.

    The real kicker was uncle Joe, in his class act way, celebrating the fact that their respective cabinets were 50% women followed by an uproarious standing ovation by everyone, except for most of the Cons. That is until Joe shamed them into getting up and acknowledging such an inclusive milestone. The misogynist party of Canada, for all the world to see, showed who they are in the most shameful of ways. Embarrassment doesn't even begin to describe them. The funny part is I have yet to see our failed MSM report on that. Hmm...must be an oversight. It was a busy day though breathlessly reporting on hotel room costs and PP whining that he didn't get an invitation to the supper which was as usual with him, total bullshit.

    My favorite moment was Joe on his way out. He completely ignored PP. Couldn't stand to look at him is my guess. I'm also guessing that Justin filled Joe in on the skinny Trump during their sleepover the night before or he already knew what a shit stain PP is.

    "The Pigeon That Layed The Political Golden Egg(for Justin)."
    Thanks PP! I can't wait to see some videos of the supper and I hope you enjoyed the crow.


  20. Hi Pierre...Yes. what a difference a couple of days makes. One moment the Cons and their rotten media were yowling about burying Justin Trudeau, now they are hiding under rocks as we prepare for their funeral. Joe Biden embarrassed them and their ugly leader, but the Cons set the stage for what should be a magnificent funeral pyre. They stopped being a Canadian political party a long time ago, and now it's time they paid the piper...

    1. Anonymous1:32 AM

      No doubt Biden has had briefings on the convoy, dark money funding, the CPC party coup against O'Toole, and PP's costing up to the extreme right. As a young man he got to see the way that the Republicans used a crisis in Iran to get Reagan elected: destabilizing allies is American statecraft, in power and out.

  21. Hi Steve...The way the Con media has behaved can only be described as a hysterical overreaction similar to the frenzy of the Salem witch trials. They have disgraced themselves and the Cons, they have fomented hatred against Chinese Canadians. Now we must make them pay by cancelling subscriptions and boycotting their advertisers. If they want a war, then that is what they should get...

  22. Hi Paul...I know how you feel. I spent almost ten years attacking Stephen Harper's ugly un-Canadian regime, but in a relatively short time I have come to despise Pierre Poilievre even more than I despised his Big Daddy. Everything about Poilievre disgusts me, and I look forward to the day he goes down in flames. Or as in Raiders of the Lost Ark, UP in flames. The good news is that the Cons are motivating more and more decent Canadians to stand up and fight for their country. And when the big battle comes, there won't be much left of them...

  23. Hi JD...Got to hand it to old Joe, he sure poached that pigeon good. And by exposing the Cons as the slimy misogynists they are, he has done this country great service. Biden know a sleazy Trumpling when he sees one, and he knows how to deal with them. What he also showed us is that the pathetic Pee Pee can't even control his own Cons, which needless to say makes him totally unfit to even think of being Prime Minister. I can't believe how much damage he has done to himself in such a short time, and having him totally discredit the Con media is a real bonus !!!
    I can hear the Cons squealing from coast to coast to coast, and it's music to my ears...

  24. Hi Simon,

    I loved seeing Joe laugh at Pierre Poutine AND shame most of the KKKons into standing and applauding after showing their true, knuckle-draggy colours.

    We can only hope Pierre and his party of pathetic, petulant putzes keep digging their political graves.

    C’mon, Pierre - go full DeSantis. I TRIPLE DOG DARE YOU to start proposing book bans, pushing anti-LGBTQ legislation, et cetera.

    *checks popcorn stock level.

  25. Hi Paul....I think we're all going to have to check our popcorn stocks, for we are going to need a large amount to properly enjoy this Con klown show. I always predicted that Poilievre's Cons would eventually fall apart, but the rate at which they are doing so has me worried that they might be able to change their bozo leader long before the next election. And of course that would not be good, because with Poilievre as their leader how can we lose? I am still being bombarded with comments from Con losers suggesting that Poilievre is a winner, and that he will surprise us. But I delete those comments almost upon arrival, and attribute that confidence to the fever that being a cult causes. That doesn't mean that it will be easy, we will have to do some work to dig a hole big enough for Poilievre and his inner circle, but as long as I can be really lazy this summer, I'm more than ready for the challenge ahead....

  26. Heh. Stock check: good. Going to have plenty of reserves, though.

    Going to be fun to watch them wrestle with their “leadership” issues (term used very generously).

    If not Pierre Poutine, then who?

    *Party making options weighing gestures*

    Foppish, fucKKKhead fascist wannabe? Or mayonnaise middle-grounder the hateful, bonehead cult base won’t touch with a 11.5m pole? Decisions, decisions.

    May their situation remain “interesting” for quite some time.

  27. I'm not generally a fan of popcorn but I am going to stock up on the ironically named "Smartfood" over the next weeks, and some Stella beverages as the CPC can simply not stop imploding. Of course I could see John Wick 4 for the cost of my condo fees, but why bother when the Conservative Petulants of Canada give me so much free material? When it isn't Skippy looking like a complete buffoon in front of the most powerful man on Earth it's CPC comms manager Sara Fischer deleting her tweet castigating the U.S. and Canada for having gender parity in government, or it's Howedy Doody Scheer not getting up and looking very uncomfortable or it's Skippy making yet another uncomfortable income tax meme (income tax meme? WTF is this grade 5?!) days before the Trudeau government is set to give low-income families an extra $250.00 on their GST on April 5.

    And the polls...they keep on sinking. From a 9 point lead with CPC friendly Abacus it's down a virtual LPC lead...and you are right to detest Skippy more than Harr Harper. For Herr Harper at least had policy outlooks, even if he served the Christofascist Alliance Church. Skipyp has nothing. No policy, no soul, no inner beauty and that is why he must lost the next election once and for all...

  28. When even Abacus, (the right leaning fanboy club), starts tolling the greasy slide of Convoy Concubine Poilievre, then one has hope that the majority of Canadians will refuse to drink out of the poisoned blue outhouse of the CPC.

    Only in FreeDumb Territory are Skippy's numbers above negative stats. Pigeon Poilievre has made an 18 year stint in Ottawa into little more than a Nuisance Career...puffed up and strutting around crapping out endless sh*t. The sooner he ie made into a political "Squab Dinner" the better...joining the "Old Toole" and "Scheer Stupidity" on the dung heap of history.

  29. Hi Paul@8:04PM....After careful reflection I think I'm going to go with "Foppish, fucKKKhead fascist wannabe." In the past I tried to avoid calling the Cons fascists, but not any longer. The Con inner circle is now riddled with fascists, and Canadians need to recognize who we are dealing with if we are going to dump them in the garbage can of history before we end up knee deep in their excrement. Our Canada deserves better....

  30. Hi Pierre@3:28PM....I'm enjoying watching as the Cons fall apart like a slow motion car crash. And I find it interesting that the notorious SoCons Cooper and Scheer are the ones who are acting most like jackasses, and by so doing disrespecting their leader the most. I knew the SoCons are unhappy after one of their neanderthals got disqualified from running in a by-election contest, but if that is their way of registering their protest things could get really interesting sooner rather than later. Hallelujah!!

  31. Hi Dalyce...I agree with you. The Cons can't seem to understand how Poilievre's image is being gradually eroded. He is still benefiting from the support of those who believe that Pee Pee is going to get them a cheap house all wrapped up and in time for Christmas. But sooner or later that illusion will dissipate, and he will be left with nothing. The Convoy Concubine must have been hoping he could stir up some anti-Chinese Canadian bigotry, but I think he's out of luck. The "Yellow Peril" game may inflame his rabid base, but it will only disgust most decent Canadians...

  32. Hi Simon,

    A fine choice, sir. ;P

    Let’s keep Pierre and these KKKon twerps WANNABE fascists. Seems they’re doing a lot of the work for us, with having Pierre as “leader” *snicker, guffaw* and the infighting that seems to be going on, per your reply to Pierre@3:28.

    The schadenfreude from watching their slomo train wreck, with a side of cannibalism, is going to be GLORIOUS. Like a heaping plate of bacon, but for our souls. Mu hahaha.

  33. Hi Paul....Thank you. The present state of the Cons is something to celebrate. They are fighting us and themselves. Those who warned that Poilievre could damage the Cons are emboldened again. I can't predict the future of such a mobster and un-Canadian party, but I feel absolutely confident that they will not win the next election. They backed the wrong horse, and sooner or later they are going to pay for that existential mistake...

  34. Erin O'Toole has retired from politics as per the end of Spring session.
    How lucky we were that the Liberals got a minority last time, because O'Toole was moderate enough to win, but his flip-flop on vaccines and armaments got him canned. And now, he is reading the writing on the wall as his angry, lame meme-producing, Convoy-courting leader is leading the party to another election loss.

    Skippy asked if he'd cancel dental care said it didn't exist...what is he going to say in Jan. 2024 when it's in the books? The longer LPC stays in power and benefits all Canadians, the fewer responses CPC will have. It's all over but for seat counts so...when #elxn45 comes around...VOTE! And get yours to VOTE too!

  35. I hear talk on my side of the 49th that Trump could paradoxically ride a sense of "martyrdom" from his indictment all the way to a second Grover Cleveland term. Don't laugh, that's how we got there last time.

    This being the insane asylum or meth lab downstairs from the worried neighbors contending with the fumes (h/t Robin Williams, PBUH), I absolutely would not rule out such an otherwise absurd proposition. Nor would I rule out an escalation of violence, as it now seems the "gender wars" are turning into a Hutu vs. Tutsi style of melee, a potential precursor of what we in the Untied States may see heading up to 2024.

    My point is that whatever becomes of the mango menace, the fact that his orange face is going to be plastered all over the news again, coupled with increasing chaos on the wrong side of the fence, poses more problems for Skippy in my opinion. He'll have to contend with the at least forty percent (possibly more) who look to Hair Furor as their mango messiah, have branded the CPC as Trump Party North, and expect Skippy to be his trained pigeon -- i.e., theirs.

    Against such a contrast of abject insanity, the only decent and humane choice for Canadians to avoid turning into the same kind of WWE Royal Rumble as their neighbors are becoming, is Justin Trudeau and his Liberals. PMJT also remains the only choice to keep Canada strong and free with its own Zelensky at the helm, instead of becoming the next Belarus: a puppet client of Duma Dumbass Donald or his mini-me (Mickey Me?) clone from St. Petersburg (Florida, that is).

    Let's hope that any serious dialogue on malicious foreign interference includes the Russkie and GQP backing of the Clownvoy, and the CPC and UCP's ever eroding identity into that of Republican branch plants.

  36. Anonymous12:32 AM

    PeePee has lost his Tool. So sad. I didn't even read the Tool's reasonings for resigning though I'm guessing 'to spend more time with family' is one of them. That's code for 'I can't work for this repugnant little snot anymore'. That's how I'll remember Erin. Live long and prosper Top Gun...Navigator and thank you for not 'going where no asshole has gone before'.

  37. Justin lost me with the Shaw Rogers merger. How could he do this?

  38. @Steve, he didn't?

    Most of their (Shaw) stuff is going over to Viderotron in QC. Rogers is getting a small fraction of that; additionally, VT needs to offer packages similar to those Shaw offered. Lastly, the Prime Minister wasn't even busy with this as Minister Champagne was on the file.

    It's always going to be the case for small, local cable and wireless providers that the get gobbled up. Anyone remember Iosphere in the Ottawa region? Whom, you may ask? They were a small Internet place that offered high-speed for about $30-$50 a month but they got eaten up by...Bell. And Bell kept me at the same rates for about 5 years until I needed to upgrade.

    Meanwhile...the budget has passed and Polievre and the CONs are sinking in the polls. "If an election were held today..." the LPC would win a fourth consecutive election, something not seen since the early days of Confederation.

    All that because Poilievre has no ideas but hey...his mentor Herr Harper said recently he doesn't need any. That'll be an attack ad, as will be the CPC caucus staying seated during Biden's visit. It's like they don't want to win...

  39. I hope your right. But you know the least discussed major biz story of the century,the merger.
    The lib talking points is the it will force cell phone rates
    lower. cable is dead, and they are making the consumers pay for it. They should be bankrupt and the interet providers richer.

  40. Hi Pierre...Yes, The Tool has left the building and is now being mourned by some Cons as the greatest Prime Minister Canada never had. But while he is better than Poilievre, he was never THAT good. He helped stir un the forces that eventually took him down. So good riddance to another Con hack who will not be missed...

  41. Hi Jackie...I also believe that the Trump's return rom the dead is going to cause Poilievre major problems. So many of his supporters are also Trump supporters he's going to be caught, again, between a rock and a hard place. He'll have to make it clear to his supporters that the Cons are still the Trump Party North, which will make it really hard to convince other Canadians that he can be trusted. So he should be screwed. Whatever made him rush down to greet the convoy thugs is something he will come to regret for the rest of his life. And of course, so will the dumb Cons who made him leader. Yup, the world is evolving, and heading in the right direction....

  42. This is a correct take ^.
    Not only that but Poilievre leaning religious in his takes is also going to harm him, as Canada is largely a secular country when it comes to governance. Overall though, Poilievre is just a miserable, sour, angry individual and that attitude will turn many off; and just wait until the CBC debates...the prime minister will run circles around him. :-)
    Have a good Easter to those that celebrate and good rest to those that don't.

  43. Anyone seen the recent Leger polling?
    % of support in ON is identical as in 2021. What does that mean? A likely Liberal minority again. NDP support is up and down but...I don't think this is indicative as Dippers aren't really poll-sensitive.

    Big picture? Canadians are smart and though we're obviously not immune to a change in government we seem to like minority situations...at the federal level.
    So don't worry, don't stress.

    P.S. Jackie Blue your boi is out on the hustings and savagely beating down incels with truth bombs.

  44. I saw that video Pierre. The teacher on display.

    Kid: "I support PPC because they're Christians and I'm a Christian."
    JT: "So you don't support Muslims?"
    Kid: "Well I -- no see, it's really about abortion."
    JT: "You're not pro-choice?"
    Kid: "Not pro-choice, no, what's the other called? Pro-life."
    JT: "So you don't believe women should have the right to do what they want with their own bodies?"
    Kid: "Well, no, not if they're sleeping around."
    JT: "WOW! WOW! Wow! And what if the woman is raped?"
    Kid: "Well, uh, that's, uh... that's where it gets complicated..."
    JT: "I'd say you've got a bit more thinking to do... and a lot more praying."

    That's so PET of him!

    He is risen indeed, and the pigeon is risible.
