Friday, March 10, 2023

Pierre Poilievre And The Road To Con Hell

Ever since I saw his graduation photo, and the bizarre inscription he chose to go with it, I have always believed that Pierre Poilievre suffers from a serious mental problem.

For the obvious thrill he gets out of threatening poor and vulnerable Canadians is deeply disturbing, and potentially dangerous.

And now I'm feeling vindicated. For everything I feared he might become, is turning out to be true. 

And after his behaviour this week, I'm sure that even more Canadians believe that he would take this country to a very dark place.

Poilievre started going off the deep end the other day, after the Prime Minister dismissed calls for a public inquiry into alleged Chinese interference into our electoral process.

And the slimy Con leader refused to condemn the Nazi sympathizers in his caucus.

But if you thought that was kooky and unhinged, Poilievre then went on to accuse Trudeau of being a traitor.

Using his harshest language yet on the issue of foreign interference in Canadian democracy, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre has accused Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of working in China's interests and against Canada.

Which was so outrageous it was rightfully condemned by most decent Canadians.

But no sooner had the sleazy Poilievre finished gargling his bile, when it was the grotesque Con MP Michael Cooper's turn to spread his cheeks and expose his disgusting misogyny.

Liberal and NDP MPs called out Conservative MP Michael Cooper over what they described as a "shameful" and "completely unacceptable" comment he made to Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly during a hearing on foreign interference on Thursday.

"You've talked tough. You've talked tough with your Beijing counterpart, so you say. You even stared into his eyes, I'm sure he was very intimidated," said Cooper in questioning Joly during a combative and intense meeting of the Procedure and House Affairs Committee (PROC).

Which makes perfect sense when Cooper is a lowlife SoCon bigot who rents his home from Poilievre.

And for years his grubby leader secretly embedded a tag in his YouTube videos encouraging women haters to support his candidacy for leader....

As only a Con pervert could.

It's all so disgusting, but there is some good news.

It turns out the Chinese influencers may have helped Poilievre get rid of Erin O'Toole who they apparently feared more than Justin Trudeau.

And just like I predicted, this latest fake sandal is shaping up to be a nothing burger...
But what it will do is further damage the greasy little Poilievre.

So he can gargle all he likes until his bile pours out of the side of his mouth.

But Canadians are seeing the real Poilievre. He's on the fast road to Con hell…

And he can squeal, or squawk, or cluck all he likes.

But he is almost done like dinner.

And he will NEVER be Prime Minister...


  1. Anonymous11:49 AM

    How soon we forget about the super-secret trade agreement Harper signed with China.


    1. Linda Davidson10:22 PM

      I didn't forget. He basically sold Canada to China in the worst trade deal ever, anywhere, in history.Just how bad of a deal has Harper locked the next seven Canadian governments into? Here’s how Diane Francis — hardly an anti-trade left-winger — described it in an op-ed in the Financial Post:
      "Ottawa capitulated to China on everything. The deal, using a hockey metaphor, allows only a select few to play on Team Canada on a small patch of ice in China and to be fouled, without remedies or referees. By contrast, Team China can play anywhere on Canadian ice, can appeal referee calls it dislikes and negotiate compensation for damages while in the penalty box behind closed doors."
      The terms agreed to by Ottawa are unprecedented and would be laughed out of Britain, Brussels, Canberra or Washington. Beijing has negotiated a heads-I-win-tails-Canada-loses deal.

  2. Along with the rest of Petie's brain-mouth disconnect, I saw him telling us not to trust " experts " because we are our own experts. I have a bad knee and if I need surgury I will follow his advice and call a roofer.

    1. Anonymous6:13 PM

      If you're in Fordario, a roofer's likely what you'll get as knee surgery gets privatized.

    2. Anonymous11:02 PM

      Favourrite saying among Conservatives is they like to think for themselves. Leads to fantasy . One needs grounding in the experts.

  3. Problem with the Abacus poll is it's a monkey's paw; the fake ChinaGhazi nontroversy surprisingly hasn't done anything to move the polls, but they still clock the cons with a big lead for whatever reason (I think Crier Media is onto something, that the bicycle boy's 'Berta background plays a big role in his push polling, as does his newfound "exclusive" media contract with the ToryStar).

    I really hope this asshole doesn't bamboozle enough people to put him anywhere close to power. The media continue to disgrace themselves with their bothsideism and poo-poohing the blatantly egregious misogyny and fascist tendencies emanating from Con orifices as "Liberal wedge issues" or signs of panic or desperation. People have a right to be panicked, because it's not like the complicit and/or incompetent stooge press hasn't sleepwalked a country into right-wing hell before? Hello 2016 and the descent to hell down a gaudy gold escalator?

    The CPC is the Compromised Party of Canada: a domestic threat to Canada's national security, and most likely a hostile foreign asset. But as long as cushy and privileged pundits and dimbulb cub reporters continue to slam the Liberals in thinly veiled xenophobic terms, while turning a blind eye to the five-alarm fire that is the disloyal opposition, Canada is at a very serious risk.

    It's qwhite clear where their loyalties lie. The blanket coverage of the ChinaGhazi nontroversy all of a sudden grinds to a halt once cons start being named. It's only a story if it ain't a Tory.

    Skippy has made a mug's game of discrediting institutions, because those institutions -- the fourth estate in particular (Cooper and Fife have really shit the bed) -- have done a fine job of discrediting themselves. Look across the pond over to an incipient furor at Mother Beeb over their mandate of false objectivity, to see where right-wing shit disturbers like Skippy working the refs could lead the CBC.

    1. Anonymous11:18 PM

      Ok little there people, you know people with a real job not living at home with mom and dad, who rightfully consider this a major issue.

      You see that’s the difference between our national security professionals and you.

      They know what they are talking about and you don’t.

      Same applies to Simon.

  4. Hi UU....This new fake scandal is being blown up by the Cons and their bought media into the "Scandal of the Century." When it's just another attempt to smear the Chinese Canadian community for crass political purposes. And as you point out, the FIPA agreement bound us to China for thirty years, cost us billions and counting, and the Cons should have been arrested for selling out our country so cheaply...

  5. Hi Rumleyfips....I can't watch that ridiculous video without wondering whether Poilievre is really dumb and thinks we're idiots. Or whether he is losing his marbles, and should really think about resigning before he makes an even greater idiot out of himself. One way or the other, he's a loser and I can't wait to see him squeal like a pig as he goes down with all the other Nazis....

  6. Hi anonymous @6:13 PM....It's a frightening situation, especially since Ford is still popular, and the opposition can't seem to get its act together. But it will, we have no choice. Thanks to Ford's incompetence our health system has been greatly weakened, but sooner or later he will pay a heavy price...

    1. Anonymous10:52 PM

      Hi Simon, I see Ford's down a pawn as MPP Vincent Ke was forced to resign from caucus after accusations that he was a bagman for China. This China story has legs, and it'll be interesting to see if any federal resignations happen.

  7. Anonymous9:54 PM

    I don't know how PeePee Le Ewww can sustain these daily, unhinged rants for 2 more years without causing a massive aneurism in his wee little lizard brain. It kinda gets me all fuzzy and warm thinking about rewriting a classic nursery rhyme just for him.

    All around the Parliament Hill,
    The monkeys chased the weasel.
    The monkeys stopped for his maniacal rant,
    Pop goes the weasel.

    No worries though, I'm sure the HoC janitor has unclogged many toilets in his day so unclogging peepee's aneurism shouldn't be much different. Same old shit, different toilet. Hell, I'd even help because I is an expert too.

  8. Ok there little anonycon who wrongfully considers this a major issue. Funny how it's started diminishing as a major issue once conservatives got implicated. You see that's the difference between biased, incompetent media hacks, conspiracy theorists like you, and people who can see credulous reporting and drive-by smears for what they are.

    Even national security professionals have been calling out this hyperbolic manufactured frenzy being stoked by clickbait reporters and CPC operatives for political gain. That's the difference between national security professionals and you: they know what they are talking about and you don't.

    Same applies to Skippy.

  9. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Its the national sercurity official who seem to wear the tratiors mask. There job is not to knife sitting goverments in the back.

    The biggest influncer of elections or color revolutions lies due south.

  10. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I agree with everything you people are saying, and it is scary that it seems so many Canadians are going down that dark hole.

    1. Anonymous6:42 PM

      You mean they are finally getting an insight into what has been common knowledge in some quarters for years?

  11. Hi JD...

    I like your Con nursery rhyme a lot:

    All around the Parliament Hill,
    The monkeys chased the weasel.
    The monkeys stopped for his maniacal rant,
    Pop goes the weasel.

    Because the weasel is a popping, and it should be clear to all but the dumbest Con monkeys that he's heading for a frontal impact with a brick wall, and that he's unfit to be prime minister. He's such a loser I almost feel sorry for him. But then I think what he might do to our country and its values, and I want him either locked in a mental hospital or jailed....

  12. Hi anon@....The resignation of Vincent Ke undermines the whole Con fake scandal. The fake scandal was already running on empty, and now it's even more ridiculous. As I've said before the Russians are the real threat, for they tried to overthrow the Liberal government by supporting the trucker terrorists, and will no doubt try to help the Cons win the next election...

  13. Anonymous7:38 PM

    So the first and so far only casualty of Chinagate was a Con. As usual with that bunch, every accusation is a confession.

  14. Hi anon@11:18PM...I don't know who you are calling little people because there is nothing as small as a bitter Con. And if you can't even realize that Poilievre is the loser in chief I hold out very little hope for you. The fact is that that Chinagate is a big nothing burger, and the biggest threat to our country are the Cons, the Russians, and the traitor or traitors in the security services who are leaking documents to try to bring down an elected Canadian government. In this country that's called treason and it must and will be punished...

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Anonymous1:15 AM

    What I find interesting and not at all surprising is that as much hate as PP generates towards JT, I believe an equal or greater amount of hate is being generated against himself by himself. When an old school Conservative like Charles Adler rightfully eviscerates PP for his BS tweets and press conference rants you know he's turning off otherwise reasonable people in a huge way. Kudos to Charles for his courage and honesty. Here's his latest smackdown of PP.

    I'm guessing other old school Conservatives feel the same way but are reluctant to state it publicly due to PP's cowardly army of zombies inevitably hurling abuse and threats their way.

    On a personal level, many friends of mine in the past would refer to PP simply as a loud mouthed idiot. A Harper lapdog who'd shine his jackboots(and who knows what else) with his tongue. Now I mainly hear that they fucking hate him with a passion. Myself included. Sadly, this is the political environment we now face thanks to Harper, Scheer, O'tool, PP and their propaganda dispensers. They are fully responsible for the hate and division we now face. Thanks a lot, assholes.

    So as PP keeps dancing on his double edged sword, he may very well find that in the end, he'll have only slit his own throat. A fitting end indeed to the most repugnant Con leader this country has ever seen.

  17. Hi Jackie...The air is hissing out so fast out of this Chinagate farce that I think the competent authorities should issue a tornado warning. When I see how desperate the Cons are becoming, and some of the things they're saying, it's beyond crazy. I give thanks to the Polar Bear God of the Great White North that the Cons are destroying themselves. It's Poilievre unchained ... gloriously !!!!
    It won't be long before he's calling for Justin to be burned alive, or drowned in the Tar Sands, so Poilievre and his religious fanatics, oil pimps, and other kooks can rule this country FOREVER.
    I think Canadians are getting a very good idea of what a Poilievre Regime would look like, and they are not going to take it...

  18. Hi Linda......I vividly remember the day I first read about everything that Harper had sold out to the Chinese, and how stunned I was. I didn't understand it then, and I still don't understand it today. I realize that Harper and his filthy gang hated our Canada with a passion, and were probably just trying to smooth the way for selling our dirty oil to the Chinese, but it really is treason writ large. Their pathetic attempts to smear the Liberals are going nowhere, and if anybody deserves to be investigated it's the Cons and their bought media...

  19. Hi JD....You're right, when old school Cons turn on their party and their leader you know Poilievre and his gang are heading for the proverbial brick wall. I'm not a fan of any Con pundit, but I have to admit Charles Adler has done a great job of calling out Poilievre, as any decent Canadian should. I too lament the division the Cons have caused, but their hatred has poisoned this country, and I'm quite comfortable giving them a taste of their own medicine. Some Progressives have been too gentle on the Cons even as they threaten to dismember our country, and that has got to stop. Let's hit them often and hit them hard...

  20. Hi anon@11:02...The Cons like to make ignorance a virtue, which explains among other things why they hate science and scientists so much. My doctor friends and I have been left reeling by the depth of their ignorance, but we will use that ignorance as a cudgel to beat them and their bought media into submission, and restore the decent country we love...

  21. In re: the special rapporteur, His Excellency David Johnston.

    Coyne and Glavin need to get a room and/or declare their Twitter feeds as in-kind donations to the CPC. Something about ChinaGhazi has broken their already pickled brains. Shame on them for smearing a distinguished man and a great Canadian who Harper appointed as GG and who Coyne had nothing but praise for until Trudeau picked him for this important job. Coyne has followed Glavin down the QAnon rabbit hole. If he doesn't trust someone with "connections to the PM" (where, exactly? Is he related to Hunter Biden too?) then Coyne himself should look in the mirror and quit. Seems he never really got over his anger over PET and his cousin doing the fuddle-duddle, eh. And it affects his commentary to the point he's reached Kinsella-grade derangement.

    As for the cons' temper tantrum about the appointment, someone put it best on Twitter: Jenni is just mad that her first choice was not considered: Steve Bannon. Perhaps Brett Wilson and/or Theo Fleury were busy washing their tinfoil hats, and didn't pick up the phone because it has 5G microchips in it.

  22. Anonymous9:58 AM

    It's the Right Honourable David Johnston. Only the current GG is called His or Her Excellency. This is unlike the confusing US practice, where former presidents and secretaries of state retain their titles even after leaving office.

  23. Johnston was an excellent choice and anyone dunking on him is telling on themselves. He is extremely respected on the world stage, intelligent, classy and knowledgeable of our Westminster system.

    Oh well, just two weeks until Budget time and two years until the next election.
    Hopefully that shoo-shoos SKippy away to the dustbin of history.

  24. Anonymous2:07 AM

    So why is the CPC and their media propagandists so against David Johnston? I think he's too good of a choice. He is everything they will never be. As Jackie and Pierre point out, he has an impeccable reputation, he is extremely well respected on the world stage, he's intelligent, classy and knowledgeable of our Westminster system. For me it's no surprise that these admirable traits are completely foreign to the CPC. DJ's credentials far exceeds any frivolous claims they have against him. Especially when it's coming from people who have little to no integrity in the first place. The fact is that no one would ever meet their "standards" unless they were heavily slanted in their favor. I mean for God's sake, he was appointed as GG by the dear leader himself, Mao Tse Harper. Maybe old Stevie boy will come to David's defense if he's not too busy helping to plan a coup somewhere or some other crime against humanity.

    Welcome to the hyper-partisan world of the Amazing PeePee Le Peewww. Cut from the same shit stained cloth as Douchy Trump and just as loathsome. His faithful following slavishly lapping up his constant drip of bile into the vomitorium. When I think about it, it's almost enough to make me puke. Kind of like at the end of this skit.


  25. Hi Jackie...Yes, Coyne and Glavin have really hit rock bottom. And so have so many other members of the Con media, who have fed on each other, and encouraged the delusion that this overhyped "scandal" could drive Trudeau Justin from office, and even suggested that David Johnston is a traitor. It's so fascist and so disgusting.
    But by behaving like right-wing fanatics, they have revealed a little more of the "real" Poilievre, and hopefully help more Canadians understand that the Cons are taking this country to a very bad place. Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves...

  26. The facts are the facts and a proof is a proof. In the case of election influnce there is none of the afo mentioned.
    However I would like to point out how effective the agrument true or false that the Russians elected Trump was. Now we have the same argument used against Trudeau. It like it was an AI attack and its constaly looking for reasons to become human.
    I allege the RCMP and all the police and all the military are naturally conservative voters. The five eye guys think they are Tom Clancy.

    I am sure the National Rifle association had no influcne on the last election and gave no money do cons who wanted concealed carry in Canada.

    I am sure big oil did nothing to support the Canada troops for big oil.
    As my old friend now long gone, but mercifly his works remain said." so it goes, so it goes" If you have read orwell and huxly you must read Kurt Vonugut Jr.

  27. Hi Pierre...David Johnston is a distinguished and thoroughly decent Canadian who has served his country in many ways. So Poilievre's attack on him will almost certainly backfire. And more people will start wondering if he is losing his marbles, and what a Poilievre Regime could resemble. If decency doesn't count for anything in Canada, then who the hell are we?

  28. Hi JD...The Cons and their suckling media hate Johnston because he is just too Canadian and too decent. I think only that can explain their increasingly kooky behaviour. The Trudeau hating cult seems to think that Trudeau's time has come. At least according to the Gospel of Poilievre, and the Holy Father Harper. And that couldn't be more kooky or disturbing. But as I keep saying, and have at least convinced myself, the Cons are shaming themselves in the eyes of most decent Canadians, and sooner or later their time will come...

  29. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Part of the Con strategy is to weaken the opposition by driving experienced, accomplished, ethical people out of politics through personal attacks against them and their families. Traditionally this has been a weapon used by most opposition parties but was based in a reasonable amount of fact and limited in scope with respect to personal attack, now thanks to pay per click media and social influencers facts are irrelevant and its all about the body count. Although expedient in the short term its not a long term winning strategy as there is always someone more selfishly thuggish in the race to the bottom. We don't really need foreign interference to accomplish democratic destruction when we have the Cons right at home.


  30. Hi RT...Yes, the idea is to demoralize people, make them not vote, so the fascists can seize power, and turn our country into a dystopian horror show. I can be quite effective, who has not been at least momentarily discouraged by the torrent of lying excrement the Cons fire out of every orifice every day. If more Canadians understood the dirty game the Cons are playing, they would be more willing to give them a taste of their own medicine...

  31. Anonymous7:03 PM

    As if we needed more proof he is unfit to lead ...

  32. Canadians are among the better educated people on the planet.
    Even the "less educated" are still bearers of high school education and college level skills trades. Also, most Canadiens are not on Twitter...a lot are on Facebook though and Reddit and stuff.

    I'm not too worried about people being discouraged to vote by CPC. It is true though that constant attacks on educated, smart people benefit CPC and harm democracy as whole. Thankfully...

    ...the rule of law (libeL) still means something and Skippy's accusations of China backing the Trudeau Foundation met with a quick response from the Prime Minister's legal team. And also thankfully, our country has pretty entrenched political lines. That means...
    30-35% LPC
    28-33% CPC
    9% BQ
    2-4% Green
    2-4$ PPC
    18-25% NPC is where we are at.
    Harper got a majority for two reasons:
    QC fell in love with Jack.
    Canada was tired of elections all the time and gave CPC a chance. This ain't happening with SKippy. The man is revolting, has anti-charisma, no policy wonks and no appeal in QC or ATL. Just keep alert and get your friends to vote in two years.

  33. Hi anon@7:03 PM....Pierre Poilievre has been associated with the worst elements of Canadian society since the days he joined the Reform Party. It's absolutely disgusting, but rest assured, we will use his past against him to make sure he has no future....

  34. Hi Pierre@8:37PM....A lot of what you says is true, as usual, but voter suppression is still a big threat. The Cons know that the only way they can win is to limit the votes of the decent. I'm not too worried about that, for all the reasons you point out. But we must do all we can to get as many Canadians to do what they must if they still want to live in freedom in this country. For the minute Poilievre and his Cons are elected, that freedom will be gone...
