Saturday, October 01, 2022

The Ugliness of the Con Monster Pierre Poilievre

Two weeks ago Pierre Poilievre was still celebrating his victory in the Con leadership race, so was his wife Anaida.

And everything seemed to be coming up roses for the Con couple.

Poilievre's courting of the right-wing convoy extremists who occupied Ottawa appeared  to have paid off big time, and made him look like a bright new old star in the Canadian political universe.

But sadly for him, and her, that didn't last.

For the King of the Cons isn't looking so good anymore.

His star is already falling to earth, and the "new/nouveau" Poilievre, is looking and sounding like fascist. Just consider what he has been up to in just two weeks. 

He has gone after the CPP and the E.I. program upon which so many seniors and vulnerable Canadians depend.  

He voted to try to kill a dental plan for kids. He tabled a motion to scrap the carbon tax, and made some of his Cons look like morons. 

While other Cons looked like monsters.

Mocking a poor lady who lost her home, as only a low life Con could.

Poilievre also went after the media, like a 1940's mob boss...

Calling journalists who dare to criticize him The Enemy, and repeating his vow to kill the CBC as soon as he becomes Prime Minister.

He also refused to denounce his convoy buddies, until one of them, Jeremy MacKenzie, came back to haunt him.

The RCMP confirmed Monday that it is looking into a threat of sexual violence directed at Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre's wife, Anaida Poilievre.

Jeremy MacKenzie, the leader of the Canadian far-right group Diagolon, made the threats over the weekend in a stream on the social media app Telegram while speaking with a guest, Alex Vriend.   

"Let's rape her," MacKenzie said. "It's not really a sex thing. It's like we just want to show people that we can do things to you if we want to. It's a power move."

Which caused him to go ballistic.

But while I don't blame Poilievre for getting angry, he stirred up the Convoy Cons, they are his people. And Anaida Poilievre can hardly squeal too loudly, when she smeared Justin Trudeau in such a vile manner.

And has yet to apologize.

I also find it hard to take Poilievre seriously when he had ignored calls to disavow MacKenzie.

Pierre Poilievre is ignoring calls to clearly disavow a man identified by a federal counterterrorism organization as a national security threat after Poilievre shook hands with the far-right extremist at a meet-and-greet in Nova Scotia.

And I can't believe he didn't know about the wannabe terrorist group Diagolon...

When the group has come up in debates in the Commons, and Poilievre has been a far right-wing fanboy all his life.

And most importantly, I can't help wondering where all that anger was when other women were being harassed by members of his ugly Convoy Party, and he did nothing to stop them?

And when he himself went after the Global reporter Rachel Gilmore, this is what happened:

So when you add it all up, even in the fevered madness of the time we are living in, it should be clear by now, that Poilievre could take this country to a very dark place. 

He has only been Con leader for two weeks, and already he has shown himself to be a far-right political monster if ever there was one.

He's a bully. He's a man who would punish poor children and seniors. He's a grubby fascist threat to this country and its values.

In just two weeks, he has exposed himself as a Con monster. He couldn't even pretend to be nice.

But while it will be a horror show, it will have a happy ending. 

The monster is destroying himself, and he will never be Prime Minister...



  1. He is unfit, in fact he's unfit to hold so much as a position on reform school student council (or Reeeefoooorm! school), let alone lead a G7 country. I only hope these so-called honeymoon polls of his will fade like the aftermath of a drunken honeymoon in Vegas by the time the next election comes along.

    With Truss collapsing the U.K. into third-world oligocracy, Italy embracing Mrs. Mussolini, Macron being term-limited and only defeating Le Pen by the skin of his teeth, and Trump stubbornly refusing to go away (if not escalating his rhetoric), the pessimist in me worries that the G7 is turning into the Axis Powers, and Canada is teetering. I lie awake at night fearing a redux of the Mulroney-Reagan karaoke performance, but with DeSantis and Poilievre (who bears an uncanny resemblance to our very own Governor Florida Man) at some snowbird gathering, warbling the "Horst Wessel Lied" or a medley of Anita Bryant's greatest hits. The "Anglo-Saxon summit" it might as well be called. Even Putin made reference to Skippy's preferred ethnic group in his fire-and-brimstone annexation speech that could have easily been something out of 1930s Germany.

    Canadian news media needs to get their heads out of their horse's asses (apparently Dale Smith can't say that, but we can) and realize that "it can happen here." I do not want to see a real-life monster movie play out, something not necessarily out of Vincent Price or Bela Lugosi but a WW2 historical warning. Because all the ingredients are there, in particular a sense of Weimar-era naïveté. The only reason I don't foresee Canada's own perpetually pubescent Dweeb Hitler spouting a toothbrush mustache anytime soon, is because I don't think he's capable of growing facial hair at all.

  2. Hi Jackie....It's good to get back to blogging, and although my trip to the Scottish highlands wasn't a holiday, now I feel refreshed and ready to fight the Cons harder than ever. And although the situation can look grim at times, as I tried to point out in my post Poilievre is coming apart at the seams faster than even I had hoped. And judging by the reaction of some Con commenters they can see what's happening and are squealing like pigs. One nutcase even tried to accuse Justin Trudeau of sexually assaulting that poor woman who lost her house. It's unbelievable how depraved and desperate they are, but it does explain why Poilievre is such a low life, and why his ghastly wife has the morals of an alley cat or a sleazy pole dancer. And it augurs well for the struggle ahead. It will be a tough slog, just listening to the greaser's grating voice is almost more than I can bear, but after three long years of that I'm more convinced than ever that Poilievre and his Convoy Party are heading for a catastrophic defeat...

    1. Anonymous11:16 AM

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Lordy Conchella, first you accuse Justin Trudeau of feeling up that poor woman who lost her house thanks to hurricane Fiona. Now you're calling me a "fag" and accusing ME of having no morals. I know you're a low life religious fanatic, but do you ever read what you write? Some of you Cons have syphilis for brains, and will never understand why so many Canadians find you so repulsive. Which is good. For it will only make it easier to destroy you, and make this country clean again...

  4. Anonymous7:24 PM

    At the end of the day, Trudeau will be remembered as a phenomenal campaigner who said all the right things, but got sweet FA done. Electoral reform, national pharmacare, national dental care, additional health-care funding beyond Harper's formula, real action on climate change, proper indigenous child welfare compensation - all promised, all vapourware. The minute there's any pushback from our corporate owners, he folds like a lawnchair.

    The Libs could and should be cruising to an easy victory against a Con party offering nothing but hate and division. But those broken promises are going to weigh like anchors next election.

  5. Anon @7:24 PM
    Nice try, but the facts belie your feeble attemps at re-framing reality.

    Things this gov't has done:
    1)Make pot legal; yeah. this doesn't seem huge but it has kept thousands of young adults out of the slammer or without a criminal record
    2)USMCA - Forgot about this yet? Robert Lighthizer (sp?) said himself Chrystia Freeland was integral to this, as were the tariffs we imposed
    3)Child Benefit - Instead of dubiously targeted tax rebates, putting money in poor people's pockets let people with low incomes get a little more breathing room
    4)Tax on luxury items - mostly responsible for the surplus we have now
    5)CERB and other benefits - Yep, these were abused and so on, but I can tell you personally that I got through the pandemic because of CERB and so did many others
    6)Water advisories lifted (Down to a few dozen)
    7)Truth & Reconciliation - mixed results but we're having the conversation and frikking POPE apologized, a first
    8)Carbon exchange plan with Califronia, super important in the era of Climate Change
    9)Gender-balanced cabinet, minimum to be expected these days
    10)Indigenous GG, about time
    11)QC no longer interested in seperating, this is huge huge huge and this threat being gone means JT can talk to Frankie Lego on an even keel
    12)Record low unemployment - Had people during pandemic, people wanted to get back to work

    And the list goes on and on and on and on. Oh, unlucky 13 (for you!) is that we have the lowest Inflation in the G7! Why, because he let the Bank of Canada dictate policy for our country's finances.

    Oh, and did we forget dental care and pharmacare, thanks to MR. Singh?

    This is a government that has been active, getting things done and working for us. Does that mean another term for PMJT? Far from it because the electorate is fickle. But knowing that NDP will not cooperate with CPC if they get a minority means that the BQ is the only option and they aren't really into that either so... :-)

    P.S. Welcome back Simon!

  6. Hopefully the screwy polls spring in the other direction like a bungee cord once the EMA inquiry (Canada's version of Jan 6) gets going. PMJT announced he is going to testify, and probably drop some truth bombs from above on the pigeon and his flock of deplorables. Skippy himself and his cronies Bergen and Scheer need to be hauled before committee and plunked in the hot seat. About time that dirty bird got to see the other side of the star chamber, considering the shameful way he dragged the PM's family, especially his beloved mother, through the mud at the farcical WE-Ghazi inquisition.

  7. Anonymous9:33 PM

    For some making pot legal is their number one issue. It is a matter of rights. Despite PP peeing all over the place about freedom, Trudeau actually increased freedoms. You can cut all my taxes all you like, but all you are doing is giving me more money. Since I already have some money it is not as important as gaining a right I did not have before.

    About a third of the population has tried pot and about 15% use it on an ongoing basis. Such people will never vote for a government that would outlaw it again as some cons want, though PP claims not. Harper wanted to increase simple possession penalties, jail was still on the books.

    You won't hear much about this, because in the US, Harris has not fulfilled her promise for federal legalization. Too busy with abortion legalization now. Nobody wants to have anything online hinting at their use, if they travel to the US at all.

    You can have F*ck Trudeau signs on your car and justinflation tags all over your online presence and they will wave you through at any border crossing.

    But if you had a sign saying "I'd gladly f*ck Trudeau if he liked guys just to thank him for legalization", or if you have a hashtag justinjoints and start referring to pot cigarettes as "justins" instead of joints anywhere online, or you fly a large flag with a cannabis leaf instead of maple leaf, then you will have extra questions at the border, and if they decide you used pot before it was legal for you, you cannot enter the United States sir.

    So, you will not hear from this silent near majority of adults except at the ballot box.

  8. Anonymous10:19 PM

    The not so good ship Connapolis is listing hard to the right. Some concerned passengers are shuffling towards the life rafts but crowd control is in full force with mind permeating multimedia noise blaring dissuasive stick and carrot messages in the background. For example the carrot: Thanks to our new masterful captain the polls show our ship is sinking slower than the Liberal's, we are destined to be victorious. The stick: Beware our new all powerful captain can pop holes in life rafts by merely thinking about it. The choice is yours, glory or the deep!

    This works well for those already on board but what about observers watching the floundering ship safely from the dock. What could possibly entice them on board?
    The solution is simple; replace the stick with a shock prod by convincing the shore huggers that they are about to be cast into the ocean as the liberal engineered dock is crumbling under their feet. Repaint the decks and waterline to obscure the tilt while offering a basket full of carrots such as elite travel accommodations and free buffets courtesy of benevolent sponsors. Presto, welcome on board the freedom boat but be mindful that dear leader has control of the life rafts as well as everything else you might want to do.
    Its all a hollow illusion to entice the emotionally animated into a journey of self induced misery unless you are a collaborator and dear leader has guaranteed a suite on the upper deck. None of this would be possible without the complicity of the mainstream media and their ability to drown out smaller voices by virtue of their sheer size. The irony is that few of the media types actually painting the illusion will make it to the upper deck, only the owners in keeping with the spirit of free enterprise.
    Its a tough challenge but the good ship has a serious tilt with a fair number of uncooperative self absorbed crew members making it likely a few minor well placed holes below the waterline will cause it to roll over. Keep chipping away at its rotting hull Simon as many small breaches can be just as effective as a large torpedo.


  9. Hi anon@7:24 PM...You're comment is so tragically Canadian, in a country where so many believe that you are either a hero or a bum. When in fact while he's not perfect, Justin Trudeau is one of the best prime minister's this country has ever known. He lead us through the dark days of the pandemic, he saved millions from hunger and death, and still managed to keep the economy in good shape. And is also the prime minister who has done more than any other two fight climate change, and is our best hope of defeating the creeping fascism of the Cons. I could go on and on, but I don't have the time, so for more on Trudeau's exemplary record please read Pierre D's comment below. Thank you....

  10. Hi Pierre...Thank you, I'm glad to be home. And thank you for educating anon@7:24 PM about the impressive accomplishments of Justin Trudeau's government. The Cons and their stooges will try to rewrite history, and try to make us forget how they betrayed their country in its hour of need, but we will not let them. The truth is the truth and it will destroy them...

  11. Hi Jackie....I had the same thought when I saw the video of Justin's incredible jump, his polls may be down slightly, but they will bounce back and Poilievre will go down like a lead balloon. I have noticed that the Cons aren't squealing about the Emergencies Act inquiry, and I'm not surprised, the pigeon and his Con traitors are going to get roasted, and it will I hope expose how the Russians helped the Convoy Party and further diminish them. Those traitors are in for a rough ride and they will deserve it...

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Imagine if that cord had snapped.

      Mother Nature bags another Trudeau boy. 😂

  12. Hi anon@9:33 PM...Yes, you're right to raise the legalization of marijuana as another reason to support Justin Trudeau. He ended years of police repression that ruined the lives of so many mostly young Canadians. I have always considered the war on drugs to make absolutely no sense, and I am relieved and grateful that such an ugly era has ended. When I visited the U.K. recently I couldn't believe that they still treat marijuana like a dangerous drug, and it makes them look so backward. Thank goodness we have left that time behind, and thank goodness for Justin Trudeau...

  13. Hi RT...I'm glad to see you back and in such good form. I enjoyed reading your comment, the not so good ship Connapolis is indeed listing heavily to the right, and if the Cons think that will help them win the next election they are seriously deluded. It is as you say:

    Its all a hollow illusion to entice the emotionally animated into a journey of self induced misery unless you are a collaborator and dear leader has guaranteed a suite on the upper deck.

    Pierre Poilievre and his Con cult have already done so much damage to this country. I don't know how many Canadians died because they did what they were told and didn't get vaccinated, but I wouldn't be surprised if they numbered in the hundreds. Murdered by ignorance, just to help the ugly little would be dictator try to become our prime minister.

    But as I have been trying to point out, his far-right extremism is now so obvious I doubt he'll convince many Canadians to vote for him. And as you say, we all need to keep chipping away at the rotten hull of the Connapolis, and sooner or later it will go down...

  14. Hi anon@3:46PM...I see you are still oozing toxic Trudeau hate out of every orifice. And I can only imagine how much you must have hoped that the bungee cord had snapped. But sadly for you it didn't. Trudeau performed brilliantly and no doubt gained many new supporters. While poor Poilievre was left looking like a sad nerd prancing around in a tutu. So sorry, not sorry, muahahahaha....

    P.S. please get help...

  15. It's going to be super spicy when the Emergency Measures Act hearings begin and Mr. Trudeau and co. start showing (REDACTED) Cabinet documents with all the info and detail concerning the Convoy, its financing, its leaders and all that.
    It's going to be super spicy if ever Bergen and Poilievre are to answer to why they had lunch with the Convoy; ever wonder why Bergen isn't running again, when CPC is grift? She knows she's done and she's just throwing Poilievre under the LPC's going to be interesting in 3 years, that's for sure!

  16. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Anonymous@3:46pm. Childish comments like that don't lead to productive conversation. Seriously, bud. I lean to the right of centre and make no secret of it but garbage like that isn't helpful and just makes you look like a tool.

  17. Hi Pierre...As you must know by now the Emergency Measures Act hearings just got even spicier, with the revelation that Poilievre had a secret You Tube hash tag designed to recruit misogynists and so-called incels. It's absolutely stunning, and it tells us how low the Cons have fallen. I along with many others am demanding that Poilievre resign. I doubt he will, but we can now be almost sure that he will NEVER be prime minister. I will have to completely redo a post that I had ready to go, but I hope to get one out soon....

  18. Hi Waywayup...Thank you for standing up for decency as you always have. Unfortunately there are far too many Cons these days who have forgotten the meaning of the word. The comment from anonymous@3:46pm was only one of about half a dozen that I received, each one more beastly than the one before. And when I looked at the comments in the MSM there were literally hundreds wishing that Trudeau had been killed. I don't know where this ugliness came from, but we need to demand an end to it, and restore a country where Liberals and Conservatives can argue with each other without wishing each other harm. But with people like Danielle Smith preparing to assume power that won't be easy. Alas...

  19. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Thanks Simon. At least if Smith is selected she'll have a short time before facing the electorate next May. There are still quite a few people inside and outside the UCP who have Neve forgiven her for that infamous floor-crossing. Edmonton pretty much voting NDP as a block will mean she'll have to do well in Calgary where they seem to have lost support. There are still plenty of rural Albertans who don't trust her for the aforementioned floor-crossing so she will have to trade carefully (as her rabid base will want her to deliver) while avoiding pissing off too many small-c Cons who aren't interested in her bs style of politics. So there's hope at least. Plus the fact that I think the days of these super majority wins for the Cons here are over. The NDP has proven to be both electable and effective

  20. Ya Simon, I cannot believe I am saying this but I kind of yearn for the days of Brian Mulroney. Back then Liberals, Conservatives and Dippers could have heated, passionate but respectful debates with one another without having people resort to personal attacks. I know because I did just that. Hell, after the debates we would often go out together afterwards for beer and get pissed at each other talking about hockey. It was a time when politics was actually fun.

    Now politics is just exhausting sometimes and I would walk away from it if I could but it is an addiction for me. Oh well, as addictions go I could have worse.

    I have profoundly disagreed with Conservative PMs and Premiers over they years. I disagreed with their policy proposals and, often times, their governing styles. However, at no time have I ever wished them physical harm. If you are someone that does wish physical harm to your political opponents then you are not a reasonable political person, you are an idiot and a thug.

  21. Hi Ottlib....I too long for a better Canada, the kind we used to have before Stephen Harper and his RepubliCons set out to dismantle government, and target the decent with their ugly American-style attack ads. They fragmented our unity and our Canadian values, and turned the political scene into an ugly jungle. They want to discourage moderate Canadians from being involved in politics, so them and their highly motivated far right extremists can dismember Canada piece by piece. Did you know that an international study reported that Canada has one of the largest groups of online right-wing kooks in the world. If we are going to hang on to our country and its values, we are going to have to fight the right like we never have before, or we will end up with something called fascism. I too would like to take a break from all the madness. But the stakes are just too high to quit...
