Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Pierre Poilievre Exposes His Inner Evil Again

I didn't really want to watch the coronation of Pierre Poilievre, let alone write about it. 

It was just too boring and too ugly.

And of course everyone knew who was going to win. The fix was in.

But it didn't take long for Poilievre to show us what kind of Prime Minister he would be.

And all Canadians should be warned, for it was really scary.

Firstly, when his victory was announced his supporters started chanting "Freedom" "Freedom."

Which was not only bizarre, it also clearly showed that the Con cult is now officially the Convoy Party.

A branch of the Trump Party.

And as Canadian as a three dollar bill.

But it was Poilievre's brief news conference yesterday, that really showed us what we can expect from that grubby little demagogue.

Reporters wanted to ask him about the resignation of the Con's Quebec Lieutenant Alain Reyes. 

But Poilievre only agreed to answer two questions, and when David Akin, Global's News' chief political correspondent, objected, Poilievre called him a "Liberal heckler."

Before running out of the room like only a cowardly Con could. 

And then using it to try to squeeze more money out of his dumb followers as only Trump or a Con grifter could. 

While sending his flying monkeys after the now independent MP Alain Reyes.

A Quebec MP who left the Conservative Party of Canada Tuesday after Pierre Poilievre won the leadership over the weekend says he is facing harassment and bullying from people within the party.

It was a dreadful way to start his first day on the job. It couldn't have been worse. 

But I'm not surprised. The foul Con cult has been inflating itself by making it sound like Poilievre's big leadership numbers have progressives trembling in their boots. 

Which is absolute nonsense, when the numbers don't mean a thing: 

And as Chantal Hebert recently wrote in the Toronto Star, Poilievre's victory has only energized Justin Trudeau, and made him even more determined NOT to leave Canada in Poilievre's hands.

Conventional wisdom has it that Trudeau wants to stay on because he is confident he can beat Poilievre. There is no doubt hubris has played a part in the decision of past prime ministers to tempt fate by campaigning for a fourth term. 

 But there is more than a prime ministerial vanity project in play in such decisions.

In Trudeau’s case, it is likely not just that he thinks he can prevail in a battle against Poilievre but almost certainly that he believes he must.

So the Con plan to try to get Trudeau to resign by smearing him, and making him and his family feel unsafe, has failed miserably.

And so much for the leader of the Convoy Party. After being far too too polite for far too long, Trudeau is finally taking up the challenge and putting on the gloves. 

He put down Harper, he put down Scheer, he put down O'Toole, and I get the feeling he can't wait to flatten the grubby bully Poilievre.

And if decent Canadians unite behind him.

It won't even be close...


  1. Didn't take the Globe long to do a complete 180 from all the ink spilled about what a toxic SOB he is. Now they can't wait to praise him as a "brilliant communicator" (even comparing him to Diefenbaker FFS), and Trudeau's most formidable foe. When in fact he's revealing himself as an abusive bully. Max Fawcett wrote today in the National Observer that his tactics and rhetoric are reminiscent of Steve Bannon. If "brilliant communicator" is a euphemism for compulsive liar with a firehose of bullshit in his pew-pew paws, then so be it. Nobody with two brain cells to put together seriously believes that David Akin of all people, onetime colleague of Ezra and Kory, is a "Liberal" by any stretch of the imagination. Skippy isn't anything like Diefenbaker, and I'd like to know what kind of drugs Lawrence Martin was on when he wrote that tripe. Skippy is insane. He's already incinerating his own party, what do these pundits think he'd do to Canada?

    Trudeau indicated that this would be like fighting Harper circa 2015, and I have no doubt he is ready for it, even though the pundits are desperate to make the "fatigue" / "shelf life" narrative stick. I expect the attack ads to start up once Parliament returns in full swing, after the national mourning period for the Queen. But I also expect Skippy to continue doing the Liberals' work for them by continuing to reveal himself for the irredeemable asshole he is.

    By the way Simon, thanks for preserving that archive of Bernard Drainville's discussion about the civil servants Skippy is accused of vilifying to the point of tears. I hope it makes the rounds again now that Skippy has caused another firestorm in QC. CPC also lost a QC senator from caucus who described him as Pierre Putin. Even Éric Duhaime condemned the convoy and the intimidation of elected officials. For Skippy to have lost the shock jock of the PCQ, made pariahs of party stalwarts in QC, and attacked his own sympathetic Fox-lite media friendlies a la Donald Trump, is a clear indication he really needs to find a new line of work. Or any work at all.

  2. Anonymous7:49 AM

    David Akin a liberal heckler? That's funny. PP Le Pew better be careful or he'll turn off most of the usual Trudeau bashers while he plays his Trump card so to speak that all the media is against him. Except and of course those that don't critique him. That presser is just another example that he's a nauseating little puke that will only appeal to Canada's population of assholes that are too dumb to accept reality or are lowlife pieces of shit.

    It's a tough choice for our Con media to make in the run up to our next election. Will their hatred of JT guide their path as they kneel to kiss PP's ring or will that rare thing called journalistic integrity make them call out the PP as a Trumpy wannabe that would destroy the country entirely for personal gain. Either way and as you say, Simon, we can count on JT to stick around to ensure that PP never gets even close to the PM's office.


  3. Look, the party (Liberal Part of Canada) is not fatigued. Most of them are in their mid-40s to early 50s. I am in my early 50s myself and I can still run a 2 to 5k, cook great meals, enjoy nights out, produce work. People in Canada live to 80+ and you basically need to push them out of the house to tell them the party is over.

    Worse still for the CPC, the NDP + LPC supply agreement means shit is getting done instead of constant elections sorry for the profanity Simon but as you are Scottish I'm sure you've heard more vibrant cuss-words!

    Even worse for Poilievre, there will be more people leaving the party.
    Let's count:
    1)Candice Bergen isn't running again
    2)Our friend in Ahabaska is running as an Independent
    A majority CPC is a far, far thing from happening. QC isn't going to jump into that weasel's lap when he won't even talk to media. We're a media-savvy province and if Polievre won't go on "Tout le monde en parle" (our Tonight Show, a make or break moment for politicians on the hustings) he is doomed. Even conservative shill Kory Teneycke was telling P.P. to calm the hell down, so you can be sure the party itself is in total disarray.

    But you know what's not in disarray? This beef shawarma I picked up from my friend Habib's restaurant. Oh, he's from Algeria and he loves it here in Canada and his whole family found peace and profit here. Too bad for CPC, I suppose... :-)

    1. Anonymous8:37 PM

      I don’t think anyone from a Canada’s most bigoted province is ‘savvy’ to anything.

  4. Hi Jackie....Yes, I can't believe the way some columnists at the Globe are bending backwards to like Poilievre's boots or whatever. John Ibbitson is sounding like a Con propagandist, who in his latest column listed some of Poilievre's mistakes, but somehow managed to completely ignore PP's support of the terrorist truckers. Even Lawrence Martin who is usually better has disgraced himself. And no doubt the rest of our grubby Con media losers are just waiting for the return of Parliament to begin spewing their usual mixture of bullshit and lies. But I'm pretty confident, Poilievre showed us the other day that he is not ready, and in my opinion never will be.
    As for my post on Bernard Drainville and his accusations about Poilievre's cowardly bullying record, I am working to improve it by adding a couple of affidavits, or at the very least a video record. If I do manage to get that I will distribute them widely and let the Con media explain if they don't use that to nail Poilievre to the wall, or in his case a piece of shiny wood.I'm a little tired right now, and all those pictures on TV of my beloved Edinburgh have had me wondering whether I'm living in the right country. But I'm looking forward to letting Poilievre know exactly how I feel about him, and it won't be pretty...

  5. Hi JD....Yes, I couldn't believe Poilievre called the very Con friendly David Akin a Liberal. I guess little PP was so annoyed at having anyone dare question him, he just blurted out the worst word he could think of. It's so pathetic. And I can hardly wait to see how he's going to react when we dump about two tons of the finest dirt on him, because we have so much. It's frustrating having to wait until the timing is just right, but if an early election is called it will cover Poilievre like an explosion of foul smelling excrement. As for the Con media I think they have taken such a pounding I don't think they will play as big a role as they have played in the past. Poilievre needs to make enemies out of them like Trump has done, so they are going to be caught between a rock and a hard place. And it will serve them right....

  6. Hi Pierre...If you compare the Liberal benches to the Con benches in the House of Commons, the Liberals look like a much younger and more energetic bunch than the Cons who look like a bunch of old angry white men. And needless to say Justin Trudeau looks like someone in the second decade of the 21st Century while Poilievre with his slicked down hair looks like someone out of the 1950s. Why leave it to beaver when you can leave it to Skippy? An even better way to compare the two parties is to look at those chosen to lead the debates in the House of Commons. The Liberals have a very bright group of people on the front benches, while the Cons all look like no talent retreads. Scheer as House Leader? The grotesque misogynist and vile homophobe Andrew Scheer as House Leader? Talk about circling the drain. It's simply disgusting, but what isn't disgusting is shawarma. It's delicious. I have two shawarma shops on my street, and I think I'm their best customer....

  7. Hi anon@8:37 PM...Unfortunately there are bigots all over Canada, but Alberta does seem to have more than most, and it really needs to get its act together...

    1. Anonymous1:39 AM


      Which province is restricting the rights of Canadians to use the official language of their choice?

      Which province is restricting the rights of Canadians to express their culture and faith in public?

      It isn’t Alberta.

  8. Our province (QC) has made a point of making French its titular language, but English is welcome in all businesses. Bill 21 is a horrible thing, I am against it. Moving on.

    Simon, guess who's back?
    TONY CLEMENT is now at the top of CPC, offering his wide and steady hand to guide the Conservative Party of Canada to sure victory in 2025. Oh, it will be glorious, and I'm referring to the spam filter here as I have nooooooooo interest in seeing any of "Ride me Wilfred" in my phone logs.
    But it will only make victory that much sweeter, that another of Harper's consiglieres is taken down along with his chosen one.

  9. Anonymous10:48 PM

    PP’s new edgy minister of OUTRAGE is an awesome clone of his own personality. Its now obvious why evangelist Candy decided to take a walk in the snow when Lantsman got the nod. Did Candy take any of the flock with her, was it a good trade-off for the party?
    Its understandable Lantsman would defend the Freedumb convoy with their flags calling for Trudeau to be f**ked, hung and forcefully removed from power but as a representative of the Jewish LGBT often persecuted community how she could overlook the fascist and confederate flags that were on display as part of the protest. Watch the canned, how dare you, edgy anger erupt when Trudeau points this out to her!

    Its obvious that PP and his disciples believe that manufactured outrage sells especially if it is directed at political opponents that are portrayed as being incredibly stupid or morally corrupt. Perhaps there are more pragmatic types that would engage in this type of psychological con but those who believe their audience can be easily manipulated by their superior intellect are prime candidates. PP is a good personality fit, possibly Lantsman's motives are more complex.


  10. Anonymous12:41 AM

    Anonymous@1:39am - That's because at the moment Albertans are too busy mentally masturbating over yet ANOTHER leadership shit show and fighting amongst themselves. And I should know as I'm an Albertan. It's all about personalities and fantasies rather than dealing with ACTUAL issues in fucking reality.

  11. So at the Queen's funeral, Trudeau got to look in the devil's eyes again for the first time in almost seven years, and see an even bigger, colder void where his soul ought to be. The disgraced emperor Harpertine never stopped plotting his revenge of the Sith against the junior Jedi he so despises, and he looks like a decrepit Russian oligarch himself without that embalmer makeup budget (turns out "letting the hate flow through you" is bad for the complexion). PMJT, meanwhile, is much too gracious to the embodiment of evil. Though I wonder if he muttered under his breath, "three down, Steve, three down and one to go."

  12. Jackie Blue,

    Going further with your Jedi analogy, is it Chrystia Freeland or Ella Grace Trudeau that becomes Rey (nee Palpatine, now Skywalker) down the road?
    With Justin in B.C. sending out good vibes as he milks llamas with Sophie and kids.

    You really do wonder how Mr. Poilievre will keep the outrage machine up:
    Inflation will go down to 2-4% by 2025.
    Canada will have universal dental care and/or health care.
    Ukraine nationals will be re-settled here, as were Syrians and others.

    The big wildcard? Our electorate. If the electorate is in a fightin' mood they can toss out the LPC and bring in Poilievre. This is is crucial to get some branding/messaging/ideas out there. I wouldn't be surprised if some minor form on UBI (Universal Basic Income) were in the works, like $500-%750 per month to help cover your expenses. That may be too ambitious though.

    Now, if Justin wanted to be a real richard he'd ask Elections Canada to prep Prop Rep or Ranked Ballot...that would utterly destroy the CPC. But I don't think he has it in him. Could be wrong though!

    Yo ho Simon the Scot, do you have your blankets ready for the coming winter? It is...(checks temperature) 3 deegrees Celsius here in Ottawa-Gatineau so I am guessing TO will be quite chilly soon! =)

  13. Hi Pierre....Once again Poilievre betrays his lack of a moral compass. Choosing Tony Clement to guard the Con vault is bizarre to say the least. As bizarre as making Andrew Scheer his House Leader even though Scheer is a religious extremist who is despised by millions of Canadians. I think it also shows the mediocrity of his caucus which is seriously deprived of talent. Good, all the better for us...

  14. Hi RT....There can be no doubt that Poilievre believes he can ride his rage machine all the way to the Prime Minister's office. It worked for him in the leadership race, but I doubt it will work for him much longer. His grating voice is already bothering people, and when more Canadians realize how fascist he is, and how he threatens their future and the future of this country, he'll be out on his ass long before the next election. And that goes for Lantsman too. She has disgraced herself as a Jewish and LGBT person, by casting a blind eye to all the Nazis andd homophobes in the Convoy Party, It's beyond belief, I really thought she was better than that. But she will find out what a mistake she has made, and her reputation will never recover....

  15. Hi WayWayUp....Thank goodness there are good Albertans like you, because your province is going to need many more like you to save itself from Danielle Smith's insane folly. As I've said before, I believe Smith is suffering from some kind of mental problem. Some say she will pivot if she becomes Premier, but I'm not so sure. She is like so many other Canadians these days, totally out to lunch. She makes no sense, and the damage she could cause to Alberta's economy, and the social order in the province and the country is scary. Our peaceful kingdom is in real danger, and we're going to fight hard to save it...

  16. Hi Jackie....Yes, I loved that picture of Trudeau with Harper. I thought Trudeau was classy to bring him along with the other former prime ministers to attend the Queen's funeral. It is the way a Canadian prime minister should behave, but I'm afraid it won't do any good. Harper is too invested in the far right challenge to Trudeau's government, and god help us if Danielle Smith becomes Premier of Alberta. This should be a time to celebrate, Covid is slowly being brought under control, the economy is doing better than most, but some in this country seem determined to take our Canada down, even though they have no idea what to do next. It's banana republic stuff, and the Convoy Party needs to be brought under control, before they torch everything we believe in....

  17. Hi Pierre...I think Justin Trudeau has finally realized that you can't treat Poilievre and his Convoy Party, like any other Canadian party. Poilievre has drifted so far to the right, that he is now practically a tool of the American far right. His tactics are the same, his messaging is the same, and having made Andrew Scheer his House Leader we'll be lucky to survive the trouble ahead. I still don't doubt that we will prevail, but it will be messy. As for the you may know we highlanders don't wear anything under our kilts, so we can take anything Mother Nature throws at us. So far though it seems like we should have at least another week of warm weather ahead, and my new sailing boat has a heated cabin, and an expresso machine, so it will take me a while before I surrender to winter...

  18. How convenient that Jeremy Mackenzie makes a vile comment about Mrs. Skippy that gives her hubby a golden opportunity to "denounce these losers" and reiterate that he "never heard of them until last month." Which is a total lie as we all know, he brought them coffee and donuts and his in-cahoots deputy leader sought to "make this the PM's problem" (but hey, at least he didn't bring "elitist" donuts, right?). How convenient the timing, Lyin' Brian Baloney went to Stornoway and encouraged him to make a "pivot to the centre," and the Emergencies Act inquiries are about to heat up, and he gets to present himself as the new and improved Nice Guy. You know the saying, the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he doesn't exist.

    And how convenient that this dead cat gets flung on the table and pushes the more important stories, that he voted against dental care and denied climate change as the Maritimes were getting demolished by a hurricane, to the back burner of the news cycle. Bringing any of this up gets one vilified for "victim-blaming." How convenient too that nobody ever bothered to condemn Melania Poilievre for tweeting that vulgar message insinuating the PM of running in the same circle as pedophiles. To deflect from her husband running in the circle of extremists. Who he conveniently gets to sweep under the rug.

    Now MSM as predicted will kick in their collective amnesia, and fail to ask genuine questions about the timing, or what a massively self-serving hypocrite he is. Nobody should get those kind of threats, but where is his apology to any of the journalists he attacked, or to Margaret and Sophie Trudeau? Instead PMJT gets asked about poor Melania Poilievre, but does anyone bother to press Skippy to go further, and express contrition for his own behavior, or to point out that he never cared to denounce "these losers" until it impacted him personally? Today begins Rosh Hashanah, where is PP's atonement for the antisemitic bile that his online fanboys unleashed upon Evan Solomon by calling him a (((stooge for the central banks))) and throwing a projectile at him? All is forgiven because he sent Melissa Lantsman out to condemn the ayatollah? No, I'm sorry, you don't get to just wipe it away like that!

    And so after all this, why are #cdnmedia personalities still carrying water for this disingenuous asshole, just like our MSM did with Trump? Oh, right. The Les Moonves defense. "He may not be good for America (Canada), but he's been great for CBS (CBC, CTV, Global)." Ratings, that's all they fucking care about, protecting their latest cash cow and withstanding his abuse by pretending that it isn't happening and he's learned his lesson. MSM might have a terrible tendency to forget, but everyday people are under no obligation to forgive!

  19. Nah Jakcie.
    VIrtually all the pundits have been on Poilievre for his about-face.
    Dale Smith pointed it out, Robyn freaking Urback wrote a column on it, nearly every MSM outfit discussed it and pointed it out.

    It's all good. The election won't be for another 3 years and it really is up to the Liberal Party of Canada to re-boot with some new ideas and treats for the country or it will lose. Likely not a majority on the other side though, so the Conservative Party of Canada isn't going to get a ride unless it gives Quebec additional powers or the Green Party a shutdown of the oil sands. In other words, a general election a month later.

    This is why I'm not even close to concerned, CPC is getting overconfident from the polling...

  20. Hi Jackie....I'm back !!! After the peaceful Scottish highlands I must admit that coming back to Canada is quite a shock. This place is a Con nuthouse. You list all that's going wrong. The fevered toxic Trudeau haters, the grotesque far-right misogynists, the anti-vaxx kooks, the diseased conspiracy theories, the grating voice of Pierre Poilievre. What have we allowed this country to become? Poilievre is of course using this insanity to try to draw a line between himself and Jeremy MacKenzie, and camouflage the way he encouraged the trucker crazies fascists. Good luck with that one. When the horror of that bestial occupation is woven into brutal attack ads, and after three years of listening to the deranged Poilievre and his Convoy Party foaming about how much they HATE Justin Trudeau, and blaming him for EVERYTHING, I think most Canadians will finally realize that we desperately need to end the insanity, and demolish the Cons before we all go insane....

  21. Hi Pierre...Nobody should worry about any polls three years away from an election. Especially since Poilievre's first two weeks as opposition leader have spooked so many Canadians, and given them a scary idea of what the monster Polyfiller could do, if he ever became prime
    minister. Shudder. The Con media is trying to give him a new, less threatening identity. by pretending that the grubby fascist is not all THAT bad. But sadly for him it won't work. He's just too right-wing, and too ugly and evil....

  22. Simon, I hope your trip back to the homeland was a good one, despite Queen ELizabeth moving on from this realm. If anything, being on your native soil will just give you the vigor to get through this winter coming up.

    We have an election here in QC, but our Quebec-angled NDP (Quebec Solidaire) has zero chance of winning the big prize, and a slim at opposition. That means four more years of mediocrity...but this might work out in my favour federally, as QCers will be so sick of it they'll vote for the Liberals to get a gutsy counterpunch.

    Oh, and did you see Harper's face when Junior invited him to England for his Order of Canada? Hahahahahaha I think he'd rather have been cleaning Maureen's litter boxes. ;-)

  23. Hi Pierre....The reason I had to go to Scotland was to attend a big family funeral which took place in the village of Braemar right next to Balmoral, so it was a grim affair. But I was glad to get away from Canada which seems to be going through a bit of a crazy period. Between Poilievre's weird pronouncements, and screwy polls, and the state of social media I was in no hurry to get back to blogging about anything. And don't mention the situation in Quebec where Big Daddy Legault is the new Duplessis, and has almost as much support as all the other parties put together. But things aren't going to improve if we resign ourselves to this mediocrity, Poilievre and his Convoy Party are showing themselves to be the worst wannabe fascists this country has ever seen. And after watching Arsenal thrash Tottenham this morning I'm ready to return to the fray, and hope to get back on the blogging circuit later today....
