Friday, October 07, 2022

Pierre Poilievre and the War on Women

I've always thought there was something weird about the way Pierre Poilievre goes after Justin Trudeau.

I wondered what made him so angry all the time, and I began to believe that he was trying to hide something.

And that the real reason he hates Trudeau so much was Trudeau's support for women's rights.

For I noticed that any time a woman criticized him, she also got the Trudeau treatment. 

And sure enough I was right.

Because now we know that Poilievre is a secret misogynist who gets his kicks by hating women.

Pierre Poilievre’s official YouTube videos included a hidden tag appealing to misogynistic online movements that Canada’s intelligence agencies view as a danger.

A Global News analysis of 50 of Poilievre’s most recent YouTube videos showed that they included a tag — hidden from viewers, but not from the videos’ publisher — used by a misogynistic online movement.

The tag, #mgtow, is an acronym for “Men Going Their Own Way” — a mostly-online movement comprised of anti-feminists who attempt to cut women completely out of their lives. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, the movement overlaps with more aggressive forms of “male supremacy.”

It's absolutely depraved, and totally disgusting.  

It could only come from a creepy far right extremist like Poilievre.

And of course, if you thought he would at least apologize, you would be wrong.

The Conservative party will not investigate who was responsible for inserting a hidden misogynistic phrase to promote Pierre Poilievre’s YouTube videos, Global News has learned.

There won't even be an investigation. 

After being approached by Global, Poilievre’s team scrubbed the tag from the videos and began an internal probe to determine who was responsible. But by Thursday afternoon, they had called off their search.

And it's not hard to guess why not.

Back in 2018 when the tag was inserted, there were only two or three people working in his office, so the list of suspects would be a small one, and would of course include Poilievre.

But why he would deliberately try to attract men who hate women is still hard to understand, especially since some of the so called incels are incredibly violent.

Grief, anger and a sense of profound loss filled a Toronto courtroom Monday as a mass murderer responsible for the deadliest attack in the city's history was sentenced to life behind bars.

And their poison spreads easily.

The man behind an incel-inspired attack at a Toronto massage parlour two years ago has pleaded guilty to charges of murder and attempted murder — citing the man responsible for the city's deadly van attack as "inspiration."

Which makes me wonder, does Poilievre share a murderous deep seated hatred for women, because his 16-year-old mother gave him up for adoption?

Is that what explains why he is always so angry and bitter?

When he screams at Justin Trudeau is his traumatized inner child really screaming MUMMY !!! MUMMY !!!

Or is it because he has too many admirers like the far-right kook Alex Jones?

Pierre Poilievre has earned a new admirer — conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.

Jones, who regularly promotes conspiracy theories and hateful rhetoric through his website InfoWars, took time during a recent broadcast to heap praise on Canada’s newly elected Conservative leader.

“As negative as things are, we got Bolsonaro, we got Georgia Meloni in Italy, we got the new Canadian leader who’s set to beat Trudeau — who is totally anti-New World Order,” Jones said on his September 30 broadcast.

Does Poilievre's creamy misogyny explain why he has embraced the convoy thugs who are also riddled with women haters, as well as racists and homophobes?

I must admit I don't know, only a psychiatrist can explain Poilievre's bizarre behaviour to the rest of us. 

What I do know is that if he had any decency he would resign, and that the women in this country are lucky that Justin Trudeau is on their side.

For he stands up for our Canadian values and basic human decency, while the ghastly Poilievre has coarsened this country almost beyond recognition.

So much so that some freedumb Con can think he can threaten the brilliant cartoonist Michael de Adder.

And that he will get away with it.

Well he can't...

And Poilievre and his ugly Convoy Party won't get away with it either.

He is trying to drag this country to a very dark and fascist place.

And de Adder is right:

We have been warned... 

A man who hates half the people in this country will never be Prime Minister.

And the women and the decent men of Canada will make sure of that...


  1. Anonymous7:38 PM

    He even looks like Alfalfa from the He-Man Woman Hater's Club

  2. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Imagine PP having no clue how they were inserted in those videos then imagine how he had never heard of diagonol until just a while ago, not long after he was swapping spittle with his now ex buddy Jeremy McShithead. Sure PP. Nothing to see here eh? Proof may be hard to come by when there's always someone to throw under the bus but for most of us who aren't half wits, we know it's the rule with him and it wouldn't have happened without his knowledge and approval.

    Regardless of PP's what, who me defense, everytime his lowlife tactics are exposed and he has to deny and condemn them, he bleeds support over to Mad Max and the far right douchebags he so covets. They in turn abandon him in droves and further splits the vote. And that's not counting the more center right vote who will have to do some serious soul searching before they either vote left, not at all, or hold their noses very tightly and vote for PP Le Pew.

  3. Hi anon...The more I see of Poilievre the more he revolts me. I can't stand his grating voice, or his kooky far right extremist ideas. He hurts my ears, he insults my intelligence. And now that we know that he's a woman hating freak, I'm starting to wonder whether I should leave Canada until this ugly episode is over.

  4. Skippy is scum. The fact he has refused to repudiate a glowing endorsement from a callous sociopath who harassed the loved ones of murdered kindergarten children renders him unfit for so much as an HOA board, let alone the leader of a major Canadian political party (and god forbid leader of the country). I don't know how many Canadians know Alex Jones, but he is absolutely REVILED down here for his abject torture of the Sandy Hook families. He would make a perfect cell mate of Rush Limbaugh's in the infernal pits, whenever the devil comes to collect the garbage at the side of the curb.

    The rancid little shit birthed out of Harper's butthole should be chased away clear across the country onto an ice floe to Russia, when comes the time for the memorial to the victims at Polytech. The POS who killed those women espoused all the same vile chauvinistic mentalities as the "Incel" movement before it even had a name. This is who he wants as his "gatekeepers" to hell? Skippy is a lowlife, disturbed piece of shit who belongs in an asylum for the criminally insane rather than the House of Commons. There is no level of so-called "economic anxiety" about the cost of any commodity (none of which is the PM's doing, but I digress), that can be excused for voting for such a sick, twisted, literal bastard. I feel the same way about Trump and his deplorables. The price at the pump could be 100 bucks a gallon and it wouldn't be enough to make me vote for that bloated Nazi. Nothing would.

    Skippy hates women. The CPC/GOP hates women. But I guess time will tell if the denizens north of 49 are still the "Canada nice" contrast to us belligerent Yanks, or make the worst mistake ever to be on the wrong side of history. I can't cast a ballot in your neck of the woods but I know who'd have my vote. And it's not only because Justin Trudeau is easy on the eyes, but because he has a good head on his shoulders, and most importantly, a HEART!

  5. I think that those of us on Social Media, or those who write "letters to the editor", need to keep the # misogyny story in front of Canadians.The media have already moved on, and seem happy to let this die. Bruce Anderson says that the word "misogyny", needs to be replaced with more descriptive language , like"men who hate women".
    Politics has become a game for many journalists- or maybe a spectator sport, where they distance themselves from their responsibility as a pillar of Democracy.
    The ethical and moral dereliction that is present in the CPC should be front page news. This party sees themselves, as does the Media in charge of the Government of Canada, after the next Federal Election.
    This terrifies me, and should terrify all Canadians.

  6. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Men Going Their Own Way, eh? Wankers.

  7. .. as always Simon.. Well Said & Well Done ! Fearless !
    The ‘work ethic & thought’ staggers me

    You’re a diehard partisan rooted in common sense..
    Gave you a h/t on the twitter re the trolls & PP 4 PM cartoon
    I hadn’t seen that.. ! I describe it as ‘smokin’ !

    This post .. ‘smokin’ .. 🦎 🏴‍☠️

  8. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Actually PP was a Con experiment. Steve Harper and Preston Mannings sperm was combined and to be impennate his mother. Unfortunately Igor dropped the test tube, thus he was forced to use his own.

  9. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Anonymous@10:08pm.... As one of those centre right foils you refer to, I couldn't have said it better myself. To me, conservatism has always ben about change that is evolutionary rather than sudden and revolutionary. Burning down the house completely seems the very opposite of conservatism. I also like a healthy does of pragmatism which I don't see at all. There are issues with which I agree with the NDP and I generally find conversations with such people to be much more respective and productive overall. At least I know with them that we share a common reality with a common set of fact. Many of the right's adherents are simply living in a separate reality, in my submission so I find any attempt at meaningful discussion to be a waste of time. As for vote splitting, I agree that this will continue to be an issue for the CPC. It will be interesting to see how many seats they fail to attain because support was siphoned off to the PPC and those wing nuts.

  10. Hi Jackie....I can't think of the Cons anymore without comparing them to zombies, because that is what they have become. Like Harper, Poilievre has started by scaring the bejesus out of his cowardly MPs. You can see it on their faces during Question Period, they are genuinely terrified. Most of them know that having a leader that has been exposed as a kooky woman-hater means trouble for all of them. A recent report suggested that this country has an active misogynist movement online, that rivals others around the world. It's a principal weapon of the far right and Poilievre has been profiting from it. And worse, I strongly suspect that for Poilievre the intel movement isn't just political, it's personal. Now we must collect the evidence and put him and his Cons away for good. Happy Thanksgiving !!!

  11. Hi Mary....I agree with you, the way the MSM are trying to downplay or bury Poilievre's creep woman hating story is simply scandalous. A man who reaches out to incels should not be the leader of any Canadian political party. His own Cons should be demanding he either apologize or resign. But Harper raised him to never say sorry, so he will try to bluster his way through. I doubt he will succeed, this story is just too weird, and it will make a lot of Canadians wonder what's really going on inside his head. We must keep up the pressure on social media, and embarrass him and his ghastly Cons in any way we can. Eventually he will feel the heat, his true nature will be further revealed, and I'm pretty confident, he will be forced to resign in disgrace. I look forward to that day a lot...

  12. Hi anon@11:AM...If only they could confine themselves to wanking, but they can't. Many incels are so consumed by their hatred for women, they can become violent and hurt or kill them. So Poilievre needs to be held to account...

  13. Hi Salamander...Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you liked my post. I must admit that I am having a little trouble coming to terms with the idea of Poilievre as Con leader. But I have been attacking him for years, so I'm sure I can find new ways to try to explain to Canadians how awful he is and how dangerous he could become. Like de Adder I have also been targeted by vile Con trolls, although I'm sure not to the extent he has. But as I said in a tweet addressed to him, the Con trolls think they can intimidate us, how wrong they are...

  14. Hi anon@10:42....Moderate left and right-wing Canadians can get on very well together. Together they helped build the tolerant and stable Canada we used to live in. Unfortunately Stephen Harper made it clear that he had no time for that moderate Canada, and set out to divide us, and pit one group of Canadians against the other. And that's why this country is turning into an American-style nuthouse, with hate groups everywhere, and conspiracy theory wackos going after moderate Canadians. But don't worry, the ugly big mouth Cons will eventually run out of steam, and hopefully in a few more years it will all seem like a bad nightmare....

  15. PP answers to a higher power, do not look up, look south.

  16. Hi Steve...That's true, most Canadians have no idea how much Poilievre has been influenced by the far-right in the U.S. Along with Stephen Harper, who also hated Canada and called it a Banana Republic,people like Trump and Alex Jones are his heroes. I even found another far right extremist buried in his list of tags. But more on that later...

  17. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Its likely PP doesn’t hate women, he hates what women and society in general has become once women obtained the right to vote some 100 years ago. Oh the horror of it all, women's minds and especially their bodies were no longer owned by the state! As a result of this new found freedom next came equal rights for everyone, freedom of expression, caring for the unfortunate, etc.
    All PP wants to do is to be worshipped for restoring the male sponsored Christian values that dominated Canadian society some 100 plus years ago. What the self assured egoistical idiot fails to realise is that there is no going back as conditions have changed. The only way back is through brutal force or an illusionary media that convinces people that the safety of structured repression trumps individual freedom. Still that doesn’t create the same type of society that existed in 1800 to early 1900’s as the oppressed during that era were striving to reach their potential, not giving up basic human rights in favour of replicating the past only to create a dystopian future.


  18. Of course Poilievre is courting these elements, they were part of the Convoy and that reactionary, misogynist base is bread and butter for CPC. Anyone remember when Harper dressed up in a gown and apron pretending to make cookies? That's how they see women, servile and unable to make decisions on anything.
    Anyone remember when women couldn't own a credit card because...reasons? My mom got her own credit card at age 40 or so...because a Liberal government thought it was an affront and a threat to women's financial freedom to have to rely on a man to do stuff like this.

    But it's not just the rancid misogyny, it's the controlled chaos the CPC wants. If we're too busy putting out fires then we can't govern ourselves and we need to pay more for basic services that were taxpayer-funded. That means poor, marginalized people lose. So don't believe PP when he inserts a few words about marginalized people in his anti-Trudeau garbage. He voted against gay marriage rights with his father present as a spectator and he said he'd allow a free vote on abortion. CPC is GOP-lite but thankfully (at the moment!) he doesn't have enough pull for a majority.
    If the Bloc Québecois can just avoid collab-ing with CPC, we should be somewhat fine...

  19. Even the con-friendly CTV/Globe moneyballer Nanos seems to be the epitome of the proverbial broken clock being right at least once a day. I'm sure he'll go back to being wrong again, but it would seem at least that whatever ephemeral bump of support Skippy is enjoying at the moment seems to be a mile wide and an inch deep.

    "Mr. Trudeau far outpaced Mr. Poilievre in favourability among women, 52 per cent to 22 per cent. ... For Mr. Poilievre, the most frequently mentioned negative trait was that he is too right wing, a concern raised by 22 per cent of respondents. Others included his support for the trucker convoys, being divisive or abrasive, and being similar to former U.S. president Donald Trump."

    Women loathe him already and this sample is before incelgate. 3 years and a convoy inquiry to go for him to alienate everyone else in Canada...

  20. Hi RT...I am sure many Cons hate women because they yearn for the past when women were confined to the kitchen barefoot and pregnant And others who feel like many of Trump's supporters that women are replacing them, for it is a fact that women are leaving many men behind. They are now better educated, and Con whackadoodles resent that. It's also true that Poilievre is pandering to the religious kooks who believe that women should be "submissive." But as for PP, I am beginning to suspect that his misogyny is more deeply rooted, and is rooted in the way his 16-year-old mother rejected him and gave him up for abortion. I am in contact with someone who knew him as a teenager, and I will have more on this soon...

  21. Hi Pierre....You're right, that rancid misogyny was part of the terrorist convoy. Not only did the the trucker thugs harass women in the neighbourhood they occupied. It was interesting to see how many "Christian" women with dresses down to their ankles, were out there serving food and drinks, and cleaning up after the men. It was a grotesque spectacle, and it annoyed me to see how our shabby Con media somehow managed to miss the fact that the occupation would have collapsed without the religious fanatics. Fortunately I and others have made a record of what happened, so expect to see all this come up during the Emergency Act hearings. Judging by the way the Con trolls are squealing like pigs already, they must know what is coming. Hallelujah!!! When the Cons parade around shouting "you will not replace us" we will answer them wit a heavenly choir of "we will not be distracted!!!"

  22. Hi Jackie...Yes, I'm glad to see that Nanos finally came up with a poll that makes sense, and one that makes it clear how many women already despise Poilievre, even before the Incelgate scandal. With numbers like that Poilievre won't be able to do anything to correct the situation without infuriating all his incels. I know his campaign is feeling very vulnerable. Yesterday I was able to remind people on Twitter that Poilievre had remained silent about the Russian assault on Ukraine, just to try not to offend all the Russian bots working for him. And sure enough, after avoiding tweeting about Ukraine since the middle of August, he finally put out a tweet late last night. So now he's a traitor in Canada and Russia !!! The Con media keeps trying to fluff him up into a "formidable challenger" but I think he's a kinky loser who is going to hit the ground hard...

  23. Most recent Nanos has Poilievre with 41% Nothing positive, 6% Goood Speaker in polling and LPC/CPC basically neck and neck at 31%/32%.
    So much for the leadership win bounce?

  24. Only Pierre Poilievre can actually know his attitudes towards women. Maybe he hates them. Maybe he just does not respect them. Maybe he does not give them much thought at all.

    What we can say for certain is he is a political opportunist. He is going to take any opportunity provided to him to achieve his political objective, which is to defeat Justin Trudeau. Note, I do not say win government because I do not believe he actually cares about that. He just wants to be seen as the guy who defeats Justin Trudeau. The fact he would be forced to govern after that and what it truly means for him probably has not sunk in yet.

    In that sense I do believe he is very much like Donald Trump. He had no interest in governing and always seemed to latch on to the next shiny thing put in front of him. A cottage industry was created around putting those things in front of him and the indictments of much of Donald Trump's internal political circle is a good indication of that. I would imagine a Poilievre lead government would look similar, although he might have a longer attention span than Mr. Trump.

    He thinks that appealing to the Convoy types is his way of beating Justin Trudeau (it's not) and I doubt he will move from them very much. He might make some of the right noises in public but I am certain the lines of communications to the Convoy types are still open and they are receiving a different message.

  25. Why aren't any cons being called to testify before the EMA inquiry? Trudeau and some ministers, the organizers themselves (Lich and King), some RCMP/CSIS people, but nothing from Scheer, Bergen or Skippy???

    What the hell kind of a sham trial is this, that (a hate group masquerading as) a political party can just get away with aiding and abetting an insurrection if they're thought to be in the position of "HoLDiNg tEh gOvErNmEnT tO aCcOuNt?" We are NOT hearing the full story if the cons are excluded from having to fess up!

    "But her emails" -- what happened to Bergen's missives to make the clownvoy the PM's problem? Did she declassify them with her mind? Why aren't the photos of CPC'ers making besties with these thugs entered into evidence? Who donated to Skippy's campaign? How much of it came through Bitcoin? (How much? How much?) For that matter, where the hell is Doug Ford? Was he deemed too incompetent to stand before a judge? Is Muskoka exempt from an extradition treaty or something?

    "We have investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing" -- Is that the way a G7 democracy operates? Note: I said a democracy. I'm well aware this is how the Untied States operates. But I thought Canada was still a democracy, albeit hanging by a thread, while we are not. I hope that list is only preliminary, and more witnesses can (and will) be added, because it's going to suck if Rouleau proves to be so not thorough as to make Merrick Milquetoast Garland look like Elliott Ness!

  26. Hi Pierre...Yes, Poilievre has really blown his debut as Opposition Leader. He couldn't have created a worst impression if he had appeared on stage without his pants. His numbers with women are bad enough, and when the moron men who support him understand what he is going to do to them his grotesque misogyny won't do him any good. There are signs that some are already starting to abandon him, and when we pile on the dirt, the trickle will become a flood...

  27. Hi Ottlib....I don't need to look into Poilievre's head to know that he is a misogynist. His actions over the years provide more than enough evidence. Misogyny is a huge problem in Canada, with more online hate sites than most other countries. A very serious report two years ago made this abundantly clear, the only question is why. As for the Trump factor, there is no doubt that he would like to follow in the Orange Man's footsteps, and do to Trudeau what Trump did to Hillary Clinton. But he doesn't have what's needed to be a true Trump impersonator, so once his popularity starts to fade, his end will come quickly...

  28. Hi Jackie....I am also surprised by the fact that the Cons seem to be missing from the EMA list of witnesses. And all the questions you raise are good ones. However, as soon as the inquiry starts looking at the financing, the Cons are sure to be dragged in. And since Justin Trudeau has finally started to mention the roles the Cons played in that sordid affair, Poilievre should find himself between a rock and a hard place. Scared of being tarred as a convoy terrorist supporter, and scared of losing supporters to Bernier's kooky party. Because we can't trust the MSM to cover the inquiry properly, social media will have a big role to play. And considering how many Canadians still loathe the convoy terrorists, I am confident it will end up being a big win for our side. Decent Canadians will have their say, and the Cons will end up squealing like pigs....

  29. The reason CPC is not called (yet) to Inquiry is that by fortune they were in Opposition during that time, and LPC made the tough calls.
    That's ok though, because boy is the testimony so far damning and Poiievre & co. will look like absolute goons for this; Mr. Poilievre's face will be on all the LPC attack ads. And if they are called to answer for financing or their knowledge of the people they shared coffee/dinner with, it's all over.

    Canadians won't forget this and if they do, the LPC and NDP and BQ and Greens and and will remind them. It is a blunder of immense magnitude, just stultifying in its grandeur.

  30. Also, Jackie Blue there are six weeks of Inquiry. Please be patient, it's not going to get any better for the Blue team.

  31. Hi Pierre....I think that Poilievre and Canadice Bergen should have been called to testify at the inquiry. Both of them tried to legitimize the occupation of Ottawa, and along with about 75 other Cons encouraged the convoy thugs and contributed to its cause. But you're right, the Cons will be dragged into the morass by others, and the police are sure to examine their ties to other far-right extremists. Already the testimony of some of the Ottawa residents who were tortured by those animals has stuck a fork in the side of many Cons, and like Poilievre they are hiding from the media, and keeping a VERY low profile....
