Sunday, October 16, 2022

Pierre Poilievre and the Convoy Horror

Pierre Poilievre has only been Con leader for a few weeks, but already he is hiding from the media.

He doesn't want to answer questions about his shabby bitcoin scam. He doesn't want to answer questions about why he tried to hide a vile woman hating tag in his YouTube videos.

And of course, he doesn't want to answer any questions about this sordid scandal.

His depraved decision to encourage and support the criminal trucker occupation of Ottawa.

Especially not when the citizens of that city are comparing what they had to endure to a dystopian horror story.

The first witnesses to testify before the public inquiry into the federal government's use of the Emergencies Act to end last winter's convoy protest in Ottawa described feeling trapped in a hellscape of noise, fumes and constant menace that one woman compared to the dystopian horror film series The Purge.

To escape the constant din, neighbours began sleeping in their cars in the building's underground parking lot, and one woman could only get her baby to sleep by rocking the child in the building's corridor, away from any windows.

Seniors and handicapped people were trapped in their places too afraid to go out, with no way to get food or medication. Women were harassed, people had masks ripped off their faces, shop keepers were forced to close, and gay residents were driven from their homes.

While the convoy terrorists urinated, defecated, and danced in the streets.

And Poilievre brought them coffee and donuts.

To encourage them to keep trying to overthrow the Trudeau government.

It was a disgusting spectacle, and the idea that the Emergencies Act wasn't needed is simply outrageous.

If anything it should have been brought in sooner, and many more of the Con terrorists should have been arrested.

And carted off to jail squealing like hogs.

The residents of Ottawa and other decent people in this country can never thank Justin Trudeau enough.

Who risked his life to send a message to the Con terrorists: you will not bully decent Canadians any longer.

As for Pierre Poilievre his pandering to the convoy criminals helped him become Con leader.

But his war on vaccine mandates could prove fatal.

A new study has found that the risk of myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, is seven times higher with a COVID-19 infection than with the vaccine to protect against the disease.

Myocarditis patients may experience chest pain, breathlessness, or an irregular pulse. When inflammation is extreme, it can cause heart failure and even death.

We may never know how many Canadians died after following his advice not to get vaccinated.

But between that and his threat to slash pensions, and his grotesque incel behaviour, Poilievre is off to a really bad start.

And like so many Con leaders before him, on his way to nowhere...


  1. I still think he needs to be put in the hot seat to answer for his gleeful support of the clownvoy. Parasite Pete can dish it out, so why shouldn't he have to take it? 9-1-1 lines were jammed, people couldn't get cancer treatment, denizens of the capital city of a G7 nation were psychologically and auditorily tortured through prolonged noise exposure, in such a way that would make the squads at Gitmo blush. Skippy encouraged and legitimized this illegitimate and illegal insurrection that had the willful support from American MAGA traitors and dirty tricksters, like Roger Stone and even the crackpot who sells those stupid pillows on late-night infomercials. Interpol should be all over this, not just the EMA inquiry. Forget Stornoway, Skippy belongs behind bars for aiding and abetting an attempt at overthrowing the Canadian government. What is it that his mango messiah of Mar-a-Lago says? LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!

  2. Because, Jackie, he was a member of the Official Opposition, not its leader. If anyone were to go into hearings, it would be Candice Bergen, she was the boss at the time. But, all this isn't really relevant as they weren't the government in power. They opposed use of the Emergencies Act, so what good would it do to have them there? Mr. Poilievre would just hyper-politicize this, turn this into a circus and nothing cogent would be added.

    By addressing victim statements, and hearing from the Convoy Leaders there will be more than enough incendiary stuff to tilt the polls or add more clarity to the whole situation.

  3. Anyways, to get back on track here even Robert Fife thinks CPC is going to suffer for Mr. Poilievre chumming with the Convoy. And polling is starting to reflect that: the two main parties are neck and neck in the polls, and with the NDP saying they won't support the CPC, we all know what this means, another 4 years of LPC governance. I'm not...entirely opposed to this, but I am starting to worry that the blowback is going to come down the pipe fairly soon and a huge CPC majority is gonna happen sometime around 2028-2030.
    So if you have any jobs/friends with jobs in government, now might be the time to send out some resumes so you can head to the private sector when that happens.

    1. Anonymous1:19 AM

      That blow-back is going to happen sooner than that. Plenty of soft-liberal voters will start having another look at the NDP.

      And you know what that means…..

  4. Anonymous12:46 PM

    If one had just landed in Canada and started following the Con MSM a few weeks ago, one could be forgiven for being lulled into thinking that the hairy, honking sacks of shit were simply exercising their right to protest peacefully and were then steam rolled over by the dictatorial, freedom hating PM Turdeau. With barely a mention of the nightmare that was inflicted upon the residents of Ottawa, day after day, after day. Oh, and that other little thing called an illegal occupation of a major city's downtown core. Shutting down countless businesses and costing millions. Nothing to see here folks. Why? Because it would destroy the preferred narrative that it's all the PM's fault. As the inquiry begins, so does the shit hitting the fan. So much for that narrative. The truth has a way of coming out at the most inopportune of times doesn't it Con MSM?

    The reality of what happened is pretty plain for me to see. Despite plenty of warnings, the OPS failed miserably in stopping the clownvoy from getting downtown in the first place and the rest as they say is history. Was it by design or by massive incompetence? Judging by how chummy some of the cops were with the clowns one could argue it was by design. Let's hope no stone is left unturned as the inquiry exposes exactly what happened. Especially the involvement of Sprinkles Poilievre and his posse of treasonous MPs, High Five Andy and Snuggles Bergen. The truth is slowly coming out and for them I believe it will be very inconvenient.

  5. Hi Jackie...Poilievre definitely needs to be held accountable for the way he behaved during the convoy insurrection, and so does Candy Bergen. They both encouraged and supported an attempt to topple the Trudeau government. They would never admit it, but that was obviously why the whole sordid spectacle had them quivering with excitement. Unfortunately we probably won't be able to lock them up for their disgraceful behaviour, but hopefully the damage to the Con cause will be terminal. We'll have to build a (small) statue to the hairy honkers for drowning the Convoy Party in all that excrement....

  6. Hi Pierre...Poilievre is pretending the Emergencies Act hearings aren't happening. I think him and his Byrd Brain Trust finally realized that
    most Canadians were disgusted by the invasion of the Con freaks, and while his support for them may have won him the leadership, it will almost certainly cost him the next election. I can't wait to make a video with Poilievre giving one of his pro convoy speeches, and the sights and sounds of Freedumb convoy people turning downtown Ottawa into a freak show. With Ford also backing Trudeau, the Cons must be squealing like pigs, which will be music to our ears....

  7. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Always grateful for your work and content, Simon. Here's an interesting take:

  8. Hi JD....You're right, our shabby MSM have done a terrible job of covering the Emergencies Act story so far. Some of the stories in the Postmedia empire have been the worst examples of true propaganda I have ever seen. They are full of lies, they try to blame Trudeau for everything, they try to play down the impact of that ugly protest, with one NP writer even trying to make the convoy thugs into angels or lost boys. That's so obscene it's hard to believe it could happen in Canada. The honkers and the Cons took this country to the brink of the abyss, and now they're going to pay for it....

  9. Hi anon@1:19AM....Dream on, that's not going to happen. I like Jagmeet and I think his collaboration with he Liberal government is working out quite well. But I don't think he's a major threat to anyone. His own party just published a report criticizing him for among other things his childish Tik Tok videos which made him look unserious. No I think the Cons are still the ones who face a real threat of a split vote. Poilievre will never be able to satisfy his kooky far-right supporters and many of them will end up voting for the Bernier Bigot Party. Sorry....

    1. Anonymous2:46 AM

      You think that the NDP are just going to roll over and be Trudeau’s whipping boy when they have to face to the voters?

      They won’t be.

  10. Hi anon@2:46 AM....Why do you Cons believe that repeating something over and over again will make it true. Triple, Triple Triple!! The fact is Jagmeet was feeling very good today announcing that thanks to the Liberals his dental plan was about to be voted on. And the Liberals were happy too, since today is the seventh anniversary of Justin Trudeau's first majority. The Cons on the other hand looked very sad because everything they touch is Lose Lose Lose!! And that Trudeau is heading for another election victory. Sorry....

  11. We have a civil war movement, a black color revolution funded by the south. These guys are experts at division and winning,

  12. So...the only way to hold Poilievre, Bergen and others responsible is to replace them at the polling booth. Bergen is retiring so that could be one more LPC/NDP seat. Poilievre is beatable, but the vote split helps him.

    Either way, they likely won't be called before the inquiry but the whole thing is so damning to them that we might look at another LPC majority before 2025 is over. Not that I'd mind that, but the present agreement between NDP and LPC is probably the best thing for the country, and I know it's very, very unpopular among NDP militants and there are a few LPC people that don't like it either.

    But, as Scrimshaw said, about 12 million people are getting a GST topup in a week or so and Pigeon Pierre has nothing but tired Justinflation memes...he is running out of time, and a defeat in 2025 would surely fracture the CPC forever.

  13. We only have to look south and east to see what happens when clowns come to power. Do not let this happen in Canada. I call for an immediate ban on clowns in public office.

  14. Hi Steve....There can be no doubt that the Convoy Party tried to overthrow the government, or that they are now more American than Canadian. And of course they are clowns and losers. I hope you are enjoying the sight of the Cons in Britain self destructing. Poor Liz Truss they put a blonde wig on a cabbage, and it lasted longer than she did. And since her policies are the same as Poilievre's, he'll be following her into the garbage dump of history....

  15. Hi Pierre...Yes I'm sorry we have to wait three years to bury the Cons once and for all. And it's too bad that means Candy Bergen will be with us until then. But the way she threw herself at those hairy honkers means we will be able to use her to show how low the Cons have fallen.
    As for Poilievre he had been so shaken up by being exposed as a perverted misogynist, and he is so scared that the Emergency Act show might be used to discredit him further, he's still hiding from the media, and refusing to even attend the Press Gallery Dinner. I know people call him Pigeon, but he's behaving like a chicken. We are going to have so much fun plucking him by the time the election arrives there won't be much left of him...

  16. Anonymous9:22 PM

    PP and his media boosters have gone invisible. This seems to be a major break from the GOP strategy of engaging their followers by spinning bigger yarns with HUUUGE indignity when they get caught on the wrong side of reality. Dougie seems to have mastered the art, tone down the rhetoric and loose some of the nutbars in exchange for those on the center right who resonate with the underlying themes but just can't don the crazy uniform. If Ford can do it perhaps there is hope for PP. Nah he is too much of an ass, but I was wrong before.


  17. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Personally, I'm going to enjoy this Conservative self-destruction. While an election is a ways off, I will hopefully get a taste of things to come here when Alberta has its provincial election next Spring. As a red Tory, I have no more tolerance for Republiican-style Cons who will blame voters like myself when things go sour for them but then come grovelling back when they realize that "oh shit, we still need some votes from progressive Cons in order to fend off those scary NDP". So screw them, I say. I have NO problem with voting for a 3rd party of even the NDP if it means these clowns get what they deserve. While I hold no illusions about how my riding will vote, at least my conscience will be clear plus it is becoming increasingly obvious that many other ridings are simply getting tired of this constant stream of paranoia and mental masturbation we see from the CPC/UCP faction.

  18. While I am enjoying the Emperor has no clothes aspect of the total meltdown in the UK, I am also concerned that the reverberations will be bad for Western Civilization.

    Institutions that are broken for the most part can never be fixed. Case in point. Ontario Hydro. Ontario had the cheapest hydro in the world and it was fully funded. Of course there was a lot of coal and a lot of really good paying jobs for linemen. Cons could not stand the thought of all that opportunity for profit, and all those lazy union slobs making a decent living. So Harris destroyed it. What we have since is lamentable.

    The same goes for all the evil of Mulroney, the free trade, the killing of the NEP, the selloff of public assets for pennies on the dollar.

  19. Hi RT....Poilievre has just done his first interview in almost two months. It was with a Con friendly station so when he tried to laugh off a question about the murderous misogyny tag in his YouTube videos he didn't get anybody challenging him. But he will, along with other questions about his role in the convoy terrorist movement that wanted to overthrow the Trudeau government. Those two stories are just too big to ignore, and judging by the effect they have had on him and his campaign team the pain is just beginning. We must all make sure of that. Women have made it clear they have no time for the lizard man, and if he loses just ten percent of his male supporters he could be gone by next Spring...

  20. Hi Waywayup...I've been too busy to check out the horror show in Alberta, but I can't believe your province now has a lunatic as a Premier. Alberta is at a critical moment in its history and deserves so much better. Compared to Smith even Kenney looks good. But that's what you get when Trudeau hate is all you need to become a Con star. My main concern is what Smith might do to the ongoing war on Covid, for despite what she and her anti-vac followers say we could have a very harsh winter. New variants and the flu bug could take down one hospital after the other, and those who put ideology over science could cause a human catastrophe. In Britain which is in an even worse state than we are, even some Tories are suggesting that their party needs a break from power, so that it and the country can regain their balance. I suggest that Alberta should probably do the same, to allow the level headed can regain control of their party. As for Poilievre, I'm not that worried about him because he is rapidly destroying himself, and I don't think he'll make it to the next election...

  21. Hi Steve....I was recently in the UK, and never in my life could I have imagined that it could be in such a rough state. The situation is truly desperate with a lot of people talking about having to make a choice between eating or heating. But although I'm very worried about my family and friends, I don't think that what is happening in Britain will happen here. Although there are far too many Con Trumplings howling at the moon, and people like Mike Harris did an enormous amount of damage, I think as a younger country we still have the capacity to recover from what this Convoy Party is trying to do to us. And with a little bit of luck bury it forever....

  22. Brown Shirts, thats a bad fashion colour for democracy. PP wears brown shirt and underwear. Maybe the underwear started as whity tighty?
