Thursday, October 27, 2022

Pierre Poilievre and the Nightmares He Can’t Escape

I always knew that Pierre Poilievre would never be able to make Canadians forget his shameful behaviour when the trucker convoy goons tried to bring down Justin Trudeau.

He refused to condemn the hairy Con barbarians who held the helpless people of Ottawa hostage for almost a month, intimidated, tortured them, and drove so many to the edge of despair, or worse.

 Now he's desperately trying to escape the curse of the convoy, and sounding like he's losing his marbles…

Can you believe that?

In an interview with some dinky Con TV station, he actually suggested that Justin Trudeau could have ended the occupation in two days, if he had agreed to talk to the insurgents.

You know, the Con mob who paraded around with their Fuck Trudeau flags...

Or the ones that threatened  this TV crew...

Or Cons like this kooky religious fanatic talking or screaming in tongues...

Who seemed to have the police on her side.

Fortunately some other police officers noticed the large number of Cons supporting the trucker terrorists and issued this warning.

The Ontario Provincial Police warned last winter that support for the "Freedom Convoy" from Canadian political figures was likely to embolden protesters in the streets of downtown Ottawa.

"Some federally elected officials from the Conservative Party of Canada have visited the protest, had their picture taken with protest organizers, and made public statements of support for the blockade

And some in the media are finally calling for Poilievre and his grubby gang to be investigated:

Poilievre and other MPs who supported the illegal activity (which, in Ottawa, ended only after the Emergencies Act was invoked and multiple law enforcement agencies were tapped to arrest law-breakers) showed no interest in restoring public peace in Ottawa. Their sole objective was to exploit the occupation for political gain, to weaponize it against their political opponents.

It was one of the most shameful betrayals of country Canadians have ever seen from a group of parliamentarians in recent history. Those actions, and the effects they had on prolonging and intensifying the occupation, warrants further investigation. 

No wonder Poilievre hasn't held a newser for almost six weeks. No wonder Justin Trudeau is turning him into a joke.

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre did not attend the press gallery dinner on Saturday evening, but he was nonetheless much of the focus of a long-standing political tradition of lobbing light-hearted shots at political rivals during speeches at the event.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau began getting his digs in at Poilievre with the suggestion that the Conservative leader would have come if the press gallery had told him they were "occupying" the venue — a reference to his support for the "Freedom Convoy" protest.

But the question must be what is Poilievre hiding? Does he think he can run away from the truth like his Con buddy Doug Ford?

We’ve always known that Pee Pee is a bully and a coward.

But does he really think he can make decent people forget how warmly he welcomed the trucker terrorists to Ottawa?

Or how he supported their bestial occupation, even though it turned the lives of so many into a living nightmare.

Does Poilievre really think he can run away from the diseased woman hating hash tag he embedded in his YouTube videos?

Because if he does, that creepy Con is going to be very disappointed, for the worst is still to come.

He's a deeply disturbed man who never should have been chosen leader of the Cons. He has already shown himself unfit to be prime minister.

But on the positive side, he is taking himself and his diseased Con cult down.

So although it is a Canadian horror story, it will have a happy ending...


  1. It's telling that some of the testimony by the law enforcement representatives seem to indicate that the EA was not necessary and Pierre Poilievre has not pursued that angle during Question Period.

    Of course, the words of those same law enforcement representatives do not actually demonstrate the lack of need for the EA but the lack of truth has not stopped the Conservatives from pursuing such attacks in the past.

    I do not believe and I have never believed that the EA Inquiry would actually find the Conservatives complicit in the "Convoy". It simply is not within the Terms of Reference of the Inquiry to explore that avenue. However, if Mr. Poilievre or other CPC politicians begin to open their mouths they might just say something to change that. So they are being unusually quiet about it.

  2. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Great post, Simon. The article by Tom Brodbeck and the CTV one stating "The Ontario Provincial Police warned last winter that support for the "Freedom Convoy" from Canadian political figures was likely to embolden protesters in the streets of downtown Ottawa." were bang on and should be a prelude to those treacherous MPs having to testify about their actions. Namely, PP, Bergen, Scheer and who knows how many others who ginned up the hairy honkers on their trek across the country. Of course they'll play dumb(easy when it's inherent) and say what? Who? Me? Yes, you. They intentionally made a bad situation much worse by trying to get at JT. So what if thousands of people in the downtown core lived through hell for 3 weeks. So what if it cost our economy at least a billion dollars and so what if taxpayers were on the hook for the millions in extra policing costs. These facts need to be front and center. Not the crap the media tries to feed us every day. Oh, so and so thinks the EA wasn't necessary. Blah blah blah. Fuck off already. All these cops opinions are just that, opinions. Until the EA was invoked, they were basically just standing around observing the neanderthals hot tubbing and honking their stupid horns. And then like magic, JT waves his magic wand and invokes the EA. Within days Ottawa is finally flushing the huge hairball down the drain. Good riddance.

    As much as the Cons and their media want JT to look bad in all of this, it just isn't going to happen. What better happen is that the final report clearly states that the Cons aided and abetted the clownvoy right from the start and for that there should be severe condemnation directed at them by Justice Rouleau. Not sure if anything legal could be done but I believe by the time the next election rolls around, most decent Canadians will have had their fill of PP and company. They've been playing footsie with the far-right for a long time and this time they went way too far. They are truly beneath contempt.

  3. Anonymous2:08 AM

    Here in Ottawa, everyone is watching PM Blackface being hung-out to dry along with ‘bought and paid for’ RCMP comish.

    Get ready for more fun in the days ahead.

    Also which Liberal deadbeat paid $6,000 for one night in London?

  4. Anonymous10:12 AM

    To add to my earlier comment, the inquiry is meant to determine if invoking the EA was the right thing to do and having the Con clowns testify on their love and support of the occupiers could be seen as relevant or irrelevant to the inquiry. However, it's high time that a separate inquiry be held to investigate the disturbingly close ties the Cons have had with the far-right going all the way back to the Harper days. The EA inquiry would be the perfect setup to allow this inquiry to happen at the conclusion of the current one. That would be up to Justin to call and I'm not sure he would unless he's strongly compelled to do so. One thing I do know for sure is that Harpo, Schmeer, the tool and PP would have done so in a heartbeat and for anything way less important in their never-ending obsession to own the Libs.

  5. Hi Ottlib….Yes, the main reason Poilievre isn’t talking about the EA inquiry is because he doesn’t want to remind Canadians about his role in the insurrection. Along with the misogyny scandal it explains why he hasn’t held a newser for close to fifty days. The other reason is that while senior police officers made headlines claiming that they didn’t need the EA to clear the convoy rabble off the streets of Ottawa, all of them have admitted under cross examination that they couldn’t have done it without the power to compel tow truck drivers to do what had to be done. So the inquiry could be a gift that keeps on giving….

  6. Hi JD….Thanks, I took some time off to settle some family business, so I had to do quite a bit of research to get up to speed again. But now that I’m back I’m really enjoying the inquiry. I don’t know if the Cons will be forced to testify, but they will be damaged, especially now that Doug Ford is reported to have met with convoy people to encourage them to keep up the pressure to get rid of mandates. If true that could really damage Ford, and help focus attention on Poilievre, Bergen, and all the other Cons, while also making Trudeau look like a real leader compared to them. Canadians will remember what a nightmare the occupation was, and that Trudeau was the one who ended that nightmare…

  7. Hi anon@2:08AM…You poor Cons are now so desperate you live in your own parallel universe. All you can do is repeat tired old Con talking points, and make up nonsense. Trudeau isn’t being hung out to dry, your little Pee Pee is the one who is feeling the heat for trying to avoid the media, and making it look like he’s got something to hide, which he does. More on that later. Also, the hotel space in London was allocated by the British government so they could keep all the foreign leaders attending the Queen’s funeral in a secure zone. Pee Pee is making you all look bad, but you are too dumb to know it…

  8. Hi JD…In the U.S. today after the attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband a lot of media people were talking about the need for some inquiry into the violent far-right extremists who are increasingly out of control. And as you point out, we are going to have the same kind of inquiry here. The Cons are now a party of terrorist sympathizers and religious fanatics, and we need to rein them in before they damage our democracy further. A senior police officer has accused the Cons of enabling the convoy thugs. So smashing them will be easier than ever, and even more enjoyable….😎

  9. Paul Pelosi's attacker was from B.C. and a proponent of QAnon and the Great Reset. He moved to California at 14 years of age but seeing as there's considerable overlap in the ecosystems of Canadian and American RWNJs, who's to say he wasn't fishing from the same swamp as Skippy. Or are we just gonna memory-hole the garbage that he was spewing about "WEF" and the Great Reset and secret cabins at Harrington Lake?

    At least in the U.S., and that's not to say we don't have serious problems of our own seeping back and forth elsewhere on the continent and rotting us from within, MSM was quick to condemn the guy and show coverage during the top of the news hour. In Canada, the "friendly sausage maker" who sought to do the same to the prime minister gets shrugged off in favour of wall-to-wall coverage of Margaret Trudeau's WE-Mails.

    Prior to that, MSM ran a distinguished civil servant out on a rail for daring to warn people about what kind of elements the "loyal" opposition was courting right as he walked into the Parliament building. It was a dead cat distraction, they say, by a partisan hack. Dead cat or no dead cat the broken fourth-estaters were and are more upset about that than about the fervent supporters of the CPC, who want the PM and family dead.

    Something is rotten in the state of, well, not Denmark, but Canada, and it starts with the editorial positions and groupthink hive mind of its decrepit fourth estate. Evan Scrimshaw also has another excellent column condemning the MSM for being way too deferential to the lies that the OPP and OPS are pulling from all-and-sundry orifices. Now we know for certain that there was a significant complicit element who were sympathetic to these goons (which we already knew already but now it's been confirmed). Follow the money: how many cops, how many police unions, donated to Skippy and/or his dump trucks?

  10. Doug Ford will indeed be before the inquiry, along with Sylvia Jones. Will they let him bring a three ring binder full of notes so he can have his talking points? Hopefully not.

    Poilievre is largely fading into irrelevancy once again as the cheques start coming in and soon XMas season will be celebrated by all, in whichever fashion is best for each unit. Oh, and Dental Care and Rent Supports made it through the House and guess who voted against it? Mr. Grinch and his un-merry elves.
    And poor, poor Brian Lilley having a tantrum because people had to pay 3x the amount to see the Queen's funeral. It's so weird how the hardcore profiteering and capitalist party isn't in favour of companies or venues charging the prices they want and money exchanging hands for goods. It's like they actually have no idea what axis to tilt toward, so confused and irate are they.

    Ah well, Fall session of the HoC is almost over, but I sure can't wait to hear Mr. Trudeau and his cabinet at the Emergency Act Inquiry.

  11. Hi Jackie....I agree with you, something is not right in Canada. The Cons and their servile media have so corrupted this country, that we are going to work very hard to get this country back on the rails. It's not that the Cons are going to form the next government, with a loser like Pee Pee Poilievre they don't stand a chance. But what worries me is the poison they are injecting into the body politics could damage this country so much that we could see an explosion of violence like we are seeing in the U.S. Hopefully the fact that the miserable RepubliCon coward who attacked Pelosi's elderly husband was raised in Canada will wake Canadians up to the danger we face. And those of us who already know, will have to fight those right-wing extremists harder than we ever have before. It's the same battle everywhere, and one we can't afford to lose. I have been taking a bit of a break from social media to try to keep my balance in what has become a truly disturbing madhouse. But when the moment to destroy the Cons arrives, I will be there...

  12. Hi Pierre....I look forward to seeing Doug Ford being forced to testify, because I am sure he is hiding his secret war on vaccine mandates. And when the truth emerges, his cowardice should really damage him. As for Poilievre, I agree with you. He has already damaged himself so much, and when his ugly truth is fully exposed I'm pretty sure he will be forced to resign, long before the next election. He is simply too disgusting to even dream of becoming Prime Minister. And when he goes down squealing like a hog, he should take most of the other hogs down with him. The Cons used to squeal every day about how the EA inquiry would finish off Trudeau, but no longer. Now they are starting to realize that the inquiry has made it clearer than ever why we needed the EA, and how lucky we are to have a decent Prime Minister like Justin Trudeau. And along with the racism, the misogyny, and their terrorist sympathies, should finish off the Cons....

  13. Aahaha we have won a small victory!
    Unbeknownst to most of you (thankfully...) a has-been former hit radio guy and his crew of has-been reactionaries, formerly from CFRA here in Ottawa, started a podcast, barely lsitened to but platformed across all social media. Rhymes with Bowl Mean, if you get my drift.
    Well, these have been consistently transphobic, anti-Indigenous, homophobic, racist, the whole great CON mixed nuts servings. Anyway, there have been constant reports and complaints about his behaviour and now it's been announced he is finally going back to the darkness whence he came (IE stopping his show) because opinion is clearly against Drug Ford and P.P. on almost all things.

    But the struggle isn't over, especially for our U.S.A. friends on November 8....the fight never stops!

    Speaking of struggle, boy do the Konvoy Klowns look bad at the inquiry.
    Tamara Lich faking memory loss, Chris Barber a complete authoritarian redneck, Pat King a total loser boo hoo boo hoo. Yikes CPC, yikes!

  14. Dime bag Doug is just what was to be expected, how did he get elected?

  15. Hi Pierre....Sorry to take so much time to get back to you, but I had to get up at 6:30 AM this morning in order to watch the Arsenal game, so I was in no shape to write anything. However, I did enjoy the game. And thanks for your report on yet another Con project going down the toilet, like the Convoy clowns, who are look like idiots at the inquiry. The situation in the U.S. is not good, but here in good old Canada we are doing just fine. Poilievre and Bergen must be terrified that they could be summoned to testify, and hopefully whether they do or not, they will be tainted beyond recognition. I sometimes forget what depraved beasts the Cons are, but I'm glad to see that the polls have the Poilievre gang firmly on the losing side, and heading for the garbage can of history. I'm writing a post on last week's testimony, and hope to have it out this evening. If the Cons think that we will ever forget or forgive what they did, they're going to be very disappointed....

  16. Hi Steve....Doug Ford got re-elected because the Liberal government was old and tired, and the Cons were able to use misogyny and homophobia against Wynne. But the main reason Ford got a majority was because so many didn't bother to vote. It was something they will regret forever, but at least few will make the same mistake next time. Alberta has apparently seen the light and so will we...

  17. Simon, what's your plan for when Elon Musk sets the final blowtorch to Twitter? I'm going to try and stay for as long as possible, but I won't be able to (and I suspect many others won't either) if he does what he's talked about behind closed doors. I can't afford it.

    I wish JT (who is quite tech-savvy in his own right) had found a way in there instead of Musk. Buy it outright and put it under the auspices of "CBC Social" or something. If Nick Clegg can weasel his way into the echelons at the also-decaying Facebook, JT would have done a far better job. I'm not going to Instagram. That's a Mark Zuckerpunch property.

    I'm sad. I hesitated signing up for the cuckoo-bird app for the longest time, and when I finally did, met all kinds of nice people (including Trudeau supporters from here in the States!), and now it's gone.
