Thursday, July 14, 2022

Pierre Poilievre and the Hidden Hand of Harper

I've been taking some time off to enjoy one of the finest summers I can remember, with one blue sky day after the other.

I've enjoyed getting out on the lake, leaving the noise and the madness of the big city behind.

And feeling the fresh clean wind in my face.

But try as I might, I haven't been able to get away from the stench of Pierre Poilievre.

For there he was the other day, playing pretend cowboy at the Calgary Stampede, wearing a hat so big it made him look like the Flying Nun.

And absolutely ridiculous.

But then Big Hat wasn't really trying to impress anybody.

He just wanted people to try to forget the posse of far-right extremists he was seen riding with the other day. 

For even that ghastly Con now realizes that he has made a humungous mistake. 

In a country where the convoy terrorists are almost universally despised, he has reminded Canadians that he is one of them. 

So he can no longer pretend that he isn't a true believer.

So much so that some journalists like Max Fawcett are now calling the Cons the Convoy Party.

While our nation’s capital managed to survive the festivities mostly unscathed, the so-called convoy’s creeping takeover of this country’s official Opposition continues apace.

Far from turning his back on the more extremist elements of that movement, Poilievre seems determined to hug them as close as possible.

While other decent Canadians are warning of the growing threat of fascism.

And what makes all of the above even worse for me, is that Big Hat Poilievre reminds me of this ugly Con...

Poilievre's evil Reform daddy, who as Tom Mulcair points out, is clearly the hidden hand behind the scenes, trying to anoint him leader of the party he founded.

Conservative skullduggery in booting out Patrick Brown as a candidate reflects very badly on a Party prone to lecturing others about probity, ethics and integrity. 

When you look at their connections to the Harper era, this whole manoeuvre appears even more troubling. The man overseeing the decision (and announcing it near midnight!) was Stephen Harper’s former Chief of Staff. Meanwhile, Harper’s former campaign manager is the senior adviser for Pierre Poilievre, the candidate who benefits most from the elimination of his only serious rivals.

And the more you look at the sudden decision to boot out Patrick Brown, it's also clear that the Harperites were really going after Jean Charest, a man Harper despises.

And that the move was triggered a few days after the Charest campaign released a document claiming that he had a "path to victory."

That was the real target of these shenanigans, not Patrick Brown but Jean Charest. As has always been their habit, the Harperites knew what they wanted - a Poilievre win - and they were going to get it, by hook or by crook.

Charest still has a “path to victory”? Destroy it…

It's such a grotesque example of gangster politics. 

But it tells us all we need to know about them, and it's a move that could backfire badly.

For if Canadians come to believe that a vote for Poilievre is a vote for Harper, as they surely will. We'll make sure of that.  

Justin Trudeau will do to Poilievre what he did to his evil master...

Deposit him head first in the garbage can of history.

You know, when the Globe and Mail ran this story the other day, just the headline drove the Cons crazy.

You could hear the Con kooks wailing and screaming from coast to coast  to coast.


But they just don't get it. They just don't understand that Justin Trudeau will always be more popular than Pierre Poilievre.

For he's a real leader.

While the nasty nerd Poilievre will always be Harper's bridezilla...

And the hidden hand that is directing his campaign now.

Will drag both of them, and their party down, long before the next election... 


  1. Harpoon, Sheer-nonsense, the old fool and now Polly want a cracker. They do come from a long line of losers.

  2. Harper like Hillary can only be stopped by total molecular destruction. They can not be stopped at the natural level.

  3. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Oh Simon, grabbing on to those straws for dear life eh?

    Another OLP failed candidate has been hospitalized for a suicide attempt. 😂

    God these Liberals, the way they off themselves, who needs abortion huh?

  4. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Who was hospitalized, Jenni? Do you have an alibi?

    I can hear Jenni's dentures gnashing from here every time Simon effortlessly produces yet more graphics mocking the consm while she is reduced to bot swarming and whining

  5. James DiFiore's podcast is a good listen, where a CPC higher-up spills the beans: Brown may have a shady history of his own, but it was his (stated) values which were odious to Harper and the party ownership, as well that the alleged pact between him and Charest might have given Harper's mortal enemy at least a fighting chance of recapturing the legacy PCs and expelling the Reform cult to the hinterlands where they belong. Not to mention the complexion of Brown's signups which the "old stock" racists found abhorrent.

    Now Charest is reduced to desperate tactics of penning incoherent screeds in the Epoch Times and other crackpot rags, to try and beg for the remainder of the ultra-MAGA party members who have already marked PP and/or the equally deranged Lewis and Baber. Kory T said it last go-around in 2020, when Harper sandbagged sellout MacKay in favor of the hapless fence-sitter O'Toole: It's Harper's party, and he'll lie (cheat, steal) if he wants to. Well, ok, he never said anything about lying, cheating or stealing. But he doesn't need to: the CON "branding" speaks for itself.

    CPC are a mafia where PP is Fredo the upstart squirt, looking to curry favor with surrogate father figure Harper and grandpa Presto by rounding up all the crazy cowpokes he can while praying to the oily gods for the blessing of "Liberal fatigue." One hopes that Canadians peek no further than over their southern border to have a look at the deplorable state of the GOP and then give their imitation facsimile in the north the thrashing they so deserve. A fourth loss to the antichrist Trudeau, with all the psychological weight it would no doubt have on creepy Scumbag Steve and his minions, is what they need to break up the Plymouth Brethren circus tent revival once and for all.

  6. This really goes to show how much Harpes is a difficult disease to get rid of. The CPC is beyond curable and the whole country is being disfigured by those ugly nasty sores.

  7. Hi rumleyfips....Yes, if you put all those Con losers in a circus tent it would be a freak show. And now we have Jean Charest, Preston Manning, and Tamara Lich joining Polyfilla so the Cons are dying before our eyes and it couldn't be more wonderful...

  8. Hi Steve....I wouldn't lump Harper in with Hillary Clinton. She may have her flaws but she's a million times better than any Con. Also we don't really have to destroy any of them, they are destroying themselves...

  9. Hi anon@7:39....You poor Conchella, you are the one clutching at straws. You are a vile homophobe, an anti-abortion freak of nature, who is always claiming that Liberals are committing suicide, when it's your low life Cons who are losing hope they will ever be back in power, and are definitely a suicide risk. Your ugly party is dying and there's nothing you can do about it. So sad, not....

  10. Hi anon@10:11...The commenter you are addressing is a very sick individual who has been claiming that members of the Ontario Liberal Party have been committing suicide on an industrial scale. When as I pointed out, it's clearly a case of projection, and it's the Cons who are so depressed they are filling Emergency Rooms and mental hospitals. I almost feel sorry for them, but after what they have done to this country I don't. So I will keep on attacking them until their stench is finally gone....

  11. Hi Jackie....As I said in my post it's clear that Harper's vendetta with Charest is the real reason Brown was kicked to the curb. I wish him and Henein luck in embarrassing the Cons, but poor old Curly Charest has just made the biggest mistake of his political career, and along with Preston Manning and Tamara Lich is now threatening to take down the Cons. What more can we ask for? Polyfilla has no serious rivals left, but no serious party either. I'm supposed to be on holiday, and it's a beautiful day, but I can't wait to write my next post. I set out years ago to chronicle the rise and fall of the Cons, and when Andrew Coyne and I agree that the Cons are dead in the water, I can't help feeling I'm getting close to The End...

  12. Hi Carl...I agree with you, Harpes is a very difficult disease to get rid of, and although he is largely responsible for the state the Cons are in, they still cling to their dirty daddy and still believe that he will save them. It truly is pathetic...

  13. Despite the media calling the CPC "Tories" the CPC is not like the old Progressive Conservative Party of Canada or any other conservative party in the Canada's history.

    They truly are a new party, founded at the beginning of the millennium and they have only ever had one successful leader, Stephen Harper. So of course, they pine for the days when he was running the show and many firmly believe that if he were to come back they would win again, seeming to forget all about what happened in 2015.

    All political parties have to renew and revitalize themselves on a regular basis. Usually that happens when they find themselves wandering the political wilderness for an extended period of time. However, the CPC has never even attempted to do so. They really are the same party they were in 2004.

    Now perhaps staying the course and waiting for fatigue to take its inevitable course on the sitting government is a reasonably sound strategy but they also need to be able to demonstrate that they are a reasonable alternative to that government. However, they have not stayed the course. They have tacked hard to the right and it is an open question of whether enough voters have noticed it and will take that fact into account when it comes time to mark their ballots.

  14. Let's move on from all this for the moment and ask the more salient question:
    "Will Justin Trudeau's new haircut hinder or help him in the next election?"

    His new haircut is...rather short. It's nicely trimmed, offers a small curl near the front top and is very clean. might in some circles be called conservative in its approach, as opposed to the wild, bushy-haired Justin Trudeau of days of yore. Is this enough to move the polling? We know that he lost the beard because internal polling indicated people hated the beard (It's true, I detested the beard.) and polling might indicate this new 'do is a big hit. Mr. Trudaeu is out and about in town today, so if he gets some nice reaction, this could be huge.

    (As for MSM, just reading their tired calls for PMJT resignation tells me all I need to know: CPC is done, bereft of ideas and deathly afraid of facing off Pigeon Pierre v. Justin the Good.)

  15. Wow Pierre, I was just going to mention this! He looks so different (I think the last time he had a summer cut like that was in his college years!), but I still think he looks fantastic. (He kind of reminds me of the Australian actor who played Steve McGarrett on the recent reboot of Hawaii Five-O.) Also, messaging-wise it's a meaningful statement about one of his (and should be all of ours) most important issues to discuss: if Justin Trudeau goes that drastic with his haircut, climate change is definitely A THING. (Just like the hermit beard was an indication of the severity of the pandemic.) Meanwhile, his main opponent is Petroleum Pete, as bereft of ideas as usual, whose coiffure is as tacky and greasy as he is, his pigeon plumage all stuck together with Alberta's very own unethical oil...

  16. Hi Ottlib...I honestly believe that the Cons are now more of a cult, than a Canadian political party. Ten years of Harper created the illusion that if their Messiah returned he would make Canada great again. When in fact he is a nasty far right winger who would turn this country into a fascist nightmare. So you're absolutely right, all they can do is try to demonize the decent Justin Trudeau, in the apparent belief that is the only way to win the next election. I don't think that will work, most Canadians are better than that. For most of them our Canadian values are worth preserving, along with such things as our precious medicare system. The convoy terrorists have made it clear that the Cons are more Trump than anything else, and that voting for them would be the worst thing anyone who loves this country could do. I remain optimistic that because of that Pierre Poilievre will never be Prime Minister...

  17. @Jackie Blue:

    Perhaps there is hidden messaging in the haircut?
    "Canadian friends, with the interest rate hike and a potential looming recession, it might be time for us to take a collective haircut and tighten our belts. We'll come out of this as we did with COVID-19, stronger and more united, focused on our future."

    Just watch for falling Bitcoins, I guess...

  18. Hi Pierre...I don't think that Justin Trudeau's new haircut will have much of an influence on the next election. But I could be wrong. I like it, it might be a good contrast to Poilievre's greasy Nixon look. And it is definitely better than his shaggy haired bearded look. Unfortunately he didn't get to show it off to a crowd at an ottawa brewery this evening, because the event had to be called off because of an aggressive demonstration by a group of trucker terrorists, who as we know are not big on haircuts, or baths. But hopefully their threats to kill a younger looking Trudeau will make the evil nature more apparent to more Canadians, and will add to the disgust I and so many others feel for them. And make Poilievre and our shabby bought media look even more Trump-like and thoroughly un-Canadian...

  19. Hi Jackie....After telling Pierre that I didn't think Justin's new haircut would have much of an influence on the next election, I'm starting to change my mind. The Cons and their bought media are always going on about how the Trudeau government is looking tired, even though our country has never been better governed. So maybe his haircut will help rejuvenate his government's image, and as you point out, that could come in particularly useful as he tackles climate change, an issue where the greasy Polyfilla is particularly vulnerable. In fact, I now feel so strongly about that, I think I'll get a haircut myself this weekend ;)

  20. @Simon and @Pierre D.

    As I wrote in a tweet, Persnickety Pete's response to the hubbub over the new Tru' 'do would be to call for the outsourcing of social-service cuts to Andrew Scheer and his Flowbee.

    Notorious wife-beater who gave a new meaning to the term SLAPP suit, Johnny Depp, would be appointed minister of finance and extreme couponing, operating under the name of "Todd Sweeney, The Demon Barber of Wellington Street."

  21. Hi Jackie....Oh no, not the Demon Barber of Wellington Street. When I was younger I was haunted by the following line:

    "Many a poor orphan lad had a pie made out of his dad."

    But that was before I realized that the Con horror show was much more scary that Sweeny Todd's barber shop. He only killed a dozen or so, but the Cons have already killed hundreds of thousands with their criminal indifference to the needs of the poor and the vulnerable.

    And I can definitely see Poilievre peddling his Pierre pies, since when his political career is over, he'll have to do something to keep himself busy....

  22. "And I can definitely see Poilievre peddling his Pierre pies, since when his political career is over, he'll have to do something to keep himself busy.... "

    Hopefully in 2025, the demographics in Carleton, they are a'-changin''s a tossup in polls presently. Of course, Pigeon Pierre will want a Senate seat since he could not possible function in the private sector.
    At least Andrew Scheer doing insurance claims was somewhat believable, he's just immeasurably uptight as opposed to noxiously anti-human.

    To what Depp's are you bringing us? For shame!

    And hey, Simon, I noticed your thread was posted on Bastille Day.
    Baguettes and wine pour tous! ;-)

  23. How many billions would the people of Canada have lost if Penis P invested our sovereign wealth in Bitcoin? As El Salvador. If you want to know what a liberally plan would do, ask Norway.
