Thursday, July 07, 2022

Will Pierre Poilievre and his Zombies Take Down The Cons?

The Con leadership race was always going to be a horror show. Most of the candidates and their supporters were some of the worst political freaks this country has ever known.

They were racists, ugly misogynists, vile homophobes, and climate change deniers determined to torch the planet in the name of Big Oil.

And then, when the far right truckers occupied Ottawa and held Canadians hostage for weeks, they became terrorist sympathizers.

And their leader Pierre Poilievre made it clear he would do anything to try to become Prime Minister.

Even if that meant taking out his strongest opponent Patrick Brown, for the "crime" of being too progressive.

Patrick Brown says members of the Conservative Party establishment and supporters of leadership candidate Pierre Poilievre worked to disqualify him from the leadership race because they feared his progressive approach to conservatism was going to win.

Which as even the very Con friendly Warren Kinsella writes, is yet another example of the Con capacity for self-destruction.

The disqualification of Patrick Brown from the Conservative leadership race is stunning. It is unprecedented. It is front-page news.

But for the Conservative Party, it is also what they do. Which is defeat themselves.

Because the decision to disqualify the Brampton mayor wasn’t an indictment of him. It is an indictment of the Conservative Party itself.

And even more ominously, it is yet more evidence that the Cons are now the Convoy Party.

Just as the news about Brown was breaking on Tuesday night — political types were checking the official membership list. You know: The list that was used as a pretext to kick out Brown.

And, when that list was compared to the leaked GiveSendGo list of donors to the illegal Ottawa occupiers, this is what was found:

14,707 different CPC members donated a total of $1,775,954 to the so-called “Freedom Convoy.” The list shows CPC members were one of the greatest fundraisers for the Freedom Convoy’s occupation in February — and all their donations happened in February. Most of the donations — made in secret — were for hundreds of dollars. What does it mean? It means the Conservative Party has effectively been taken over by the convoy types. And who was the biggest critic of the “freedom” convoy types?

None other than Patrick Brown.

And is also more evidence that Pierre Poilievre is taking the Cons to a very dark place.

Poilievre doesn't seem to care that the Con leadership campaign has lost all credibility, and is no doubt celebrating Brown's disqualification.

But he probably shouldn't be celebrating too soon.

Brown has hired the well known lawyer Marie Henein, who is sure to uncover a lot of dirty things that Poilievre and his gang would rather keep hidden.

And an inquiry will almost surely reveal Poilievre's ties to the trucker terrorists.

So the damage to the Convoy Party could prove to be as devastating as this fireworks show...

And when the smoke clears, and the brutal infighting is over, there won't be much left of the Cons.

Poilievre's chances of becoming Prime Minister will be all but incinerated.

And he will finally be good to go...


  1. Anonymous3:23 PM

    So you sure took down Ford…

  2. Hi Conchella...Oh boy, you Cons really are as dumb as they come. Can't you understand that Ford will soon be one of the best weapons in the progressive arsenal. He's already being criticized for nepotism, and as the of the Ford crime family there is no telling how low he will fall. He reminds me a lot of the idiot Boris Johnson who was also given a massive majority in the UK. But this morning less than three years later he was forced to resign in disgrace as his government fell to pieces around him. The same thing will happen to Ford, and between him and Poilievre they should give the Liberals yet another majority. I know it's hard being a Con, but you chose your bed and now you must lie in it...

  3. Anonymous7:38 PM

    It's just a typical Con leadership race, full of backstabbing and accusations. Bernier quit after accusing the party of fixing votes for Scheer. MacKay accused O'Toole of stealing his voter database. Now Brown's accusing Poilievre of sandbagging him. This is all normal. If you're going to lead a party of assholes, you've gotta prove you're the biggest one.

  4. Yeah, when I saw Marie's name I was like, this is going to get dirty. 🍿 The little fascist freak is siccing his attack dogs on Global's Rachel Gilmore for daring to investigate Topp, MacKenzie and Diagolon. A 300-word missive from his PR flunkies, basically calling her a fake news dopey loser from low-energy Global who is lying, crooked and sad. Now why didn't his team say that of WK?

    Speaking of the misogynistic mango madman: Here's a free meme from me, for your next blog post. Larry the Cat of 10 Downing Street shared a creation of mine today (#KeepCalmAndLarryOn), and I'm feeling in a very artsy mood. 🐱

  5. Hi anon@7:38 PM....You're absolutely right. It is a typical Con leadership race. Since they lack a moral compass they are capable of all kinds of atrocities. And yeah, this is so true:

    If you're going to lead a party of assholes, you've gotta prove you're the biggest one.

    Conservative really is just another word for corruption....

  6. Hi Jackie... I'm glad to see that Marie Henein is going to represent Brown. Not that I am a fan of his but Henein is guaranteed to dig up enough dirty stuff to bury Poilievre up to his neck. And after the way he treated Rachel Gilmore with that absurd missive, he deserves to be raked over the coals. What an appalling bully thug who needs to be taken down hard. And I really like your photoshop, It's becoming more and more obvious that he is following the Trump playbook. What an absolute loser. Maybe he should try the Boris Johnson playbook, and see if that works out for him. I was going to write a post on Bo Jo, but I think I'll save what little energy I have for our own Bo Jo clowns...

  7. Anonymous2:01 PM

    If anyone should be disqualified it should be PP for trying to impersonate a human being. Would the destruction of the Cons not be a more serious matter to consider? Apparently not. They're more than willing to go down PP's rabbit hole of dread and delusion, fear and loathing, bull and shit. PP will say and do anything for the Con leadership and then to become PM. It's all about him and him alone. Hmm, where have I seen this ongoing horror movie before? Ah yes. Agent Orange, starring Donald "Coup" Trump as the toxin that's killing America.
    PP needs to be stopped by the sane among us or he will continue to recruit the weak of mind and further divide this country to a point beyond repair. I've been seeing it happen for months now in some of the people I have to deal with on a daily basis. Not a lot but they all have 3 distinguishing features that would attract them to PP. They hate JT, they're cowards and they're complete assholes. Pretty much like most of the Con caucus.

  8. Patrick has been Patrick for a very long time. For the CONS to take him out for a traffic ticket indicates they have jumped the shark.

  9. OT, but if this idiot judge and the guy who operated the website in question are any indication, PP the fascist freak might have an unexpectedly receptive audience for this Nazi crap. What the cinnamon-toast fuck is this? If this is what the "gatekeepers" supposedly represent, then I'm all set for that solar flare that took out the Rogers network to just take us all out. I can't even.

  10. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Alt Reality #1: A veteran campaign worker wakes up in a cold sweat when she suddenly realises she committed election fraud by allowing Brown to arrange for her salary to be paid by a private company while working full time on his election campaign. She immediately finds a helpful lawyer in the Yellow Pages and enlists him to help make things right by blowing the whistle.

    Alt reality #2: A veteran campaign worker receives a call from an unidentified Con official stating they know her dirty little employment secret and offer a choice. Be exposed and face potential criminal charges, financial ruin, and become unemployable in the Con universe. Alternatively blow the whistle on Brown, here is the number of a helpful lawyer who can lead you through the process of keeping you legally safe while ensuring he is incriminated. Do the right thing and we will be eternally indebted otherwise ....

    Which reality is more likely? It will be quite a circus if Brown can get his day in court. Henein is a shark and Con operatives are too arrogant to bother covering their tracks.


  11. Hi JD...You're absolutely right, in the grand scheme of things Poilievre should be disqualified for cuddling up to far-right extremists, and for being the most ghastly tin-pot demagogue this country has ever seen. But our bought media is so intent on trying to bring down Justin Trudeau, that they aren't asking the questions that need to be asked. Did he contribute money or bitcoin to the terrorist convoy? Did he encourage them to try to overthrow the Trudeau government? How many people died of Covid because he convinced them not to get vaccinated? Why is he trying to conceal the number of religious right members who are organizing and helping to pay for his campaign? The list of question goes on and on, but the ones I have mentioned should be enough to expose that ugly Con as the slimy monster he is, and ensure that he will never be Prime Minister. He is clearly feeling the heat, and it won't take much to hobble him before the federal election campaign even begins...

  12. Hi Steve...Patrick Brown is a small town mayor with delusions of grandeur, but he is also more liberal than most of the other Con leadership candidates and that's why he was whacked. The Con masters were afraid that he might hand over his votes to Jean Charest, and their Godfather and Big Daddy Stephen Harper had decreed that must not happen. The Cons are a corrupt party and for the good of this country they must be destroyed....

  13. After the 2014 Ontario election it became obvious that the Liberals would not win again and that the next leader of the Ontario Conservatives would be premier after the next election. Patrick Brown was that leader but was brought down by a hit job that allowed Doug Ford to take up that mantle. It is an open question of who orchestrated the hit job but the list of suspects is very small.

    If the current Federal government lasts until 2025, and that is a big "If", the Liberals will have been in power for 10 years and in tough to win another mandate. The next election will be a crap shoot and the Conservatives have a very good chance of winning if Canadians decide they want a change by then.

    So the next leader of the Conservative Party of Canada can be PM, which really ups the stakes of winning the leadership of the Party this time.

    Hence another hit job on one of the leadership candidates. It is ironic that it is Patrick Brown who is the victim once again.

    BTW, do not discount the chances of Mr. Poilievre winning the next election, assuming he win the leadership of the CPC. As with all federal elections the results will hinge on how the people of Ontario vote and they have sent Doug Ford to Queens Park with a majority government twice. Most voters are not aware of the details of politics so most of what Mr. Poilievre has said and done has gone over their heads. If these voters do indeed decide they want a change of government they will resort to their habit of switching their votes from the Liberals to the Conservatives, like they have always done, without giving it another thought.

  14. Hi Jackie... I am no longer surprised at what I read in the media, but almost every line in this story shocked me beyond belief. The judge in question was a lawyer who specialized in making large loans to all kinds of people, so how he was appointed judge is beyond me. I don't the man is a Nazi, but just appallingly ignorant. And hopefully the weight of public pressure will discredit him and lead to his resignation. For that is not my Canada or my Quebec....

  15. Hi RT...this sordid affair reveals the rot of the Cons, that I think you have summed up brilliantly. It turns out the "whistleblower" has just been offered a plum job on the Con's election committee, which is made up of some of the worst dinosaurs from the Harper era, including Leona Aglukkaq !!! As I keep repeating these days, Conservatives are just another word for corruption, and sooner or later that will come back to damage their little fascist Poilievre...

  16. Hi Ottlib... I am not big on historical precedent. We live in a different time with different challenges, to which only progressive parties can respond. And when a fascist party like the Cons is threatening this country I think we should be able to mobilize enough Canadians to make sure they don't win the next election. I don't think that Canadians will want the kind of change that privatizes medicare, kills the CBC, does nothing to fight climate change, and shrinks our social safety network down to what Poilievre calls a "small stipend." Many Canadians are really dumb and/or suffering from dementia. But I think they'll recognize these existential threats and do what must be done. As for Doug Ford, as I constantly keep repeating, his bestial government when paired with Poilievre's fascist conspiracy theories will only serve to make those threats even more apparent....

  17. Ontario tends to flip Conservative/Liberal between Provincial/Federal so I'm not too worried about Ford being in power; well, any more worried than I am already, because a lot of damage can be done. If people tire of Ford's gratuitous shenanigans, they will give the Liberals more or the same amount of seats.

    Of course Poilievre can be the next Prime Minister. So could have been O'Toole or Scheer. The [i]big[/i] caveat is he needs a majority. The LPC, NDP and GPC will not work with him. The BQ? They might, but the price will be full control over Québec's immigration decisions and Québec having its own Income Tax law, etc. etc. If Poilievre can live with that, his majority will be assured.

    Until then though...Dough Ford can do more damage and Poilievre will be burdened by a lawsuit against CPC and each time the truckers come to Ottawa to protest, it's a small drip-drip-drip against the CPC.

    My prediction for October 2025?
    LPC: 142
    CPC: 135
    NDP: 27
    BQ: 30
    GPC: 2
    IND: 2
    That's 338 and a minority government of some sort.
    +/- either CPC and LPC by 10 sets and NDP by 2-3 seats.
    This model means the LPC cannot rely uniquely on NDP to form power, and CPC cannot get a majority mandate even with BQ assent.

    1. Anonymous3:58 PM

      That sounds like *quite* the headache.

  18. Hi Pierre... I am confident that Doug Ford's Nepotism Inc government will be such a disaster that it will turn many Ontarians off the Cons for at least a generation. I also don't think that Poilievre will get anywhere near the number of seats you predict. Three years as Con leader will work against him rather than boost his numbers. There is something rat like about him, and so much dirt to come, I predict he will be on the ropes after only one year on the job. And the elephant in the room, climate change, will be the issue that finishes him off. Thanks to Covid
    the issue hasn't been getting the attention it deserves. But more than 50 million Americans are baking in a heat dome today, a friend in Portugal said it was well over 40 degrees centigrade where he lives, and all of this can only get worse in the next three years. And when it does, Poilievre's vow to "axe the tax" is going to make him look like a criminal or an idiot or both...

  19. I hope you're right!
    Ontario and Alberta will be huge. If the NDP returns to power in AB, it does...well, sweet duck all, actually. That province almost always goes CPC. There might be an NDP elected around Calgary though, which would be great.

    With the media actually planning the CPC platform (Bashir Mohammed's vile post-victory platform for Poilievre is sickening) and CBC both-sides'ing everything, it really will be up to the people to deliver. And if anything gives me optimism it's that the Prime Minister was in Calgary and drew hundreds and only a few protesters! Which just goes to show it's the Ottawa media bubble and Postmedia flogging dead horses and all of those are increasingly out of touch.
    Oh, and Frank Graves, whome I do respect as a pollster but he's really, really gloomy these days, yikes.

  20. Anonymous9:11 PM

    The Stampede appearance is like the Doolittle raids in WWII, a small military effect and a massive morale effect for both sides.
