Sunday, July 17, 2022

Have the Cons Finally Blown Up Their Party?

It was yet another perfect blue sky day, and I was feeling even sunnier than usual.

So I thought that instead of writing about the ugliness of the Cons, I would write about something different, and a little a lot lighter.

Like the Prime Minister's new haircut.

I couldn't decide whether I liked it or not, but it didn't really matter.

Because suddenly the sunny picture darkened.

When I read how some thuggish members of the trucker terrorist movement had managed to block his visit to a small brewery.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's day of whistle stops in the Ottawa area ended early today as anti-Liberal protesters gathered outside a brewery before he arrived.

"Due to the size and composition of the protest group and for the safety of all attendees, it was decided that it was not safe for the prime minister to attend the location," the RCMP National Division said in a statement to CBC News.

And I was reminded again what Pierre Poilievre and his Cons and dirty trucker terrorists are doing to this country. Making it more dangerous and less Canadian.

For the creepy Poilievre has demonized Trudeau for years, and has done nothing to discourage many of his supporters from threatening to kill him.

As they are doing all over the internet...

It's absolutely disgusting, Poilievre should be ashamed of himself, for whipping up all that hate, and ignoring the potentially deadly consequences.

But then how could he do anything to control his terrorist supporters? When he has now made it clear that he is a terrorist sympathizer himself...

And to make matters even worse the rot is spreading...

For now even Jean Charest is now singing the praises of Preston Manning even though the old religious fanatic is sounding increasingly deranged as he rants and raves in the Epoch Times about the treatment of Tamara Lich: 

The actions of the persecutors in this case may be described by the awkward word "unconscionable"- meaning barbarous, excessive, outrageous, preposterous, uncivilized, unethical, unfair, and unjust.

Even though Lich is just another terrorist sympathizer who is in the place where she belongs...

And who will hopefully remain there for many years.

Especially since most Canadians have no time for her or any of her Con seditionists. 

And although Poilievre is desperately trying to get away from this terrorist scandal, it's way too late, it's blowing up in his face.

He would privatize medicare, he would demolish our social safety net, he would scrap the $10 a day childcare support program, he would kill the CBC, he would axe the carbon tax and every other measure designed to fight climate change, even as the planet burns.

And who knows maybe some Canadians are too dumb or too senile to mind.

But most Canadians will never ever vote for a terrorist sympathizer for Prime Minister.

He has mortally wounded himself, and blown up his Convoy Party.

He is now a clear and present danger to our democracy.

Justin Trudeau is going to give that greaser an election haircut he'll never forget.

And with the power of their votes decent Canadians will finish him off...


  1. Anonymous9:49 PM

    He would privatize medicare ......he would axe the carbon tax and every other measure designed to fight climate change, even as the planet burns.

    He would do far worse than that by down loading control of the human rights stuff to the provinces while keeping federal control of the power stuff such as law, money and the military/punishment. Canada would essentially be remodelled to reflect the same characteristics as their political party. A diverse somewhat wonky and myopic group of provinces bound together under the big tent by a nasty leader.


  2. go deeper simon
    it is really ugly
    and not really easily dismissed
    Plymouth Brethren Christian Church,

  3. Anonymous12:52 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. The PM's new Tru' 'do may have gotten a lot of people talking, but greasy Skippy's audience is more likely to listen to the ignorant ravings of bald 'roid-bro podcaster Joe Rogaine. This knee-jerk crap of "he's a communist" (that was also flung at Obama) is idiotic, but it unfortunately has an effect at riling up the absolute worst dregs of society to let their hate flag fly.

    At first I thought the memes about Jim Carrey were exceptionally petty and mean. Though it was fun to see Liberals online batting them back with side-by-side comparisons of the PM with Gerard Butler and George Clooney (or mine, Steve McGarrett). PET's close crop circa 1968 came into the conversation too: another example of, like father like son. One would think that would be enough to ward off the nasties, but then the attacks just got worse. I probably have mild carpal tunnel from blocking so many of them, because eventually the trend mutated into an explosive-diarrhea trollfest of people speculating that the PM either has a lobotomy scar or (heaven forbid) is battling the big C. To no one's surprise, they were rooting for the big C.

    The real carcinogen eating away at Canada's body politic is the cancerous Cons, who are like canker sores on a carcass. Perhaps there should be some public-health PSAs on the offer to show the consequences of voting for them: like "this is your brain on drugs" with the cracked egg, except it's the result of inhaling diesel fumes from a freedumb rig and gorging on verbal junk food from the likes of Brivana Lilley and Rekt Murphy. Too much exposure to the radioactive toxic waste of CPC QAnon propaganda and juvenile shitposting is enough to make anybody sick. Hopefully there are still enough antibodies in the Canadian body politic to fend off the pigeon-borne carrier disease!

  5. Anonymous2:17 AM

    John Charest's tweet agreeing with Preston Manning's screen in the Epoch Times is a political suicide note.

  6. .. That specific image of Poilievre walking with James Topp is already ICONIC
    We can identify almost every person via the wider version
    but it is best cropped very slightly while ensuring the quasi military ‘Point Man’s direct look into camera & Poilivres as well attain & command the viewers attention & concern

    I’ve already compared in to the famous ‘dead eyes’ image of Karla Homolka. Both images, especially viewed in hindsight are remarkable historically. I have yet to properly credit whomever took the photo or screen capture from video, if that’s what it is. I have not ID’d the ‘point man’ yet.. but want to examine his backtrail. Behind Poilievre is Alexander, the former Trump advisor - a horror story in his own right. I believe the military garb guy on the far right & behind has been ID’d & the guy with the Canadian flag. Another girl far left & behind with military beret, possibly too. but that ‘point man’ for sure & any of those ‘riding drag’ behind the bell cows in the herd need Media Attention & merit great concern

    Yours is a shocking Post just because of the astonishing Twitter Threats alone. it’s possible it was your most crucial & damning post, historically.. (haha, there’s been ‘a few’.. MANY !)

    Poilievre & the Harper CPC ‘leaders’, plus the Alberta UCP ‘leadership’ remind me of a few head of beeves bawling & calling close the edge of Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, Alberta.The entire spooked, wild & bellowing herd is onrushing to their calls. Stampedes only stop for two reasons. One is exhaustion & legs a trembling, lungs heaving.. plumb run outta steam. The other in the FINALITY OF THE LEAP. The herd sweeps all before it.. until all, following the ‘leaders’ .. entire herd.. take brief flight

    Glad to hear you’re doing well Simon.. out on the waters etc.. about town, gettin some travels in. Same here. Great to see your posts via Progressive Bloggers.. man, that’s quite a group of Indy’s there.. many very, very strong Indy Journalists, Artists, you name it.. it’s a daily multi visit site for me.. much that I will repost via Twitter or my Facebook page.. which is 99% family, friends, close associates.. yet I fearlessly post excellent links to Journalists, Opinion, Healthcare Exemplars or obvious Partisan Failure

    Back at ya later m’man - Keep On Keepin On ! salamander🦎

  7. Preston Manning even though the old religious fanatic is sounding increasingly deranged as he rants and raves in the Epoch Times about the treatment of Tamara Lich.

    Manning in the Epoch Times! I missed this as the local Metro only has the Chinese-language edition and I don't read Chinese.

    Poilievre is increasingly sounding so 'alt-right' as to be deranged and a definitely dangerous influence on the crazies.

  8. Hi're right, my list of what Poilievre could cost Canada is sadly incomplete. I will do better next time. I would definitely add what I believe would be his nefarious influence on our justice system, which just like he tried to do during the Harper Regime would turn us unto a prison state. As well as pointing out that his failure to stand up for our Canadian values would fragment this country, and turn some provinces into backward places, where the poor and the vulnerable don't stand a chance...

  9. Hi Lungta...I read that Press Progress article and I have been doing my own research into some of the people mentioned in it. Due to my limited resources, and summer, that may take some time. But I want to point out that during the occupation of Ottawa I tried to alert people to the growing influence of the religious right that was providing a lot of material and organizational resources. And when I went to a Poilievre rally in my neighbourhood I noticed the presence of about a dozen sinister looking men who looked like hardline SoCons to me. So yeah, I'm on the case...

  10. Anonymous7:00 PM

    I'm so old I remember the minor scandal when the media discovered that Harper's stylist was traveling the globe with him on the public dime. Michelle Muntean's pay was quickly covered by the party before anyone found out the cost of keeping Harper looking like a Lego man.
    For the record, though, Trudeau does sport that new cut better than Zuckerberg.

  11. Hi anon@12:52....I deleted your vulgar comment about Justin Trudeau as I warned you and your scummy Cons I would. I have no intention of letting you losers try to demean the character of our Prime Minister with your grotesque conspiracy theories. If you wish to do that please take a hike all the way to the Rebel, where I'm sure your filthy comments would be most welcome...

  12. Amusing article in Al Jazeera about Skippy


  13. Hi Jackie...The Con nonsense about Trudeau's haircut is just another example of how crazy desperate they are, and more ominously how much they hate the guy. And the suggestion that he is trying to hide a lobotomy scar, or that he has cancer, is simply beyond belief. And I love this line of yours:

    The real carcinogen eating away at Canada's body politic is the cancerous Cons, who are like canker sores on a carcass.

    For it couldn't be more true, they really are diseased. This is not the Canada I know and love, and I will not let those ugly Cons hijack my country and its values. Our shabby media should have reined them in long ago, but since they failed us so badly, we will just have to do that ourselves. And I look forward to that...

  14. Hi anon@2:17 AM....I feel sorry for Jean Charest, he should never have had to debase himself like that. But I guess he's desperate, and thinks that he needs to do that if he is to have any chance of beating Poilievre. I think it's a terrible mistake, it won't gain him any new supporters, and can only tarnish his reputation at the end of his long career, which included helping to save Canada from the separatists. I was never a Charest fan, but he deserved a better fate...

  15. Hi Salamander...I have about five different copies of that close-up of Poilievre walking with Alexander, and that sinister looking goon, and I intend to use it over and over again to try to get Canadians to understand what kind of fascist place we would be living in if Poilievre ever became Prime Minister. As for the online death threats I have been monitoring them for years, and I can't understand why our hideous media has done nothing to expose what I consider to be the greatest threat to our country and its values. The death threats, the nooses, the F**ck Trudeau signs, can only poison this country, and increase the chance of something horribly tragic happening. I despised Stephen Harper with every bone in my body, but it never crossed my mind to threaten his life, so in almost ten years of blogging I never did. But unfortunately between Harper and Trump, they corrupted this country to a degree I never could have imagined. But thank you for your kind words. I have slowed down quite a bit since my fiery early days, but I will never give up fighting for this country along with so many good people like yourself...

  16. Hi jrkrideau...I too was shocked to see the man they used to call Parson Manning appearing in the pages of the Epoch Times, the Falun Gong cult rag. But I guess he too is desperate. Like Rex Murphy he sees Tamara Litch as a martyr for the church and Big Oil. And slowly but surely Poilievre is corrupting them all...

  17. Hi anon@7:00 PM...Yes I remember that vain queen Harper being followed around by his personal stylist to presumably glue that hair helmet to his head. And I've been told that he had so much makeup layered on it had to be removed with a scraping divide that looked like a trowel, so I can imagine how much his plastic face was running as he disappeared into the night after getting his as kicked by Justin Trudeau. It was a moment I'll never forget, and I look forward to seeing Poilievre leaving the arena after repeating the experience. To think that puny Con dreams of being Prime Minister is absolutely hilarious....

  18. Hi jrkrideau...Thanks for that link to the Al Jazeera story about Poilievre. Mitrovica really puts the boots to that puffed up Con pigeon.

    The other reason why I have postponed introducing discerning readers to Pierre Poilievre – Canada’s decidedly less flamboyant but equally ambitious and rank facsimile of the I’m-not-going-anywhere-yet British prime minister – is that every moment spent thinking or writing about the presumptive Conservative Party leader is a moment lost to superficiality and mendacity.

    And I understand how he feels. Having to write about that pathetic fascist is truly tiresome. But at least I'm sure that the ending will make up for everything....

  19. It's funny how "birds of a feather stick together" is going to be Pigeon Pierre's ultimate undoing.

    A local disaffected church has been claimed by a group called "The United People of Canada" (TUPC for short, I'm not making this up...) and they are going to give shelter to the Freddumb crowd, and possibly be a base of operations for them as well. And, sadly for us in the National Capital Region, the loons are going to keep coming and Peter Popinjay (credit to David Hamer here) will be attracted to them, because he needs them. And slowly, inexorably, the LPC will start climbing in the polls as the 2025 election date arrives.

    And CPC will lose, because they are losers led by a loser. Only Harper can make that mess seem palatable and he's gone to more troubling things, leaving his party to be a Trudeau Tidbit, one that he'll tell his children and grandchildren about for a long, long time.

  20. Hi Pierre...I read the story about that group that wants to take over that former church building. And it all sounded very suspicious to me. From what I read it sounds like the convoy people are trying a new tactic to try to win supporters. They are like a cancer in this country, and I'd recommend that the citizens investigating them keep a close watch on that group, and if they are convoy people do all they can to have them evicted. On the question of the Cons, I have never been more convinced that the Cons are going to lose the next election, and lose it badly. Pigeon Poilievre has lost a lot of feathers recently and I predict that when he is elected leader and tries to fly he will end up flat on his face....
