Friday, February 04, 2022

Why Are The Scummy Cons Supporting The Terrorist Truckers?

They rolled into Ottawa almost a week ago. They turned a protest into an occupation.

They've been terrorizing the people of that city ever since, with their Trump-like slogans and their airhorns.

And they say they're not leaving unless their demands to end all vaccine mandates are met, and/or the government resigns.

It's the most outrageous attempted blackmail of our democracy most Canadians have ever seen.

But at least now we know who they are...

A collection of dangerous fascists masquerading as harmless protesters.

With a touch of the Lord of the Flies thrown in good measure.

A convoy teeming with weirdo freaks who think they should have the power to overthrow a duly elected government...

The kind of people who use children to promote their murderous views. 

The kind of scuzzy bigots who say or do the dirtiest things.

Con weirdos who would have us believe that Justin Trudeau should be arrested for treason.

When they are the ones who should be arrested for exposing themselves and their sickoTrudeau hate. 

While others seem to think they now own downtown Ottawa, and that journalists don't have the right to cover them.

It's gotten so bad that some are even suggesting it could be Canada's tea party moment.

But if it is a tea party moment, it's one supported and funded by a lot of right-wing Americans.

And the fact that so many Cons are supporting this dangerous movement is practically treason.

The mayor of Ottawa is right to demand that the Cons in that picture should apologize.

Ottawa’s mayor is calling on several Conservative MPs and a senator from Saskatchewan to apologize for praising the anti-vaccine mandate protest that has brought the capital’s downtown to a standstill for close to a week.

A photo shows MPs Warren Steinley, Kevin Waugh, Andrew Scheer, Fraser Tolmie, Rosemarie Falk and Sen. Denise Batters grinning _ some giving the thumbs-up _ in front of one of the protest trucks, which have been barricading roads and honking horns in the city almost non-stop since Saturday. 

But what chance do the suffering people of Ottawa have when the new interim leader of the Cons not only supports the truckers, but is using the crisis to play cheap politics? 

Newly elected interim Conservative Party Leader Candice Bergen advised senior Conservative MPs not to tell members of the trucker convoy to leave Ottawa and instead make the protests the prime minister’s problem, according to an internal email obtained by CTV News.

In an email sent on Monday, the then deputy leader told her colleagues “I don’t think we should be asking them to go home.” “I understand the mood may shift soon. So we need to turn this into the PMs problem. What will he take the first step to working toward ending this?”

It's simply beyond beyond belief, a betrayal of the suffering people of Ottawa. But it is what you get when the Cons elect a MAGA maggot as interim leader... 

And the protest is being endorsed by their real leader...

It's absolutely disgusting, but it is yet another nail in the coffin of the Cons.

They are no longer a Canadian party, they are riddled with terrorist sympathizers.

And when the police finally clear those scummy truckers out of Ottawa by whatever means necessary. 

The decent people of this country must prepare to bury the Cons once and for all...


  1. Anonymous3:37 PM

    For their support of the convoy and their obstruction of PM Trudeau's efforts to get Canada through the pandemic, the CPC and NDP need to be dissolved, declared illegal, their MPs arrested and charged with crimes against Canada and jailed until their trials. Their supporters need to be corrected in their ways and taught not to support them or otherwise lose their rights to vote.

  2. Anon 3:37 the NDP aren't supporting them, except for Jagmeet's idiot brother-in-law who we don't know how he votes, so for once at least they're on the side of sanity. CPC on the other hand is a different beast altogether. It's time for a full public inquiry and yes, I agree that some kind of deradicalization strategy needs to be employed. So-called partisanship be damned, because IDGAF about "Liberal bias" when it's quite clear that Her Majesty's Disloyal Opposition is behaving as a fifth column engaged in foreign-supported hybrid warfare undermining of a duly elected government. For their support of a group pledging allegiance to a pretender to the throne (Romana Didulo) they should face charges of sedition and be banned.

    Simon, you had written awhile back during the 2019 election, about Scheer's networking with Koch operatives through the IDU. Knowing full well that he's a dual citizen, IMHO he should be the first to be hauled before the January 29th Committee. Go Fund Me executives are about to be subpoenaed to testify on the funding of this fracas, so as far as I'm concerned CPC MPs like Bergen and especially Scheer need to be made to answer for their activities too. Follow the $$$.

    One thing is for certain, and I called it here: a hearty endorsement from lowlife Donald Trump is the kiss of death for the Cons that can only benefit Justin Trudeau. Hopefully Canadian sovereignty lasts until the next election so that he can trounce them once and for all.

  3. Anonymous4:58 PM

    I hadn't heard that the orange rambling shithole had endorsed the terrorists, again. Did he tweet it out? No, cant do that. Facebook? No, cant do that either. If I were Donald Chump, I would be enjoying what I CAN do before he's indicted on, well...take your pick. Ever since Pence's ex chief of staff testified at the Jan. 6th committee, Trump has been shitting himself nonstop because he knows he's going down. And he calls JT loony? That's funny. All I can say is have a nice life Donald, sentence I hope.
    So as MAGA Bergen drags the Trumpservatives towards full on Trumpism, the timing wouldn't be better if say, by the time they're ready to send Trump to Guantanamo for life, the Cons are in the middle of their leadership convention. What a great backdrop that would be.
    Too late, at least for me, Simon. I've buried the Cons long ago but as you say, many more people will be sickened by what they see and third or even maybe fourth party status is entirely possible at the conclusion of the next election. The Conservative party born with Sir John A. died when Harper and McKay merged the Reformers with them to create this sick, twisted bunch of fucks.

  4. "Never negotiate with terrorists!" they say. Well that part is true. Cons never negotiate with terrorists, they cajole them instead.
    And in the case of Alberta and Saskatchewan, they surrender to them.
    Here's to another shameful week-end, now.

  5. The CONS are playing a stupid game that we all know sucks.
    First pass the posts means the inevitably no matter what
    a con will be PM. CHANGE NOW JUSTIN. The NDP will support it

  6. Steve, JT has said that he is open to changing the voting system, but it was the NDP who hijacked the committee in 2017 because they were for PropRep or bust. Now PropRep might have cost the Liberals the last two elections, and/or allowed Max to gain as many seats as the NDP have now. Leading to a possible coalition between the cons and him (as though they aren't one and the same already).

    But NDP are fine with that, because they figure it'd more than triple their seat count, and that's all that matters to them. They will not support ranked balloting, which is a lot simpler than the various Rube Goldberg machines of PropRep used throughout Europe, and none of which the NDP can even agree among themselves as to what to support.

    I wish the NDP could accept compromise for the country's sake and get behind ranked balloting even if it mathematically may give an edge to the Liberals. Fact is when JT said he didn't want extremists gaining foothold in Parliament, he was remiss in not calling out the NDP themselves (probably because Gerry has always said progressives should not attack other progressives). He mentioned Kellie Leitch, who was Max before Max was Max. Jagmeet didn't have a seat at the time. So I doubt he anticipated the NDP hitching a ride on the Bernie/AOC bandwagon of radicalized alt-left youth.

    You look at the NDP giving succor to the likes of Xi and Maduro, the same way Harper has cozied up to Orbán and Trump. Or how their MPs have granted interviews to the far left's equivalent of Rebel Media, as Green and Gazan did with Jacobin. Or how they teamed up with Skippy to waste a whole year attacking the PM's family and destroying a charity in the process. Going full Corbynista on the Israel/Palestine bun fight that caused the Greens to implode and thus playing footsie with antisemitism as a wrongheaded approach to Middle East foreign policy. I tweeted my take on Peter Julian's bill to ban hate symbols, which appears to be modeled after similar legislation in Germany with one glaring exemption. To me, it speaks volumes that the NDP don't want to ban the hammer and sickle, which is also a symbol of totalitarian violence and hate.

    Is this really a party that deserves to be the "natural governing partner" in Canada? Because that unfortunately is what would happen with PropRep. AV at least would force everyone to compete in the centre and shun the extremes one way or the other. I don't want the cons to win either, but if the NDP are to be a valid "conscience of parliament" then have to shed the cosplay communists and Tik Tok tankies in their own ranks and grow up.

    1. Anonymous9:46 AM

      The NDP hijacked the committee?? They had a minority on the committee. The majority of those who appeared before the committee were in favor of ProRep.

      Had Trudeau accepted the recommendation of the committee that did the job it was appointed to do and held a referendum on the matter and the idea was rejected by the electorate, then he could have said "I tried" and been done with it.

      Instead he didn't get his preferred way and took his ball and went home.

  7. Pierre D.9:26 PM

    Class-action lawsuit v. Dichter, King, Lich and unknown number of truckers for 9,8 million big ones. Claims cover most of Ottawa area affected by the protests, and this comes out to about 70,000-100,000 per antagonist.

    GoFundMe cancelled all funding as well.
    CPC are CPC, NDP are only relevant because of the minority status of LPC. We know they'd team with CPC to give them a majority.

    Also, CPC Senator Dennis Patterson leaves caucus over their abject lack of enforcing the law and order of the land.

    Hums Ain't that a shame...

  8. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Kenney the Con declared Covid over last summer and set plans to end Covid restrictions. Shortly afterwards the hospitals started filling with Covid patients, the medical professionals pulled him aside and insisted he change course or the hospital system would collapse. Somehow he found the smarts to listen. Similar situations played out in other provinces with populist premiers. It was not because they were concerned about the mortality rate associated with Covid but because the projected number of cases would overwhelm their already underfunded,under staffed medical system and they would pay a heavy political price.
    Medical workers have spent the past 2 years working under difficult physical and mental stress. There is now some light at the end of the tunnel but it is not over. If we let the various levels of government turn their backs on them in favour of a few needle phobic truckers then it would be understandable if they turn their backs on us. Its simply amazing more haven't taken a hard look at the current Con-trucker circus and said F**K it, I am taking time off, reassess my priorities and either return or find another line of work when and if sanity returns.


  9. Hi anon@3:37....Whoa, cool your jets. All of that can't happen until I have been elected King or Dictator of Canada. Seriously though, we do't have to act the like Cons would if they could fool Canadians into giving them another mandate. All we have to do is stand up for our Canadian values. And the Cons will just melt away, and gently dribble into the toilet bowl of history...

  10. Hi Jackie....It is interesting to see how Scheer has popped up like an ugly weed after all that time of laying low. He clearly was burning with resentment over having been replaced by O'Toole, and now he is practically giddy with excitement to have a SoCon named interim leader.
    I remember a photoshop I made of his as one of the Beverly Hillbillies, I must dig it up and use it again. And yes, that endorsement from Trump is more than I could have hoped for. That Con trash terrorizing the good citizens of Ottawa, have no idea how much damage it has done their cause. But they will...

  11. Hi anon@5:19...I still can't believe that the Cons have jumped on the terrorist bandwagon. They are either so fanatical, or so dumb, they can't appreciate the damage they are doing to themselves. They have lost touch with real Canadians, and are now little more than an alt-right terrorist cult. Good riddance to bad rubbish...

  12. Hi JD....Yes, can you believe it? The Orange Maniac is cheering on the terrorist convoy, and giving the Cons the kiss of death. And a loser like him calling Trudeau a "far left lunatic" is also hilarious, and tells us how far he has fallen. And as for the Cons they could also fall further, since Pater MacKay has an article in the Sun which strongly suggests he wants to run for Con leader again. I saw Harper the other day asking people to help pay off Mackay's campaign debt so I should have put two and two together. Poor old Dumbo seems ready to dive into the piranha tank again, and I doubt it will end well. But it should be entertaining....

  13. Hi Steve....I have no intention of discussing electoral reform. Canadians don't want it, and with the possible exception of a ranked ballot, it stands no chance of being approved in a referendum. Maybe one day, when our political scene has been stabilized, those who believe in it can try again...

  14. Hi Pierre...Yes, isn't it fabulous? The Cons are falling to pieces already. The dreadful SoCon Candy Bergen makes a dreadful suggestion to jump into bed with the terrorist truckers. And her e-mail is leaked by one of her not so faithful supporters. She's such a religious fanatic and loathsome Trudeau hater I doubt she truly recognizes the damage she has done to her own party. She doesn't understand how angry so many decent Canadians are, seeing that trucker mob trying to make all the sacrifices we have made to fight Covid worth nothing. And when it counts that righteous anger is going to come back, bite her and her rotten party, and hopefully give the Trudeau Liberals another majority...

  15. Anonymous12:47 AM

    The news keeps getting better. Not only has gofundme stopped the convoy's fundraising, the terrorists wont see another red cent of it because as gofundme put it, they violated the terms of the agreement. Ya think?
    I believe the organizers have received about 1 million of the 10 million raised and given that they have been hit with a class action lawsuit for roughly 10 million, that 1 million grift will evaporate pretty quickly. Now it's time to follow the money.
    The organizers are now using a Christian based platform, to fundraise. I tried to go on their site to warn them (as I did with gofundme) that they were enabling domestic terrorism by allowing them to fundraise but the site was down. Hmm...did Jesus stop me or maybe just an outpouring of anger from people fed up with the week old temper tantrum by a bunch of very loud, whiny babies. I urge everyone to at least try to get on their site and let your voices be heard.
    To the terrorists who've stolen the rights and freedoms of the citizens of Ottawa for the past week, you've been had, suckers. Good luck seeing anything from the 10 million dollar grift. In fact, you losers will end up having to cover your own costs for this illegal occupation and to ever get another job in the industry as most of you will be black-balled for life. A fitting end to the Freedumb Tantrum 2022. I can see the commemorative t-shirts already. "I came to overthrow the government and got tinnitus instead, what?"
    "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." JFK, 1961
    "Never before has so much noise been made by so many, for so little. So stupid." JD, 2022

  16. Hi RT...a lot of healthcare workers I know are talking about leaving the profession, they are desperately tired, and having those anti-vaxxer terrorists come after them is the last straw. Governments and hospital administrators will have to deal with their grievances, or risk worsening a nursing shortage, that is already critical. Like most people I am sick of the pandemic, but it's still a real threat, and if the Con premiers relax the restrictions too quickly, we could still face an early Spring disaster...

  17. Hi JD... This is hilarious:

    "I came to overthrow the government and got tinnitus instead, what?"

    Good for you. It looks like those Con goons are about to experience the sinking feeling that all honking got them nowhere, as well as experience a sharp pain in the wallet. For without that GoFundMe gas money they may have to push their rigs all the way back to Alberta. I'm glad the police are increasing the number of officers so they can keep a closer eye on those potential domestic terrorists. For I don't doubt that the last holdouts are going to be the craziest and the most dangerous....

  18. Anonymous1:52 AM

    Hi Simon, I'm glad you liked my T-shirt idea. I'm thinking of a commemorative bumper sticker as well, "Honk if you're stupid".
    I think most Canadians reached their breaking point when the insurrectionists targeted health care workers, Canada's greatest heroes throughout this pandemic. It simply boggles my mind that they would do such a despicable thing. It totally destroys MAGA Candy's Trumpy good people on both sides narrative and will be one of the many anchors that drags the Con's ship of fools into the abyss.

  19. Hi JD...I have friends who are going to work on so called Hospital Row today, who have to worry about what Toronto's Con scum could do to them and their patients. This includes the children at Sick Kids. And why is this happening? Because Queen's Park the target of the these latest Freedumb protesters in just down the street from five large hospitals and a number of smaller clinics. The police seem to have taken some good steps to keep the mother truckers from blocking entrances to the hospitals as they have done before. But the fact that this is even happening, is such an outrage and incredibly un-Canadian...

  20. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Kenney.. arsonist, firefighter and just an overall jackass!


  21. Anonymous10:08 AM

    So is and has been used as a far-right tool to raise millions for the domestic terrorist group the proud boys in the US.
    And surprise surprise, now the freedumb convoy is using their service to fundraise for their terrorist convoy. Givesendgo's own terms of use warns that it will not tolerate exactly what this convoy has done and will continue to do. Terrorize innocent citizens.
    In my opinion, givesendgo is allowing this knowing full well that it doesn't pass the smell test. The site is difficult to access but I'm pretty sure I saw that the convoy had raised nearly a million dollars last night. How that happened so quickly tells me that the deep far right pockets are scrambling to get funds to their noisy little terrorists and knowing how anything "Christian" these days is basically far right nonsense, we have a marriage made in Hell.
    People of Ottawa, prepare another class action lawsuit immediately against givesendgo and to our elected officials, use your powers to shut down this terrorist fundraising site disguised as a Christian charity. And do it now!!!!!
    And please, everyone, let givesendgo know how you feel about this. as well as your elected officials.

  22. Anonymous10:10 AM

    A year ago the Cons were hurling abuse at Trudeau for failing to obtain vaccines fast enough, now they are hurling abuse for encouraging people to use them. Political insanity!


  23. Anon 9:46, I'm not going to rehash that soap opera. Perhaps take a look at how an actual CPC MP *bragged* about getting the NDP on board to stop what he called Justin Trudeau "rigging the electoral system." And this was well before Trump ignited the Big Lie.

    Rather than pout that Justin Trudeau, in your words, "took his ball to go home," you should be glad that he stopped the NDP from shoehorning into law a system that might have allowed Max Bernier to have an outsized foothold in Parliament -- and/or the Liberals to be forced into coalition with literal communists in the cabinet. Like the government of Portugal, or Chile's Gabriel Boric, the latest tankie boyfriend that Orange Twitter has been fawning over lately. That kind of normalization of extremism is what multiparty coalitional governments allow through the door. Entryism is bad enough, but at least under a big tent party, one would hope that the nutters are marginalized, lest the party be reduced to a rump.

    Now again I ask, if the NDP are so committed to stomping out oppression, why isn't the hammer and sickle on the list of symbols to be banned under Peter Julian's antihate bill?

  24. Anonymous 9:46: Here is a little history lesson for you about the committee.

    In 2015, the newly elected PM proposed establishing the Electoral Reform Committee where membership was to be along the lines of the number of seats in the House as opposed to percentage of votes each party received. The Opposition howled because that meant the Liberals would have the majority on the committee.

    The PM gave into their howling, which was rookie mistake on his part.

    With no party having the majority on the newly established committee the predictable happened. The NDP and Greens said PR or bust, the Liberals said ranked ballot, the Conservatives said we do not need to change how we vote but if this committee decides to do so it must be put to a referendum and the Bloc said do whatever you like, we will find a way to turn it into an issue to convince Quebecers to separate.

    This went on for two-and-a-half years. NONE OF THE PARTIES CHANGED THEIR POSITIONS ONE WHIT, and that includes the NDP. No compromise was possible.

    Finally, Elections Canada told the PM that even if the committee could agree on a position and legislation could be passed they would not be able to implement the new system for the 2019 election. At that point the PM pulled the plug.

    But you are correct in a sense. The NDP did not hijack the committee. They just decided not to compromise, just like all of the rest. In short, none of the parties have clean hands on the failure of the committee to achieve its objective. Which makes perfect sense because all of the parties know that changing how we vote will have profound impacts on their political fortunes so all of them stuck to the positions that they believed would most positively impact their fortunes. That's politics.

    It is also politics that many NDP supporters have been frustrated by their party's inability to win elections in the current system so they have decided that we need to change the system. That is BS. There are many examples at the Provincial level where NDPs have managed to win elections using the old system and they did so by developing parties and policies that appealed to large enough pluralities to win government. If the Federal NDP is unable to do the same that is a problem with the Party. It is not a problem with the voting system.

  25. After watching Doug Ford manipulate the ranked ballot to become leader, I would not trust it. The best is like they do in many parts of the world including our cuz to the south. A runoff.
