Sunday, February 06, 2022

The Far Right Delusions of the Political Thug Pierre Poilievre

Pierre Poilievre could barely wait for Erin O'Toole to be dead and buried before launching his campaign to replace him.

He claimed that he just couldn't wait to save his decaying party, make us free again, and deliver us from Justin Trudeau.

And is now posing as a Con messiah.

 With a sense of mission so inflated, many Cons are already falling on their knees before him, and blowing him like a trumpet.

Poilievre gained a number of endorsements minutes after announcing his candidacy on Saturday.

In reply to his tweet, former cabinet minister John Baird got behind his onetime caucus colleague, writing that Poilievre "has the brains and the backbone and will make a great Prime Minister.I am beyond thrilled to endorse him!"

A number of MPs have also started to endorse Poilievre, including Ontario's Melissa Lantsman, who was elected in the fall.

"No question — Pierre is the answer to a strong & united Conservative Party," Lantsman said in a tweet.

Which of course couldn't be more obscene, since Poilievre is a grotesque political thug, and the closest thing to a dangerous fascist this country has ever known.

A man with no moral compass who served his monstrous master Stephen Harper well.

Helping to draw up lists of his political enemies...

As well as trying to suppress the vote, and poison political life in this country with his monstrous Fair Elections Act...

He is also a foul hypocrite, who would pose as a man of the people.

Even though as Rick Mercer pointed out in this video many years ago, he is a multimillionaire, and a bloated pension porker.

Since then Poilievre has become even richer, and even more right-wing.

So much so that he was one of the first Cons to embrace the far right truckers... 

Bringing them coffee and donuts even as they terrorize our major cities.

But while that may make him popular with the rabid Con base...

As even Tasha Kheiriddin points out, that can only make him even less popular with most Canadians.

The Tories know they need to expand their base if they are to win the next election. To do that, they need to be a club that other voters feel comfortable joining, whether for reasons of underlying principles, specific policies, or political self-identification. The more the protest veers into thuggery, the more Tory support for it will turn off the voters the party need to attract.

Middle-class families in suburban ridings across the country aren’t likely to drive around with obscenities gracing their cars. New Canadians, BIPOC Canadians and LGBTQ Canadians aren’t going to join a party that smells of intolerance. And Canadians in general take a dim view of the Trump-style politics that are entrenched south of the border.

So while Poilievre is hoping to ride a fascist wave to power.

He will almost certainly end up in the graveyard of history, along with all the others...


  1. Pierre D.1:41 PM

    As I told JackieBlue on the BirdSite, this has the potential to be as disastrous as New Coke.
    Pierre Poilievre, who was Harper's Minder in government by intimidating section heads into compliance, is going reap an absolute whirlwind of a shit-storm of payback from public servants in the National Capital and beyond. He'll be on the back foot from the very start, and no amount of Trudeau memes will help him.

    But hey, this might benefit the rest of us in Canada. As could Alain Reyes resignation as Quebec LT. after Pigeon Pierre started his attack formation. The cracks are becoming alarmingly large and even Harper sending Baird (is he finally out of the closet?) to support him looks like a Sword of Damocles above his head.

    But of course, the party is in the thrall of its Trump-Repbublican-SocialConsrvative base, so Mr. Poilievre may not even make 2nd place.
    And that, in the end, may doom CPC to be nothing more than a Prairie Oyster of Canadian Politics...

  2. Anonymous1:49 PM

    He's deluded alright, Simon. Donald Poilievre jr. announcing his intention to run for the Trumpservative leadership is ringing rather hollow. After inciting and giving aid and comfort to our domestic terrorist group I like to call Al Cletus, he's now seizing the moment when the whole country is aflame to aggrandize himself. Meanwhile, thousands of Ottawans are under siege by a terrorist occupation, living through the worst possible moments of their lives and this fucker is blowing his own horn. Oh how I loathe thee, peewee. It's me, myself and I for this Harper crotch goblin and I foresee that he will be the worst Con leader ever if he wins it. Keep the barf bags ready folks.
    O/T but I need to say this, Ottawa police Chief Sloly wouldn't call it a demonstration or an occupation, a siege, rather. Okay. Glad we got that out of the way. Oh yeah, he also has no clue on how to end it either. Nor prevent it. They had lots of warning that Al Cletus was coming and they could have easily blocked off the downtown core to the big trucks. But they didn't so he and Jim Watson will have to answer for that. Here's an idea, bring in the army, form a solid perimeter and starve them out. Nothing and no one in and no one out unless it's in cuffs and charged with terrorist related offences. And if they fire the first shots? Mow them down. Enough is enough of this bullshit. These overgrown crybabies need to learn a harsh lesson that the needs of the many far outweigh the needs of the few so if it ends up being fewer of them, then so be it. That's the cost of preserving democracy.

  3. Poilevre is not the flip flopper that the hapless o}O'Toole is/was but will be utterly incapable of making any headway to the voting block the part needs to form government again. Despite being a dick, he is smarter than your average con but he is NOT PM material despite the delusions of grandeur he has. BC Waterboy

  4. I hope "Pierre Poutine" finds himself on the wrong side of the law once the investigation into the foreign funding of this fracas gears up. Or should I say, "Pierre Putin"? All that the Liberals need to do is splice up footage of Canada's January 6th with Skippy's statements of support and it's stick a fork in that pigeon, he's done.

    Or, if Potato Patch Pete or Paddy the Pervert run as the "moderate" candidate, the best thing that could happen is that it tears the party apart. The destruction of this gang of liars, cheats and thieves can't happen soon enough and it couldn't happen to a more deserving group of a**holes.

    [Papa oom mow mow!]( Bernard Drainville's heard about the bird. Soon everyone will know that the bird is absurd...

  5. Beware what you wish for Pierre. Handing out donuts to Peterbuilt Peckerheads may win him the leadership of the reformatories but it will alienate the 80% of Canadians who are not right wing, fanatical Trumpaloonies.

  6. Here comes the civil war. Drainville tweeted this morning that Charest wants back in the ring. I bet that's who Reyes is backing even though Harper blocked him last time. Welcome to the Thunderdome.

  7. Hi Pierre... Quite honestly I don't believe that Poilievre is in full command of his senses. He seems to think that people have forgotten the way he viciously bullied some senior civil servants. But I haven't, I even wrote a post about that two years ago, and will print it again at an opportune moment. And it's not just that, I also question his judgement on the economic questions he is supposed to be managing, only to be shown to be an ignorant Con clown who doesn't know what he is talking about. But I suppose the writing was always on the wall. He was always going to crash and burn, and with a little bit of luck he will take the Cons down with him...

  8. Hi JD....Yes, Poilievre like so many Cons is totally lacking in empathy. So as you point out, at a time when so many people in Ottawa are suffering so much, he sides with the trucker terrorists, and blows his own horn. Unbelievable. I guess a recent complimentary tweet from the equally disturbed Jordan Peterson must have gone to his head. But good, if Poilievre does become Con leader, the Harper Party is sure to hit rock bottom, and I'm really looking forward to that. As for the Ottawa police chief Sloly, he may be a better person than Poilievre, but he's equally clueless. I realize that he wants to try to avoid a possible bloodbath, but if that happens it won't be our side who are responsible. And after all the suffering those Con thugs have inflicted on the poor people of Ottawa, who is to say they don't deserve it?

  9. Hi BC Waterboy....Yes, there is no doubt that Poilievre is smarter than O'Toole. But at least O'Toole was trying to increase the number of people who might vote for the Cons, while Poilievre seems only interested in playing to his rabid base, and will take the Cons nowhere. My guess is that he lives in an echo chamber, and has no idea how Canada is changing. But would make a second-rate Republican. Trump obviously has had a huge influence on Poilievre, and Skippy has yet to look in the mirror and recognize he is the same kind of loser. BTW I've been reading some horrifying stories about how the thugs from the Con convoy are continuing to harass LGBT people, not just defecating on the doorstep of one gay couple flying the Pride flag, but also throwing a brick through the front window of another house. It's disgusting and I hope the police will start cracking some Con heads...

  10. Hi Jackie....I do hope that once this nightmare is over, we can properly investigate the role of the far right in the U.S. For there is no doubt in my mind that they have been heavily involved in organizing and financing this fascist spectacle. When Trump, the governor of Florida, and the Attorney General of Texas are all sticking their noses into our business, something is terribly wrong and we need some answers. As for the return of Charest, I must admit I would be surprised. But then his Dad never recovered from the shock of seeing his son doing the hated Liberals, so maybe he just wants to set his soul at rest. It also could explain why Poilievre was in such a hurry to get out in front. The Con leadership race could turn out to be more interesting than I had imagined.
    BTW, I am greatly enjoying your Twitter debut, well done....

  11. Hi rumleyfips....As I said in my post, Poilevre is living in a parallel universe. In his stinky Con world he sees himself as a conquering hero. But in the real world, the more Canadians see and hear him, the more they despise him. The pundits are all declaring him the overwhelming favourite, but I think that if the Cons crown him their leader they will be in for a very unpleasant surprise...

  12. Canada the freeest country in the world, what does that mean? I would rather we had followed PET and become the richest.
