Tuesday, February 08, 2022

The Ugly Cons and the American Assault on Canada

It's been just over a week since Pierre Poilievre went on to an overpass to greet the terrorist truckers invading Ottawa.

Since then he has visited the truckers, and brought them coffee and donuts, even though he must have known many were calling for the overthrow of the duly elected government.

And the arrest and lynching of Justin Trudeau.

But now suddenly, Poilievre has stopped talking about the occupation. And with good reason.

For now we know that the occupation not just driving the poor people of Ottawa crazy, it could be killing them.

People in the city are dealing with the emotional and mental toll of a protest that has occupied downtown Ottawa over the past week as trucks blare their horns at all hours, streets are blocked by large vehicles, and some report physical and verbal abuse from protesters. 

Experts worry that the stress could have long-lasting effects on the health of residents who have also been navigating life during a pandemic. Taryn Grieder, an assistant professor in psychology at the University of Toronto, said increased stress could have long-lasting physical effects on the brain and body, including a risk of heart disease. 

There are psychological effects, too, in terms of increased risk of depression and anxiety disorders, and the worsening of any pre-existing mental illness, she said. “They are suffering pretty significantly in terms of their sleep patterns, their mood, their irritability and their overall physical health. There’s a link between psychological stress and physical effects on the body,” Prof. Grieder said. “It’s not a good situation.”

And who can see surprised?

I've heard many stories of elderly and disabled people too afraid to leave their homes. This story saddened me.

This story is deeply disturbing.

Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson says the city’s police arson unit is investigating after “disturbing” reports of unidentified individuals attempting to start a fire in the lobby of a residential apartment located near the site of ongoing trucker convoy demonstration.

And this story is simply disgusting.

How low can those Con terrorists go? Have they no decency? Did their mothers not teach them ANYTHING?

And why are those ugly losers threatening to murder the media?

Yup, many of those Cons are deeply disturbed, but the good news is that the media aren't the only ones taking them on...

Ordinary Canadians are sick of being treated like garbage, and are speaking out.

And that's why Poilievre has stopped encouraging the terrorists. At least for now.

But hopefully that won't stop the authorities from asking why the Cons are getting so much support from far right-wing leaders in the United States?

Because American flag are everywhere.

And the trucker terrorists are getting support from Donald Trump, The Governor of Florida, the Attorney General of Texas, and many more kooky Republicans like Ted Cruz and Lauren Boebert.

Gerald Butts believes that it's a plot to destabilize Canada:

I think he's right, and strongly believe that we'll need a full public inquiry to get to the bottom of that sinister Con conspiracy, if we want to save our Canada.

So I was glad to see Justin Trudeau come out last night and accuse the far-right truckers of blockading democracy.

The protesters in Ottawa are "trying to blockade our economy, our democracy and our fellow citizens' daily lives. It has to stop," Trudeau said Monday night in the House of Commons.

"The people of Ottawa don't deserve to be harassed in their own neighbourhoods."

As well as assure Canadians that there will be no truck with terrorists.

It was a powerful speech, and it made it clear that Trudeau is the only leader standing between us and fascism.

So if the Cons think that they can destroy Trudeau by joining in this far-right assault on our Canada, they will be fatally disappointed.

For they will only make him even more popular.

And make it even easier for the legions of the decent to defeat the traitors in this country...


  1. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Media coverage of the Ottawa occupation has been predictably abysmal. They are holding the Feds responsible for local law-enforcement failures while giving Doug Ford and the MIA Ontario gov't a pass. In addition to denouncing the convoy and reaffirming Canadian values, Trudeau needs to educate ignorant Canadians (including the Con-enabling press) about the jurisdictional responsibilities of the three levels of government. He needs to do this empthatically and on a daily basis to combat the notion that the Feds have dictator-like powers over provincial and municipal law enforcement and are therefore solely to blame for the Ottawa clusterfuck.

    Now that his covid isolation is over, Trudeau needs to step up his media presence big time. He needs to fight back against media bullshit and public misconceptions via interviews and at least one prime-time address. Cabinet ministers should be given the same talking points and required to push back forcefully when so-called journalists attempt to pin all blame for the occupation on the Feds.

    One of my biggest frustrations with the Trudeau government is they do a terrible job of defending themselves and touting their accomplishments. Why is their PR department asleep at the switch? Did they all depart the PMO along with Gerald Butts? The federal Liberals need to hire people who can defend their actions and policies as effectively as Jen Psaki defends the Biden administration. PR is important. The PMO's lack of attention to it is mystifying.

  2. Anonymous2:28 PM

    I look forward to your comments on the presser held by Joel Lightbound. :)

  3. American right wing nut jobs funded a Canadian protest that has no clear purpose. Today traffic is moving slowly across the Ambassador Bridge into the US but is stalled going to Canada. The Guardian ran a piece about a " Convoy to DC 2022 " web group.

    Maybe the rwnb's encouraged and funded the Petebuilt Peckerheads as a planning and organization tool for their own insurgence.

    The massive US dark money funding makes no sense if the overthrow of the Canadian government is the goal.That was destined for failure from the start. But the money makes sense if the real goal is another attack on the American government and Washington DC.

  4. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Anon 12:00pm, I and I believe many share your frustrations where I think JT is confusing the difference between sunny ways and defending oneself. I agree with Justin that the pandemic sucks but he and their communications team suck even more. By not vociferously shooting down the lies and convenient omissions by the media and the Cons, the people who rely on them for "facts" are, well, being Conned. I often wonder how he managed to win the last election because again, they sucked at telling Canadians the many deplorable acts and facts where the Cons are concerned. I've also mentioned before that they need a Jen Psaki type to counter the BS. Use the bully pulpit while you have it or risk having the likes of PePe Le Poilievre as PM.

  5. Anonymous3:53 PM

    No surprise that peewee would be sitting quiet, probably laughing giddily among his fellow Con traitors at the fire they had a major role in lighting. Then they have the unmitigated gall to whine that JT isn't doing enough to end it. Gawd they make me sick. Rubbing elbows with nazis is what they're doing. Peewee feeding the racists freedumb donuts 'cause ya know, ya can't lay siege on an empty stomach. Maggot Bergen having pizza with the supremely white and wonderful organizers, the American homophobe Scheer taking selfies with the insurrectionists. Gee, if I didn't know better I'd think it was a normal tourist day in the capital. The icing on the Benedict De Arnold cake has to be Bergen's Trumpy good people on both sides "argument". Didn't these morons see that movie already? Hint, Trump lost, big time and so will they.
    In spite of JT's inability or unwillingness to clap back at these clowns, it's comforting to know that there are some in the media who have called this out for exactly what it is. Dale Smith, Justin Ling and Michael Coren just to name a few. Now all we need is to get Chief Wiggum 2,000 more cops to help arrest and criminally charge every single one of those who haven't left yet. And please, do so with extreme prejudice.

  6. I tweeted a week ago that truckers would find their industry nationalized in a number of countries if they keep pushing this stuff. I got predictable push-back about what a socialist I must be -- but really, regardless of my personal politics, I do believe that if governments cannot get these protests shut down, they won't have many other choices.
    I am also starting to suspect there is a larger agenda here -- anti-Biden, pro-Putin, or some combination thereof -- with the goal of taking Trudeau off the international stage.

  7. Google Color revolution. Its a long long long long proven way to divide and conquer. Were is the money coming from and is not destabilizing Canada the objective?

  8. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Sensible Canadians need action. NOW.
    If the cops don't act, what are we paying them for?
    If Ford doesn't act, he's proving again he's useless.
    We need this sh!t scraped off the streets of Ottawa.
    I'm upset because stupid people are being given the upper hand.

  9. Jody Wilson Lightbound is a narcissistic no-name backbencher who got demoted and is having a tantrum. Sounds familiar. He'll be gone in the next election if the LPC caucus doesn't shitcan his ass first. Since the PM is such a huge fan of Star Wars I tweeted my assessment: Lightbound he is not; cross to the dark side he has.

    I'm echoing my agreement with Anon 12:00 and JD on the Liberals' PR crew being AWOL. It's been one of my concerns even before the pandemic and I'm not sure if they're aware of the extent that this matters. With the US and probably Russia investing in a swarm of hybrid warfare online propagandists, and Canada's own broken, biased MSM doing all they can to carry the water for Pepe the Frog Poilievre and DoFo the MoFo, it's imperative that the LPC get the facts out and shout it from the rooftops. Lord knows there's enough of us on so-called Liberal Twitter doing yeoman's work, but why don't they have a dedicated team? Hire Dale Smith FFS, he can always be counted on to point out proper jurisdiction!

  10. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Is this today’s version of 1812?


  11. Anonymous9:59 PM

    It’s established that vaccination reduced the risk of hospitalisation and dying from the Omicron variant by a significant factor. Now that the vaccines did their job and our fragile health care system did not collapse it’s time for the Cons to step out of the shadows and see if they can overthrow the government. This was entirely predictable as people have short memories and the past can be spun to suit the narrative. Forget the fact that a few short months ago even the Con premiers were afraid their health care systems were on the brink and pushing vaccines in combination with restrictions were the antidotes of choice. Forget the fact that the US will not allow Canadians including truckers into their country unless they have proof of vaccination. Instead, let’s roll the dice and blame the whole vaccination push and restrictions on Trudeau.
    Unfortunately the Con political strategy undermines the whole vaccination program leaving Canadians vulnerable to the possible continuation of this wave as well as future ones. If only viruses were as predictable as the Cons.
    On a side note, why would anyone planning to siege a city bring their kids along unless someone tinkered with their mental process to the extent that (perhaps unwittingly) martyrdom is an option?

    TRAVEL ALERT: Beginning on January 22, 2022, DHS will require non-U.S. individuals seeking to enter the United States via land ports of entry and ferry terminals at the U.S.-Mexico and U.S.-Canada borders to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and provide related proof of vaccination, as COVID-19 cases continue to rise nationwide.


  12. Hi anon@12:00 PM....I share your frustration, I think the Liberals need to kick up their media team a notch. But as I pointed out in this post, Trudeau's speech yesterday was in the opinion of many one of the best speeches he has ever delivered. And left the ghastly Candy Bergen with her tongue hanging out. So things aren't that bad. Because of his many appearances during the pandemic he might have been a little overexposed, so he can afford to save himself up for special occasions. What I would like to see is more hard hitting ads on social media, that could make it absolutely clear what liars the Cons are, and how unfit they are to ever govern this country...

  13. Hi anon@2:28PM....I didn't see Lightbound's presser. But the man is a twice demoted backbencher, he's a nobody with few friends in the caucus, who says he supports the government, and is opposed to the trucker terrorists. So it really is quite pathetic to see the Cons trying to make it into a big story, when it's not. And it's the Con caucus that is so divided it's barely holding together. What desperation is doing to the Cons is so so sad....

  14. Hi rumleyfips...What our shabby media has failed to report is the number of SoCons who are in the terrorist convoy. So I suspect that they believe that they can bring down the government, and get rid of the things they hate the most, like abortion and LGBT rights. Matt Gurney wrote a piece where he talked about the "hard men" who are in the encampment, but don't like to be photographed, and melt away when they see any journalists. If I was the RCMP, I would find out who those men are, before one of them tries to murder Justin Trudeau, for I strongly suspect that's what this is all about....

  15. Hi JD....You know I understand how you feel. My nerves are on edge, and any Con that crosses me in public is in danger of getting a black eye, or two. I have never been disgusted as I am seeing those morons on wheels holding decent Canadians hostage, while the Cons clap and cheer them on like one of those wind-up monkeys. But remember, the Cons are now losing big time, and even our slimy Con media can't save them. Canadians have seen how revolting they are, and they will remember that all the way to the next election, which we are going to win...

  16. Hi Cathie...I agree with you, no country can afford truckers that try to use big trucks and air horns to try to bring down a duly elected government. And when I read that the RCMP were having trouble renting any big rig tow trucks, because their owners are too afraid of losing business I practically exploded. The government will have to buy some heavy duty tow trucks, in the army doesn't have enough. And any truckers who took part in this fascist protest, should never do any work for the government again. As for the larger agenda, I also feel like you do. I saw the new leaders the truckers showed us today, and they looked so different I really want to find out more about them. I'm sure CSIS is on the case, but we need to do all we can to help them, by doing some digging of our own. I believe this country is in grave danger, so those terrorist Cons must be shown no mercy...

  17. Hi Steve...I don't doubt that the Cons are trying to use the truckers to bring down the Trudeau government. Or that they have now jumped the shark and are capable of anything. But I am also sure that Canadians are disgusted by what they are seeing, and the Cons will be left with egg all over their face....

  18. Hi anon@7:43PM....I hate to admit it, but I have an incendiary Scottish temper. So I'm glad I'm not in Ottawa or I would probably be in jail, after taking out my anger on one or more of those fascist morons on wheels. But as I keep telling everyone, try to stay cool. The truckers are losing, even if they are too dumb to know it. They can't blow their horns, the government isn't budging, so sooner or later they will have to give up. And that's when we get to celebrate, hopefully with a giant street party...

  19. Hi Jackie....Joel Lightbound is no name MP who tried to make people sorry for him. But while the Cons were greeting him like some lost Messiah, with the help of their sticky media, nobody really cares what he had to say. Susan Delacourt claimed in a tweet that his talking points were the same Candy Bergen made in her Common's speech. If that's true his career may come to an abrupt end, but I predict that he will just fade away. And nobody will care or miss him....

  20. Hi UU...I sure some of the many Americans parading around with their confederate and Trump flags are hoping it will be a rerun of 1812, except that this time they win, and get to torch our Parliament. But I think most of them are probably hoping for a rerun of their Jan 6th assault on the Capitol. But one way or the other those Con terrorists are dangerous, and must be shown no mercy...

  21. The newly found Star is all over Lightfoot the beacon of hope. I feel like listening to David Bowie sing Five Years.

  22. Anonymous10:45 PM

    And now Yves Robillard. Let’s see your character attacks on him.

  23. Wow Simon, this is terrifying. Whoever that poster was a few days back talking about the cops being a fifth column may have had a point. Sloly is either incompetent or complicit, and the fact that he has apparently lost support from much of his own forces due to an abortive attempt at race-based reforms isn't encouraging either.


    CBC: The leadership team includes a former RCMP officer, Daniel Buford, who was on the PM's security detail. He quit in protest over vaccine requirements and is now the convoy's head of security.

    So Buford is lending his "muscle" to a movement that is literally "gunning" to kill his former boss.

    Does anyone happen to know any background of the PM's evidently troubled half-brother? All I can find about him is that he's a Bitcoin bro and antivaxer who appears to be estranged from the "Trudeau" side of the family. Now, the pigeon and his flock seem to be making a hard push for cryptocurrency audiences, an emerging medium that is waist-deep in black-market corruption and money laundering. Rempelthinskin even introduced a bill to support the market, and the convoy is fundraising heavily through crypto markets as investigators hone in on traditional crowdfunding sites like Go Fund Me. That may explain Elon Musk's support.

    But why has Kyle Kemper seemingly fallen in with subhuman garbage like Pat King, and reportedly helping him and his vile buddies case the place at Harrington Lake? Pat was spouting off in a video that someone has "dirt" on Justin and he heard it from Kyle.

    I've been tweeting that someone who has an in with the Liberal Party/Trudeau family inner circle needs to stage some kind of intervention, because Kyle is playing with fire here, and I do not see any of this ending well for him, or Justin, or their tragically suffering mom...

  24. Hi Jackie...Yes, I saw that story, and it's more evidence that a highly organized right-wing cabal is behind the protests, and taking the moron truckers for a ride. They hang out in a second camp which has been highly fortified, and will I believe be have to be stormed by the military sooner or later. The bad news is that the terror convoy may end with a lot of dead Con terrorists, but the good news is that the Cons will never govern this country for at least a generation...

  25. Anonymous10:48 AM

    That is quite disturbing, Jackie and I would hope that JT's security detail are on top of these revelations and act accordingly. Another disturbing conclusion I've reached since this nonsense began is that yes, the protesters are incredibly dumb and we've all called them loopy but it goes way beyond that. I believe they are suffering from severe mental illness. They keep repeating the same nonsense over and over again, totally detached from reality. Q or whoever the fuck is behind this has taken them so far down the rabbit hole that I doubt they'll ever regain any semblance of sanity without serious mental help. One need only look at the NZ video of the people being dragged away while literally foaming at the mouth. They're clearly insane and should be institutionalized indefinitely. I expect they'll do the same here if our cops ever grow a set and move in on them. These zombies are in dire need of brains and heavy sedation and society will be better for it once they're off the streets.
    Once Dougy Doolittle is done playing politics and either sends in more cops or calls in the army(because it's his call, not Trudeau's) and this madness is brought under control, then arrest the organizers and anyone in the conservative ranks who aided or abetted these acts of domestic terrorism. Enough is enough.

  26. Anonymous11:45 AM

    The problem with sending in the military (to Ottawa at least) is that children are living in an estimated quarter of the trucks. The protester-anarchists are happily using their own children as human shields. Authorities need to figure out a way to remove the kids safely before finally putting an end to this madness via military intervention.

    1. Anonymous12:44 PM

      Why would they take the children of their friends and co-workers just to save the careers of some progressives?

      They won’t.

  27. Anonymous12:19 PM

    You really think Justin is going to want to spill blood in Canadian streets?

    And when the dead include women and children don’t be surprised to see protests explode across the country.

    Also your blog is very effective at firing people up. Copies are handed-out reminding people that this is what the average liberal thinks.

  28. Hi anon@10:45PM....Please Con stop doing this, or you'll make me feel sorry for you. Do you know anything about Yves Robillard? Well he's a mousy nonentity who was also recently demoted like Lightbound, and if you check out his Twitter site you'll see that Justin Trudeau has no more faithful servant or lackey. On the other hand I understand that Michael Chong is kicking up quite a fuss, and your party is so divided you'll need a mountain of Crazy Glue to hold it together. The interim leader has just flip flopped and wants the occupation to end, and Pierre Poilievre will never become prime minister. So please, make yourself a Toddy and go straight to bed....

  29. Hi JD....Yes it is disturbing, but don't worry, I'm sure Trudeau's bodyguards are following that group closely, and that when the arrests begin they be among the first picked up. As you saw in that New Zealand video, the terrorist truckers will probably squeal like hogs, but it will be over before they know. They are becoming more and more radical and just plain crazy, and losing more and more support every day. And the only question will be where to take them after they are arrested, a jail or a mental hospital? And yes, we will have to have a public inquiry where the Cons can be grilled, and thoroughly humiliated. It's sure to be quite a spectacle, and the next best thing to a flea circus....

  30. Hi anon@11:45 PM....Yes, it's clear the Con truckers are using their own children as human shields, which is one of the most cowardly things I have ever seen. But Childrens Aid is looking into the situation, and its only a better of time before the kids are taken away...

  31. Hi anon@12:19PM....No I don't think Justin Trudeau would like to see any blood spilled. I believe that's the main reason he has held back so far. And I'm quite sure the ETF squads that are sent in to clear out the terrorists will also take care not to hurt the protesters unless they are fired upon first. But if they are fired upon they will respond, and it will be a massacre. As for the terrorists reading my posts, I had no idea so many could read, but of course I'm flattered. The more the merrier...

  32. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Anon 11:45am, I understand your concerns but one must weigh the fact that those kids are also being held hostage. All those days of incessant noise, fumes, unsanitary conditions, along with the screaming and shouting is tantamount to serious child abuse and removing them from that situation should be a priority. Getting them safely out may not be pretty but after the trauma those children have already endured, I believe it has to be done. Those kids deserve a loving, nurturing environment as far away from those deplorable parents as humanly possible.

    1. Anonymous8:44 PM

      Listen to yourself. Seriously. You are going to take those children away from parents based on their politics which you decry?

      Would the same apply to First Nations blockades? Because that is where you are going.

      That and the overwhelming violence could very likely occur if such a thing was attempted.

  33. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Anon 12:19pm, Today's word is jurisdiction. Jurisdiction means pertaining to Ontario which is Doug's responsibility. If you think JT will take the fallout for Doug's irresponsibility then that would require the majority of the population to be as mentally deranged as the small minority of protesters. Ain't gonna happen. Nice of you to hand out Simon's blogs though. I'll take 1 Simon over a thousand of you wackadoodles any day of the week. Now crawl back down your rabbit hole and slurp up the Con kool aid, now enriched with vitamin Q!

  34. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Won’t happen, the ETF won’t called in. Too worried they might turn….

  35. I still say this is no less than a deep state colour revoultion without colours because they are to clever to give a tell about that.
    Some unknown force, from where we dont know is allegedly is trying to destabilize Canada and put a puppet in charge.
    Given the situation in the Ukranie can we put Putin in the line up? For sure our American cousins would never support a party up to this kind of mistchif.

  36. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Breaking news.
    After their full support of the freedumb fighters the Cons are now asking the protesters to stop and go home. Here's a good analogy of that.



  37. It's the revenge of the dark money?

    Considering a priority of the Trudeau government is to fight Climate Change (Carbon tax etc), it would have been the priority of certain parties (we'll call them the Koch brother*) to fight any climate change measures or it would cut into their precious profits as well as open them up to monetary and judicial penalties (assuming they survive the the soon to be environmental hellscape.)

    *there's only one now.

    They tried to prop up the Cons to beat Trudeau and failed twice. They can't use them at the present time as the Cons are on the verge of a political civil war and look to be an impotent/useless political weapon. Now they're trying something from the CIA political change by other means handbook. Asymmetrical warfare aka insurgency warfare. They know if they tried violence that they've already lost. Hence the trucker boycott. A 'peaceful' protest ready made to look like the proverbial clusterfuck. If the government attacks then the government looks terrible for attacking a peaceful protest. If the government doesn't then it looks impotent against them.

    However, I think despite what appears to be waffling by the various authorities, attacking the 'truckers' early on would have given them the martyrdom they needed. The fact that they have repeated showed their true asses (despite the MSMs disinformation and whitewashing) haven't pulled in any sympathy. Now they're trying disruption because Trudeau hasn't done what they expected him to do which is attack them.

    Despite what the organizers claim, it certainly does look they really want the authorities to come down on them.

  38. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Hi Dan

    Agree that martyrdom is the name of the game. Why else would they produce an insurrectionist manifesto and bring kids along for the party. Most of the truckers would not deliberately put their kids in harms way but their influencers would.
    The correct approach is to slowly cool the fire and remove the fuel of all types, emotional, monetary and diesel. Its a marathon or a boxing match not a 50 meter sprint.
    Its also interesting that Dougie the great Ontario were open for business finally has to step out of the Trudeau blame game shadow and make some difficult potentially career ending choices.

