Friday, February 11, 2022

Candice Bergen's Incredibly Humiliating Flip Flop

When Candice Bergen saw the terrorist truckers roll into Ottawa she couldn't wait to embrace them.

And on her first day as interim leader of the Cons she sent out an e-mail to Erin O'Toole's senior caucus team, suggesting that they should use the convoy to embarrass Justin Trudeau.

I don’t think we should be asking them to go home. I understand the mood may shift soon. So we need to turn this into the PM’s problem.

And even though the trucker thugs quickly became everybody's problem, her love for them never faded.


For there she was not long after, sitting at a dinner table with two of them.

Candy tried to laugh it off as a quickie selfie, even though it lasted for almost ten minutes.

And later one of the protesters said this:

When they saw that we were obviously protesters — truck drivers, kind of thing — Candice reached out immediately, and said: ‘I just want to let you know, we are in full support of you guys, keep what you’re doing, 

Don’t stop. It’s working.

It's just another example of how much she hates Justin Trudeau, and wants to see him destroyed. 

Which isn't surprising.

But it does make Candy's stunning flip flop even more astonishing or should I say shocking.

After publicly supporting the anti-vaccine mandate activists protesting in Ottawa in recent weeks, interim Conservative leader Candice Bergen said Thursday it's time for the convoy and other protesters blocking two major border crossings to end their demonstrations and go home.

Can you believe that? The truckers must not look as hot to her anymore.

Not because she isn't a religious fanatic, a vile homophobe, or a toxic Trudeau hater.

She is.

Like her good buddy Andrew Scheer, seen here giving the occupation of Ottawa the thumbs up.

Or his blessing. 

No, the reason Candy performed her stunning flipflop, worthy of a pole dancer, is because the big business types who support the Cons, are worried that the border protests are eating into their profits.

And they are not happy.

Which is a serious problem for the ghastly Pierre Poilievre who is still hitching a ride with the convoy from Hell...

And still says he is proud of those terrorist truckers who have been trying to bully Canadians into submission.

Conservative leadership candidate Pierre Poilievre says he is “proud” of the truckers and stands with them.

“They have reached a breaking point after two years of massive government overreach of a prime minister who insults and degrades anyone who disagrees with his heavy-handed approach.

Which makes sense since Poilievre needs the support of the trucker types, and other right-wing extremists, to win the Con leadership.

And of course, because he too is a grotesque bully, who shames our parliament with his very presence.

And the good news? 

The Cons are now split into two camps, and it's only a matter of time before they start fighting themselves.

By speaking out Poilievre has cemented the links between the Cons and the trucker terrorists in the minds of angry Canadians...

They will forever remember that Con horror show.

So even if Poilievre does become Con leader, he will NEVER win an election.

And the Cons and their fascist American friends, will ride the hate convoy all the way to Hell...


  1. The well trained and well paid are hoping for a armed response and that useful idiots after a week of indoctrination are ready to go full Jamestown. This is all about bringing down the liberal goverment to be replace by a Penis. Justin loses if the blockake continues, and he loses if he brings in the JTF Army. The FLQ crises brought Mulroney to power, and who funded that?

  2. Great post. It sais it all.
    And let's not forget the lousy Doug Ford. He too was totally all in for making the CoupTruxKlan occupation PMJT's problem. What a bunch of unspeakable scumbags.

  3. Anonymous8:36 PM

    I’m not into conspiracies but Ukraine and these “truck protests”? And, it’s becoming a global distraction.

    Just wondering.


  4. "No, the reason Candy performed her stunning flipflop, worthy of a pole dancer, is because the big business types who support the Cons, are worried that the border protests are eating into their profits."

    That's it in a nutshell. The Yankee plutocracy contacted our lesser plutocrats, and said "Git off yer asses, boys! Fix it!" It even woke Dougo the Fraud up from his deep slumber -- "Oh yeah, Ontari-ari-o, we're open for business. I think."

    Poilievre, the whiny ankle-biting flea of a bigoted lap dog who thinks he's a finance expert hasn't got the message yet, And may never -- he enjoys being a full time arsehole. Seems unaware the fascist right wing is playing the illiterate truckers for pawns. And Scheer, well he's a gorf dimwit all around, a Chwistian SoCon nutbar racking up a great pension from the public trough having contributed less than nothing to Canada. Another pesky prairie mobile gopher hole, which he carries around to step in while he reads the Collected Works and Wisdom of Preston Manning, a lunatic who somehow escaped being exhibited in a zoo, and taught harper all the BS he knew.

    Meanwhile, WTF was Trudeau doing these past two weeks? sitting in his summer cottage wringing his hands and being totally ineffectual. A total wuss, passing it off onto the provinces who couldn't handle a hot potato either. If he'd implemented proportional representation as he promised, these right wing SoCons wouldn't be able to gum up the works by being idiotic. We'd get to laugh at them like the out-of-date lunatics they are.

    The entire political class of Canada, both provincial and federal, have exposed themselves as complete amateur nobodies. They all played the Nero card, fiddling while Canada burned. I'd call them traitors if any of them had the brains to reason. I'm pissed off as hell. Who's looking after my country and yours? Not a damn soul, and you'd swear the police were an unvaxxed trucker's best friend to boot. When did serving the public become optional?

    This is extremely serious sh!t, and our pols have proven to be useless, every damn one of them.


    1. Anonymous10:39 PM

      You seem bitter. It’s funny.

  5. Hi Steve…I believe that we could lose our country to those fascist thugs if we do nothing. It’s time their Con clown is terminated by whatever means necessary….

  6. Hi Carl….Thank you, and don’t worry I will not forget the Con clown Doug Ford. He allowed the terrorist truckers to do what they wanted, while he hid from them or went snowmobiling. He let the people of Ottawa be bullied for two weeks, and refused to close down that Con horror show, until they started costing us jobs, and his big business masters jerked his chain. I can only hope his cowardly behaviour won’t lead to a bloodbath, but one way or the other he’s going to pay for it in the next election…

    1. Indeed Simon. Doug ford let the people get bullied. Had to let his lunatic base have their "revolution", including that deraged birth deffect, human waste, Qanon Karen daughter of his

  7. Hi UU….We can’t be sure of anything anymore, but there are a lot of foreign actors trying to stir up trouble in our once peaceful country, and we need to expose them, and take them down. Before they help destroy our Canada. And any Con who helped them deserves to be charged with treason. In my next post I’ll look at who is directing this sinister operation, and hopefully explain why we are literally fighting for our survival…

  8. Hi Bill….I can see no other reason why Bergen and Ford would finally come out against the terrorists who have been holding our country hostage for two weeks. But I don’t blame Trudeau to the same degree. Him and his two children were suffering from Covid, but he returned to the fray as soon as he could, and never stopped condemning the trucker thugs. I don’t blame you for being angry at our whole political class, I am too. But we need to stay calm, and focus on the terrorists until we can get our beautiful peaceful country back, for make no mistake they are out to destroy it….

  9. Hi anon @10:39PM….Why should I be bitter? I’m angry, but only because I can’t wait to see your rotten party go down with the terrorist truckers. You’re the one who should be bitter to see your party fail so miserably. You really thought you could use the terrorist truckers to bring down the Trudeau government, and soon everybody will be laughing at you. Ha ha ha ha…🤡

  10. I'm so sorry all this is happening, Simon. I've had a bad feeling since way back when Trump started his asinine NAFTA war that was really just a dick-measuring contest with Trudeau, that Canada would be the 21st-century equivalent of Czechoslovakia in 1938.

    I really applaud Justin Trudeau for standing strong athwart the terrorists while staying true to his principles. I don't know how successful he'll be or if he'll even come out of this alive, but I can't help but love him even more for it because he is determined to die trying. He loves his country too much to quit, no matter how much the cons and the truck-nutz and the deep-pocketed right wing and Harper's IDU want him to step down. He is, as Teddy Roosevelt once said, the man in the arena. Armchair critics can go pound sand.

    Bergen's flip-flop is just as disingenuous as the media's sudden concern for democracy. The feckless and incompetent "pundits" in Canada don't seem to get why PMJT won't (can't) unilaterally invoke the Emergencies Act and go crack skulls. For one thing they're ignoring that PET was asked to do so by the premier of QC and mayor of Montreal. No such province has done so. In fact Trudeau had to go to great pains to get Ford up off his ass.

    But this isn't a process story for them. This is about "narrative." They're desperate to write prosaic columns about "Pierre's shadow" and relish in the inevitable chaos that would ensue. All for ratings. They're just as complicit in what is going on right now. I tweeted a thread about why this is their last chance to redeem themselves, or don't expect any sympathies when the leopards eat their faces too.

    I keep going back to Michael Wernick and how he tried to sound the warning. Those same useless media hacks ran him out on a rail so they could continue their soap opera drama about JWR. Now the pigeons are coming home to roost. The Walrus reported on Trudeau-derangement syndrome leading to potential violence back in fucking 2016 and the same corporate media ignored it.

    This is a coup. A well-funded coup. This is an astroturfed colour revolution seeking regime change and it has a complicit political apparatus aiding and abetting it as a Trojan horse, a fifth column within. But it's not like the warning signs weren't there. And I am so, so sorry for the role that my country has played in all of it.

    There's plenty of blame that can be laid at the feet of the honking shitters in Canada itself, but it cannot be stated enough that the eagle wears much of the blame for laying this rotten egg. See, it's bald, and it got a botched transplant in the '80s, so it's jealous of the handsome dove who has such a fine array of plumage on his head. But there is a preening pipsqueak pigeon soaked in Brylcreem that doesn't make it feel insecure. And so the bald eagle would rather see the pigeon take over the cuckoo's nest.

    In other news... how's the weather in Kyiv this evening?

  11. Anonymous12:11 AM

    A government loses legitimacy if it doesn't quickly put down a rebellion by a small group of malcontents terrorizing and harassing the citizenry. Pierre Trudeau understood this, his son doesn't. I expect a lot more similar actions, especially since these malcontents have the support of a fraction of the business elites and two of our political parties.

    1. Anonymous11:11 AM

      Spot on. Justin’s played the softy for years and can’t all of the sudden play the ‘strong leader’ and honestly expect people to take him seriously.

  12. Anonymous12:49 AM

    It looks like PePe Le Poilievre still has some gas left in his gerry can to throw on the fire he helped create. I wonder what Candace O'Bergen thinks of that? A direct affront to her flippity flop must be galling to say the least when she's charged with uniting the most divided, divisive party in our nation's history. Peewee says he's proud of the terrorists, umm, okay. Sounds about his speed as they are nothing more than a mishmash of mentally unstable Trumpies who get their news from the rebel, Fox or Q or from whatever cranks on social media tells them. They are the same deranged people who've been harassing the rest of us since the pandemic began with their stupid little protests and this freedumb convoy was the perfect means for them to hitch their unhinged trailers to. I mean FFS, who in their right mind would bring their kids to a protest that will most likely end violently? Extremely unfit parents, that's who.
    I hope that as I write this and with the new court injunction in effect, the authorities in Windsor are moving in and have started ticketing and towing, along with lots of tasing(if need be) and arresting of those that don't move their vehicles from blocking the bridge. Coddling time is over. Same with Ottawa. Can you hear me Chief Wiggum? Your inaction right from the start is an international embarrassment as videos of terrorists hauling their fuel and supplies right in front of the cops keep surfacing and the cops do nothing to stop it. Is it incompetence or is it the plan to try and pin this debacle on JT? Regardless, it should serve as an excellent training video as to what not to do during a terrorist occupation.
    It's time to remove the kid gloves when dealing with these occupiers and economic terrorists. I think a few months in an 8x10 cell should snap most them out of their deluded little world and maybe, just maybe, they'll have a new found respect of and the true meaning of the word freedom.

  13. Anonymous10:21 AM

    It looks like the Windsor bowel obstruction is being cleared(finally) and they even brought along snipers for support. So far it's been peaceful.
    I hope Ottawa's Chief Wiggum is taking notes.

  14. Hi Jackie...Yes, it is a sad moment in Canadian history. We're so close to winning the war on Omicron, but the Cons don't have the strength to fight on a little longer. What cowardly scum. If they had been around during the Second World War, we'd all be speaking German today. But as I pointed out in my post, it's what happens when you let toxic Trudeau hatred get out of control. And it is a sign of weakness. The upcoming battle between Candy Bergen and Pigeon Poilievre should take place in a mud wrestling ring, because it's going to be messy. And when it's all over, there won't be much left of their traitor party...

  15. Hi anon@12:11AM...I understand how you feel, we're all frustrated. But let's not forget that it's Doug Ford who could have asked Justin Trudeau to call in the army, but he didn't because he didn't want to alienate his rabid supporters, and is one of the traitors himself. As Jackie points outs out, Pierre Trudeau had to wait until the mayor of Montreal and the Premier of Quebec asked him to send in the troops. And was still roundly criticized for that at the time. My guess is that his son will wait for exactly the right moment before he orders the army to take down the terrorists. It's not ideal, but it is Canada...

  16. Hi JD...As I write this police in Windsor are moving in on the terrorists, and surprise surprise the ghastly Cons are leaving with their tails between their legs. Breaking up the Con terrorist occupation of Ottawa will probably be quite a bit harder. But if the police aren't up to it, decent Canadians will have to take up the slack. And the rancid Poilievre will look even more like a right-wing extremist. For the Cons the terrorist truckers were all about toxic Trudeau hate. But for most Canadians it's now all about toxic terrorist hate, and I can't wait to see how the Cons like that one. I realize it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but it is there, and we are going to win...

  17. Hi anon@11:11AM…..Justin Trudeau keeps beating you Cons over and over again, so if he is playing softly I would urge him to continue. But when the time is right, I’m sure he will order the army to put down the terrorist insurrection and they will fold and start squealing like pigs, which will be music to my ears. Poor Con loser how desperate you must be….

  18. Hi Carl….I blame Doug Ford for not taking steps to crush the trucking terrorists as soon as they occupied Ottawa. It was as if Ottawa wasn’t part of Ontario. He would rather please his rabid base, and now we’re all going to pay for it…

  19. Hello Simon. So do I. Dog Ford is without a doubt the main one to blame for this mess. We just need to take a look at where the weakest responses have been to the FluTruxKlan protests. All provinces led by incompetent hyper-partisan Cons. Dog Ford has not only been slow to react, he was apparently uncooperative with the federal government for setting up a quicker response.
    Yet I see news reports one after the other that solely pin the blame on PMJT for being slow, weak and absent, even for having left Dog Ford in his own, in addition to accuse him of having "antagonized all anti-vaxxers" for having called out the alt-white CoupTruxKlan convoy for what it was.
    This is an absolute mess. And although playing the patience card was the right decision during the previous protests, this episode of The Revenge of the Sh!ts looks to be playing differently. With all these deranged monkeys that have been throwing poop everywhere, few will get out of it clean.

  20. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Wonder to what extent the tactical squad supporting the Freedumb protesters had a more subversive agendas. Nah, these guys were likely enjoying a quiet retirement from military and law enforcement who randomly decided the 10% truckers and conspiracy enamoured moms needed their generous support. The Nazi symbols and governmental overthrow manifesto were just random coincidences.

    Although the politics of accelerationism is far reaching the following is one view posted on the blog site.

    Accelerationism is the idea that white supremacists should try to increase civil disorder — accelerate it — in order to foster polarization that will tear apart the current political order. The System (usually capitalized), they believe, has only a finite number of collaborators and lackeys to prop it up. Accelerationists hope to set off a series of chain reactions, with violence fomenting violence, and in the ensuing cycle more and more people join the fray.  


  21. Hi RT....I also wonder about what exactly the convoy's junta is planning. The retired military and police that appear them on TV occasionally holding forth and making outrageous demands i.e. give is what we want. get the Governor General to fire Justin Trudeau or arrest him and we'll go home. Some of them are well known racists and Islamophobes, others hold kooky views about vaccines and just about everything. When this nightmare is over, there's going to have to be a very thorough investigation into who did what and why...

  22. Any of the Americans or dual passports Canadian should be permantly exiled and lets through in Lord Bearver as well.

  23. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Hi Simon, Jackie and anyone else on twitter. In case you haven't seen this yet.
    Bill Maher compares JT to Hitler. Unbelievable. For a supposed liberal, he can now be lumped in with the likes of Trump, Cruz, Desantis, Paul, Carlson etc. who are giving these assholes support by condoning their activities. I don't ever recall JT using those words in the context Bill Maher uses. He goes on to basically support the protests while being willfully ignorant as to what we're dealing with up here.
    Please send your thoughts to Maher via twitter and include this excellent interview Justin Ling recently had with CNN that clearly explains what this protest is about.
    If Maher has any regards towards facts he will apologize. If not, then it's safe to say that he is not a friend whatsoever to Canada and he is certainly no liberal.

  24. Billy Club Blair said on Rosie's show that JT is (finally) leaning towards calling in the troops. As much as I'm sure he didn't want to, and for all the howls that he waited too long and looks "weak," fact is you don't bring in a wrecking ball until trying every other tool.

    It had to be on record, the failure of police and the stubborn sabotage of the con provincial governments. Only when all options have been exhausted do you pull the alarm and break glass.

    Worth noting also that eleven days had passed between the kidnapping of James Cross and PET's imposition of the War Measures Act. Convoy started on January 29th. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. So, really not all that much longer if it comes tomorrow, and actually with no bloodshed going in. The actual crisis itself in 1970 extended until December. So in their breathless rush to craft an Oedipal narrative, Canada's junk journos are demonstrating their ignorance of history.

    He's not going to resign over this. Why don't pundits seem to get that he's been using this rope a dope strategy for all of his career?

  25. I saw that JD, and I also saw Graham Richardson of CTV Ottawa retweeting it with his own sniping commentary slamming PMJT. Absolutely unacceptable behaviour for a journalist and especially for an *anchor*. He only deleted it when he got ratioed. Shows just how persnickety these #CdnMediaFailed hacks get when called out for their bias by the so-called TruAnons.

    Maher isn't really a liberal, though. He self-describes as a "libertarian." I think he's just an asshole, in the manner as Denis Leary was apt to describe. I forget if it was Gerald Butts or someone else who said Maher was the pre-Internet version of Joe Rogan back in the freewheeling '90s. Back when he just said contrarian shit to be edgy and you could make millions telling jokes about "B.J. Clinton." His militant atheism, meanwhile, has him crossing the line over into blatant and hurtful Islamophobia, and he was a misogynistic dick to none other than Chrystia Freeland when she was interviewed on his show and pushed back at him over it.

    The sad thing is Maher was one of the few rational voices who condemned the right-wing hypocritical pearl-clutching over PMJT's yearbook photos, and said that he hoped "polite" Canadians would judge him not for his immature past but his broader representation of positive progressive politics. But that was back when pseudo-liberal celebrities viewed him as the contrast to Trump. Now with Trump not physically in the White House (never mind that he's working this op from "exile"), all that has soured, as Maher is just another anti-vax crank who's trying to extend his 15 minutes by latching onto the Tonka Tantrum to proclaim PMJT as Hitler.

    Maher has no regards towards facts. He's no better than, well, much of what passes for the pathetic excuse calling itself "journalism" nowadays. In that his only regard is for TV ratings, controversy, and himself. He's not even a funny comedian. It's proof that the comedy gods hate us that we lost Bob Saget and Norm Macdonald who by all accounts were the nicest people you'd ever meet, and are left with these hacks instead. #CancelBillMaher

  26. Hi JD….I used to find Maher funny, but that was so long ago I can’t remember when. He has also not been a liberal for ages, and as for comparing Justin Trudeau to Hitler, I can only think he must be losing his marbles. Or is auditioning to try to replace that other monstrous asshole Tucker Carlson. I’d like to tell him what I think of him on Twitter, but I fear I could be banned for life….🙄

  27. Hi Jackie….If I see another loser pundit trying to blame Justin Trudeau for being mean to the trucker thugs I’ll put my fist through the TV set. Trudeau has handled the hostage crisis with all the class I expect from him. And not one of those Con media stooges has bothered to mention that the trucker terrorists threatened his life, forced him to move his family out of their home, and insult him every day with their ghastly F**k Trudeau flags. They also seem to forget that him and two of his children are recovering from Covid. What absolute bastards….
