Thursday, February 03, 2022

The Brutal And Sudden End Of Erin O'Toole

It is said that in the last few minutes of his very short life as Con leader, Erin O'Toole finally lost his cool.

His beaming mask slipped off his face, and he attacked his many enemies in his own caucus.

Which unfortunately for him, only made even more Con MPs want to fire him.

So it wasn't even close.

A majority of Conservative MPs today voted to remove Erin O'Toole as party leader, paving the way for another leadership race only 18 months after the party finished the last one.

The result wasn't particularly close: 73 of the 118 MPs on hand — the party's caucus chair, Scott Reid, did not cast a ballot — voted to replace O'Toole with someone else. 

But although O'Toole must have been totally humiliated, he was still able to summon up the strength to warn that Canada is "divided."

In a resignation video posted to Twitter, O'Toole described his time as Conservative leader as "the honour of a lifetime" — before warning that "Canada is in a dire moment of our history."

O'Toole asked politicians and the next Conservative leader to "recognize that our country is divided and people are worried," pointing to the ongoing protests taking place just outside Parliament.

Which was rich coming from him.

When that ghastly political thug spent his entire time as Con leader trying to divide Canadians, for grubby political purposes.

As well as demonizing Justin Trudeau, and helping to whip up a murderous hatred against him...

In a country where toxic Trudeau hatred is a disease, and threatens the life of the Prime Minister.

O'Toole also lied so often, the truth never had a chance. 

He helped poison our politics, and unleash the far-right mob that is now threatening our country and its values. 

For a guy who was only leader for 17 months that's quite a legacy. 

Although I will say this about O'Toole; he may have driven us crazy with his relentless negativity in the middle of a pandemic.

But we should thank the Cons, for getting rid of O'Toole on Groundhog Day...

And making whacking their leaders an almost yearly tradition. 


I look forward to seeing many more quick returns in the years ahead...

After the Cons tear themselves to pieces, and almost nobody wants to run for them.

You know, in Question Period today Erin O'Toole wasn't there and the ghastly Candice Bergen (who would soon be named interim leader) led off for the Cons…

And she launched straight into an attack on Trudeau without even mentioning O'Toole who she had helped knife less than three hours before.

Instead she demanded to know why Trudeau wouldn't meet with the truckers. You know, the ones who want to kill him.

So it was left up to Trudeau to be the the first to pay tribute to O'Toole.

And how Trudeau be so generous to a man who spent his entire time as leader trying to smear him and destroy him?

Answer: Because he has class, and behaves like a Canadian leader should... 

Unlike the grubby O'Toole whose Cons are no longer a really Canadian party...

But are now more like a far-right zombie cult full of religious fanatics, anti-vaxxers and other kooks, who I very much doubt will be able to find a new leader who can take on the Trudeau Liberals.

But more on that in another post, right now I just want to say one thing:


First we helped take down Stephen Harper, then we helped take down Andrew Scheer, now we've helped take down Erin O'Toole.

And whoever the new Con leader is, he or she will meet the same fate he did.

The Cons are running out of history. 

And the future belongs to us...


  1. Anonymous12:46 PM

    "And whoever the new Con leader is, he or she will meet the same fate he did..."

    As I said yesterday, it will never matter who leads the CPC. Even if they elect someone from the PC or red Tory wing we will still get the same mindless talking points from the Liberals about privatization of Healthcare, outlawing abortion, austerity is bad and stripping away women's and LBGTQ rights.

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Yep, those talking points would be completely mindless if only there weren't so much evidence to back them up...

    2. Anonymous3:10 PM

      Let's see...still have public heath care?? Yupp...

      Abortion outlawed??...nope

      As I said...

      Austerity?? Both cons and libs have used it with a vengeance.

      Rights stripped away from anyone?? Nope.

  2. So having a lying right-wing religious fanatic as leader didn't work. Having a spineless two-faced flip-flopper as leader worked even less and triggered the the extremist fringe. Looks like Pierre "Free Coffee and Doughnuts for White Supremacists" Poilievre is seen as next one in line.
    Is there anyone left with the capacity to LISTEN in this damn party? Or are they now the ones being told to shut up and go along with the lunatics that are running this asylum?

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      It would appear that way as outlined in your last sentence or two. Maybe, just maybe they might elect a moderate such as MacKay or Chong that might get my vote someday but I am certainly not holding my breath in anticipation. But as the current incarnation of the CPC stands, forget it.

      Meanwhile in the slim chance they might elect a moderate, as I said above, it will be the same old attacks from the Liberals.

  3. Anonymous2:06 PM

    So long, Erin. I can't wait to read your 15 page memoir, "Flip, Flop and Buh-Bye".
    Three down and more to go. I couldn't help but laugh at how CTV was fluffing up MAGA Bergen and tossing out some names for the potential new leader. Donald Poilievre jr because he's wildly popular among the Con's whacko Trump cult, Michelle Rempel because she's seen as a, ahem, moderate and Leslynn Lewis because she's so clean, pure and saintly. Stunning. Could they be that stupid as to go further right than they already are? I'm afraid that's the only way they will unite behind one "leader". Their motto should be "Divided we stand, moreso when we fall". Get out the popcorn folks, the all you can eat cannibal Con buffet is open and they're hungry.
    As for the here and now, as soon as the the Ottawa Police either shit or get off the pot and call in the army to help arrest or take down these domestic terrorists, I will be demanding a full public inquiry to reveal how all of this came to be. Follow the money and the Con MP enablers who knew full well that white supremacists were organizing it. I will also be demanding that our PMJT strengthen our hate laws and that he and the premiers form a national guard type elite force to squash this type of psychological domestic terrorism. Welcome to the future.

  4. Anonymous2:22 PM

    @ mindless

    The Tool's claimed support for "mindless talking points" such as a carbon tax as well as bans on assault weapons and conversion therapy got him fired. Hopefully the next leader will come out from behind the rhetoric curtain and state exactly what the CPC positions are on these as well as other issues that matter to Canadians and let the voters decide.


    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      Actually I would like to see that too.

  5. Breaking. The farewell party for the errant old fool has been cancelled. As phone booths are a thing of the past, a suitable venue was not found.

  6. Hi anon@12:46 PM…..You’re wrong. I’ve spend about 15 years attacking the Cons for the far right nonsense that Stephen Harper brought in. So if the Cons started behaving like a Canadian party again, I would be only too happy to give up blogging, and get back to writing fiction and doing other nice and much easier things.

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Well I always give someone the benefit of the doubt Simon so I will see what time brings.

    2. Anonymous3:25 AM

      You write fiction all time, mostly about how great Justin Trudeau is.

  7. Pierre D.3:37 PM

    Actually Anon @3:10 p.m...the CPC under Harper basically shut down the Status of Women offices, which helped provide birth control across developing and industrialized nations. Their "Fair Elections Act", laughably named, made it near-impossible for Indigenous, poor, people of colour to vote by having extreme identification requirements.

    And Abortion is a provincial issue, and provincial governments have, many many times, limited access to clinics. So go stuff yourself, CON-Job.

    The fact they choose Bergen as interim shows they are doubling-down to their Trumpist-Prairies base and they have no interest in evolving into an urbane, science and policy-baed party. And, because of this, they will never see power again. The LPC may not get a majority, of course, but the LPC-NDP-BQ trifecta will finangle policy that may serve many and rankle others, but it will be...policy, something that is needed in these turbulent times.

    And if we are lucky, Justin Trudeau will win a 4th mandate. And if he does, he will become the first prime minister since...Sir Wilfrid Laurier turnd the trick between 1896 and 1911. And if that happens, the
    Conservative Part of Canada will be buried, dead and buried, and will need to finally renew itself.

  8. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Picking MAGA Karen as interim leader was the predictable and safe choice. She’s got all the MAGA credentials to make it as a typical republican, its just too bad she is living in the wrong country. To my mind the elevation of Bergen to interm-leader signals the continued Americanization of Canada’s politics started by that detestable miscreant Stephen Harper.

    Manitoba Conservative MP Candice Bergen silent on photo showing her wearing MAGA hat | CBC News

    Is Stephen Harper 'Americanising' Canada? - BBC News

    Much like their republican cousins the cons have a huge gun fetish, specifically the AR-15(the school shooter’s weapon of choice), anti-immigrant unless they are of the pure blonde blue eyed Aryan old stock and they even have their own merry band of Freedumb rioters to threaten democratically elected representatives. AND YES ANON at 12:46 your cons are also pro-privatization of healthcare in addition to the Americanization of how Canadians pick their supreme court judges.

    You've got a friend in Newt -
    Canada’s Conservative Establishment is Gearing Up for Another Fight Over Privatizing Public Health Care (
    How Harper killed medicare — and got away with it - iPolitics
    Opinion: End run to an Americanized Senate - The Globe and Mail

    I would highly recommend the book “Red, White, and Kind of Blue? The Conservatives and the Americanization of Canadian Constitutional Culture” by professor David Schneiderman at Osgoode Hall.

    It is easy to dismiss the “Americanization” threat as hysterical jingoism but it remains a clear and present threat to Canada’s political future.


  9. Hi Unknown@1:31PM....You would think that the Cons might have learned thei lesson after losing three elections in a row. But as I warned long ago, once the SoCons became such a force in the party, there would be no going back. Pierre Poilievre is sucking up to the SoCons already so I don't doubt he will run for leader. But their chances of winning an election with him as leader are between zero and nothing. So maybe one more defeat will be what is needed to convince the Cons to become a Canadian party again. If not they are truly doomed...

  10. Hi anon@1:57PM....Why do you keep clinging to the notion that the Liberals would attack a more moderate Con party, the same way they are attacking the MAGA party? You yourself seem to admit that moderates don't stand a chance of winning the Con leadership. So instead of trying to demonize the Liberals, why don't you focus your efforts on trying to heal your own party? Because they definitely need it...

    1. Anonymous5:11 PM

      They aren't my party. Just as the other parties aren't my parties.

  11. Hi JD....Welcome to the Cannibal Buffet. If our grubby Con media thinks that Poilievre, Rempel and Lewis would make suitable leaders of the MAGA Party, they will lose even more readers than they already have. The need to understand that the Cons are now a far-right party, and more American than Canadian.
    As are those fascist truckers in Ottawa. And I agree with you, Canada needs new weapons to deal with this far-right invasion. I don't want our country to become as militarized as the U.S., but we need to have the means to defend our once peaceful kingdom, or those mother truckers will keep trying to bully the decent people of Ottawa. The times they are a changing, and we need to be ready to deal with anything...

  12. Hi anon@3:10PM...Stop trying to make the Cons sound like Liberals. When in fact if the MAGA Party was governing this country, medicare would be privatized, the CBC would be killed, abortion rights would be severely restricted, and gay rights would be slaughtered. Can't you see that, or are you being deliberately blind? Wake up and do something, or you will be left with no party to support...

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      "Stop trying to make the Cons sound like Liberals".

      Private heathcare already exists here and predates the Cons. It's expanded under Liberal and Con federal rule and Liberal, Con and NDP in the provinces.

      As for austerity and burning everything to the ground, look no further than Jean Chretien and Paul Martin as the undisputed Champs in this country.

  13. Even Don the Con Martin now says a Liberal majority is not out of the question, and for Trudeau to put away any thoughts of retirement.

    Not that he had any. Those were all the thoughts of... Don the Con Martin and his fellow party-press hacks at the Globe and CTV.

    Maybe it's time for the #CdnMediaFailed hacks to put away any thoughts of a lucrative Senate appointment. Bye, O'Foole, we hardly knew ye.

  14. Hi rumleyfips...I have been shocked at how quickly Erin O'Toole has disappeared, with hardly anybody even noting that he has gone. I don't blame them, but it's still weird. And there I was prepared to offer them an old Volkwagen beetle, for their Bye Bye Erin party. Oh well, I sure partied like there was no tomorrow, and since I don't usually drink, I am still paying the price...

  15. Anonymous6:37 PM

    The bizarre and forceful trucker demands to lift all Covid restrictions encouraged me to review data that either supports or refutes the choices that were made. One way of measuring the effect of the choices is to compare weekly death rates pre Covid to death rates during the past 2 years. The results were expressed as a percentage of excess deaths over the 2015 to 2019 baseline. During the first April-May 2020 wave the monthly excess death rate in Canada was around 20% and declined to 10 and 8% for subsequent waves. Excess death rates in the US peaked between 30% and 40% in sync with the infection waves. Mexico with its weaker heath care system reached excess deaths between 70 to 120%.
    It is without a doubt that Canada’s strategy saved a significant number of lives so the only question left is what value does society place on these lives. Obviously most Canadians place a high value on lives as they are willing to make sacrifices to save them. The US had the same opportunity but as a society does not seem to place the same social value on preserving lives. Based on anti vax and push back on Covid restrictions it seems the further right the ideology the less concerned they are about people dying. This is unless death is due to a foreign terrorist where a .06% spike in mortality rate will send them to the ends of the earth seeking retribution.
    Canada is fortunate so far but the US is scary considering the number of right wingers, their attitude towards unnecessary death and its military might.


  16. Anonymous7:37 AM

    So MAGA Bergen sends out a memo telling caucus not to urge the domestic terrorists to leave then pictures emerge of her then others of Scheer giving aid and comfort to the enemy. I then heard later that someone was apprehended trying to bring a long gun into the occupation. She's also been squawking out that JT must meet with the terrorists. Why MAGA? Are you trying to set up his assassination or an attempt? It would not surprise me. And given that Ottawa police have been entirely useless during this terrorist occupation, how do we know these trucks that have been there for a week aren't packing weapons such as high powered sniper rifles? The cops certainly wont search them because you know, we don't want to incite them. What a joke. Her first day as interim leader clearly shows where the Trumpervatives are heading and no MAGA, JT wont meet with them. We don't negotiate with terrorists.

  17. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Pierre Poillivre vs Trudeau in the upcoming Parliamentary and/or election debates.....

    It should be interesting entertainment...
    Bring popcorn.
