Friday, January 07, 2022

The Day Erin O'Toole Surrendered To The Anti-Vaxxers

For weeks Erin O'Toole has been hiding from Canadians, like a loser chicken in a closet.

Too afraid to show his face lest he might be asked why he has not urged Canadians to get vaccinated, which is the best thing that can be done to keep our hospitals from collapsing.

Too afraid to admit that if he did the right thing, the many anti-vaxxers in his caucus would eat him alive.

But now he's back trying to smear Justin Trudeau. Again.

Accusing Trudeau of "normalizing" lockdowns when has had nothing to do with them, it's O'Toole's criminally incompetent Con friends who are responsible.

And in the greatest act of cowardice ever by a Canadian politician, he has now surrendered unconditionally
 to those who are refusing to be vaccinated.

Canadians unwilling to be vaccinated against COVID-19 should be accommodated through measures like rapid testing, Conservative Leader Erin O'Toole said Thursday as health experts warned the lightning-fast spread of the Omicron variant threatens to overwhelm hospitals.

Even though as Dale Smith points out, the move makes absolutely no sense.

Erin O’Toole has apparently decided he’s going all-in for the unvaccinated, and wants “reasonable accomodations” made for them while they continue to flood the healthcare system and push it to the point of collapse...

Logic doesn’t seem to be penetrating O’Toole’s rhetoric—nor the simple fact that premiers are responsible for the management of the pandemic, not the federal government.

It’s just a bunch of fuzzy logic, rank innumeracy, and outright lies, and O’Toole knows it, but he’s decided that this is the path that he can exploit politically, and there frankly aren’t enough people, particularly in the media, calling him on his bullshit. 

And even The Beaverton can see that the yellow bellied coward is playing cheap political games with the lives of Canadians.

As yet another wave of COVID overwhelms hospitals and Canada’s ICUs fill with unvaccinated patients, Conservative leader Erin O’Toole is adamant that the large majority of Canadians who are are vaccinated do everything in their power to make life easier for the willfully unvaccinated minority.

“Shaming them is not the way. The last thing we want is for the unvaccinated to feel bad about their choices. I would rather 1000 overworked nurses quit because they can’t handle another 16-hour ICU shift caring for angry, dying anti-vaxxers than a single anti-vaxxer be shamed for their decision.”

But wait, O'Toole isn't finished yet. He's now also calling for the destruction of the CBC....

While some of his other Con henchmen are trying to take advantage of the pandemic to call for our precious medicare system to be privatized.

Which can only make people wonder why O'Toole seems to be putting on the mask he once claimed he took off?

Or wonder whether that mask is his REAL face.

And the answer is simple: Yellow Belly O'Toole is now only weeks away from a possible vote on his leadership.

And these latest polling numbers could be fatal...

For with the Cons almost tied with the NDP, and Maxime Bernier's right-wing crazy party gaining ground, he's in big trouble. And no doubt can see his big shiny bald head being kicked around like a soccer ball.

So he has given up trying to reach out to moderate Canadians, and is now concentrating on trying to win back the extremists that have poisoned his party and are trying to kill this country.

For old yellow belly will do ANYTHING to save himself.

And the good news? It almost certainly won't work.

For he's doomed if the religious fanatics and kooky anti-vaxxers save him. No decent Canadians could vote for him and his party after that.

And if they don't, the next leader they choose could be even worse...

So the Cons are the walking dead.

And for the sake of this country, and in the name of human decency.

The sooner we get rid of them the better...


  1. Anonymous7:47 PM

    I thought you might like to know, saw two senior cabinet Minister’s COS arguing over in East Block. Guess who’s exit they were talking about it…..

  2. The Ceeb needs an overhaul to cure it of the bothsiderism malignancy that has allowed the US and UK to sleepwalk into fascism. Timothy Snyder, author of the book On Tyranny warns that the road to fascism begins with the rejection of facts. Now more than ever, with the diseased elephant once again ready to roll over on its death bed, Canada's fourth estate, its national broadcaster in particular, needs to reject the see/hear/speak no evil gospel of false objectivity, and start properly casting conservatism for what it is: a menace to the public health and a carcinogen to the body politic. Push back on Con disinfo, loudly denounce the stealth push for the American medical caste system, and start being more forceful in reminding Canadians of jurisdictional responsibilities. And most importantly, call a lie a LIE. Otherwise, they risk becoming Canadian Pravda, a disinformation source in and of themselves where "there is no truth in the news and no news in the truth."

    As for O'Toole, he has crossed the line way too far with this incoherent bullshit. He has fully jumped the shark with this absurd argument that quite plainly is about him wanting to keep his job as "leader" of this feckless party. None of it even makes sense: he is blaming Trudeau for restrictions that are 1) in the premiers' wheelhouse, and 2) actually quite popular with the vast majority of Canadians who dwell in reality, instead of Fox North echo chambers? Why does he even want the job but for the added salary and the "perks" of living at Stornoway? Regardless, it's long overdue that he gets pinkslipped and told to find other living arrangements. The Cons have no one better but this tool is completely useless.

    Bigly kudos to Duclos and LeBlanc for calling the tool's nonsense for what it is: a desperate and craven attempt to cling to relevance by poisoning the populace with LIES. In which case, the best cure is as follows: Disband the Covidiot Party of Canada. It is beyond saving.

    1. Anonymous10:56 PM

      Wow, I am so glad No one hears you outside this little echo chamber. Won’t do the party any favours with your point of view.

  3. O'Toole was the subject of this article, so I'm guessing him. Other than that, Ford or Kenney.

    If you mean Trudeau (and I can't tell sometimes who's a sincere anon from a troll), then my guess is those cabmins' chiefs of staff were arguing about how best to word an April Fool's joke, and whether or not it should include a Rick Astley video. Or their names were John Barron and David Dennison, and they were in a hipster coffee shop in East Block. In which case... it's gotta be Toolio.

    1. Anonymous10:54 PM

      Oh it was about Justin alright. Push or grace which will it be?

      Got ugly too. Ah, the good old days of the Martin-Chrétien feud again.

  4. Anonymous9:38 PM

    O'Toole is absolutely right, the unvaccinated should receive reasonable accommodations. With a fresh coat of paint, the Kingston Pen should do nicely.

  5. Anonymous11:59 PM

    My oh my, no sooner than JT states the obvious about the antivaxers and boom! The tool gets out the tried and true Con wedge and shitposts to divide us and curry favor with the covidiots. All in the hope of stealing support away from Bernier. And no sooner than that happens, the Con media are suddenly sympathetic to said covidiots. If that isn't working in concert with each other I don't know what is. However, when 88% of us are vaccinated, do they actually think we'll suddenly embrace the covidiots? Not likely. They made their ill-informed decisions and now they have to live with it and take responsibility for their inaction. In other words, fuck them! A dear friend of mine is not long for this world directly due to cancelled treatments for cancer and yet our hospitals are treating these unvaccinated idiots as they fill up our ERs. Why???!!! So instead of a few or more years of life, I don't expect my friend will make it through winter. That is so wrong. A kind, gentle soul who would go out of his way to help others will soon pass due to the selfishness and stupidity of others. That is a travesty and I'm sure just one story of many that's playing out across the country. I could understand before vaccines were widely available, but at this point, antivaxers should be the last in line when it comes to receiving health care. So for me, it's especially infuriating to see the tool and his media enablers playing politics by pleading for covidiot leniency. Fuck you tool, fuck you Ivison, fuck em all!

  6. Hi anon@7:47PM...Let me guess, they were talking about Justin Trudeau, and saying he should leave next week? Even though his polls are way above the others, O'Toole is roasting like a BBQ chicken and his Cons are fighting for position with the NDP, and the economy is creating more new jobs ever day. Honestly, you Cons are now so desperate you're frankly delusional. It's Bye Bye time, and there's nothing you can do about it but weep....

  7. Hi Jackie...I agree that the CBC has lost its way, and needs to be purged of the Harperite roaches that have burrowed into its management ranks. But it's still an important Canadian institution and needs to be defended from those who would destroy it, and try to turn us into a pale copy of Ugly Amerika. As you know I began criticizing the media in this country a long time ago. At that time many called me an extremist, but not any longer. Now most people can see how much damage they are doing to our democracy and will hopefully do something about it. As for O'Toole, his burning ambition got him to where he is now, but will now conspire to destroy him. I would love to be standing outside Stornoway, the day the O'Toole grifters get the bum's rush, for it will be a day to remember...

  8. Hi Jackie @9:15 PM....Thanks to the number of ugly comments I receive, I can smell a Con troll a mile away. And anon@7:47PM is one of them. I suspect that the Canada Proud gang is now organizing some of them into attempting to divide progressives, but it won't work. They are just too obvious and too dumb...

  9. Hi anon@9:38PM....That's an excellent idea. I'm usually a pretty tolerant guy when it comes to law and order matters. But those who put their "freedumbs" before the health and safety of the elderly and the vulnerable deserve to be locked up for a long long time....

  10. Hi anon@10:54PM...So I guessed right, you are just a poor desperate Con troll trying to divide progressives against each other. I know your type too well and you could never fool me. As I told Jackie, you are just too obvious and too dumb. Good luck loser....

  11. Hi Warren. Thanks for your contributions, NOT. How's Jody these days? She going to have Tara Henley ghostwrite her next revenge manifesto? Oh too bad, I'm sure you did such a good job spellchecking the other two.

    Be a good little troll and let the nice men with the butterfly nets take you back to the Toronto Stun rubber room. Oh look, here they come.

    Bye Warren, don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.

    1. Anonymous10:14 PM

      Don't worry. I am sure that you and the rest of the Trudeau cult attack dogs will be all over JWR or anyone else who dares criticize the PM in any way.

  12. Hi anon@10:56PM....So your back for more punishment. Troll please get a grip on yourself. I may be a small and very humble blog, but I've been beating up Cons every day for more than ten years, I have a dedicated following on this blog and on Twitter, and I hear that calling O'Toole Chicken Man had some Cons at Con headquarters shitting bricks, or laying eggs. What more can I ask for?

  13. Hi JD....I don't think there is any doubt any longer that the Cons and some in our shabby media are working in concert, greased by dark money from American interests and Big Oil. And by their master's desire to kill the CBC and steal its advertising money. Luckily, they are now so desperate, what they are trying to do is only too obvious. As is the reason O'Toole is hugging the anti-vaxxers to his sweaty bosom: the People's Party crazies are stealing his supporters, and he will do anything to get them back. I'm sorry to hear about your friend J.D., there are many Canadians in a similar situation, and it makes my blood boil. I have absolutely no sympathy for the anti-vaxxers who would put their selfish interests before the needs of the elderly and the vulnerable. I would like to see them arrested, charged and jailed. I hope something can still be done for your friend, for it's the kind of story that motivates me to destroy the Cons before those selfish bastards destroy this country and its values. And we will live to see that day...

  14. Hey Simon: Since you've apparently caused the boys in short pants to start clucking in a frenzy by calling Toolio the chicken man... Apologies to Bruce Springsteen, but his politics align with us humble folks here, so I think even he'd appreciate it. This is my ode to what promises to be a raucous, cluckus caucus ruckus.

    Well they threw out the Chicken Man
    From Stornoway last night
    And they cleaned out the outhouse too
    Down in Jeff's war room, they're gettin' ready for a fight
    Gonna see what them Proud Boys can do
    Now there's trouble flying in from the pigeon coop
    And the council can't get no relief
    Gonna be a fuddle-duddle at the caucus retreat
    And the tool man's just hanging on by the skin of his teeth

    Well now, everything dies, Erin, that's a fact
    You built your house of cards on lies, now don't come back
    Put your fake smile on, shine your scalp all pretty
    And meet your demise out in Quebec City

    Well, he got the job and tried to send ol' Justin away
    But he had debts that no honest man could pay
    So he ended up overdrawn from his reserve of trust
    Punched his own ticket, now he's goin' under the true blue bus

    Well now, everything dies, Erin, that's a fact
    You built your house of cards on lies, now don't come back
    Put your fake smile on, shine your scalp all pretty
    And meet your demise out in Quebec City

    Now your luck's surely died, and the act's getting old
    A minor footnote you'll stay
    Go take a walk in the snow, though the air is cold
    Don't eat the yellow stuff... that's not liquid gold

    Skippy wants the top job, but he's hard to take
    Down there it's just bigots and losers
    And covidiots who think reality is fake
    Well I'm tired of all of 'em, I can't take no more
    So I'm gonna be trustin' in Justin again in 2024

    Everything dies, maybe that's a fact
    If you got nothin' but lies, you don't deserve to come back
    Get your popcorn now, 'cause it won't be pretty
    Gonna be a real fight out in Quebec City

  15. Canadians are generally sensible. Now years US cable TV has dulled the minds of the weak thinkers, but if you try and sell crazy in Canada, your the one who will be locked up.

  16. Why the fuck should we accommodate the antivax morons?

    The lizard part of my brain wants the government to charge them for treatment. Why the hell should my tax dollars go to pay for folks who resist public health measures? If they're going to clog up the system and waste valuable resources for their own selfish means then let them pay for it. Tragedy of the commons, etc etc.

    Then I remember that our system is designed to help those who don't always help themselves and if we charge anti-vaxxers then who's next? Lest it be the wedge used by the RWers to start charging all of us for public healthcare.

    As Omnicron rages through the world, the compassionate side of my brain is starting a bit to feel the same way as the lizard brain. That's not good.

  17. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Some 20 years ago the Cons viewed it as a marriage made in heaven. Two losers banded together to spawn a new Canada in their image. The trouble was they never really defined what made them losers and what their offspring would look like. Still losers some 20 years later and incredibly set in their ways one of the participants has decided it’s time for a divorce. Being somewhat smarter than their cohort the Conrad style free enterprise supremacists realise that a low key Irish goodbye disappearance is preferred over a brawl. Gutless O’Tool is the man for the job; precisely because he appears gutless and malleable. With the exception of a few extremists both sides are inclined to hang in there because they believe he can be swayed in their favour. It will be interesting to see how the strategy plays out. It is in everyone else’s best interest to make the divorce as messy as possible because it really doesn’t matter whether supremacists embrace religion, race, gender, free enterprise or some other ideal as they all view everyone else as a lesser subset of humanity that needs to be subverted or controlled by whatever means necessary.


  18. Hi Jackie....Wow that's brilliant. How lucky I am to have such great commenters who put all the others to shame. And how lucky we are to have an ugly Con like O'Toole to inspire us every day of the year. I think I like this verse the best:

    Well now, everything dies, Erin, that's a fact
    You built your house of cards on lies, now don't come back
    Put your fake smile on, shine your scalp all pretty
    And meet your demise out in Quebec City

    For his fake smile is starting to look like it's pasted on, and he is lying even more than he usually does.
    This morning he apparently told somebody of the radio that no politician had promoted vaccines as much as he had. Which if true makes me think that he's going to end up in jail one day, after being convicted for fraud.
    Never in the history of this country has there been such a sleazy liar. And he is going to pay for that....

  19. Hi Steve....I like to think that too, but according to some recent polls there about six million Trump supporters in Canada, so the potential for trouble is enormous....

  20. Hi Dan....I feel like you do. I have tried to train myself to always remain calm and rational, but those anti-vaxxers are seriously testing my patience. And when I think of the many good people who have followed all the rules but thanks to the selfish covidiots are being deprived of urgently needed heart or cancer operations I almost lose it, and I want to shake them until they see reason. But you're right, we cannot descend to their level, we are better than them, and it's that kind of strength that will allow us to defeat them. I am however in favour of vaccine mandates, which to me means if you don't care about us, don't expect us to care about you...

  21. I get a chuckle out of folks who believe there is actually any conflict within the Liberal ranks. It is patently false of course because if it were not then we would never hear the end of it from the media.

    Really if, say, PM Trudeau was to fart in the general direction of DPM Freeland (Monty Python reference) the media would talk about it for weeks. So if there was something more serious happening we would hear about it ad nauseum.

    You really have to feel some pity for non-Liberal partisans. They only defeated the Liberals in 2006 after years of Chretien and Martin people feuding with each other and after one of the two real political scandals in recent Canadian history. Even then it took three tries before the Conservatives could secure a majority government.

    Now the non-Liberals are facing a reasonably competent government, that has avoided any infighting and non-manufactured scandals. As well, Canadians are turning away from THE central economic plank of the Conservative ideology and the NDP does not have a serious leader who actually wants to grow support for his party. Added to this is, despite the avoidance of the subject by the media, there are still rumblings of Mr. O'Toole's job being in danger.

    It really is a hopeless situation for non-Liberals. Their only saving grace is the age of the Liberal government. It is long enough in the tooth for Canadians to start feeling government fatigue so they may be open to the alternatives but it is hard to imagine what the Opposition is presenting as an alternative would be appealing enough.

    As for the topic of this post, with respect Simon, Mr. O'Toole surrendered to the anti-vaxxers months ago. I really find it amazing that he still finds it necessary to continue to wave that white flag.

  22. Hi RT....Well for a while it was a marriage made in heaven. And it did change this country forever, for we're still paying for their monstrous offspring. But the good news is that now the Cons are paying for it even more than we are. Most Canadians want our political parties to behave like Canadian ones not American/Trump ones. So I too am really interested to see what happened when the race to replace O'Toole begins. Will someone emerge to try to drag the Cons back to some semblance of decency, or will the new leader be even worse than O'Toole? Either way, I don't think there will be much left when the smokes clears. They shat in their own bed, and now they must lie in it...

  23. And there it is. 😈

  24. Hi Ottlib...I too found it quite funny when that Con commenter @7:47 PM said he had overheard two Liberal ministers arguing about the impending departure of Justin Trudeau, and compared it to the Martin-Chrétien feud. He might as well have stamped TROLL all over his forehead. And I too can (occasionally) pity those poor Cons who find themselves wandering through a political desert with nowhere to go, clutching at any straw that comes their way. Sadly for them, the Trudeau government is happy in its skin as we say in Quebec, and it's the Cons who are plotting to overthrow their loser leader. As for O'Toole surrendering to the anti-vaxxers, he may have realized that he could not criticize them weeks ago, but it is only in the last days that he has come out suggesting that they should be accommodated, even as Omicron surges out of control. Now it's out in the open and I honestly believe it will be what finishes him off....

  25. Hi anon@10:14 PM...Don't be ridiculous troll, nobody here needs to attack JWR, she has destroyed herself. She thought the election and her new book would revive her moribund career, but the book was a bust and she had no effect on the election outcome. She is yesterday's story and nobody cares what she says or does...

  26. Hi Jackie....yes, it's come to that, the poor loser O'Toole is now channelling that other loser Bernier. It's truly pathetic, and can only end badly....

  27. I have heard it form a impeccable source, no less than Mark I am your man Rob T. Dan Brown the authour with a double life will be the next leader of the Cons, and just before the election Dougie will take him out in a coup.

  28. Anonymous12:26 PM

    It dawned on me on how similar the tool's championing of the anti-vax covidiots is to the orange shithole himself, Trump. Trump's outrageous "good people on both sides" quote was an obvious appeasement to his beloved white supremacists and they in turn wore it like a badge of honor. It not only empowered them, it was one of the many cogs in the gear that led to the January 6th insurrection. With the GOP north wanting to accommodate our covidiots, O'Trump is empowering them which will only lead to them getting even more radical(assholeish) than before. I foresee a lot more innocent front line workers having to deal with these assholes on a whole new level of repugnance. As well, if they were thinking of getting vaxed, they wont now knowing the Cons are in their corner thus extending the pandemic to who knows when. Way to go Erin, you fucking idiot. Canadians will rightly condemn and punish you and your enablers for this one, guaranteed.

  29. Forecasting elections years out might be folly, but I can easily see this being a ballot box issue -- if not THE ballot box issue.

    Then again, the climate change election hinged upon yearbook photos and insurance licenses (or the lack thereof); the pandemic election hinged upon gun control and Shachi Kurl's impetuousness; it's therefore entirely possible that the healthcare election could hinge upon something else. Trump's unhingedness, perhaps.

    But since Canadian healthcare is so intrinsic to national identity and the Cons are nibbling at the bit to go full Amerika, then it is also possible, likely even, that election 45 will be weighed upon whether Canadians want to continue/bolster the legacies of Tommy Douglas and (Pierre) Trudeau... or regress to something foreign, dark and scary coming over the border. Not immigrants, as the Cons would depict it, but U$ greenbacks, dark money. The Yankee rag Nazi Post is already banging the drum this morning. That beat will only get louder as the GOP stages its Reich parade in the midterms, through to 2024.

    Ironically, it would be the Liberals coming in with the "nationalistic" platform, while the cons are the ones catering to "globalism" by way of the U$A and for-profit healthcare. Trudeau père et fils rightly abhor(red) cheap jingoism, but it would behoove the younger to frame healthcare as a proper source of Canadian pride and campaign upon making it stronger. Let it be the unpatriotic Cons who get spat upon for trampling all over the flag.

  30. Go away Warren, you're drunk.

    This shit didn't work in 2019 and it's old news now.

  31. BTW AnonyCon, I doubt you're a fly on the wall on the Hill.

    You are a pest, but more likely the fly on Mike Pence's head.


  32. Hi Steve@10:08AM….What are you smoking these days? Save some for me, I think I might need it…😉

  33. Hi JD….Yes, let’s not forget how when it looked like Trump might win a second term, O’Toole was so giddy with excitement he even started using the language of the orange cult. Woke this woke that etc etc. It was grotesque, and many many Cons are still in love with Trump, and are a clear and present danger to the security of this country. Unfortunately their bestial selfishness is also a threat to the elderly and most vulnerable, and unless we can do something about them, the pandemic will go on forever. I’m starting to believe that Trudeau should declare a state of emergency so we can do what needs to be done to disarm the Cividiot terrorist movement until the pandemic is over. I admit I haven’t studied the matter enough to know all the pros and the cons, but it seems to me that we need to be ready to act before things get out of control, and before they kill more innocent people….

  34. Hi anon@2:37PM…..Please troll, for a fly you really get around the parliamentary washroom. But why do you keep channeling the past so fondly. Do those wild dreams seem real to you? And if they do, have you ever considered getting help? Please do it for me, before you end up in a rubber room, screaming or buzzing about Trudeau’s imminent resignation. The world has been cruel to you and your cult, but please don’t take it out on me….🤨

  35. Hi Jackie….I used to believe that the next election would be mostly about climate change, but after the Covid nightmare I think it will also be about how the Cons played cheap political games during a pandemic, and didn’t care how many decent Canadians died. And the attempt to kill medicare when with the other two, should finish them off for at least a generation…🥳🍾🎈
