Sunday, January 09, 2022

Chicken O'Toole's Big Vaccine Flip Flop

The way Erin O'Toole has been behaving recently, one might be forgiven for wondering whether he is losing his marbles.

He has been blaming Justin Trudeau for causing the pandemic, suggesting that he's some kind of fascist for urging Canadians to get vaccinated. And it's crazy stuff.

But don't worry, hold the straitjacket, for now. 

For it seems that what's making O'Toole sound so crazy, is that he's channeling Mad Max Bernier.

And with good reason.

As I wrote in my last post, the kooky Cons have been losing anti--vaxxers to Bernier's even kookier People's Party.

And O'Toole is DESPERATE to get them back.

Even though the Covid unvaccinated are threatening to swamp our hospitals...

Our poor healthcare workers are testing positive for Covid, or dropping out of the work force too burnt out to continue. 

Thousands and thousands of decent Canadians who followed the rules, are unable to receive treatment for other medical conditions, like cancer and heart disease. And they are dying in large numbers.

While the Con anti-vaxxers are not only taking up most of the hospital beds across the country, but are trying to prevent others from being vaccinated.

Protestors forced a COVID-19 booster shot clinic in St. John's to close early Saturday, according to Eastern Health.

The health authority says safety protocols were disrupted and the clinic at Waterford Valley High School was locked down to allow health care workers and people receiving shots to stay inside for safety.

As the increasingly fascist Maxime Bernier tries to turn a medical emergency into a civil rights issue...

And Erin O'Toole and his Cons, try to blame Justin Trudeau for EVERYTHING.

Even though, his buddies the Con Premiers are the ones responsible for lockdowns.

And unlike O'Toole, Trudeau has been fighting the pandemic right from the beginning, and harder than any other leaders...

And even on a Sunday, was still trying to get the message out this morning.

So it's literally sickening what the Cons have been doing to him and this country.

But the good news is that some Liberal cabinet ministers are fighting back, suggesting that vaccine mandates may be needed.

They are letting Erin O'Toole know exactly what they think of him playing cheap politics in the middle of a pandemic.

A day after Erin O’Toole essentially blamed the federal government for the recurring COVID-19 lockdowns that have robbed Canadians of a sense of normalcy, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs of Canada, Dominic LeBlanc, lashed out at the Conservative Leader, accusing him of selfishly putting his political aspirations ahead of the health of Canadians.

“At a time when our health care system is under stress, Mr. O’Toole is encouraging people to do things that are adding to that pressure and that will continue to put Canadians and our health care workers at increased risk,” he said.

“Almost two years into this pandemic, it’s hard to believe that Mr. O’Toole just doesn’t get it — vaccines work. And vaccines are the best way out of this pandemic.”

And believe it or not, it seems to be working.

For this afternoon O'Toole finally folded, or flip flopped again.  And tried to have it both ways...

And while I'm glad to see him recommending that people get vaccinated, I couldn't help wondering why it took him so long? And how many Canadians died, or will die, because he was too much of a coward to do the right thing? 

But what I do know is that decent Canadians may one day get a chance one day to make it clear what we think of O'Toole, and his un-Canadian Con People's Party.

And if his own supporters don't finish him off first.

We will get a chance to send that Con loser back to the place where he belongs....

And it will be day to remember...


  1. For CTV to echo Bernier's wackadoo talking points this morning shows just how badly the media is circling the drain. But what's more entertaining to watch is how the ivermectin enthusiasts both Max and the chicken man are fighting over, are actually calling out who has jurisdiction over lockdowns because they're equally mad at Ford.

    Lol, how are the cons or Jagmeet supposed to spin Jordan Peterson as a Liberal shill when the subject of jurisdiction comes up? You know, the same way they troll Dale Smith all the live long day when he corrects both extremes on basic civics. But I digress.

    Point blank: people need to get vaccinated, period, and the majority are losing sympathy for the muh freedumbz crowd. Chicken Man can't play both sides forever, because he's pissing everyone off (emmerder, in Macron's terms). There's a joke in here somewhere, something about a chicken getting run over in the middle of the road...

    1. Anonymous7:35 AM

      It's always provincial jurisdiction as far as Smith is concerned. Until the feds get involved. Then we don't hear a peep from him because he's a pathetic hypocrite.

  2. Hi Jackie.....Boy are the Cons a mess. And like you I'm enjoying the sight of them taking shots at each other. I was especially pleased to read the reactions to Crazy Lobster's tweet, and see how many are attacking O'Toole and swearing allegiance to Mad Max. Bernier has really upped his game recently, and if he keeps it up he will almost certainly take down O'Toole.I also believe that by trying to please everybody O'Toole has ended up pleasing nobody. Is that the sound of knives sharpening? Who knew they could sound so wonderful?

  3. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Bleeding support to mad Max and the western dippers the chicken wizard tries to invoke the blame Trudeau for everything magic spell that bound them together in the past. The problem is Max’s potent is stronger for the faithful and a stinky put off for the Liberal supporters he is trying to woo into the blue tent. For them it’s not a universal ‘I hate Trudeau and everything he stands for’ cult but policy preferences on key issues. The chicken man can’t discuss real issues and propose alternatives without further alienating the hate base. Karma can be such a bitch.


  4. Anonymous12:52 PM

    "My message has always been clear, get vaccinated."
    It has Err-in? Does the Con dictionary describe always as "once in a blue moon"? Does anyone have any anecdotal evidence of the last time he messaged this out? Archives Canada, maybe? Perhaps hidden somewhere in his shitposts? Subliminal messaging? That's gotta be it because I don't ever remember him saying it even once, though listening to what he has to say is something I really try to avoid.
    Sadly, Erin is so full of shit that I fear he may have a vowel obstruction. His lies are having a hard time keeping up with the flip-flops. I mean my god, what a mess. It's as if he's brought his drill training in the military into his daily work routine. "Left right, left right, left right, left right, halt!!!!! Drop and give me twenty you balding maggot!!!"
    The tool's doomsday clock is inching closer to him being ousted as the hair apparent of Stornoway. The Kooky Kon Kaucus will not be pleased with the tool returning from the holidays and turning the upside down world into disarray. I suspect his days are numbered and the sword of Damocles will soon be trimming the remaining pubes on the big prick's lying, flip-flopping head.

  5. Well JC, I clearly remember the mentally telepathetic message from the old fool telling me that he may or may not support vaccinations. Old flop guns can do that with the sheer force of their intellects.

  6. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Erin O'Toole: “My message to the military, military families right now is simple. Thank you for your service. The vaccines are safe and effective. Ask questions to military doctors… and make sure you’re part of our fight against COVID-19. I think everyone in uniform should be vaccinated.”

    Also Erin O'Toole: “Get that hesitancy down and in some cases have reasonable accommodations to make sure people don’t get pink slips because they’re not vaccinated."

    I think I just got whiplash.

  7. How many people will vote con when he legilizes drunk driving. Smoking in a car with your kids why not?

  8. No Anon, Smith is not a hypocrite. He literally wrote a book about Canadian constitutional civics. Perhaps you should read it sometime. It's called The Unbroken Machine. I don't think CBC Kids has anything equivalent to Sesame Street that might be more of your reading level. Though I have often argued that something similar to "Schoolhouse Rock" should come into existence. Both for children as well as juvenile politicians whose understanding of the government they hope to be part of is roughly equivalent to someone in grade 1. Pop quiz by the way: which level of government is responsible for schooling? If your answer was "Justin Trudeau," please go to the fifth row of the classroom and make sure to wear your dunce cap.

    Anyway, when the feds do "get involved" in matters of provincial jurisdiction, it is always after ad nauseam deliberations with the "Resistance" premiers. PET did not just unilaterally send tanks into QC during the October Crisis. He was asked to intervene, by QC premier Robert Bourassa. Medicare came about due to a collaboration between PET and Tommy Douglas, the provincial premier of Saskatchewan. Now, the childcare programs that PMJT has now resurrected (that died thanks to Faustian bargaining between Layton and Harper) were negotiated with provinces by Paul Martin.

    Justin Trudeau cannot just wake up one morning and decide to do this that or the other overriding Ford and Kenney, no matter how much bad faith whining the cosplay communists of the federal NDP do, demanding that he institute central planning. If you want real peace, order and good government, work at campaigning to get rid of con premiers. And tell Singh to get on Horgan's ass and come to the table with a plan, if he wants pharma and dental and all these other Christmas wish list items. Instead he blames Trudeau for why this or that isn't accomplished, thus shielding his provincial counterparts like, um, a massive hypocrite. While you're at it, tell him to reel in Horwath, and stop his old buddies of the Ontario NDP from being useless grifter obstructionists who prefer to own the Libs and snipe at a now-retired Kathy Wynne, instead of offering a meaningful alternative to Thug Ford. I find it absolutely abhorrent that the ONDP would rather see King Bong get a second mandate than let Del Duca ranked-ballot them into irrelevance. I wish Trudeau hadn't been so gracious to his saboteur opponents but instead had done the same.

    The NDP has zero utility east of Manitoba. They exist solely to complain about the "establishment" and raise money from Extremely Online NEETs who think everything from burnt toast to a stubbed toe is the product of neoshitlib settler capitalist oppression. They fault Trudeau for everything bad in the world. They gaslight the public about constitutional realities. They worship at the altar of Bernie and AOC, who themselves are out there shitposting that Biden isn't doing a student-loan jubilee with the stroke of a pen. Canada's Bernouts ascribe the same power of "executive orders" to the prime minister, then complain about centralization in the PMO. They chant their meme "Liberal, Tory, same old story," but the NDP are actually the pseudo-left's equivalent of cons, who themselves have altogether morphed into a Canadian GOP. Horseshoe politics of the apocalypse.

    The constitution is not a recommendation. It's the law of the land. Funny, I thought Dippers were all screaming like chickens with their heads cut off the last time Trudeau was accused of "interfering with the rule of law." Now you want him to be a dictator? Pick a lane.

  9. Hi anon@7:35AM.....Dale Smith is in my opinion the best parliamentary reporter we have. He criticizes all parties and the bought media. And jurisdiction is jurisdiction, something that lightweights like Jagmeet Singh think they can ignore, but cannot. Those who criticize him are the hypocrites...

  10. Hi RT....Yes, Erin O'Toole was always more chicken than wizard. He needs to grow his party, but is too afraid of losing the support of the extremists to do what he needs to do. And because he can't come up with any policies all he can do is attack Trudeau, and his constant negativity makes him even less popular with most decent Canadians. It's karma alright, and I love it....

  11. Hi JD....O'Toole's claim that "My message has always been clear, get vaccinated," is the worst lie he has ever tried to peddle. And he has peddled a lot of them. He must take us for idiots. But he is starting to pay for his revolting dishonesty. And fighting with Maxime Bernier over the lowest anti vaxxers in the country tells us yet again who he is. A man who would sacrifice the elderly and the vulnerable to try to save his failing political career. You can't go any lower than that, and I look forward to seeing him being run out of town by his own Cons...

  12. Hi rumleyfips....What puzzles me is why O'Toole thinks he can lie like a thief, and believe that we won't notice, and if we do will forgive him. There is something seriously wrong with that man. If he wasn't a politician, he'd be in jail...

  13. Hi anon....The way O'Toole flip flops all over place, is enough to give anyone with a moral compass whiplash. The other day the Cons and some other toxic Trudeau haters like the Disaffected Liberace were making fun of Trudeau because of a bobble head doll that is made by some company. But nobody bobbles as much as Erin O'Toole, and it's going to cost him his political career...

  14. Hi Steve...Legalizing drunk driving would probably be very popular with his rabid base. Whenever I see them in action, many of them look totally looped, and are a clear and present danger to the decent people of this country. I'm just grateful that he will never be Prime Minister, and will forever remain a loser if ever there was one...

  15. Hi Jackie...Thanks for educating anonymous@7:35 AM. I'm afraid he probably is an NDP supporter who believes that Jagmeet Singh doesn't have to worry about jurisdiction, even though the constitution is the law of the land, and Canada is Canada. And by ignoring that fact of life, Jagmeet must also think we are idiots. It's depressing to see how far the NDP has fallen...

  16. Lol, thanks for that recommend, Simon. Not sure if you saw my list over the holidays, but it seems Disaffected just gave me an idea for another JT collectible to pick up. So grateful to these cons for their Streisand-effect "buycott" strategy that only ends up generating sales for the libs they want to own. Remember when MAGA Candace had a Twitter tantrum about JT and Sacha's Christmas sweater, only to find that her shitpost resulted with massive orders from a Canadian clothing company? Or the doughnut poutrage that saw the Winnipeg bakery's website crash due to viral demand.

    Someday Justin Trudeau will write another book, and the incessant volume of Nazi Post op-eds pleading with people not to buy it will see it shoot up the bestseller list. Meanwhile, Jody and Steve can't give their bargain-bin remainders away for free, because no one cares. Pirates wouldn't even waste valuable drive space.

  17. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Ontario public health data shows that 50% of the Covid patients in ICU are unvaccinated although they only represent 10% of the population. Based on current numbers the good news is because they represent a small section of the population, the Ontario health system will likely be able to accommodate them and manage this wave without having to engage in more draconian measures such as patient triage and wartime style lock downs. The projected outcome would have been much worse if the general population had played the Fredumb card and remained unvaccinated.
    In the name of free speech and subject to certain conditions its perhaps acceptable that a fringe collector such as Max Max would give the anti vaxers a voice but absolutely unforgivable that a main stream political party such as the CPC would support this view as it not only caters to the diehard but influences innocent people to make bad decisions that hurt both themselves and others. The Tool has access to both the data and professionals that can interpret it for him if required. There is no excuse, if he were the CEO of a company rather than a politician his messaging on this matter would border on the criminal. Because he is protected by law and the majority of the population had the good sense to avoid disaster by getting vaccinated the CPC and likely the Tool will continue on to spread more disinformation in their never ending quest for power. That’s the current state of our politics! No magic solutions, just the the hard work of calling out the deluge of disinformation the unscrupulous generate.


  18. I'm sure you caught Gary Mason's latest, Simon. Be interesting to see how Chicken Man squares his "accommodation" of the idjits with Legault adopting Macron's emmerder strategy on steroids. QC caucus was all that was holding him up, and boy, they must be emmerder'ed beyond belief.

    Something else to watch: Skippy courting Jordy Peetz, who himself has had political aspirations (read: delusions of grandeur) since the age of 14. Have to say, Disney did the right thing by rejecting a screenplay proposal for The Pigeon and the Lobster. Popcorn-worthy though it might be, horror studios would be a better fit for this tale of two bottom-feeders becoming the best of friends.

  19. Hi RT....The anti-vaxxers may be small in number, but they are aggressive, and even threaten the doctors and nurses who are trying to treat them. The have demoralized our healthcare workers and caused many of them to want to leave the profession. And by filling up so many hospital beds, they are preventing many elderly and vulnerable Canadians from getting the medical treatment they need. And by trying to attract the anti-vaxx supporters who have deserted and gone over to Maxime Bernier, he has shown himself to be as bad as Bernier. Or as you point out, worse than him, for O'Toole should know better, and is only doing it for crass political reasons. He made his choice and now he must pay for it...

  20. Hi Jackie....No I hadn't seen the Mason piece, but I will be sure to include it in my next post, for it's a real good one. And long after I have retired from blogging, I want to be able to look back and have a good record of how the Cons went down. For I doubt the Cons will ever really recover from what O'Toole and his Canada Proud gang have done to them....
