Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Chicken O'Toole and the Missing Pandemic

It's now a horror show teetering on the edge of a medical catastrophe. As the Omicron variant continues to surge and exhausted health workers are already fighting a desperate battle to keep hospitals from collapsing.

Patients are being transferred from one hospital to another, staff are being moved around to shore up wards hard hit by nurses and doctors self isolating, or calling in sick.

But don't tell Erin O'Toole, because he's missing in action and trying to pretend it's the pandemic that's gone missing.

So instead of urging his supporters and other Canadians to get vaccinated, he has been making dumb family videos, and in his New Year's message he doesn't even MENTION the pandemic.

Can you believe that? 

He's still so scared of the anti-vaxxers he can't do the right thing, even if his cowardly behaviour is undermining the war on Covid.

And could lead to the deaths of thousands of Canadians.

For let's be clear, Covid may not be as lethal as the other variants, but when it comes  at you in in numbers like these.

It's still a deadly threat...

Especially in hospitals with not enough doctors and nurses.

And it's not only a threat to our healthcare workers and patients, it also threatens to take down police and fire services, and those who provide us with clean drinking water.

So unless we can vaccinate more people in a hurry we could end up with a situation similar to the one in northern England, where if you have a heart attack and you need an ambulance, you might be better off calling a taxi.

Which makes what Erin O'Toole is doing practically criminal.

And by all but ignoring the story of what is in these desperate days a real scandal, the media is equally guilty.

You know, a couple of days ago David Staples, the uber right wing columnist for the Edmonton Journal, had this to say about O'Toole and his Cons:

Whether federal Conservatives like it or not, and whether this perception is fair or not, they’ve become the party of yesterday, the party of bald heads and expanding waistlines, of crackpot notions, cowardly politics and electoral defeat. They are written off by many as anti-vaxxers, climate change deniers and Trump adjacent xenophobes.

And of course he's right.

O'Toole is a coward, or a Chicken Man...

Who is betraying his country in its hour of need, for crass political reasons.

But what Staples conveniently forgets to mention, is that O'Toole is now caught between a rock and a hard place, in a hell of his own making.

He can't appeal to moderate Canadians any longer.

Not when asking his supporters to get vaccinated could kill his chances of surviving as Con leader.

And failing to denounce vaccines would only play into the hands of the fascist idiot Maxime Bernier...

Mad Max smells blood in the water, and is going after O'Toole's anti-vaxx supporters...

Which explains why O'Toole doesn't dare say ANYTHING about vaccines.

Even though so much is at stake, and so many could get sick and die.

And all I can say is thank goodness for Justin Trudeau.

Who is still trying to set an example for others, and making it clearer than ever.

If you want to defeat Covid, and save our country.

Never ever vote Conservative... 


  1. I see one of those infinite monkeys saying that Trudeau's tattoo is symbolic of his rage. A mind is a sad thing to waste.

  2. Instead of encouraging vaccinations, Chicken Little O'Toole prefers to amplify that disgruntled CBC producer's grift blog, and beat the boring Republican drum about wokeism and cancel culture and how the decline of Western civilization can be pinned entirely on Justin Trudeau. And echo his counterparts' talking points about how conservatives seek to address COVID by "reforming healthcare" (code for "privatizing" aka "Americanizing"). Which the feckless media in their desperate grab to appease the likes of whatsername at Substack won't report on, out of fear it'll make them seem, well, woke.

    (I also noticed how silent they were that JWR revealed herself to be a Con by lending that hack such praise. They really owe the whole country an apology for letting her lead them by the nose. Perhaps they were always aware that she was one of their own.)

    CBC may have become the Castrated Bull Channel afflicted with the CNN disease, but man, when Tool has lost David Staples of all people, you know this party is circling the drain. Why is it taking the "true blue" cesspool team so long to flush him already? Did he clog the outhouse?

  3. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Vaxholes making fools of themselves from coast to coast to coast. Even attacking our treaured cartoonists !

  4. Hi rumleyfips.....I've noticed that the Cons and the stooge media are now trying to blame Justin Trudeau for the epidemic of hatred in this country. John Ivison has an absurd column where he demands that Trudeau "rein in the rage." When in fact nobody in this country has been targeted by the hatemongers as much as has our Prime Minister. The Cons must really be desperate...

  5. Hi Jackie....Yes, Chicken O'Toole is back and trying to smear Justin Trudeau again, by blaming him for the shortcomings of the Con premiers. It's a revolting spectacle, and he truly is a man without honour or decency. He was always going to kill the CBC so that that the right-wing media could control this country, and I expect him soon to start going on about how medicare should be privatized, for the Cons and their media stooges are now beating that hollow drum. We are going to have to fight harder than we ever have for the future of this country...

  6. Hi anon@7:27PM....I can't understand how anyone could ever be so outraged by a Theo Moudakis cartoon that they would report him to Twitter. The one that anti-vaxx fanatic is so outraged about is completely harmless, and Twitter will file his complaint in the file reserved for fanatics and nutbars. I realize that the pandemic has driven many of us to a very bad place, but enough is enough....

  7. Brand new EKOS poll. (I think ON and QC graphs are swapped)

    Disastrous for O'Toole in any event. Yowza.

    Disband the Conservative Party of Canada. It is beyond saving.

  8. Anonymous12:25 AM

    The Griswolds(tm) are back from the holidays and the tool must have had a healthy diet of dung and porta potty kool-aid because here he is back to regurgitating his greatest hits. Blaming JT for not doing the Premier's jobs for them. Same old song and dance, just a different year. I guess it's much easier to lie like a cheap toupee than to show courage and integrity by urging his dunce base to get vaccinated. The tool is quite simply the epitome of cowardice who readily accepts that people will die so he wont get backlash for doing the right thing. Pathetic and oh so Con. As usual, our #CdnMediaFailed ignores his huge omission and Canadians who rely on our failed media for news are left in the dark. Same with his newest BarbieQ MP Ferreri from the constellation Peterborrow who's saying Oklahomie MP Michelle Rempel is solely responsible for acquiring vaccines. Talk about a gargantuous stretch of the imagination and I can only wonder how many boxes of wine died while making this up.
    Pardon me but Rempel couldn't organize a fly party at a steaming pile of shit let alone acquire vaccines. No worries though, our failed media is right on top of these outrageous lies by writing or saying...nothing. Coup Klux Klan leader Trump may have been right after all. The US owned Canadian media is the enemy of the people though not for Donny's reasons. They're like starving buzzards on a carcass when it comes to JT but when it comes to the Cons, "Nothing to see here folks". There are some but when and if the increasingly rare criticisms of the Cons happen, Simon is right on top of it but for most Canadians, it's lost amid the noise.

  9. Jordan Peterson is bravely standing up to Trudeau for encouraging- not mandating- people to get vaccinated.cSsc Jeetc Heercsaid,c howmanyc peoplec ignoredc thecfact that he was an obvios nutjob, in spie of the glaring red flags.

  10. Latest con talking point. Healthcare is responsible for the healthcare crisis, it would never happen in a private system

  11. Anonymous9:42 AM

    The CPC is a loose coalition of legacy issue lobbyists ranging from bible thumpers, dying industry promoters with a mixture of financial wealth and race supremacists thrown in for good measure. Their only objective is obtain the power to tear down the system and rebuild it in their image. We should be thankful that cringe worthy film producer Tool is their ineffectual leader. It could be a whole lot worse.


  12. Fucking tool. Nobody gives a good goddamn about "accommodating" antivax freaks. Keep chasing the Max vote all the way to oblivion.

    Also: Today is January 6. New polling reveals just how much of the Canadian GOP refuses to have an epiphany... about Donald Trump.

    Once again, louder for those in the back: Disband the Conservative Republican American Party (CRAP) of Canada. It. Is. Beyond. Saving.

  13. "Latest con talking point. Healthcare is responsible for the healthcare crisis, it would never happen in a private system"

    While hoping everyone ignores the pandemic induced disaster down in the US as we speak.

    Good job, Cons. Way bolster your own talking point.

  14. Visitor - Pierre D.3:20 PM

    Yes, I have been hearing the same things and oh how better it would be in Viriginia or another U.S. State? Just let us privatize, just a little bit, pweeeeeze?

    @Jackie Blue:
    The Con apparatchik John Evilson was shrugging his shoulders as per that article and wondering why not accommodate the anti-vax crowd? After all, aren't we all Canadian and so on? Imagine if Ivison had to sit down at a high-end lounge and be served by the unvaxxed, he'd have a tizzy! As I tweeted him, no further accommodations are necessary, and let the unvaxxed get their jabs asap, lest they be excluded by society forever!

    @Simon de Montréal:
    Indeed, even if EKOS is a Lib-leaning pollster, Nanos is showing much the same stuff, with NDP and CPC basically sharing the same trough and LPC ahead, thanks to women and progressives in their ranks.

    The end of the CPC could be closer than we thing...and my deepest hope is a Liberal majority come next election so that they can all take a long, and deserved, walk in the snow...

  15. @ Jackie Blue I'm 69 years old, I have voted Liberal all my life, I'm unvaccinated and I sure am not an "antivax freak". I observe all social distanciation as prescribed, I wear a mask, I accept the limitations imposed upon me for being unvaccinated, but I do object to being labelled an "antivax freak". I have some concerns with the ARNm experimental genetic injection abusively called a vaccine. I also have some concerns with the way the media makes it look like the unvaccinated are responsible for the continuation of pandemic and the hospitals cracking at the seams when it is known that the vaccinated can as much as the unvaccinated catch and transmit the Covid. Here's a question asked by a nurse: "How come the vaccinated want to force the unvaccinated to be vaccinated when the vaccination doesn't protect the vaccinated in the first place"? Let's not fall into divisiveness and scapegoating like the Cons. Let's keep the dialogue open.

  16. Hi MNewsham...I actually watched one of Jordan Peterson's videos the other day, and I'm now convinced that he is either on heavy drugs again, or out of his mind. How he fooled so many people into believing he's some kind of a messiah, is beyond me. I predict the lobster man is going to end up in the pot where he belongs....

  17. Hi Jackie...I saw the big picture Ekos poll and you're right about the Cons being in trouble. Mad Max is stealing their supporters which explains why O'Toole is sounding and acting so desperate. The Angus Reid poll also shows how out of touch with Canadians they are, too bad we can't have an election in the Spring because I think we may need a microscope to look for the Cons. However I hesitate to make any rash predictions, because in these crazy pandemic times anything could happen...

  18. Hi JD....The Griswalds are back, and you're right, O'Toole is so desperate he's regurgitating his greatest hits. They didn't work last time, but he's clearly out of ideas so anything will do. And you're also right about our crappy media, they're letting him get away with murder. He's playing to the anti-vaxxers and endangering patients and healthworkers, but the media is now so corrupt or so bought they're as mute as carp. If Canadians knew how beat up our health workers are they would run the whole scummy bunch all the way to Mar-A-Lago where they belong. However, the good news is that the Con report into who they lost the election is due at the end of the month, and with the pandemic raging out of control, and O'Toole's polls tanking. I wouldn't bet any money on him surviving. And that should mark the beginning of the Con Civil War. I hope you have enough popcorn ready, because it should be quite a show....

  19. Hi Steve....Yes, I've noticed that many Cons and their media stooges are suddenly talking about privatizing medicare. And it's no coincidence. They are trying to use the pandemic to condemn our precious healthcare system, and they will have to be taught a lesson they will never forget....

  20. Hi Dan....I agree with you, it really is beyond belief. But there is a lot of American money floating around looking to reward anyone who delivers our medicare system on a platter, and a lot of scummy Cons hoping they can get a piece of it. The same thing is happening in the UK where the Johnson Tories are going after the NHS, so we are going to have to get organized to make sure it doesn't happen here. I don't think they will succeed, but we will have to fight to defend our precious system, by first evicting Con Premiers, and then hopefully getting another Liberal majority. I'm ready....

  21. Hi Pierre....Maybe it's these apocalyptic times, but I also get the feeling that the end of the Cons as we know them, is closer than most people think. January is promising to be a brutal month, and if the Cons could blow up at the end of it, I'd be very very pleased. Siding with the anti-vaxxers at a time like this one is the absolute limit, and the best reason we have ever had to get rid of them...

  22. Hi RT....I am, or should I say I was thankful that O'Toole is the Con cult leader during these challenging times, for the damage he has done to the cult has been spectacular. From his outrageous flip flopping on everything from guns to climate change to his criminal position on vaccines, he is the gift that keeps on giving. But now I want him to go because his forcible departure will hopefully trigger a split in the Con ranks that again I'm hoping will be fatal. And in the meantime, his desperate attempt to try to get back the cult members who have defected to Bernier's crazy gang will convince any moderates that remain that the Cons are a lost cause. As I always tell people, I don't just want to see the Cons defeated, I want to see them destroyed....

  23. Hi Jean Chicoine....Thank you for your comment. And thank you for wearing a mask and social distancing. But on the question of vaccines you are the victim of some of the misinformation that is being circulated out there. First of all vaccines have by now being proven to be safe. There are some negative reactions in a handful of cases, as there have always been with any vaccines, but they are nothing to be concerned about. But most importantly, you are confused about the role of the vaccines. They are not like some magic blanket that can shield you from the Covid virus, not when the virus is present in such numbers. But what they do is protect you from the most extreme illnesses that can kill you, and can swamp our hospitals. People who contract Covid and are vaccinated and have to be hospitalized mostly spend a day in a regular ward getting oxygen therapy and don't need to be intubated in an ICU. And by being able to discharge those patients quickly, hospitals are able to deal with other patients who are suffering from illnesses like cancer, than can if not treated have fatal outcomes. I hope you will reflect on this and get vaccinated as soon as possible, for your good and the good of society....
