Saturday, January 22, 2022

Are The Anti-Vaxxers Trying To Overthrow the Government?

It's been almost three years since hundreds of truckers surrounded Parliament Hill demanding an end to the war on climate change.

And Andrew Scheer and Pierre Poilievre went out to welcome them, even though many of the truckers were spouting racist and anti-semitic slogans, and demanding that Justin Trudeau be jailed or executed.

It was a disgusting spectacle, one that never should have happened.

But one I'm sorry to say, that seems about to happen again.

For as you can see a large convoy of truckers is heading for Ottawa again.

They have a new name, the so-called #TruckersFor Freedom, and this time they're against vaccine mandates. 

But they are the same grubby Cons who are always inciting violence against Justin Trudeau...

They seem to be suffering from the dangerous delusion that they can overthrow the government.

They are sounding more and more like the "patriots" who stormed the U.S. Capitol. 

And this isn't just delusional, it's dangerous....

And all that even though the Americans have just implemented their own vaccine mandate for anyone crossing into the U.S. from Canada.

So why is Erin O'Toole not condemning these potential terrorists, or urging them to get vaccinated?

When so many Canadians are getting sick and dying...

But is instead tacitly encouraging the anti-vaxxer truckers.

Even though the notion that mandating vaccines is to blame for supply chain shortages is absolute nonsense.

And the best way to avoid any trucking problems is to make sure the drivers are vaccinated.

But as I've pointed out many times before, Erin O'Toole can't do the right thing because he's afraid of the kooky anti-vaxxers.

And the day of judgement is rapidly approaching. 

Erin O’Toole’s grip over the Conservative caucus will face a crucial test next week as the party prepares for a pre-parliament strategy session.

And Conservative insiders — including some of O’Toole’s own supporters — worry the Conservative leader’s hold over the party is even more tenuous than in the immediate aftermath of last year’s disappointing election results.

The last time the Cons met as a group, some in the media called it a "bloodbath."

While I called it a monkey parliament.

With the anti-vaxxers, the religious fanatics, and other kooky far-right extremists threatening their leader, and fighting each other.

So O'Toole, who is not known for his courage, will do ANYTHING to try to avoid a repeat performance. He doesn't dare inflame them further.

“People are really f—ing p—-d off,” one Conservative insider told Global News, speaking specifically about that December caucus meeting.

“People are going to continue to test boundaries. And at some point, someone will go too far. Either someone will test O’Toole too far or he’ll overreact.”

And that's why he isn't condemning the right-wing extremists who are threatening to hold our country hostage, and are trying to whip up a murderous hatred against Justin Trudeau.

That's why O'Toole is willing to sacrifice the lives of so many elderly and vulnerable Canadians...

For crass political reasons.

And of course, although I shouldn't have to say it, I will.

That's why Erin O'Toole and his monstrous Cons must never govern Canada again...


  1. I said this exact thing, Simon. Media is content to ignore the violent and white supremacist ideologies coming from this pathetic "freedom" group, just like they were in 2019. They legitimize the bogus right-wing argument that Trudeau is being unnecessarily antagonistic and deserves whatever he gets, and that "empty shelves" in supermarkets are all his fault. FYI: A Maverick Party candidate is getting filthy rich from this endeavor. She's been associated with groups wanting to kill the PM. But what do we get from MSM on this front? Crickets!

    Instead of following the money, the Star this morning offered up a useless filler op-ed from Susan Delacourt about that Nanos poll, and why Trudeau's public statements have been "stilted." Maybe he's speechless at the sorry state of our discourse that's been poisoned by "alternative facts" and is at a loss for words for what to do about it? No matter what he says, they find fault with, so what is he supposed to do? Holler F-bombs on camera like that presenter in Mexico?

    If people are getting sick of hearing him talk about vaccines and mandates, then fucking get vaccinated already! How can they continue to ignore the fact that Biden has a similar mandate for truckers coming into effect on the 22nd, or that the 2022 variant of yellow pests, friendly sausage makers and gravel-throwers are offside with the vast majority of Canadians and even the vast majority of truckers? Or that supply chains are a global issue to be reckoned with and have nothing to do with vaccine mandates. Nope, if anyone's repeating the same tired script it's the lying press: Blame Trudeau!

    Canadian media is white supremacist. Period. I'm lumping every single outlet in the same basket of deplorables as Pusmedia, and that includes the ToryStar. Not sure if you're familiar with the term "Cletus safari," but that's exactly what the Star embarked upon today in that same issue as the Delacourt filler piece. A longread pitying some antivax tough guy and lamenting how "lonely" it's gotten for people who are immune to common sense. Oh, break my heart. Boo hoo!

    I'm sure Justin Trudeau is fed up with having to say "get vaccinated" over and over again too. When those terrorists show up in Ottawa, I hope they have a surprise greeting from the RCMP. Then the useless pundits can jaw about how they've heard "just watch me" before as a "slogan," and hoped they never had to hear it again. I wish he wasn't such a nice guy, because Trudeau should borrow a move from Chrétien and give those hillbillies the real what-for they've been looking for! How's that for "political comms" eh? Enough!

  2. Anonymous10:08 PM

    These guys are so dumb! Unvaxxed drivers are free to go anywhere in Canada. But handsome Joe Biden closed the border to our plague rats because he's got more than enough American death cult deadenders to deal with. Want to protest, go drive around the US embassy.

  3. Anonymous12:43 AM

    I hope the moron trucker proudly displaying his obscene F*'k Trudeau message on his truck is fined and pulled off the road until it's been removed. That has to be illegal under our obscenity laws is it not? What a disgusting thing that would be for someone with young children to come across and then try to explain it to their kids. "What's a far-right scumbag daddy?"
    I hope, no, I demand that the authorities block their access to the city by roadblock or spike belts if needed and those that do get in and cause massive gridlock be dealt with severely. These aren't protesters, they're terrorists. Same applies to the likes of the racist Canada proud and anyone else who helped organize and/or goaded them on such as peckerhead Poilievre and his racist buddies at the rebel. Would anyone else like to see the pigeon in a cage? My sentiment to them is "fuck unvaxed truckers" and I'm sure most vaxed people would feel the same. We are sick and tired of the pandemic. As opposed to you, we've done our part to get us out of it and we have no patience whatsoever for your freedumb rallies or your twisted fuck sense of patriotism. In other words, fuck you and fuck off. If you think you can use your big twucks to intimidate us, think again. The majority rules.
    As the threatening graphic above clearly states, they want to shutdown our capital. If that isn't a domestic terrorist threat then I don't know what is. I hope JT can see the gravity of the situation and uses every tool at his disposal to shut them down before they get there. The similarities to Trump's January 6th insurrection are evident except with these terrorists we have the added advantage of being able to see them coming from miles away. Don't fuck it up. DON'T LET THEM IN!

  4. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Further to my earlier comment, I assume the bulk of the domestic terrorist truckers will attempt to enter Ottawa from the west which just so happens to be Poilievre's riding, west carleton. Stop them there and direct them to Poilievre's home and let him coddle his beloved anarchists that he urged on and helped whip into a frenzy. A fitting end I would say. Let them enjoy the hospitality of a riding that was stupid enough to elect Poilievre not once, but twice. I frequently go to Ottawa and I swear this song goes through my head every time I go through west carleton.

  5. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Shame on the CONservatives and NDP blaming empty store shelves on PM Trudeau when the store supply chain is provincial jurisdiction.

    1. Anonymous10:29 AM

      Try private sector jurisdiction. Someone's hiking prices, and it sure ain't the gubmint. The billionaires are profiteering very nicely from the pandemic.

  6. I see more bumph about the truckers in US media than our own scribblers. Nobody in Canada notices this trucker tantrum.

    There was truck blockade of the TransCanada here in Nova Scotia ( two minutes away from me ). People drove it around and stores stayed stocked and the whole farce dissolved from its own futility. Local vaxholes were part of it but had no effect on health policy or vaccinations.

  7. Anonymous1:00 PM

    The Cons are encouraging anti-vaxx truckers in the name of free dumb while ignoring the facts that the unvaccinated are disproportionately filling hospital beds and will create unnecessary supply chain disruptions when the US closes the border to unvaccinated Canadian truckers starting January 22. Who needs to worry about Russian propaganda when we have the Cons actively sabotaging Canada by trying to tie their own dead albatross around Trudeau’s neck at every opportunity.


  8. Hi Jackie….I predicted that the Star’s new owners would take the paper to the right, and Delacourt swallowing Nanos’ garbage theory hook line and sinker only proves my point. She is actually suggesting that Justin Trudeau constantly urging Canadians to get vaccinated is worse than Erin O’Toole saying nothing as our hospitals fill up and more Canadians die. I’ve never read such garbage, and Delacourt should have been fired or forced to retire. And Trudeau should keep on doing what he is doing for no other leader could have done better. As for those Con terrorists, I hope that the police have enough spare prison space because it looks like they may need it…l

  9. Hi anon@10:08 PM….We must always remember that 90% of our truckers are vaccinated, and are carrying out their duties to their people like heroes. So the other ten per cent aren’t just plague rats they’re traitors. Betraying your country in its hour of need is something only Cons can do, and they will deserve what is coming to them…

  10. Hi JD….Those. F**k Trudeau signs are just more evidence of how low the Cons have taken this country. They should not be allowed in the name of human decency. But unfortunately I saw a story the other day where somebody in a small town in Ontario had put up one on the front of their house, and despite protests from neighbours, and although it as violating a local B-law, it as allowed to remain place. So the Con filth that is poisoning our country is going to take some hard work to remove. As for those Trump wannabes I just hope the police can keep them faraway from Parliament Hill so they can’t hurt or kill anybody, because those Con traitors are capable of anything…

  11. Hi JD…..Pierre Poilievre is now such a far-right extremist that I’m sure he will be rushing out to greet the convoy when it arrives. Maybe he will jump into pickup and ride with them, so he can hopefully also be arrested. I worried those trucker terrorists could incite other kooks to try and kill Trudeau or one of his ministers. So the police must be prepared to crush them like bugs…

    1. Anonymous3:35 PM

      You assume to much of the police. Ever wonder why the guy who came looking for Trudeau was allowed to wander for almost an hour before anyone did anything?

  12. Hi anon@9;35AM….it’s actually worse than that, the Cons are trying to blame the Liberals for empty shelves, when as companies like Loblaws have explained they were caused by supply chain problems AND that big snowstorm. But as you say, the Cons are shameless, and we’ll only be safe when they are crushed….

  13. Hi anon@10:29 …Yes the private sector must share the blame for inflating prices. Some price hikes are reasonable, but others clearly show a disgusting attempt to profit from the pandemic, and the government should find some way to punish those profiteers…

  14. The color revolutions'. We see it around the world. I am not saying Ukraine was a democratic paradise before the color revolution, but its is less since.

  15. Hi rumleyfips….The Con truckers and their sponsors are going crazy on social media trying to publicize their pathetic convoy. But so far our shabby media is giving them minimal coverage. When or if they start covering the Freedumb hee haws it would be good if they could investigate where their money is coming from, because we really need to find out who is funding that assault on our country….

  16. Hi RT…..nowhere do you see any of the Vons showing the slightest concern for the many Canadians who are getting sick and dying, or for the exhausted heal workers who are trying to save their lives. Cons use human suffering as a weapon, which is one of the main reasons we must not let them govern this country again..l.

  17. Jesus Christ. O'Toole's "moderate" Conservatives on full display.

    But hey, Trudeau is saying get vaccinated too much, so this is better?

    Media just continues to whistle past the graveyard. Honestly, if one of these assholes got the JFK moment they wanted I don't even think CTV or the Globe would care. "At least he's not 'sloganeering' anymore."


  18. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Hi Simon, I to worry about the wackos that will be among the freedumb rally and I hope JT and/or his security detail has enough sense to get him out of the city until this rally of the dumb is over. For one, parliament hill is under construction so no one other than construction workers will be there. So, I can see these dummies moving on to JT's residence at Rideau Cottage and who knows what will transpire out of that. A good weekend to spend at Harrington Lake I would say.
    I was shocked to learn that gofundme actually let these miscreants use their platform to raise what is now in excess of 2.5 million dollars. I sent them my thoughts on that at,
    and I politely asked them if they knew they were aiding and abetting a domestic terrorist group which we all know is exactly what the far-right is in this country. I also asked if they help Al Qaida and ISIS fundraise as well. As I await a reply I urge everyone to do the same. The organizer is Tamara Lich, the URL for the site is,
    As for Tamara Lich, she's a female version of Ezra Levant who's only skill is hating on JT and siphoning money from the ignorant. She's already been found to be transferring money meant for the dumbfuck truckers to her personal email account and that's just the beginning. I mean, she's a far-right Con, what would you expect?
    As usual, our failed media talks about the unvaxed truckers as if to garner sympathy for them. What an absolute joke and a slap in the face to all of us who've done the right thing and got vaccinated. If these truckers think they'll sway the majority of Canadians with their little stunt then they are dumber than I thought.
    I enjoyed this article very much. Informative and humorous.

  19. Anonymous11:21 PM

    In case you were wondering the truck convoy coming out of BC is already 70km long.

    Good storm watching in Tofino this time of year, in the event that someone is needing a quick vacation.

  20. Piss off Anon. You really don't care that you're putting people's lives in danger, do you? IDGAF if you don't like his policies. This madness is uncalled for and it's unacceptable. Justin Trudeau is a person. A human being. He's a husband, a son, a brother, and a father of three. Three children in the shitshow that is the Ontario school system where Dug refuses to install proper ventilation. Three children: two teenagers and one in the elementary grades, who I worry for because of all the sick SOBs with designs on harming or murdering their dad. And as for Tofino, nobody cares. Except for the fact that the asshole reporter who followed him to the beach exposing his location could have gotten him killed.

    I know they're well cared-for, but I honestly worry sometimes if the whole family won't wind up with some form of PTSD from all this. There's normal political scuffles over policy disagreements, and there's "friendly sausage makers" making daily threats towards a man who just wants to keep vulnerable people from getting sick. Shame on you.

    Threatening Justin Trudeau's life and driving him into exile for a "quick vacation" because he's trying to keep Canadians safe doesn't make you "heroes" or "patriots" in the least. Healthcare workers and the 90% of truckers who are vaccinated, those are the heroes. Not you. And, yeah, you can call me a TruAnon if you want to, but I don't care. Justin Trudeau himself is a hero, in fact he's my hero, for overseeing the response to never-ending pandemic and managing to withstand such undeserved hatred from the lowest scum of society.

    Why don't you go on a quick vacation with your fellow plague rats? Go catch a one-way ticket to a leper colony and leave Trudeau and decent Canadians at peace!

  21. hi Jackie@:4:00 PM...It's a photo that says everything about the Cons, and how low they have fallen. They truly are the scum of the word, and that kind of behaviour will unite all decent Canadians against them...

  22. Hi JD....I am also worried yjat those terrorist Cons could kill people in their criminal attempt to try to force the government to lift all vaccine mandates, no matter how many elderly and vulnerable Canadians that could kill. The police must prevent them from getting anywhere near Parliament Hill, and be prepared to arrest them all, and use lethal force if necessary. This is the most serious assault on our democracy since the Second World War and those terrorists much be shown no quarter. And yes, they are not just terrorists they are grifters, like so many Cons. And Tamara Lich is just another version of Ezra Levant. Also thanks for that post from Dean Blundell's blog. There will be a lot more of that as the terrorist convoy approaches, and when it's all over the Cons won't know what hit them...

    1. Anonymous12:15 PM

      What happens if the police figure they have more in common with those truckers than Justin and friends?

  23. hi anon@11:21PM...I don't believe it, and even if that was true, there won't be many left when they finally arrive in Ottawa. Sooner or later they will realize that an insurrection is a career ending move. Once the Department of Homeland Security gets the license plates they won't be entering the U.S. for a long time, and once we pass the numbers on to local shippers, they'll be getting other truckers tome their stuff. But the biggest damage will be done to the Cons, who will from now on be known as the Terrorist Cons, and the backlash from decent Canadians should just about finish them off. You silly suckers, ask yourselves what you have done....

  24. Hi Jackie @1:06 AM...I probably shouldn't be typing because I sprained one of my wrists so badly yesterday, I can barely hold a mouse. But I just had to congratulate you on putting anonyterrorist in his place. Although appealing to their humanity I don't think is as effective as just telling them they've just made the biggest mistake of their lives, and it's going to cost them everything. Like anonyterrorist so many Cons believe they can bring down an elected government, without stopping to think that Canadians are more likely to support the government, after a terrorist attack, and demand that the terrorists be whacked. The Cons are now such an alien party, they forget our stirring slogan "Peace, Order, and Good Government. And they will pay for that. Big Time...

  25. Close to 70% of Canadians think locking up anti vax people is smart. So the COns are going to ride with the Trump Truckers all the way to Maar Largo.

  26. What the cinnamon toast fuck is this? This embittered old man has more than 31 thousand views on his video! John Peters, age 85 from British Columbia, says "Justin Trudeau should be hanged on a tree."

    If your morbid curiosity matches your tolerance level, go to YouTube and search video code: ykxDoOMB9J8. I don't even want to link it. Simon, I know you've injured your hand and I hope you feel better soon. But if you could please encourage your Twitter followers to report this video, it would be appreciated. This crap has gone too far and needs to be shut down en masse. This is utterly abhorrent. His age is no excuse for the kind of rhetoric he's promoting.

    Mr. Peters' anger is directed at John Horgan's B.C. government and PM Trudeau for the passport app being a disadvantage to technology-challenged seniors. That may be a valid concern, but it is not a valid reason to call for hanging your premier and the prime minister. Spoiler alert: there are no valid reasons.

    Does Mr. Peters or anyone else in the reply column know that you can use a paper vaccine card to access public venues, transport, etc., instead of the smartphone app? Or that a QR code is not a microchip? It's like the barcodes you see on grocery coupons. Nothing nefarious about it. Jesus James Pierre Christ on a unicycle, I can't believe this is happening in Canada. The internet was an absolute mistake.

  27. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Well here's some nice news.
    The now over 4 million raised for the freedumb convoy has been frozen by gofundme. Excellent. From what I hear, gofundme's been flooded with people like me telling them it's a huge fraud where truckers will see very little if any of those funds. Which is just as well seeing they're a bunch of racist rednecks anyways.

  28. Hi Jackie...I watched that old geezer's video, and I wasn't impressed. The old Con is talking through his hat, and I don't think he'll remember what he said the day after tomorrow. But there are far too many old Cons talking nonsense like that, and the police should be going after them lest they encourage others to commit terrorist acts. They have got away with doing that for far too long, it's not the way Canadians should behave, and enough is enough...

  29. Hi JD....I was wondering when GoFundMe was going to bring down the boom on those grifters. There are all kinds of allegations about where the money is really coming from, and into whose pockets it is really going. If the FreeDumb gang was counting on getting their gas money from GoFundMe, they better be prepared to push their rigs all the way back to the ghastly place they came from. Cons are grifters and that will never change....
