Tuesday, January 25, 2022

The Ugly Cons and the Monstrous Convoy From Hell

They are roaring down the highway, hundreds of them, heading for the heart of democracy.

Some of them are vowing to bring down the government, and arrest Justin Trudeau.

They call themselves the FreeDumb Convoy. 

But many decent Canadians are calling them the Karen Convoy.

Because their grubby protest is more American than Canadian.

And looks like something the loser Donald Trump could have blown out his rear orifice.

Which no doubt explains why so many in Erin O'Toole's far-right caucus are jumping on the bandwagon.

Conservative MPs fiercely opposed to the federal government's new vaccine mandate for cross-border truckers have slammed what they call Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's "vaccine vendetta," saying that the policy will disrupt the country's supply chains.

Conservative MP Pierre Poilievre, the party's finance critic, claimed the government's vaccine policy is "emptying grocery shelves and ballooning food prices," leaving some Canadians to "go hungry."

And why so many in that FreeDumb convoy are looking like Con clowns...

Trying to scare Canadians into believing that Justin Trudeau is deliberately trying to STARVE them.

When in fact, thanks to the decent truckers who have not let their country down in its hour of need,  most grocery stores in Canada are well stocked. 

So much so that when the Con clown Melissa Lantsman tried to scare Canadians into believing they are going to go hungry... 

She was forced to use stock 
photos of some supermarket in ENGLAND.

Which had Canadians mocking her from coast to coast to coast....

And mocking her loser leader for this ridiculous statement.

For he just can't help himself, he just can't stop lying.

Just like Andrew Scheer can't stop lying,,,

Can you believe that? From the scummy religious fanatic who wanted to turn this country into a brutish theocracy.

Charles Adler has some harsh words for Scheer: 

But sadly, the truth is even harsher. 

For some of the Cons in this country, and some in the FreeDumb Convoy, don't just want to annihilate the truth.

They want to annihilate Justin Trudeau....

You know, KILL him...

So the police must treat them as potential terrorists.

And do what they must to preserve our democracy, by whatever means necessary.

And now that the Cons have exposed themselves, and we now know who they really are.

We must make sure that they never govern this country again...


  1. Anonymous2:44 PM

    The police must treat them as potential terrorists?! Ha! The police support them. If you're looking for hard-core fascists, forget the truck stop and head to the local cop shop.


  2. Hi anon@ 2:44 PM....No, I know a lot of police officers, and while I'm sure that there are some rotten apples in every barrel, when push comes to shove most of them won't let their country down. And those that do will find themselves busted, and find themselves working as crossing guards for the rest of their lives. You Cons just don't get it. We're in the midst of a national emergency, and it must be all hands on desk if we are ever going to get out of this nightmare....

    1. Anonymous7:52 AM

      The saying is "a few rotten apples spoils the barrel." That's exactly what happens in policing. The bad cops bully the good ones into turning a blind eye. And the police code of omerta ensures that those that complain are quietly dealt with. The police are the earliest and strongest supporters of fascism wherever it rears it's ugly head. Where do you think the Three Percenters (a terrorist entity in Canada) recruit from?

  3. Sandy Garossino of National Observer tweeted earlier that this Karen Kudatah Konvoy appears to be a proxy for a CPC internal power struggle. What she said makes sense, as rumours are going around that Batters and Scheer are working together to oust O'Toole out of revenge for Scheer's own ouster. That's why you're seeing more of Weak Andy lately and why Skippy is siding with him, with the socons, and with the other unclassifiable cranks like Jordan Peterson.

    That makes it even more deplorable, that they're fostering terrorist behavior as a venue to air out their inane political grievances instead of doing the right thing (or just STFU) during a pandemic. The sausage maker last year was from Bergen country. I worry that if they get to Parliament Hill and find it empty that they'll take their insane clown cavalcade to Rideau Cottage. It's not all that far.

    This is why I fear that Justin Trudeau isn't safe in Canada. The CPC needs to be disbanded and investigated for supporting domestic terrorism. Everyone who has lent even tacit support needs to be permanently banned from public office. They know they can't beat him with their regressive policies and so they're desperate cornered animals. That's why they were going after his mom and brother so hard with WeGhazi last year, radicalizing their MAGA mouthbreather base to hate. They won't stop until Trudeau or someone close to him is dead.

  4. Anonymous7:04 PM

    The US closed the border to the unvaccinated first. Time for some truckers to grow up.


  5. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Andrew Schmeer is such an idiotic, lying POS. The whole lot of them for that matter. I guess he forgets that even if JT did remove the vaccination requirement, which I hope he doesn't, the Cletus Convoy still wouldn't be allowed across the border because of the US rules. Details details. Add to that the Con's fake empty shelves pictures and we have full-on Nazi era propaganda to whip up the base and further divide Canadians. They are despicable. If the Cons think this will gain them any support in the polls then they're sadly mistaken. It will lead to a freefall in their polling numbers or worse if violence breaks out. But then I wonder, maybe they know that and it's their deeply disturbing hatred of JT that guides them to betray their base and feed them lies on a daily basis. Trump would be proud.
    If the Cletus Convoy's allowed into the city then you can guarantee that the most dangerous, mentally deranged wing of the Cons will be there as well. In light of that, I sent JT a polite email telling him to take the family and get out of Dodge for the weekend. As well, knowing how he doesn't back down from these clowns, I told him if he was going to unwisely stand his ground at Rideau Cottage, then send his family out of town and he can stay and play hero.

  6. It's a nice idea in theory JD, but there's a caveat. We know from past experience that Sun News will just send their paparazzi stalkers after him no matter where he goes. Then brigade us online and call us Liberal Psychos and TruAnons for calling them out for it.

    In which case, I hope the Rideau campus has a Diefenbunker. Better yet, redirect them to 24 Sussex so the NCC can save money on the demo job. Aaron Wudrick and the CTF can finally quit complaining about it. The yahoos will think they "got" Trudeau even though he is not there.

  7. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Wonder how many anti-vaxx truckers believe they are protesting government overreach on individual rights, wonder how many believe it is a grass roots political movement but really don’t suspect it is more likely something fabricated to benefit other political players. How can you tell when you are being had? Its something like reading tea leaves, there are so many shapes and patterns that you can see pretty much what you want. Throw in a little ‘once minds are made up’ and crowd dynamics so there is little chance of reasoning until the first wave of emotional energy is spent. Although the initial events will play out as scripted it is still worth sorting through the questions to get a feel for what comes next.
    It’s easy to determine this is not about policy overreach as the US has closed its border to unvaccinated Canadian and Mexican truckers, also medical safety standards are a normal requirement of the job. Granted this is one more addition to a long list but much less invasive than an operation to maintain eyesight standards or fix a circulatory problem. If not about policy overreach then that leaves political. It’s unlikely grass roots as there is no platform other than f**k Trudeau so that leads to the obvious suspects who like arsonists are stalking the crime scene seeking to benefit from the dumpster fire they set without getting caught. Skilled firefighters know how to cool a blaze and keep it from spreading while investigators know how to catch arsonists in their own web of lies and deceit. Hopefully that is the way this low quality drama will play out.

  8. Time for a full and thorough investigation of dark money foreign involvement, and to make Yankee Doody Andy register as a foreign agent or be ejected from Parliament altogether. Trump Jr is lending praise to the covidiot convoy and so is the brother of traitor Mike Flynn. If shit goes sideways the way the freedumb fighters want it to, as far as I'm concerned this qualifies as a hybrid-warfare attack upon an allied country by bad actors in the United States. Putin couldn't be prouder of his puppets, for there is no contingency for hostilities between fellow members of NATO. What was it Trump Sr used to say? Lock 'em up!


  9. Anonymous3:36 AM

    Well Jackie, as funny as that is, my hope is that JT and family head to Harrington Lake or maybe a ski vacation at one of Quebec's excellent resorts. They've earned it. And if Brian Lilley or any other Con propagandist were to show up and try to get in JT's face, I hope they're greeted with the "Shawinigan Handshake" and the "Brazeau Bruising". Highly unlikely but a nice thought.
    Meanwhile, back at the #FluTruxClan rally, if the Cletus Convoy turns violent, I have an excellent non-lethal method to shut them down. The forecasted high this Saturday is -15C. If they act up, turn the water cannons on them and literally freeze them in their tracks.

  10. Pierre D.11:11 AM

    The KarenConvoy is doomed. Once again a movement that could have made some somewhat cogent points about vaccination requirements has been hijacked by Wexit, white supremacists, borderline terrorists and their ilk. The RCMP and OPP must step in and prevent them from reaching Parliament Hill. Every driver must be added to RCMP databases, and GoFundMe must hold all funds until after the protest.

    And when asked about Schmeagol's statements wherein the latter said the Prime Minister was a threat to democracy, Pigeon Pierre had nothing to say but a blathering of talking points. And that's likely the next head of CPC. Be wary and have a laugh while you can, because this is the most shallow Con bench in ages...

  11. Hi Jackie@6:48 PM...I think the vaccine mandate for truckers is responsible for the Freedom Convoy, but I believe that O'Toole's failure to enthusiastically support it got the religious fanatics and anti-vaxxers so stirred up they finally revealed themselves. And now Cons like Scheer are tweeting away like canaries and there can no longer be any doubt that the Cons are the Anti-Vaxxer Party. So if the attempt to overthrow the government ends badly, as it surely will, the Cons and the Karens will go down together. So it's all excellent....

  12. Hi UU....I think we beat the U.S. by a day. But it doesn't really matter, all that counts is that with the border closed in both directions to the unvaccinated, the Freedumb convoy makes no sense. But the Karens aren't driven by reason, they really think they can overthrow the government, so they can't be reasoned with...

  13. Hi JD....As you know I have long criticized the toxic Trudeau hate that has helped poison this country to a degree I never thought was possible. It's a disease, and it helps explain what motivates so many on the Freedumb convoy. But don't worry, I'm sure the RCMP will take steps to make sure none of those maniacs come anywhere near Justin Trudeau. And those who breach the barricades will be treated as harsh as they deserve, even if that means giving them a bad case of lead poisoning. And you're right, if the Cons think they will get any advantage from the Karen Convoy they are sadly mistaken. In fact if they close down Ottawa, or cause any violent incident, the backlash will I believe shut them down for good....

  14. Hi RT...I'm sure there are some in the convoy who are so devastated by the restrictions imposed to stop the spread of Covid, they genuinely believe that closing down Ottawa will get those restrictions lifted, and that they will then be able to resume their former lives. I feel sorry for them, and I know how they are feeling because I also want to return to the like I once had. But we won't get that life back until Covid is beaten, and that's just the way it is. We have to be tough, and above all think of all the lives our discipline can save. So I have absolutely no sympathy for those who would put themselves before the lives of others. None whatsoever...

  15. Hi anon@7:52….Where are you getting your theories from, supermarket tabloids? Like I said before, the police are human, and there are always some who never should have become officers. But nowadays there are many checks and balances to weed out the bad ones from the good ones. Things could be even better, but we’ve come a long way in the last two decades. So stop dreaming that any police officers are going to join that Con clown convoy….

  16. Hi Pierre….I agree the Karen convoy is doomed. Canadians are not the kind of people who would support a violent overthrow of their government, no matter what they might think about it. And I blame the extraordinary stress caused by the pandemic for making some people believe that a truck convoy will change anything, except divide Canadians more than they already are. As for the Scheer Poilievre clown show it’s simply pathetic, and at a time when so many are sick, and our exhausted health workers are working so hard to save them, it's simply unforgivable….

  17. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Shame on Jagmeet Singh's brother in law making a donation to the FreeDumb Convoy. Singh is not worthy of being an MP or party leader and must resign immediately over this.

  18. Hi anon@5.:35 PM…. As I’m sure you know I am not a big fan of Jagmeet the politician, but he has criticized his brother-in-law and he has denounced the convoy, so I’m happy to leave it at that…
