Saturday, April 24, 2021

Justin Trudeau And Team Canada's Great Vaccine Offensive

It wasn't easy to secure enough vaccines for Canadians in the early days of the pandemic. 

A person I know who had a front row seat described it as something akin to a wrestling match, with knives.

But somehow Justin Trudeau managed to assemble a mighty team, and now we're reaping the benefits.

And with so many more vaccines on the way, including the newly liberated one from Johnson and Johnson.

Even the monumental loser Erin O'Toole can't complain about the situation any longer.

So Trudeau and his wife Sophie were able to take some time today to get vaccinated themselves.

And use the occasion to encourage others to do the same.

For vaccine hesitancy is still a big problem.

And if that wasn't enough, Trudeau also announced that he's taking care of the future. 

In their latest procurement efforts, the federal government has reached a deal with Pfizer to secure 35 million COVID-19 vaccine booster shots for next year and 30 million for the year after.

“In addition to providing booster vaccine doses, the agreement provides flexibility to procure future COVID-19 vaccine formulations from Pfizer, such as those to protect against variants of concern and vaccines developed for children,” reads a government press release.

So we can be safer rather than sorry.

Unless of course if you're Erin O'Toole who has been left with one weapon less to attack Team Canada and the Liberal government.

And needless to say he is very very sorry.

But not as unhappy as he's going to be when he loses the next election. For this latest poll from Quebec is yet another nail in his coffin.

For the longest time the Liberals and the Bloc were neck and neck, but not any longer.

And that's just one more sign that the Liberals are heading for a super majority.

And after what Trudeau has done for Canada in its hour of need.

Who is to say he doesn't deserve it?


  1. And a happy birthday to Sophie, after the year she's had it's great to see her looking well and getting vaccinated against this awful disease.

    The Trudeau fils Liberals repeating dad's trajectory circa 1974 would be a great way for Justin to celebrate the big five-oh come Christmastime. To do so they'll have to fend off the Dipshits, Canada's Bernie Bros who really are like the Cons in that they have no plan and only seek to troll the Liberals with simplistic sloganeering ("pretty words") and empty promises they can't constitutionally fulfill. I just read a Star interview with Singh that praises him for being "clever" when he's actually blustering bullshit. He has no answers, he's a partisan hypocrite who ignores Horgan's failings as he continues to deflect jurisdictional realities, and he's a child who thinks playing video games is a path to governing or substitute for policy. He lies about Trudeau not caring about the average Canadian in favor of "rich friends". Yet the columnist calls this jujitsu. More like kicking yourself in the face.

    Not out of the woods yet, but Canada is getting there sooner than expected, despite all the BS and gaslighting from media hacks and the feckless opposition who's dangerously averse to dealing in the realm of facts. Hopefully the abysmal and borderline criminal responses of Cons like Drug Fraud and Kudatah Kenney, and their federal ilk Michelle Whinebox and Pierre Pigeon and Error O'Foole, turns most of the country off from voting for science denialists overcome by deranged spite.

    But man oh man, the comment sections are getting worse, and I'm not convinced these are all paid trolls at some server farm in Vladivostok. Canada is doing quite well on balance, but that photo sent the homegrown sausage handlers into a conspiracy-laden frenzy. How can anyone hate this family the way they do?

  2. I got my first shot yesterday. I think the cons next step is to call for a war with Russia and China simultoonusly.

    We should never have given Money to the alledged deep state terrorits at White Hats

  3. It was the resurgence of the Bloc which denied the Liberals a majority government in 2019. If they sink back to 2015 levels the Liberals will win another 20-30 seats in Quebec and if the pattern we have seen in the ROC for the last two elections holds the Liberals will be in the 175 to 185 seat range after the next election.

  4. Man, if it isn't Charlie the tuna and Pigeon Pete trying to dig up Margaret and Sacha's financials, it's Ezra and Rempelthinkskin trolling the kids -- or it's Fife and now Ballzinger floating insinuations about the Trudeau couple. Trudeau derangement politics needs to stop, and Jeff should be sued for this or at least reported, for piracy if nothing else. Copyright alert: Anybody got Matthew Broderick's contact info? Someone let him know his movie is being abused to libel the Canadian prime minister and his wife. I hope Guilbeault's bill C-10 puts this disgusting smear operation out of commission once and for all. Fuck Jeff Ballzinger, aka Abe Froman, the (un)friendly sausage maker of Toronto.


  6. Like I said I don't want to nag, but what do you think about the idea that conservative voters are not answering polls anymore, and therefore are underestimated by them? This also seems to be correct if you look at social media comments... many more cons there than liberals it seems...🤔

  7. Hi Jackie....I always laugh when I see Jagmeet vowing to go after the rich, when he himself is a multi millionaire worth an estimated $4 million. But in his mind at least he is Captain Khalistan the scourge of the rich and the friend of the poor, at least those too ignorant to know how much he’s worth. He’s playing a part, but as soon as the election campaign he will be exposed and it won’t be pretty....

  8. Hi Steve....I’m happy to hear you were vaccinated. We can’t vaccinate our way to victory in the midst of a raging pandemic, we need to lockdown our society to stop it from the virus from spreading, until it is weakened and we can use vaccines to finish it off....

  9. Hi Ottlib....Yes, if the Bloc vote can be surpressed the Liberals will find themselves in a great position, especially since the NDP isn’t going anywhere. I’ve been a bit out of the loop when it comes to my home province, so I’m not sure why the Bloc seems to be sliding in the polls. But what the hell I’ll take it....

  10. Hi Jackie....Those Con losers are just pathetic. They are like frat boys who know they are heading for oblivion and that there is nothing they can do about it. I have a great picture of Poilievre at a Reform Party drunkathon, I really must use it the pigeon flies the coop....😎

  11. Hi Unknown@9:46....Than you for that like to the Fournier story. I liked it so much I wrote a whole post about it....😉

  12. Hi Jsb....I admire your determination to never let hope die, and some Cons have been known to conceal who they will vote for on Election Day. But the number of polls showing the Liberals gaining ground makes me believe that there is just no there there. The Cons are more frenzied on social media, but only because they use bots a lot. The sad fact is O’Toole is a loser, and many Cons know that....

    1. Well if you look at the last polls, then there's a clear trend of liberals loosing a few points, while cons are staying at the same level, and NDP gaining slightly...

      So I am a bit concerned tbh, even though I wouldn't call myself a liberal partisan... but I am still anti-conservative...🤔😁
