Saturday, October 05, 2019

How Much Humiliation Can Andrew Scheer Take?

When I saw how the Cons were portraying Andrew Scheer as the winner of Wednesday night's French language debate, I was astounded.

For I speak French fluently, and I didn't have the slightest doubt that he was the big loser.

And sure enough the Quebec media has now delivered its unanimous verdict.

And Scheer has been humiliated.

Over and over again...

And if that wasn't bad enough then there was this humiliation...

Which was quickly followed by this one.

Which not only raised all kinds of questions about Scheer's loyalty to Canada. I mean do we really want an American prime minister?

But also led to this priceless exchange with a Toronto television anchor.
And left the grubby Schmearmonger squirming with embarrassment.

But my favourite episode on Scheer's humiliation trail, was when Con headquarters sent out an all points bulletin demanding that at least 1,000 Con supporters attend a  rally in the Greater Toronto Area yesterday evening:

Only to be bitterly disappointed....

Which I'm sure led to this today.

Baby Scheer has apparently been humiliated one time too many, and he's had enough.

But then so have we.

So let's make sure that we humiliate him again on election day.

And send that ghastly Con back to the hellish place he came from...


  1. weak andy diapers

    1. No wonder Andy's been shy about showing us who he really is: For crying out loud, he's JUST A MERKAN CLERK!

    2. Hi Steve....yes, Scheer is such an ugly bully, but now that he is on the defensive he is starting to look like a mumbling coward and big baby. The thought of him becoming prime minister is truly disturbing....

    3. Hi Brawnfire....Yes, but don't forget he als worked as a waiter, and sold popcorn at a football stadium, so if you add that to one quarter of a licensed broker, he is clearly more than just a professional politician...🙄

  2. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Ottawa's kinda boring but I wouldn't call it a hellish place. I'd like to send Scheer back to his other country of citizenship. Now, that is truly a shithole.

    1. Hi anon...yes you're right. I keep forgetting that he was born in Ottawa, and like Harper and Kenney only likes to give the impression he's a "Son of the West."...

  3. We'll see whos laughing oct 21

    1. I'm already laughing. That comes across as team nonsense. Let's not be foolish enough to think we're on anybody's team

    2. The cruelty is the point, eh, you Con sadist. No platform and no raison d'etre except to own the libs. Wornout is that you by any chance?

    3. Anonymous11:13 PM

      You hit the nail on the head, Jackie. For these petulant Con children it's all about being able to laugh at their perceived opponents much like the school yard bully Nelson would on The Simpsons, ha, ha. Too dumb for a raison d'etre and too shallow to care.

  4. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Wonder if j K went from AB to show them how to cheat like he did — Cons have cheated in every election since they dropped ‘progressive’ from their title — gosh this is a living nightmare — how did such a dim boring dud — low achiever get to be so close to PM in this fine land???? The stuff of nightmares — cons lack intelligence and frankly human decency — twisted DNA from birth or what is it??? Makes no sense. :/. Heaven help us — we lose Canada if that dud somehow wins thru a vote split on the left — thanks E May — can’t wait to see the Green Party turf her. I think she’s delusional that she and JWR will hold the ‘balance of power’ in a Lib minority government — the ‘queen makers’ — can’t imagine — let’s hope JWR ends her political career on the 21st too. Thanks Simon — you give me hope as your supporters also. Jackie Blue — you’re amazing! Thank you.

    1. Hi anon....Thank you for your kind words, and yes the Cons are a grubby lot. They're always going on about the "moral majority." But their records show them to be the shabbiest collection of hypocrites and grifters the world has ever seen...

  5. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Only in the Con alt-universe would someone think Scheer won that debate. A home run? More like strike three with the bases loaded with bullshit that Yankee Doodle Blandy couldn't bring home. You'rrrrrrre out!!!!!!

  6. Hi JD....I know, I couldn't believe that cheesy poster, which came out only a few minutes after the debate ended, so must have been made well before the debate began. I don't know what it is about the Cons, but they seem to think they can shape shift reality, and if they say it must be true. Which only confirms my belief that they are too dangerous to govern...
