Saturday, January 27, 2018

Rick Mercer On The Incredible Drabness of Andrew Scheer

It couldn't have been a more revealing contrast. Andrew Scheer gathered with his Con caucus in Victoria.

Plotting 101 ways to destroy Justin Trudeau, in a small sweaty room reeking of boredom.

While Trudeau was at the Davos summit, and together with Angela Merkel, was being acclaimed as the most respected leader in the world.

And the Prime Minister of one of the world's most successful countries. 

So how did the loser Cons react to that?

Answer: By taking dead aim at Trudeau's socks.

Trying to turn Trudeau's sock game into a negative. 

When it's part of his appeal, and something that reinforces Canada's image as a cool country, in a grim world.

While we're supposed to believe that Andrew Scheer is a SERIOUS leader because he wears DAD socks...

When he's just an increasingly desperate religious fanatic...

A Con clown who wants to turn back the clock, and take us back to a dark and drab past.

A man as boring as bat shit.

But then that is what the next election will also be about.

Do we really want to go back to the past?

Do we really want to live in Andrew Scheer's drab world?

And I for one do not. I enjoy life too much.

And neither does the new and rising generation.

The Cons and the other grubby Trudeau haters can kiss Scheer's ring if they want.

Or suck on his dotard fingers...

But I'll take Trudeau and his cool socks any day of the year.

And his new Canada...


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Kathleen...good for you. I think the Cons must be out of their minds to attack Justin Trudeau for wearing colourful socks. But then of course I'm biased. I like Justin and I want a pair of those ducky things !!!!!! 😀

  2. How long before the rats start chewing those Dad sox. Even the National Post seems to have stopped cheerleading.

    1. Hi far as I'm concerned if the rats want those Dad socks, I say let them have them, for surely no decent person would be caught dead wearing them. However, as for the National Post not cheerleading for Scheer, I'll believe that when I see it....

  3. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Just as I mentioned the other day Simon, JT's socks are sending these pathetic Cons into convulsions while anyone with the slightest grip on reality see it for what it is, cute and harmless.
    Couple that with JT being voted most respected leader in the world and we have the makings of a mass of Con heads exploding.
    These morons will never learn that their feeble attempts to drag ordinary Canadians down to their levels of pettiness wont work. It didn't with Harpo and it most certainly wont with Schmear.

    1. Hi one level the Cons are merely pathetic, but on another level their Trudeau hate is so toxic it's threatening to poison this country. What Stephen Harper began, Andrew Scheer is continuing, and along with his buddy Ezra Levant his demonization of Trudeau is taking to a very bad place. Hate is not something we should encourage, and Scheer is only demonstrating that he is unfit to be the leader of a Canadian party, and needless to say unfit to be a Canadian prime minister....

  4. yvonne4tn12:18 PM

    Simon I sent you a couple of tweets concerning what is going on with some people (disgusting pigs) trying to encourage someone to accuse Justin of sexual assault. Could you possibly do a blog about this. Thanks

    1. HI Yvonne....thanks, I've read the tweets, I am absolutely disgusted, and will write about that sleazy Con in my next post...

  5. Really enjoy your well crafted rants! Indeed, Trudeau might be perceived as being too malleable especially concerning border crossing in your face migrants and other matters, but he is far less cynical than the likes of Scheer whose agenda is always dictated by neocons who kowtow shamelessly to far right big business moguls here and across the border.

    1. Hi Sisyphus Ascending....Thank you for your kind words. Justin Trudeau is not perfect, but he is a decent person, and he reflects my Canadian values. And that's not something I can say about Scheer and his ugly Cons....

  6. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Andrew Scheer is still claiming his is a "positive message" but not even Stephen Harper ran such a negative campaign. His alt-right goons have used any excuse to attack Justin Trudeau, and this attack on his socks is just the latest outrage. Mark my words, Scheer is a venomous presence, and unless he is reined in he will destroy all that is good about Canada.

    1. Hi anon@3:03PM...Whenever I see the sleazy Scheer claiming he has a "positive message" for Canadians I don't know whether to laugh or vomit. As I told that other reader, I too believe that Scheer and his pal Ezra Levant are poisoning our Canada. And if they are not stopped we could one day wake up in a country we don't recognize....

  7. To hijack an ad. "When you are number two, you try harder".

    Let's hope we do even better next year.

    1. Hi jrkrideau....yes that's true, but nothing can justify the Con's politics of personal destruction. Scheer is normalizing hate, and it could lead to tragedy....

  8. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Simon can say what he likes about Scheer, but if he's such a loser how come he is now almost as popular as his beloved Justin? According to the latest Nanos poll only four points separate them. Canadians are tired of Sockboy and he's going to crash and burn.

  9. Hi's true that the most recent Nanos poll shows a narrowing margin between the Liberals and the Cons. However, even Nik Nanos is urging caution. And the poll also shows that Trudeau is still twice as popular as Scheer so who knows what that means. When the situation becomes clearer I'll no doubt write about it. But I still think that the Liberals are going to win the next election so don't start celebrating yet...

  10. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Andrew Scheer, The Conservatives' Invisible Man


  11. e.a.f.10:28 PM

    Trudeau's socks are wonderfully funny! In the mist of all the heavy stuff being dealt with, his socks can remind people of the real world out there. Long may Trudeau's taste in socks rule.
