Sunday, January 28, 2018

The Monstrous Cons and the Epidemic of Hatred

A long time ago I warned that the way Stephen Harper was demonizing Justin Trudeau was cowardly and evil, and would lead this country to a very bad place,

So when the bully was finally booted from office, I hoped that the Cons had learned their lesson, and would at last start acting like Canadians, instead of Republicans.

But sadly that was not to be.

For Andrew Scheer their new leader is just as bad as the last one.

A monstrous religious fanatic who would demonize Trudeau even for the socks he wears.

When he is not calling him a crook, or a terrorist sympathizer.

And this is what Scheer's Cons are becoming...

A scourge on this nation that is spreading like cancer...

And since Andrew Scheer has worked so closely with the notorious professional bigot Ezra Levant.

And one of Levant's hate mongering minions, Tommy Robinson, has recently been accused of helping to trigger a terrorist attack in Britain.

Who would be surprised if the same thing happened here?

Or who can be surprised that people like Rachel Notley and Justin Trudeau are the targets of one death threat after the other.

Alberta RCMP have charged a man with uttering threats on Twitter against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Premier Rachel Notley. Orion Rutley was arrested Jan. 19 and charged with two counts of uttering threats, RCMP said in a news release Friday.

For let's be clear, this is an epidemic of hatred.

Notley has faced a barrage of online threats and abuse since her NDP government was elected in May 2015.

She was the target of 412 incidents of what was termed inappropriate contact or communication between Jan. 26, 2016 — when tracking of such incidents began — and Dec. 19, 2016, according to statistics released by Alberta Justice early last year.

Where nobody is safe.

Earlier this year, a woman in Lethbridge, Alta., was charged after allegedly posting threats online against Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, the wife of the prime minister.

Two Saskatchewan men were charged last year with making online threats against the prime minister.

And if these Con hate mongers are not stopped, and busted, and if necessary jailed.

It could lead to tragedy...

And should that happen, Andrew Scheer and his filthy Cons will have to share the blame, along with all the other toxic Trudeau haters out there.

Who if there was any justice would be joining this monster in a place where they can do no harm...

For he couldn't exist without them.

Wake up Canada, don't let the hate mongers win.

Report them to Facebook, Twitter, or the police, wherever they rear their ugly heads.

Let those Cons know that violent hatred is not a Canadian value.

And that our country and our leaders are better than them...



    1. HI Steve...thanks for that quiz it was cute. I did quite well except for one horrible mistake. I thought a pair of socks belonged to Justin when in fact they belonged to Rupert Murdoch. Gawd.🙀

  2. Anonymous12:23 PM

    *grabs popcorn* Who cares? Trudeau's dad ruined our country and sold us out to the bankers. I could care what happens to Slick.

    1. PET was our greatest PM. He gave us the Charter of Rights which protects us from the CON scum. If Canada had stayed with the NEP instead of giving everthing to Exxon we would be the richest per capita country in the world by a large margin. See Norway who adopted the NEP whole cloth, did not change a commma.

    2. Hi anon@12:23...well fortunately at this blog we don't care what a Con has to say about anything. But tell me, I'm curious. Who's your daddy? Is he still in prison or don't you even know? 😂

    3. Hi Steve...don't waste facts on that dumb Con. Too many facts can cause smoke to pour out of their ears. And above all don't mention the NEP, because that's enough to make their small heads explode..Cons are the scum of the earth and are best ignored....

    4. e.a.f.10:33 PM

      Steve is oh so correct. Not only did he give us the charter of rights, he got this country the closest we ever came to a guaranteed income with his Plan 71 for U.I.C., where a person worked 8 weeks and received 6 months of U.I. at 60% of what they had been making. At that time approx. 80% of Canadians qualified for U.I. then the changes started with Mulroney and now only 20% qualify for U.I. and we have seen that reflected in the number of people living below the poverty line, especially children. Trudeau Sr. was arrogant, some times quite nasty, but he was brilliant and had a vision for this country no one has had since confederation and Joey Smallwood.

  3. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Harper was the one who brought Republican style attack ads to Canada, and the degeneration of our politics can be traced back to that decision. Scheer is just repeating what his master taught him.

    1. Hi anon@1:36pm....I have written about the day I saw my first Harperite attack ad, and how that was the day I realized that Canada was dealing with a disease it had never seen before. Fortunately we were able to reject the Harper bug, and I'm absolutely confident we'll be able to squish the Scheer bug as well....

    2. Anonymous12:21 AM

      I hope you are right Simon.

  4. Anonymous2:19 PM

    I appreciate what you are trying to do Simon, but trying to put hatred back in the bottle is almost impossible. Harper may have introduced the virus, but now it's all over the place. How else can we explain that Caroline Mulroney has also apparently hired the former rebel director Hamish Marshall to run her campaign for premier of Ontario? It will probably take a tragedy before Canadiand wake up.

    1. Anonymous12:22 AM

      I am afraid you are correct.

  5. yvonne4tn4:51 PM

    Thank you Simon for posting this. Martin Dand whose twitter profile is @LiberalNo has been trying to scrub his web presence. He has locked his other twitter accounts, changed his name on @LiberalNo to Just for Fun, removed that tweet that you highlighted and is trying to clean up his facebook profile. Last night it said he was with Toronto Police Services for 35 years, now it just says Retired. Also NO mention of his involvement with being VP Director of Communications for Ontario PC riding of Pickering/Uxbridge. How stupid do these Cons think we are and that they do not realize THE INTERNET IS FOREVER. They can scrub and bleach their portfolios all they want but we will not forget.

    1. Anonymous12:24 AM

      Throw a few $$ at FB and see how much of your 'scrubbing' is irrelevant. FB will give you back the info. and even show you when the scrubbing was done!

  6. Hi's true that once hate gains a foothold in a country it's hard to put that monstrous genie back in the bottle. But bring in some tough anti-hate laws like they have in Britain, and we can put the hate mongers in prison which is even better. As for Caroline Mulroney hiring Hamish Marshall, the way I see it that's really good news. Scheer's Mini-Me, Doug Ford, and the Bloater's daughter?? Now that's a leadership race!! What more can we ask for??🐷

    1. Hi're welcome, and thank you for the tip. Also congrats to you and others on Twitter for digging up Dand's background. What an absolute scumbag he seems to be. I only hope that his name comes up during the provincial election campaign. Between Caroline Mulroney, Hamish Marshall, Doug Ford, and Martin Dand, we're off to a great start!!!! 😉

  7. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Down with Trudeau! He's becoming a laughing stock(sock). I hope someone does come out publicly with some allegation of sexual misconduct against him. Wouldn't be the first "male feminist" to take a fall to the #metoo movement.

    1. Anonymous9:09 PM

      Canada is currently ranked #2 overall as the best country to live in. If you want Trudeau gone, find someone better than the leader of a cookie cutter replica of the nouveau Republican party to replace him. The only thing a repressive authoritarian party can accomplish in Canada is to destroy the federation adding a group of individually weak pawns to the global chess board. Certainly a long way from a contender for the best place to live in the world but then again if your mind already lives in a shit house why not strive to create a country to compliment it.

    2. Hi know it's funny, as much as I despise Cons, I can't help but feel sorry for you. Everything in your lives is so ugly and dirty, you can't appreciate what it's like to be happy and decent. I happen to believe that Justin Trudeau is a decent person who is standing up for the rights of women so I very much doubt that she will be brought down by the #metoo movement. Sorry. As for him being a laughing stock or sock. Congratulations on coming up with a pun, few Cons are capable of doing that. But since Trudeau was recently voted one of the two most respected leaders in the world I'm afraid like most Cons you don't know what you're talking about...🙄

    3. Hi's one of those only in Canada stories. The whole world thinks we're great, and millions wish Trudeau was their leader, but in Canada we're totally down on ourselves. And nobody thinks we're worse than the loser Cons. It truly is pathetic, and it sometimes make me feel like giving up on this country. I'm sick of feeling like I should apologize for being happy, No country is perfect, but this one is pretty damn good, and once the Cons are totally destroyed and buried, we're going to make it even better...

    4. truthpill9:42 AM

      a loving stock worldwide ,But I guess hatred dosent allow you to see the truth.Jt is a respectable man who will be reelected ,

  8. Anonymous9:18 PM


    1. Hi David....thank you for the link. I can't decide whether the Scheer gang left out Hamish Marshall's Rebel connection, or whether it was the Manning Centre. But it doesn't matter because what it tells me is that the Cons are trying to cover-up that connection, and good luck with that one...😎

    2. Anonymous6:16 AM

      The Manning Centre left out Hamish Marshall's Rebel connection on the website:

      But I think it's possible Scheer proofread the Marshall bio, and made sure the connection to Rebel Media did not appear.


  9. e.a.f.10:35 PM

    Scheer and his cons can attack Trudeau all they want, but there are hundreds of thousands of people who receive those monthly cheques for their children and manage to feed and cloth them because of those cheques. All Harper and the cons ever did was have "tax credits". They only work if you have taxable income. tax credits don't put food on the table every month or pay for your kids winter clothes.

    1. Hi e.a.f...good point. The economy is booming, unemployment is lower than it has been for decades, families all over the country are receiving more money. But all the Cons can do is wail and moan and claim that we're going to hell in a bucket. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic...

  10. Seems very few Canadians are aware that Canada's reputation has gone into the tank internationally now that Trudeau has continued with Harper's decision to take the country out of its stance as neutral re Israel, a country lock-step with the USA in ignoring any resembling international law. Trudeau has also aligned Canada with an ugly, Neo Fascist regime in Kiev, put into power by a coup financed by the US and Germany, and is selling weaponry to this fanatical regime, against the laws of Canada, as well as having dispatched Canadian military personnel to support a Fascist military that already has the blood of many ethnic, Russian women and children on its hands. Canadians are living in 'fool's paradise' if they have not been following geo-politics, and Canada's role therein. I question how many Canadians would feel comfortable with being allied closely to countries perpetrating genocide in Yemen, and elsewhere. Wake up, Canada. The US is already recognized worldwide as an oligarchy, controlled by the rich, for the rich, and is a rapidly evolving, Fascist state, threatening to bring the world closer to nuclear war. Pierre Trudeau put the country in the hands of private banks, and not under the control of the Canadian people, so that we are indebted to an international banking system (and not to ourselves via the Bank of Canada) which is now being challenged by some very, large players.. Time to look beyond traditional loyalties, and seeing ourselves as "nice guys." Those days are long gone.

    1. You raise some very real points. However Canada like every nation has to preform Realpolitik. At least JT is not out brownosing Netanyahoo at every occasion.

    2. Anonymous11:26 PM

      Thanks for being you, Simon! Your Twitter account is my Go To Refuge when I've had enough of Con troll garbage and/or Trump's self-inflation. Just wanted to thank you for making Twitter a better
      place to be.

    3. hi anon@11:26 PM...thank you very much for your kind words. Helping to cheer up progressives in this dark time is my main objective. Although I have to admit you made me feel a bit guilty, since I don't give my Twitter site the attention it badly needs. I promise to do better in the year ahead, and thank you again for the encouragement...
