Friday, January 27, 2023

Who Is The Real Pierre Poilievre?

I've been away, but it seemed to me like only yesterday that Pierre Poilievre shocked a lot of Canadians, by solemnly declaring that he was really a nice guy.

He claimed that he didn't like all those F**K Trudeau flags, had no time for "rage," and seemed to suggest he might actually stop demonizing the Prime Minister as he has on a daily basis, for what seems like forever.

So I must admit that at first I was stunned. Could the grubby far-right rage farmer really be trying to turn over a new leaf? It seemed too good to be true.   

And sadly it was.

For in just a few days his tinny halo fell off, and he was back in the company of racists. 

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre faced criticism from his political opponents Friday for delivering a speech to the Frontier Centre for Public Policy (FCPP), a controversial Winnipeg-based group that has been associated with efforts to downplay the effects of residential schools on Indigenous children and oppose vaccine mandates.

And homophobes...

Blasting a record number of ugly messages out of his YouTube hate machine.

Speaking out in support of the grotesque misogynist and kooky clown Jordan Peterson.

Attacking the World Economic Forum, the source of so many crazed conspiracy theories, just to show the convoy gang that he is still one of them. 

Retweeting this tweet from the Con loser Roman Baber to show his contempt for science and the battle against climate change.

And of course, blaming Justin Trudeau for EVERYTHING...

From wrecking the economy, to killing Canadian children.

It was quite a transition, from Mr Ugly Con to Mr Nice Guy and back again.

But then he visited Quebec, and posed as a moderate again.

And while most Quebecers still gave him the cold shoulder, it did prompt the Globe's Konrad Yakabuski to wonder who is the real Pierre Poilievre?

As a public service, we are ceding this space to an urgent request from the Quebec provincial police for help in identifying a person calling himself Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, who visited the province in recent days. 

The SQ has reason to believe that the person in question may have usurped the identity of the federal Conservative Leader in order to persuade Quebeckers that the real Mr. Poilievre is nothing like the angry cartoon character who won his party’s 2022 leadership contest by promising to blow up Canada as we know it.

Yakabuski plays the story as a big joke, and it is. But at time when far-right extremists are a growing threat, the question he asks is a serious one:

Who is the real Poilievre?

And the answer is he is the same kooky Con he always has been, who set out long ago to destroy this country and its values...

The Harper stooge, the racist, the bully, the ugly misogynist, the serial liar, the bitcoin bitch.  

The ghastly Con who encouraged his supporters not to get vaccinated, and by spreading disinformation made the Covid tragedy even worse.

A new report says misinformation about COVID-19 contributed to more than 2,800 Canadian deaths and at least $300 million in hospital and ICU visits.

The domestic terrorist supporter, who has used hate to debase our once peaceful country beyond recognition. 

For believe it or not this is Hamilton, Ontario, CANADA... 

I have no idea how that mob of Con vaxoids was allowed to get so close to our Prime Minister, but we all know how hard Poilievre has worked to inflame their murderous rage.

For this is the real Poilievre, the kinky cult leader who claims that our country is broken, but is in fact broken himself...


One final thought... I watched Poilievre address his Con Caucus this morning and it was a truly frightening and fascist spectacle.

He went after Justin Trudeau like a rabid hyena, he lied over and over again, and nobody in our hapless media bothered to denounce those lies, or even question his bizarre behaviour.

So all I can say is this:

We are at a critical time in Canadian history.

So if this cold, cruel psycho ever becomes Prime Minister, our beautiful country won't stand a chance...


  1. Pierre Poilievre is one of Harper's top attack dogs. Whenever a minister enacted any type of policy that might go against the government's (read Lord Harper) mandates, Poilievre stormed into their office and screamed at them and intimidated them until they stopped or qquite.

    Pierre Poilievre voted against gay marriage with his gay dad in the House of Commons watching him. Note: Many people across parties did as well, but the difference is those people changed their views and now support LGBTQIA+.

    Pierre Poilievre said Indigenous should basically tighten their bootstraps and go to work.

    It goes on and on and on. We know who he is. He won't get a majority unless Ontario loses its mind. And that's not impossible but the odds are if the Conservatives win anything it will be a minority, and there are no happy partners here. Except the Bloc, but with François Legault basically giving him the cold shoulder, except QC to go BQ-LPC-NDP in the next general election.

    Also, I am following Optimisitc Tory on Twitter because he's the Michael Taube of Canadian Cynics, for those of you who follow me.

    Stay warm Simon, it's a cold stretch now, even for the Scotch! Or is it Scottish? I never know and Robertson Davies was never helpful here. ;-)

    1. Anonymous12:55 PM

      I wish Twitter would listen to my appeal that it was uncalled for to suspend me on nothing yet now they let Trump back on. I miss you people’s tweets

  2. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Isn't it annoying when we take a break off all this madness and come back just to realize that it always all stays the same?
    I just wish that during the next election campaign, everything about PeePee's nasty character will be exposed nonstop for all to remember the rancid individuals he and his base truly are.
    Take care of yourself Simon!

  3. Anonymous6:49 PM

    So Justin’s government is being called out by one of his own MP’s for lack of action on sexual abuse in sport.

    Not surprising given Justin’s own history with sexual misconduct.

  4. Tomas Mclair has to be called out as a quisling.

  5. Hey anonymous 6:49pm.

    If you are going to accuse a man of sexual misconduct have the courage to use your real name while doing so. If you are not speaking out of your ass then you have no problem worrying about the legal ramifications of making such allegations.

  6. Anybody got a subscription to iPolitics who can copy the full text of Quito Maggi's column? I remain skeptical of Mainstreet polling good or bad, but he seems to have Skippy's number. "Flirting with the absurd" is an understatement.

    The clownvoy is coming back to Parliament this week, which should provide Canadians with another timely reminder of who Skippy is. Now his besties in the Fox News propaganda department (Tucker Carlson) who fanned the flames of that insurrection are calling for the U.S. to pull an Anschluss on poor Canada.

    Who is the real Pierre Poilievre? A fifth columnist within and a disgrace to Canada, that's who. He is an IDU/GOP stooge for the transcontinental fascist insurgency, and a dirty pigeon who must never be allowed to drop his, er, bitcoins all over the carpets in the PMO!

  7. Anonymous1:22 AM

    Yes Simon, it didn't take long at all for PP to revert to his usual self by feeding the rage machine with his delusional rhetoric. I'm convinced now that his being abandoned by his mother has had serious mental ramifications for him. He is clearly not mentally stable. Add to that his hooking up with the likes of Dear Leader Harper when he was just a young, impressionable asshole. That surely would have compounded his delicate mental condition which has now morphed into what we're seeing today. A bitter, little, petulant child with delusions of grandeur. Years of suckling at the Harper teet would surely do that. The scary part is and strengthening my opinion on his mental state, I think he actually believes the BS he's spewing. It's seldom that I agree with Warren Kinsella but he's bang on when he described PP as the Skinny Trump.

    You know, it's so simplistic for PP to say everything is broken in Canada but when you're incapable of ever offering any ideas on how to fix this perceived brokeness then you have lost all credibility. Of course, you would have to actually speak to the media on a regular basis for us to find out how you would "repair" Canada but chicken shit Pierre can't be guaranteed softball questions so he wont. If record low unemployment and an economy that just keeps chugging along is a sign of being broken then by all means JT, keep on smashing. If by keeping inflation numbers among the lowest in the world and by saving thousands if not millions of people from bankruptcy during the pandemic is a sign of being broken, then please, hand JT another sledgehammer, this one's worn out. Crash, bang, smash em up! Oh no! Another carbon tax rebate just came in the mail. Damn that Trudeau! Oh no! Ten dollar daycare! The horrors! Universal dental care! I can't take it no more!!!!! Broken? Far from it.

    I totally agree with you Simon. Poilievre can never be allowed anywhere near the seat of power in our beautiful country. He would make Harper look like a choir boy while he systematically destroys Canada and thoroughly humiliates us in the eyes of the world(with the exception of banana republics). Before long, Canada would actually be broken. Possibly beyond repair. It's taken Team Trudeau years to repair most of the damage inflicted upon us by the Hellscape Harper Reign so we need to remind Canadians of that every single chance we get. PP=Self serving Fascist. Trudeau=Not perfect but trying to do what's best.

  8. Uhhh..did anyone see Skippy addressing his caucus the other day?
    Something about card tricks and him looking super awkward while trying to do the PMJT "I have charisma!" thing, except Skippy doesn't and clearly detests interacting with people. At least Denise Batters got all excited and stuff.


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hi Pierre....I did watch some of Poilievre's speech to his caucus, and it was scary. He reeled off one lie after the other in his grating monotone voice, and attacked Justin Trudeau in a most disgusting manner. He now calls him "Justin" to try to degrade him, but only degrades himself further. And to make matters worse, no journalist held him accountable for all those lies, or criticized his vulgar behaviour. So as I've said before, those still on social media will have to shame him and his media buddies. I'm really looking forward to that...

  11. Hi anonymous@5:29PM....Yes it can be depressing to return to Canada and see Poilievre still debasing himself, his party, and his country. And thanks to our hapless media, appearing to get away with it. Fortunately, Poilievre is so obnoxious that he is destroying himself with or without the media. His whole persona disgusts a lot of Canadians. Even one of his own Cons once said about him: "His unlikability is so reliable as to actually constitute a talent of its own , if one could monetize irritation" And we are going to use that against him when the time comes....

  12. Hi anon@6:49...You Cons will never stop trying to smear Justin Trudeau. But I understand why. Trudeau is an infinitely better human being than is the creepy Poilievre, and the Cons feel the urge to try to debase him to make their leader look better. Good luck with that one, it won't work....

  13. Hi Steve....I don't believe that Tom Mulcair is a quisling. I believe he is what he has always been, a conservative NDP member who allowed the Liberals to outflank him on the left during the 2015 campaign. And by so doing damaged the NDP for at least a generation. He is not an evil man but the NDP deserved better....


  14. Hi Jackie...Unfortunately I cancelled my i-politics subscription a few months ago after believing it was turning into another Con propaganda organ. But after reading how they're selling Maggi's column:

    "Pollster @quito_maggi thinks Pierre Poilievre may have a Howard Dean scream moment derail his plan to become prime minister."

    Now I wish I hadn't. ;)

    But I'm sure there are no surprises for you and me, Poilievre is anything but subtle, and obviously thinks so much of himself he will never be able to change. He can try but in the end very few Canadians will believe anything he says.

    So I prefer to focus on the latest Leger poll which has the Liberals and the Cons tied, which means that Trudeau would gain another minority government if an election was held tomorrow. The fact that the Cons can't seem to be able to see the writing on the wall surprises me, but needless to say pleases me greatly...

  15. Hi anon@12:55 PM...I don't know what you did to get Musk's Twitterati to suspend you. But the platform is a mess, so you are not missing much. I still plan to keep on tweeting, but with much less enthusiasm than I once did. It's just not worth it....

  16. Quisling is the best way to describe Angry Tom. He's a complete weasel who'll tie himself to Harper's leg at the earliest opportunity. Is it any surprise the most reactionary paper in QC hires him?

    Do not be alarmed at the polls. Erin O'Toole, who arguably had the best chance of beating Justin Trudeau, was at around 37% before he fumbled the ball. Skippy won't be able to hide from debates and Munk is Skunk. PMJT will never go there again. Will Skippy say he'll cut CBC on CBC? Nah, he doesn't have the courage.

    And, of course, a budget is coming in a few weeks with targeted help for the masses...which Skippy will vote against. Oh, hey, Candice Bergen retired from the Senate. I wonder why? >:)

  17. Hey Simon -- so glad you are back, you were missed!

  18. Hi Pierre...Mulcair has had quite a political career. He skewered the PQ in the National Assembly day in day out. And did the same to Stephen Harper as leader of the opposition. But as I have said before, his conservative tendencies led him to disaster when he placed the NDP to the right of the Liberal Party. He was so sure he would become Prime Minister in the 2015 election I don't think he ever recovered from that disappointment. But we should save our ammunition for the real fascists who threaten our country, for they are many and very dangerous...

  19. Hi Cathie...Thank you, I'm glad to be back, even though I'm still not able to blog as much as I would like to. The pandemic wore me down, the state of Twitter depressed me greatly, and a family emergency in Scotland almost finished me off. But I am slowly getting my energy back, and should be soon ready to blog and tweet on a more or less regular basis. With the grubby fascist Poilievre threatening to be our next Prime Minister it shouldn't be too hard to get motivated. It's like a Con Zombie movie. Defeat them or be eaten. I don't know how you manage to put out so many long and excellent posts. But I must admit that sometimes I wonder where does Cathie get all that energy from? And give me some I need it !!#%
    Seriously though, it's great to be a blogger in a time like this one. The stakes couldn't be higher. The Cons and other fascists are on the move, and it's up to us to stop them....

  20. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Here's an eye opener for everyone. It confirms what we already know in eye opening detail and strengthens the fact that the media is actively engaged in helping elect the POS PP. To Hell with them and their biased garbage "journalism".


  21. The media has always been trying to elect a POS conservative. You know why? They are owned.

  22. Hi JD...Thanks for the link to that story. I think I'll include in my next post. The bias of our shabby media is now so crude and obvious, it really must be denounced. Not only are those Cons, and their foreign masters making this country look like a banana republic, they are killing themselves. The once mighty Postmedia is tottering on the edge of collapse, so much so that the Montreal Gazette is now being put out by less than 40 people. If we can put pressure on the Postmedia, financial and otherwise, it could go down like the Titanic well before the next election. And wouldn't that be a wonderful sight?

  23. Hi Steve....You're right, the media has always had a Con bias, but as it becomes more desperate to try to bring down the Trudeau government they aren't even trying to hide it. But as I told JD, they are only digging their own graves...

  24. Posted without comment, but opinion from Simon since this concerns him? ;-)

  25. Postmedia is circling the drain. The Ottawa Sun is now a scant...10 pages or so with 3 pages of ads for $2.00. Not worth it at a quarter of the price. The Citizen is about 20 pages braodsheet but not a lot of news. For the best news converage, ironically, you need to go to Le Devoir or Le Droit, but the latter has taken a nasty conservative outlook in its editorial staff, bordering on racism as well.

    As much as I'd love postmedia to sink, who provides us with verifiable news?
    CBC, a few respected's important to have stuff vetted otherwise we can get caught in a misinformation storm and commit grave mistakes come voting time and beyond.

  26. Hi Pierre....I am earnestly praying for the death of Postmedia, since I honestly believe that that it has done enormous damage to Canada, by corrupting its culture and its values. Some of its papers are better than others, like the Montreal Gazette, and hopefully it can be saved by new owners. But as for the Sun and others like it I would even use it to line a bird cage. We have allowed them to poison our country and until they are gone this country will not be saved.

    Now as for Helensburgh...I have never been there, being more of an east coast boy. But there are many names in Canada that come straight from Scotland, and the people have many similarities, being quieter and more reserved that the English (except when they are drunk.)

  27. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Here we've almost forgotten about the hijinks of our corrupted Premier Doug Ford. His daughter's stag and dough, attended by wealthy land developers handing over envelopes stuffed with cash is a scene reminiscent of The Godfather. Cue the corrupted integrity commissioner giving dofo a pass with little or no investigation and the media sitting on the story for months and we have the perfect script for The Godfather Part 4: The Rise of the Don, Doug Fordleone.

  28. Hi JD...I still find it hard to believe that Doug Ford is the Premier of Canada's biggest and most powerful province. But nobody should be surprised that a Ford government would become a cesspool of corruption. Who in their right mind would vote for a premier from a crime family who once sold large quantities of drugs from a car parked on a street corner? Those so-called Ford Days where he holds forth like a mobster while Cons and other scum pay tribute to him, is as you say like a scene out of the Godfather movies. It's sickening, but it should just motivate us to work harder than ever to purge the Cons before they corrupt our country further, and take it down with them....

  29. DoFo won't be Premier by the time the next ON election comes around. He'll quietly retire to deal with family and throw one of his lackeys under the bus.

    The benefit is that Ontario will likely remain a Liberal stronghold in the next election. That alone, along with the 20+ seats in QC and 15-20 seats in the Maritimes should ensure at least a minority, but my hopes are that Canadians get so sick of UPC, PCPO and all the other shenanigans that they give LPC a huge majority in 2025.

    It really will be the only bulwark against Canada becoming "Pas as you go-go-go to the grave" country. And it's needed more than ever.

    Also, for those worrying about that Nanos +13 CPC in Ontario poll, Ontario is now LPC +4, that's a drop of...17 points approval in a month for SKippy. It's almost, almost as if he were unlikable or something?

  30. @Pierre D. He also just shot himself in the PP by standing for Bill 21 and the NWC. "Notwithstanding" any views on that and the anti-Islamphobia ambassador, QC won't vote for him anyway because of his odious climate denier stance. Now he looks like even more of a bigot to the diverse populations of the GTA and GVA for putting up the few visible-minority MPs as shields to defend the indefensible. He's since been spouting nonsense about digital IDs (coming from Mr Robocall himself, that's pretty rich) and cuddling with the gun lobby as yet another mass shooting took place just over the border here, at Michigan State University. The EMA report is due out next week. Skippy can run from the clownvoy he attached himself to, but he can't hide.

    Persnickety Pete is doing everything he can to alienate reasonable Canadians by himself, but Dougie Do-Wrong could add a little bonus. Boss Ford seems to be Teflon, but who knows, with a little luck he'll be an albatross for Skippy just like he was for Scheer in 2019. Or as I call him, Premier Evil Homer, doing pay for play at the Stag and D'oh!

  31. Indeed Jackie, indeed.
    And it isn't getting any better for Persnickety Pete (love this!) as Justice Rouleau has judged that the Federal Government was...justified in invoking the Emergencies Act to deal with the "Freedom Convoy". He also dropped an elbow on Smug Ford by saying the province of Ontario completely dropped the ball by not responding efficiently and quickly with its police forces.

    As predicted, Trudeau et al. took this as a very last measure when no one else was doing their job. And thus, another plan by SKippy to erode democracy has been proven fruitless.

  32. Hi Pierre...I don't think we are going to get rid of Boss Ford that easily. He will hang on, knowing that if he speeds things up, he still has a chance to completely screw this province, and make himself and his boys even richer. Remember he used to sell large quantities of drugs sitting in a parked car with no drugs in it. He knows how to dodge the law. But can he stand the strain? Only time will tell. At this time of the year, I'm not as optimistic as you are... :)

  33. Hi Jackie....The Poilievre campaign has hit a wall. The polls have gone from encouraging to discouraging in a matter of weeks. It's too soon to pronounce him dead in the water, but his Trudeau Hate campaign is now doing more harm than good. The more Canadians get to know him the creepier he appears. While Trudeau has shown himself able told hold him off, and is really looking good. I like this story, and I'm sure it will have a happy ending...

  34. More bad news for Skippy as Justice Rouleau layeth the smacketh down on the freedumb convoy. The PM delivered a response in which he was professional, articulate, and even circumspect in hindsight, telling a reporter he felt he should have chosen his words more carefully to avoid antagonizing the conspiracy theorists (honestly, he is much, much more gracious to the fringe minority than they deserve).

    Skippy meanwhile was an absolute mess, never taking any responsibility or acknowledging the report at all, just rote nonsense of Trudeau Trudeau Trudeau, bad man, he sucks, he's divisive, everything is broken and it's all his fault. Fife tried desperately to help him by laying a stink bomb distraction with that front-page Globe report on ChiCom interference, but it deflated like a popped balloon. Too bad, so sad.

    Now the Liberals have all that convoy footage for the next election, and the report vindicating them. They will also have policy achievements to run on, most notably improvements to healthcare. Skippy's geniuses in the oppo room have... a bogus smear of the honorable judge that he's "Justin's uncle" (he's not) and gave him preferential treatment (he didn't). I am beginning to wonder if Skippy has a public humiliation kink. He calls out Trudeau's name so often because he seems to enjoy being spanked hard on national TV.

  35. Anonymous11:06 PM

    I tried listening to all of the PP's comments(but couldn't) following the Rouleau report's release and as Jackie said, it was a disturbing, unhinged attack on JT based entirely on the delusions of a very tiny PP. Once again, everything's broke and it's all JT's fault. JT ordered the UFO be shot down so I guess he broke it too. The most outlandish claim was that the Hairy Karen's occupation was entirely JT's fault. Even though PP and his far right group of a-holes encouraged the pubic parade right from the get go and further emboldened them while the terrorists were holding Ottawa hostage. Sure PP. Your base support of half-wits will believe it but for those of us who are living in this universe? We wont. In fact, by the time the next election rolls around, I'm hoping people will be so sick of listening to this whiny little puke that they will give the Libs another majority that will send PP back to the only trough he deserves, at his pig farm in Greely.

  36. The new Abacus survey needs a reminder of Robert Lee's article where he digs up Coletto's Y'allberta bias. Thanks to JD for the initial post.

    Chantal is just giddy over his findings out of QC claiming to vindicate her French Karenism over Ms. Elghawaby. With Charest having disappeared into obscurity she's surely gone back to her previous crush on the arrogant bigot Blanchet. Used to respect her but she's tarnished her reputation by wagging her finger at the PM for doing the right thing.

    Nobody else is anywhere in their ballclub. I wonder if Bruce Anderson's departure was a matter of conscience, perhaps a conflict with the "millennial pollster" who used to rig the moneyball machine for Ezra Levant and has now become the resident push pollster for the ToryStar.

    The Globe's putrid victim-blaming editorial on the clownvoy also speaks volumes about the decrepit condition of Canada's fourth estate. In any event Evan Scrimshaw's take on all of this morass seems to be the most sane of all. The pollercoaster is irrelevant until 2025, at which point Skippy will have to answer for his riling up hate (and sucking at answering questions), while the Liberals will be able to tout policy.

  37. Hi JD....I also had trouble listening to what Poilievre had to say after the release of the Emergency Inquiry report. And the idea of blaming Justin Trudeau for the occupation was the most obscene thing I've ever heard. He really is a grubby thing, and he has no shame. But he is worried by Maxime Bernier's welcoming the convoy scum with open arms, so he has to keep sounding like a crazy person to make sure Bernier's followers don't abandon him, even if that alienates decent Canadians, the kind he needs to even dream of winning the next election. We have him where we want him and we are going to destroy him....

  38. Hi Jackie...I agree, the polls don't mean much at this stage of the game, and if you look at the way some of them are trending Poilievre and his fascist goons are heading for a rough ride. Apart from the brain dead convoy zombies, nobody really believes that he would make a Canadian prime minister. In fact, he is a classic example of that old saying, familiarity breeds contempt. And the more I look at him the more disgusted I am. But as I told JD, when the time comes Poilievre is going to end up splattered all over the highway like road kill, and it will be something to celebrate, almost as much as we celebrated the fall of Stephen Harper....
