Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Pierre Poilievre Thinks He Can Make Us Believe He's a Nice Guy

For as long as I can remember, Pierre Poilievre has been a loud grating rage farmer, gnawing away at this country and its values.

He is a misogynist, a bully, and an increasingly far right extremist, who seeks to diminish our Canada so he can make himself look bigger.

And the way him and his Convoy Party have gone after Justin Trudeau, with their never-ending attacks, conspiracy theories, and all those F**K TRUDEAU flags, has been simply disgusting.

So I needless to say I found this rather shocking.

I mean, can you believe it? The creepy Pee Pee now wants us to believe that he's really a NICE GUY?  

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre doesn’t like “rage,” and he doesn’t like profanity-laden flags about Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, he told reporters on Friday.

“I don’t like the flags, and I don’t like rage,” Poilievre said.

“But I think we have to ask ourselves: why are people so angry? Like, why are people so angry? And the answer is that they’re hurting.”

Which sadly for him, won't be easy. Not when Poilievre has been only too happy to use the depraved F**K Trudeau campaign, to stir up a murderous hatred against the Prime Minister.


And not when Poilievre can hardly claim that he hates rage, when he has stoked it so much to try to undermine our democracy, so he can then claim that Canada is broken.

And that is what that ghastly rage farmer and his Convoy Cons have done to our country.

How can he even pretend to be a nice guy? When for four years the ghastly misogynist secretly put a hashtag in his YouTube videos to attract men who like to humiliate women, or hurt them, or even kill them.

Does that sound like a nice guy, or a nice MONSTER?

And how can he offer anyone hope? When he would privatize much of medicare, and we still don't know how many Canadians died because they believed Poilievre when he told them not to get vaccinated? 

Or just listen to what he once had to say about the CERB program. And when you do, check out the cold dead look in his eyes.

For they are the cold dead eyes of a far-right psychopath, who can't feel the pain of others.

The whole thing is a farce. The Cons are desperately trying to soften Poilievre's image, to try to encourage more women to vote for him.

Even as their ghastly leader cuddles up to the kooky bigot Jordan Peterson...

Who has his own problems with women...

And also can't understand why so many women find him so repulsive.

So no, Pierre Poilievre is not, and never will be a nice guy.

That should be obvious, but in this country it still needs to be said because so many still don't get it, thanks largely to our bought Con media. So I'm happy to repeat this over and over again.

He is a dangerous far-right demagogue, a raging far-right extremist who would take this country to a place where hope goes to die.

Pierre Poilievre a nice guy?

Don't make me laugh...


  1. Anonymous12:04 AM

    PP Shortstockings portraying himself as a nice guy? That's hilarious and a total crock of shit. The only reason he commented on it was because the tool had suddenly developed a conscience and spoke out about the flags and the rage that he, Scheer, Harper and now PP have fomented against JT for years now. It was so convenient for them to do rather than oppose the PM with sound policy and a vision that would benefit all Canadians. Why? Because they have nary a clue on how to do that. Nope. Rage, 24/7. Instead of engaging Canadians, they enrage them. Too easy and in PP's case, he takes a particular pleasure in doing so. Well, to that I say eff you, Pierre. I wont be doomed by your gloom, nor will I elate in your hate. We'll leave that to your loser base who's numbers will leave you thoroughly unelectable. Especially when an overwhelming majority of decent Canadian women find PP to be absolutely revolting and will surely go out of their way to say so at the ballot box.

    "He is a dangerous far-right demagogue, a raging far-right extremist who would take this country to a place where hope goes to die."
    Very well said, Simon. On top of all that I find him to be very depressing. He could actually be the poster boy for Prozac. The sooner we can send Pierre to the ever expanding CPC political graveyard of wannabe dictators the better.

    1. Anonymous2:06 PM

      You nailed it, I’m in Saskatchewan dying to get out, it’s not safe for women. My finances were stolen I’m owned yet can’t find anyone to help us out of here.

  2. Great post! So PP was against CERB? What an ass! And Jordan Peterson, jeez he's gone right down the extremist Rabbit Hole. How long before he starts tweeting Q Anon conspiracies?

  3. To all people saying that PP will solve their problems, keep in mind, specifically for the orphaned religious people in dire need, do you really expect he will respond to you once he's elected? I won't exagerate how wrongfully optimal he might be, but when it comes to this subject, this won't help elevate the culture in catholic churches or in public schools since for this last it will be win win for only religious private schools who has more ressources than the private high school I attended in my adolescence. And for those who are frustrated and turning incels, do you really expect that by voting for Canadian Trump, this will make all women (whom you might call them 'germaine', which is a quebecois perogative slang meaning 'a bossy woman') listen to you and treat you with respect? And do you really expect he will fix things like culture censorship (whether its humour, TV or cinema mostly in my province of Quebec) or go after the 'wokes' to 'lock them up'? What I'm trying to explain here is that under the conservatives, Canada will become poorer not only economically but even by axing what made the country. And even if these doofus expects to move to places such as the Quebec city south shore region or in Saskatchewan in order to find the 'most decent tory movements' they might end up dissapointed, if you know what I mean.

  4. Also to add what he might do to things like music, by hoping I did not lose my sanity to these fellow quebec sovereign comedians of bragging about being more mad then us:

  5. Angry reformatories tuned on Sheer and OToole pretty quickly. Poison Pill Pete is using the clowns and will soon disappoint and anger them. Hope those big shoes will let him outrun the mob he fostered. 12 or 15 of the crazies will , of course, give chase in a little tiny car .

  6. Hi JD....Yes, it really is unbelievable isn't it? The grotesque PP trying to make us believe that he is really a nice guy. As you point out, he was prodded into trying to change his image by what Erin O'Toole had to say about him. But he is also clearly desperate, for he doesn't even know his own country, or understand that most Canadians are not attracted by that kind of campaigning. Like you I also find listening to Poilievre a thoroughly depressing experience. His grating voice going after Justin Trudeau every day of the week is almost more than I can bear, and he is going to pay for it. The Cons know that most Canadians feel like you and I do, and I think that is the main reason they are clearly trying to get an early election. Good luck with that one, I think that the Liberals understand that they mus give Poilievre all the rope he needs to hang himself, as he surely will. We can afford to be patient, he can't. And when we finally decide to move in on him, I expect that it won't take too much to get him to find some excuse to resign....

  7. Hi Sunny Scholl...Yes, Poilievre was against the CERB which would have left tens of thousands of Canadians homeless and hungry. He just doesn't have an ounce of empathy, and it will eventually catch up with him. He can't claim to be the voice of suffering Canadians, when he couldn't care less what would have happened to them at the height of the pandemic. And we have many other examples of that toxic behaviour on ice, just waiting to be used against him. As for Jordan Peterson he's also going crazy now that Elon Musk has allowed him back on Twitter. The last time I checked out his site he was lamenting the lack of child pornography so hopefully one day he'll end up behind bars, with his good buddy Mr Law and Order Pierre Poilievre. They say a fish rots from the head down, and it seems so do the Cons...

  8. Hi MyWorld1916....I don't know how any sane Canadian can believe that Pierre Poilievre cold do anything good for this country. It's a country he hates, and he has made that very clear from a very young age. He wants to slash pensions, privatize medicare, kill the CBC, and effectively terminate our social safety net among other things. He never has any constructive proposals because he gets a quasi sexual thrill from bullying people, and threatening to destroy everything we hold dear. And of course his deeply rooted incel tendencies is a massive threat to the women of Canada. I honestly believe he was deeply scarred by his birth mother's decision to put him up for adoption, and he wants to make all women pay for that. A poilievre government would be a nightmare for this country, and we must all make sure that never happens, which luckily won't be that hard.
    P.S. Thanks for the link to the YouTube video, which serves as encouragement to wipe that smug smile off his face. He won't be smiling when we finish him off...

  9. Hi rumleyfips....Scheer and O'Toole were given the bum's rush in record time, and although Poilievre's hateful campaign might last a little longer it will also go down like a Roman candle. As you point out, it's a classic case of a fascist being consumed by the flames he stoked. He is a very dangerous man, but he has so many things working against him, the writing is on the wall. I'm sure I will enjoy his humiliating demise, but I just want to see the end of the Con regime, so the sooner the better...

  10. Skippy Le Pigeon and his incel-harvesting orbiters like Jailbait Tate and Professor Crusty Crustacean are the lowest common denominator that the world of "influencers" has brought us. To make matters worse, he just shit all over Indigenous people by delivering a pep talk to a group of "genocide truthers." Ezra Levant was notorious for inviting Holocaust deniers to give conferences, in the name of "just asking questions." Very fine people indeed.

    Nobody from the CPC is "a nice guy"; in fact Pissypants Pete has made a career out of being an asshole, as his trademark schtick. He sought to drag Margaret Trudeau, an elderly woman advocating for suffers of bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses, through the mud as some kind of Sante Grimes-style grifter using her son as a conduit to the high life. No one with two brain cells to put together could mistake PP for being "a nice guy." I don't even think he's capable of faking it. PMJT is the real deal, a genuinely kind soul, and yet the cons have the nerve to demean him as little more than a hammy actor.

    Now Skippy's on record as framing Liberal government officials of having essentially facilitated their own abduction by alien body snatchers strategizing policy with pirated Microsoft software. Are there legitimate discussions to be had about McKinsey? Sure, but Skippy isn't doing that. I imagine there are Bill Gates' 5G microchips in those PowerPoint slide decks from Mars. Perhaps Mustafa from Havana (is that the PM's uncle?) is one of the extraterrestrials, stymied by "gatekeepers" in his quest to pursue an Earthling woman in the form of Briane from Chilliwack. Were there to be space lasers at this cancelled wedding? Was Marjorie Trailer Queen the maid of dishonor?

    Seems PP's not only a nasty piece of work, but he's certifiable, or he's weasely and slimy and cynical enough to play the part of a crackpot so as to attract the votes of the conspiracy theorists with the tin-foil hats. I'm not a betting woman (though I did just buy a ticket for the big lotto drawing we're having down here), but my money is on a little bit of both.

  11. Hi Unknown@2:06PM....I'm sorry to hear about your situation, and I don't know what to say to you. You like in a Con province with a callous beast as a premier. But one thing is for sure, there must be some people, social services, church groups or whatever, that you can ask for help. The main thing is not to remain silent, for in these situations silence can mean death. Good luck, and may the return of the sun also brighten up your life...

  12. Of course CPC, Poilievre and Conservatives of this age lack empathy. Empathy is for the struggling masses, going day to day with their pains, problems and processes. Skippy has a million a year pension, a rage-farming op and a guaranteed career in His Majesty's Opposition.

    Again, the situation hasn't really changed. People in Ontario aren't about to elect him Prime Minister after electing Ford. No one in Quebec wants him. The Martimes are a coin flip. It will come down to the Bloc supporting him, and that won't happen unless he gives Quebec its own Income Tax Return independent of Canada Revenue Agency, its own immigration controls, etc. etc. He does this and he loses Alberta forever. He knows it, they know it. So he can talk all he wants, but Milhous is never going to get a majority. 100% certain.

    Now, can he ge ta minority? Oh yah, he can. But whether that lasts more than a month is another story.

  13. Hi Jackie....I woke up this morning looking to see if the sun was back at last, because it has hardly shown its face for what seems like forever. Unfortunately there was no sign of the sun, and it felt like -19 degrees outside. But your comment did help to cheer me up, for when we're up against Cons like Skippy the Pigeon, Jailbait Tate, and Professor Crusty Crustacean the future does look a lot brighter. The Cons have become a freak show, and even the bought media won't be able to do anything about that. They are trying to soften Poilievre's image, but nothing they do will ever make him look like a nice guy. Just his grating voice is enough to turn off people, and when he tries to smile he does himself no favours. The Cons will eventually, and hopefully painfully realize what a terrible mistake they made. They got so excited choosing a certified Trudeau hater as their new leader, they never stopped to think how they could make a psycho like him look anything like a Prime Minister. OMG, I just saw a tiny patch of blue sky right over the bay. Cue "Here Comes the Sun" and bye bye Cons...

  14. Hi Pierre...After a month of darkness the sun came out at last, and I was able to sit in a lounge chair and sunbathe for hours. So now I feel that the Trudeau Liberals are going to win a super majority!! The kooky Poilievre is melting like an ugly snowman, and looking more and more like the biggest mistake the Cons ever made. During Quebec's New Year show the Bye Bye, there was a great skit that had him sitting in a cab caught in a traffic jam caused by his terrorist trucker friends. And the cab driver made such a fool out of him, that the pathetic Pee Pee decided to get out and walk. So it's clear that Quebecers are not impressed by his candidacy, which should, along with the anti-Ford feelings in Ontario, guarantee that he will not become Prime Minister. The writing is already on the wall, but the Pigeon can't seem to be able to see it, and keeps flying into it....

    1. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Oh and anti-Ford feeling?

      I seem to recall you banked pretty heavily on that……how did that turn out again? ๐Ÿ˜‚

  15. Hi anon@3:03 PM....I admit that the Fordzilla's majority win both surprised me and shocked me. I thought he could manage a minority because of the poor quality of his opponents. But I could not have imagined that so many Ontarians would not even bother to vote. But the good news is that now that they have seen what their appalling indifference cost them, they will not make that mistake again. And Ford's record will help take down Poilievre. Four years from now Canada is going to look like a very different place, with the Cons rotting in the garbage can of history, where of course they they belong...

    P.S. Have you seen Pee Pee's number in Quebec? If they were any lower we'd need a microscope to see them. Quebecers know a Con artist when they see one, and along with female voters and the disaffected in Ontario, will be the ones to finish Poilievre off....

  16. @Anon 3:03 PM

    Ford got in last summer by coasting on a pandemic fog that contributed to low turnout, and because of the lacklustre performance/candidates of the OLP and ONDP. He's now committed the cardinal sin of Canadian politics: privatizing healthcare. Boebert Smith is doing the same thing in AB and so is Curly Moe in SK. Anyone who thinks the federal Grits won't hang this albatross around Skippy's neck is fooling themselves.

    Meanwhile, anyone who thinks that Stiles or the eventual OLP leader won't hound Ford out with torches and pitchforks (if he even makes it to the next election) is also fooling themselves. And as Simon pointed out, per Chantal Hรฉbert's piece from this weekend, Skippy is radioactive in la belle province. His antics at the odious Frontier Centre are just another source of material for the LPC to hound him with, as though petabytes of convoy footage wasn't enough.

    Go read Aaron Wherry's piece from this weekend and Evan Scrimshaw's addendum. Trudeau isn't going anywhere because he'll have the cons' own un-Canadian and very GQP record and rhetoric to use against them, and a record of achievements of his own (in spite of innumerable headwinds) to contrast. As the late, great Maya Angelou said, when someone shows you who they are, believe them. Well, the Liberals are going to keep showing Canadians who Skippy is, and his acolytes at the provincial level, because they keep showing Canadians exactly who they are.

  17. Hi Jackie....I've always loved that Maya Angelou quote " when someone shows you who they are believe them." It's too bad that so many people in Ontario didn't recognize the Fordzilla enough to make sure he didn't get in, because now they are going to pay for that many times over, But as you point out, Ford and his Con accomplices will provide progressives with all kinds of ammunition to use against them, and hopefully trigger an anti-Con revolt which will take Poilievre and his fascist gang down in flames. Poilievre is now so desperate he's touring Quebec this week pretending to be an environmentalist, but only in French. He really is shameless. But I doubt it will have much effect. Quebecers were always Stephen Harper's most determined enemies, and they recognize Poilievre as Harper's Mini Me. I wish more English-speaking Canadians were more politically aware, but as I said earlier it's only a matter of time before they wake up. And with three years to go before the next election they will also do what is needed to rid us from that Con plague. And it will be worth waiting for...

  18. Anonymous8:25 PM

    So nice to see Justin not pulling any punches towards "Mr. nice guy" PP. In fact, I propose a charity boxing match between the two to settle their differences and have the proceeds go towards the winner's favorite charity. I'll make an early prediction and say the match will entail three distinctive sounds. PP shitting his pants, JT hitting PP and PP hitting the mat. Next!?

  19. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Its going to take massive amounts of media glitz for PP to break out of base camp without looking like a fugitive longing to return. To add to his woes the media backing does not appear to be there, possibly because he is so into himself that it is unlikely he will return the favor aside from axing the CBC. He should take some pointers from Dougie on how to grease the machine once in control of the purse strings. He campaigned for the little guy but his actions tell a different story.

    This Hour has 22 Minutes - PP's problem with women


  20. Anonymous7:56 PM

    How about that Nanos poll? ๐Ÿ˜‚

  21. Hi JD…I’m also glad to see Justin Trudeau starting to rough up Poilievre a bit, it’s about time. And of course I would be delighted to see Trudeau take him on in a boxing ring. It would remind me of what Ezra Levant said before the Trudeau-Brazeau fight when he turned to Brian Lilley and asked “will Trudeau be needing an ambulance or a hearse?” But of course Poilievre is total coward so he wouldn’t dare set foot in a ring, unless Jenni Byrne was in the ring with him to provide mouth to mouth resuscitation on demand. Poilievre has benefited from the pandemic haze, and the complicity of the Con media, but those days are coming to an end and it’s time to make PP pay for the damage he has done….

  22. Hi RT…..I agree with you, I think Poilievre is now, or soon will be caught between a rock and a hard place. His deranged Convoy Party campaign is clearly not working, but he is either too much of a fanatic, or too dumb to even try to soften his image. He does seem to have gained some poorly educated working class males who clearly believe he’s going to give them all a house, but they will turn against him when they realize they’ve been fooled. And besides they are not the kind of demographic that usually bothers to vote. So I’m quite looking forward to the next two years…๐Ÿ˜Ž

  23. Hi anon@7:56 PM I had a laugh when I saw how you Cons were reacting to that Nanos poll. Jumping up and down, and grunting as if you had already won the next election. Even though that election could be years away, even though it’s just a Nanos poll, and even though Justin Trudeau is STILL the preferred Prime Minister. How truly pathetic. I should be feeling sorry for you, but instead I’m laughing my ass off. ๐Ÿคฃ

  24. Tom Mclair the former NDP leader and current head of the PP cheerleading section of CTV shows us how shallow people can be.

  25. Nanos polls like 300-400 people per week over a 4 week span. This is ludicrous. The margin of error in a 400 person sample is immense. If you want decent polling Abacus, Leger and EKOS are all pretty decent. Abacus doesn't really see a change since 2021 and Leger sees a light shift to CPC. Whatever.

    Tom Mulcair lost his mind when he couldn't carry on Smilin' Jack's legacy. Not that Jagmeet Singh has done a whole lot better but at least he's helping Canadians. How many times will Mulcair say the Prime Minister is going to call an election, he absolutely will! and be wrong before he loses all credibility?
    Mulcair is an excellent lawyer but he's irrelevant as a pundit. He's not even in line with the NDP anymore. He's more of a soft conservative than he is a progressive. Ignore Mulcair.

    More than anything Ontario, GTA and Ottawa friends do your groceries early this week and bundle up because a massive storm is coming, and I'm not talking about Poilievre's usual low-info attacks on Bank of Canada rates...just read the Bank of Canada's statements on those, ok kids?

  26. Anonymous11:22 PM

    I'm not usually happy when I hear about layoffs, however, when it's Postmedia's "editorial" staff then I say "chop, chop, chop". Here, use my axe if you'd like. If they're wondering where to start, how about the entire editorial staff of Trudeau haters at the sun, starting with Lyin' Brian Lilley. They have zero journalistic integrity and are nothing more than spewers of Con propaganda, 24/7. If Postmedia doesn't move to a more balanced coverage of our politics then I'm thinking they'll go the way of the dodo bird. Extinct and forgotten. It would be sad for the employees with integrity who are just trying to make a living working among the many Postmedia hacks.
    If they do go under, will their unemployed "journalists" try to blame Trudeau for that too? Probably, though in actuality, the reason lies right before them in the mirror.

  27. Hi Pierre...As I think I have said before, polls more than two years away from the next election are worth practically nothing. And Nanos polls even less than that. But I do understand why the Cons and their stooge media are so anxious to have an early election. They know that the more Canadians see of Poilievre the less popular he will become. And so they are desperate. Good....

  28. Hi JD...I'm like you, I normally don't like to read about any Canadians losing their jobs. But I'll make an exception in the case of Postmedia. That foreign owned Con rag has been waging war on our country and its democracy, so I would like to see it go down in flames. And I have been celebrating the news that it's in big big trouble, and dreaming of the day that people like Brian Lilley, Rex Murphy, Conrad Black and so many others hit the ground with a sickening thud. They all deserve it, and will get no sympathy from me...
