Thursday, March 31, 2022

Pierre Poilievre and the Dangerous Con Crazies

It is, or was, one of the great mysteries of the Con leadership race. Why is Pierre Poilievre always talking about "Freedom?"

When he tried to suppress the votes of almost a million Canadians, in the greatest assault on our democracy in modern Canadian history.

And most decent Canadians know that cruel, evil Con is more would be tyrant than freedom fighter.

But now at last, I think I've finally figured it out, by taking a closer look at some of his most enthusiastic supporters.

The ones who inhale his fumes while wearing their disgusting "F--k Trudeau t-shirts.

The ones who whooped it up at one of his rallies the other day, at a farm just north of Toronto.

For while Poilievre was happy to retweet pictures of that rally.

Pictures and a video of supporters leaving the farm were hard to find, after they were quickly deleted.

But not before I saved this one...

Which explains why Poilievre didn't want you to see them. 

Pee Pee is back pandering to the trucker terrorists, but doesn't want most Canadians to know about it. 

Not that he has much choice, with so many of his supporters supporting the so called "freedom convoy."

Who will along with Poilievre eventually have to be investigated for supporting a domestic terrorist movement that was trying to overthrow a duly elected Canadian government.

And as if that wasn't bad enough, then there are the SoCons in his party, like Rachael Thomas, who have also been acting up, and trumpeting their insane ideology.

While Poilievre spreads the Gospel of Bitcoin.

Conservative leadership candidate Pierre Poilievre said Monday a government led by him would do more to normalize cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ethereum in Canada to "decentralize" the economy and reduce the influence of central bankers.

And reveals himself to be a dangerous far right quack.

In February, Poilievre appeared on a cryptocurrency podcast hosted by a bitcoin trader who has promoted COVID-19 conspiracies and has compared central banking policies to slavery and Nazi Germany.

Poilievre told the show's host, Robert Breedlove, that he and his wife occasionally watch his cryptocurrency YouTube channel "late into the night."

A Con who would hang out in the shadowy bitcoin world, and do nothing to save us from the mortal threat of climate change. More on that in another post.

But then who can really be surprised? 

The Cons are no longer a Canadian Party by any stretch of the imagination. And Poilievre revealed who he really is a long time ago.

Revealed himself as a heartless far right extremist who would kill medicare, social programs, childcare, pensions, the CBC...

The mortal enemy of all the things that make up the Canada we know and love...

The Canada Poilievre and his ugly Cons hate so much.

So now that we know what he would do to this country, let's make sure we shine a bright light on the Con leadership race, and see how many roaches run for cover.

Let's make sure Poilievre never gets anywhere near government.

And of course, let's make sure that no decent Canadians ever vote for the Cons...


  1. His dumbfuck supporters are *literally* inhaling his fumes, in fact. He posted another asinine campaign ad where he pays for a session at a hookah bar with crypto SkippyBucks. The digital equivalent of Chuckie Cheese tokens, and the preferred play money of neo-Nazis, dope fiends, Russian miscreants, money launderers, and other such upstanding model citizens. Apparently he's trying to replicate PMJT's "cool" factor from when he campaigned on legalizing pot. The anti-Trudeau un-Trudeau trying to out-Trudeau Trudeau. If there's any decency left in the world, Skippy's ambitions will go up in smoke.

    Now come to find there was a security breach of CPC membership data that used the Charest campaign website as a phishing honeypot. One, just one, IP address masked to give the impression that the hack came from Ukraine. Is it really outside the realm of possibility that Pierre Putin is up to his well-known dirty pigeon tricks? They can't govern themselves, how can they govern a country? All they do is cheat and stab each other front, back, and sideways, so why should anyone think they won't do the same to Canadians?

    And for that matter, who's behind all the Firstname Bunchanumbers accounts bombarding every tweet about the childcare program with vile allegations about PMJT and baby Hussen? Did weak Andy have some milk money left over to rent another bot farm? 'Cause he's in Skippy's camp, and smearing his opponents with child-predator accusations (or "soft on porn") kinda seems to be his thing. The Bunchanumbers crew are insistent that Skippy needs to order Trudeau to produce an "NDA" before committee, an "NDA" that does not even exist. SMH.

    I thought this shitshow would be entertaining, but it's just going to be insufferable for the next eight months. Pregnancy is probably less of an ordeal than this slow-motion truck pileup in the making...

  2. Anonymous11:49 PM

    A tweet I saw the other day. "Pierre Poilievre is a shit stain on the pants of democracy." Can't argue with that. And I don't think we'll have to worry about anyone decent voting for PP as they already know he's full of kaka, Simon.

    I'm looking at that gathering and it's like looking into an unlit milk cooler at the grocery story. Very white, yet not very bright with a common trait of unhinged hatred towards JT. These morons are well past their best before dates. Sour and curdled old fucks like that are too stupid to try and reason with so if they want to kneel at PP's feet then they can have him. PP loves them because they adore him(ugh!) and the dumb fucks always seem willing to throw their money at him and that's what it's all about for PP. Bask in the adoration while lining his pockets with the/duh money and/or the preferred money of everything deplorable, bitcoin. Great for laundering and financing dissidents and that's what appeals to PP the most. What a great fit. Someone who makes shit up loving make believe money. I wonder if he still plays Monopoly?

    What a contrast we have between Justin and PP. JT engages Canadians, PP enrages them. JT giveth to Canadians, PP taketh away. JT loathes racists, PP cuddles up to and feeds them donuts. Lard infused pastry. I guess you are what you eat.

    At best, PP could win Stornoway and that's about it. I'd rather see Jagmeet in there rockin' in the free world with his new baby than PP. Though I'd want the place fumigated after Candy Cougar is booted out, linens, worn out mattress and all. And a note to Jackie, you're bang on about the pregnancy comparison but I don't like that I'm the one suffering from morning sickness every time PP opens his big mouth. I guess it's a small price to pay to watch the Cons slowly tear themselves apart until the highly unanticipated delivery date of September 10th. The day Justin's next victim in the next election is born.

  3. Hi Jackie….it’s good to hear from you again. I had to take a little hop across the pond to attend a much delayed clan gathering so I’m totally out of it. But the first thing I noticed is that Pee Pee Poilievre is everywhere, campaigning as if the Con leadership vote was next week. He seems to be getting some reasonable crowds to attend his rallies, but it’s hard to take him or his weird looking supporters seriously. But I guess he has to peddle his axe the carbon tax nonsense before summer arrives and it’s 100 degrees in the shade. I never thought anyone could ignore the threat of climate change, but then a guy who stays up late to watch a bitcoin Nazi is obviously not too bright. And yes, I see the Cons are already trying to take each other down with the usual dirty tricks they usually reserve for others. What human scum, I can’t see them lasting three years without trying to kill each other. I agree with you it’s going to be a shit show, but watching the Cons drowning in their own excrement won’t be all bad…😉

  4. Hi JD….Nice to be back in touch with you again. And I agree with everything you have to say about PP and his cult like supporters. I’ve never seen a group that looks so ugly and so crazy. But as you point out, the only thing those kooky loons have in common is their diseased hatred for Justin Trudeau. It’s really so pathetic, especially since Trudeau has done more to improve Canada in the last month, than Pee Pee has done in his whole sordid career. But as I said in my post, the more we see of him the more disgusting he appears, and if he does become Con leader there won’t be much left of him by the time the election arrives. We will have so much dirt on him we won’t have to dig a hole to bury him in. I see that Rex Murphy is calling him the “first real Conservative leader since Stephen Harper.” What a Con clown. Like the senile old Rexy he thinks he can simply ignore climate change. I think he’s in for a very rude shock, and will end up like a pool of grease on the ground. So needless to say, it should be quite a show, and I will settle for nothing less than his total humiliation…😎

  5. Bitcoin I dont understand. What I understand is scams, and it smells like gigantic scam/

  6. It isn't much of a surprise that the same inbreds and nearly deads who occupied Ottawa would latch on to Skippy's oily message of division and anti science. Speaking of which, it looks like the rolling grifters are finally going home.
    It seems that there were too many grifter caravans on Vancouver Island and they started clashing over who is the "Real Convoy" and who should get donations.
    I imagine it would wear thin in these small Island communities pretty quick, listening to these idiots honking through their little 2 traffic light main streets begging for money, food and shelter for their magic truck horns and offensive signs of entertainment.
    One could compare them to the Romani, but without the talent, mystique or sex appeal.
    The Romani gave us Django Reinhart and Charlie Chaplin, the trucksies gave us Pat King and Tamara Lich.
    I wonder if Skippy's lawyer will take crypto currency?

  7. @DDR: "I wonder if Skippy's lawyer will take crypto currency?"

    That depends. Are Lin Wood or Rudy Giuliani admitted to the Ontario bar? Failing that, I guess Ezra could take up freelancing. Or ask Romana Dildo to sign off on a sovereign citizen law license.

    I just realized, Patriot Pigeon is Ron Paul minus about 60 years.

  8. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Hi Simon, glad to have you back as well and I hope you enjoyed your trip to the homeland. Now it's back to exposing this diseased CPC for what it is. They are without a doubt, entirely responsible for the division we face in this country today and they just keep sinking deeper into the depths of depravity. I think the deal with Jagmeet finally pushed them over the edge and absurd comments from the likes of Rachel "Babble Barbie" Thomas will soon be the norm. Everything they do now is geared towards instilling hatred towards JT and I fear there will be more assassination attempts against him because of it and I believe they're okay with that. And notice how PP had that woman on the floor with the fuck Trudeau shirt sitting in plain site for the camera? That was purposeful and totally classless as we all know PP to be. How would he like it if someone were holding a poster of him kissing Harper's ass at a JT rally? Or giving donuts to Hitler? After all, they are verifiable analogies.
    I eagerly await the public inquiry on the freedumb convoy as much as the Cons dont want it to happen. As they prove every minute of every day, they have a very strong aversion to the truth.

  9. Hi Steve...Bitcoin is the currency of scammers and far right extremists, so the fact that it's the multi-millionaire Pierre Poilievre's shiny new toy should come as no surprise....

  10. Hi DDR....No it isn't a surprise that the trucker terrorists should latch on to Poilevre's ugly message. What disturbs me is that the media have so far failed to expose them as his most wild eyed supporters. I'm not surprised that those grifters who invaded Vancouver Island should start fighting themselves, over who is the "Real Convoy." And I fear that come summer there will be even more of them, scuttling like roaches all over the country. It's time the police did their job and made life really difficult for those Con terrorists before they cause some kind of tragedy...

  11. Pierre D.11:47 AM

    Basically, Bitcoing works like this.
    You set up a "mine" on your personal computer and link it to a bank account. After a while, you have a portion of a "coin" you can re-sell.
    What can you buy with the coin? Usually really, really bad stuff.
    You can't get groceries or meds or help...think black market horrors.
    And it's all "supposedly" untraceable. So you see why Poilievre wants it as a de facto Canadian currency; another reason he can't be allowed to become Prime Minister, even in a minority capacity.

    As usual and as expected, CPC has nothing to offer. No policy, no ideas, just the same tired old Harper-era tropes...and let's hope that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has one more fight in him...because this is the one that will break the CPC into two components once and for all...

  12. Hi Jackie...You can laugh, but I saw a video of Poilievre gushing like a groupie over what his Bitcoin guru has taught him, and it was scary. He was the Cons finance critic? He wants to be Prime Minister. God help this country if that ever happens...

  13. Hi JD...I enjoyed my little break, even though it was all business and very little pleasure. But I'm always glad to get back to Canada, even though it's sickening to see how the Cons are behaving. I think you're right, the Liberal NDP deal has pushed them over the edge. They are now just the Anti-Trudeau Party, and having to wait for three years for a chance to defeat him, is clearly more than they can bear. Good. I'm not going to let their squealing and wailing ruin this special moment in time. They've never looked worse and the Trudeau government has never looked so good. There are many exciting things happening and all the Cons can do is stare with their mouths open, and wonder why they are on the wrong side of history. Sad...

  14. Hi Pierre...I have to admit I don't get the bitcoin craze. I read a long article on bitcoin mining, and it left me feeling like I was losing my mind. It's insane, and as you point out, only scammers could get excited about it. And the fact that Pierre Poilievre is such a bitcoin groupie should on its own be enough to render him unfit to ever be prime minister...

  15. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Poilievre is the federal equivalent of the UPC loonies attempting to take over the Alberta insane asylum that Kenney has warned us about. This whole wildly wobbling circus would be hilarious if the consequences weren't so tragic.

    Bitcoin is just another technical invention that can be harnessed for good or evil. It uses a publicly encrypted ledger rather than one that is privately controlled by a government or big business. Positive uses could include registering carbon offsets such as tree planting on the other hand dictators can use it to fund private armies. The tragedy is that while we have politicians like Pierre Pecker spouting conspiracy theories the public is not following and demanding political action on things that really matter.

