Tuesday, March 22, 2022

How the Liberal NDP Deal Has Deep Sixed the Cons

Ever since the Con leadership race began, Pierre Poilievre has been racing ahead of all the other mediocre candidates.

Pedalling furiously away, and making it sound that if you vote for him he'll become Prime Minister in September, as soon as the Con leadership convention is over.

But sadly for him, not any longer...

Not after Justin Trudeau and Jagmeet Singh unveiled this Con killing deal. 

The Liberals have agreed to launch a new dental care program for middle and low-income Canadians and advance a number of other NDP priorities in exchange for New Democrats propping up the government until 2025. 

"We've agreed to work together," said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during a news conference Tuesday morning. 

"It's about focusing on what we agree on, instead of what we disagree on."

Which makes so much sense, and couldn't be more Canadian.

But precisely because of that, the deal had Pierre Poilievre squawking sweatily into a camera in his car, like one of the trucker terrorists he loves so much.

It was horrible, he looked so shaky. But then who can blame him? 

When he knows that all he can dream of now is three long years as opposition leader. 

Which even if he was lucky enough to be elected Con leader, would thanks to his abrasive personality, almost certainly be enough to have most Canadians screaming at him to resign, long before the next election.

And as for his main rival Jean Charest, who can blame him for also sounding so desperate?

For he's not looking too good either...

And that's BEFORE he got COVID.

So who can be sure that he will still be with us in the year 2025?

As for Candy Bergen she was also screeching nonsense, and looking heavenward...

Which needless to say wasn't well received by most sober Canadians...

But then Candy must surely know that the Con leadership race is now a total bust.

For let's face it, who in their right mind would want to be the leader of a party like this one?

Or would want to donate money just to replace one loser opposition leader with another?

Or for that matter, who would call the Liberal-NDP deal a "socialist coalition?" When it's not a coalition. 

And Bergen who is a member of Trump's freak coalition, should not be calling any Canadian party "socialists," when she's such a fascist, and as the Globe recently reported, has such bourgeois tastes:

The federal government paid almost $20,000 to prepare for Candice Bergen’s move into Stornoway, the official residence of the Official Opposition leader, though she holds the role on an interim basis and will need to vacate the home in a matter of months.

According to a summary of transition costs provided by the National Capital Commission, the interim Conservative Leader’s expenses included $3,832.11 for a mattress replacement, $5,202.35 for bed and bath linens, $1,690.17 for “accents/accessories” and $3,426.43 for cleaning and upholstery for the entire residence.

Which only makes it clear how low the Cons have fallen, and how much further they are likely to fall in the three long years ahead.

As for the Liberal NDP deal it's not only good for Canadians who are tired of cheap political games during such dangerous times, and crave political stability.

It's good for dental care, pharmacare, and the battle against climate change.

It's also a masterful political stroke by Justin Trudeau, and if there are any Cons still standing, this must be the final blow.

As I confidently predicted, he's not going anywhere. 

He led Canadians through the darkest days of the pandemic, he defeated the ghastly trucker terrorists, he is leading Canada's efforts to help the bullied Ukraine.

Now with the help of Jagmeet Singh, he might be able to bury the filthy Cons once and for all.

What a leader, what a team...

P.S. Our shabby media is dumping all over the Liberal-NDP deal, no doubt disappointed they won't be able to play their favourite game Let's Topple The Government.

They are even claiming that "many" lefties in the NDP are upset by the chance to advance a progressive agenda. Because they hate Justin Trudeau as much as the Cons do.

But I'm a leftie, I have had some major differences with Jagmeet Singh, and my reaction to the deal is a lot like this guy's reaction.
Hooray for the Liberals and the NDP. Acting like Canadian parties is something to celebrate.

And of course, screw the Con media...


  1. It was fantastic seeing CPC heads exploding left and right today.
    Ms. Bergen was caught completely off-guard and just rambled on senselessly about how this helps Putin. (Spoiler alert: Vlad the Everpaler hates stable democratic governments) Pierre Poilievre is coming unglued at the seams as he realises he will accomplish absolutely nothing for the next three years. Cory Hann, comms director for CPC, is jumping ship while showing a brave face that CPC will obviously return to power in the next election. And should we be surprised? All he does is spam memes and other childish, churlish stuff.

    And, boy oh boy the media...still going on as if there will be a leadership race for the Liberals, thinking that if Chrystia Freeland ran there would be the slimmest ghost of a chance CPC would win a majority. Hungering after scandals, as if Canadians care about that stuff. It must really suck working an industry that relies so much on conservative viewpoints and outrage for clicks. Glad I never went into journalism...

    Lastly, raise a glass for Canadians. Dental care, pharmacare, better support for the poor, disabled, seniors, it's all on the table.
    And a government who cares about you is a government that will care for you. And I couldn't be happier!

  2. Beautiful. About time!
    For years I've wondered why the NDP under Jagmeet Sighn were playing the role of useful idiots for the SoCon's make believe 'scandals' while wasting a valuable oppurtunity to play ball with the more Centre-centric Liberals with the goal of working on more progressive policies.
    This is a long time coming. I'm sure Jack Layton would have pounced on this proposition and agreement to work together for progressive policies with the Liberals years ago, if he was still with us.
    It took Sighn a while to catch on. Maybe the attack by fascists on the Capital, condoned and blessed by the SoCons, was enough to wake him up.
    However it happened, I couldn't be happier.
    If i could give you one suggestion Simon, put the popcorn on, sit back in your favorite comfy chair, crack a cold one and watch Skippy and Bernier eat each other alive and drag down their scummy Parties, with a 'who can be the bigger douchebag' contest.
    This is going to be fun.

  3. @Pierre D. -- I saw your Twitter thread on the #HarperChase, that the con media are so desperate to short circuit before PMJT catches the brass ring that will destroy the CPC psychologically. Unfortunately for them, he's not going anywhere, and might even match or surpass his old man. In addition to pulling a Laurier, a feat that hasn't been accomplished in 100 years.

    (And pssst: I noted in my own thread about a week ago that the QC media is picking up on his express intent to do just that... Sunny ways, my friends, sunny ways...)

    @DDR -- there's a new report out about the behind the scenes talks. Apparently what forced Singh to grow up and stop playing stupid games was his becoming a father, particularly amid the backdrop of the abject vitriol coming from the convoy (and in the aftermath of the gravel throwers from last election).

    I had suspicions something was up when Chucklefuck the Clown got demoted from the ethics committee after teaming up with Skippy to launch deplorable attacks upon Margaret Trudeau. Singh seems to be trying to make amends. I hope it lasts. Evan Scrimshaw, who is an absolute whiz kid in Canadian politics analysis, is forecasting that Chuckles may end up losing his seat next election. Couldn't happen to a more deserving asshole. But I digress. Now's the time for a ceasefire truce.

    I'm so happy about this deal. I wrote about it on my own site as well. Save that clip from when PMJT lightly chides the CTV reporter for asking the same repetitive question that others in the PPG have hit upon over and over again. "As I have said a number of times..." Buckle up and get comfy, 'cause Canadians will be the beneficiaries (and cons, the losers) now that our man in Ottawa is going to keep on truckin' for the long haul!

  4. Anonymous1:08 AM

    MAGA Barbie Bergen's performance today was extremely embarrassing to watch and as pathetic as one would expect from her. None of her ridiculous assumptions are even remotely true and her fear mongering has been snickered at by most people except her die-hard, bearded, butt monkeys. It sucks to be the Queen of Stornoway these days. She's now well into her 3 month all inclusive taxpayer funded vacation and it's a shame her $5K worth of new linens are soaked in Con tears and clumps of bleached hair. What a waste.

    PP's car video was equally pathetic with the nauseating factor of his smug mug filling the entire screen. Creepy. He mentions having a non confidence vote that he'd surely lose and as if it's even a viable option for them. Just throwing out some red meat for the base as they run their greasy fingers through their spittle soaked, nicotine stained beards. Mouths agape as the rage roars through their hate filled veins. And that's exactly what the Cons bring to the table. Fear and loathing. Enraging the machine. Vroom vroom, honk honk!!!

    It will be so refreshing to see the Libs and NDP working together to get things done while the Con's will have no say in the matter. Surely they'll squawk and squeal like little chickens and pigs but there's absolutely nothing they can do about JT's and JS's agenda. And that will be as equally gratifying as watching the less fortunate finally getting the help they've needed for such a long time. It wont be cheap but maybe we can find a way to make the filthy rich Cons pay the bulk of it.

  5. So the adults in government decided to go for stability and acting for ALL Canadians, and the FluTruxCons are throwing a fit about it? What a surprise...

  6. This arrangement captures all my policy wants. Good going!

    Another clown car episode for Poor Pierre. Driving across the country to show that gasoline is too expensive to be able to drive across the country is reformatory logic at its best. Tweeting out selfies while on this snipe hunt reveals PP's complete lack of awareness and self-awareness. I'm sure he will arrive in Ottawa wearing a round red nose and big long shoes.

  7. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Great photoshop of the new Republicon party North. The only character that seems a little out of place is Mr Pillow but I am sure Candy has one hidden in the closet. Hopefully the Cons will suffer a melt down and end up in a radioactive containment well allowing Curly or perhaps someone better to get on with the task of building a new Conservative party that actually cares about the well being of Canadians. Then again perhaps caring conservatives are as scarce as Unicorns but the alternatives of loading all the cargo onto one side of the boat or using a radioactive containment well as a counter balance is never a good idea.


  8. Perrie Penis could not wait to get home to make a comment?
    So he made it on the road because it will change the world on an agreement that has a 3 year life span.
    What a failure of reason.

  9. The cons assume that after 12 years of Trudeau they will automatically assume power. Lets hope the mold is broken.

  10. Hi Pierre...well said. The way the Cons are reacting to the Liberal-NDP deal is truly pathetic. They have been banking on bringing down the Trudeau government with the help of their bought media, and are now staring into the void, or a whole lot of nothing. Candy Bergen sounded so hysterical I was hoping that somebody might inject her with horse tranquilizer to try to get her to calm down, before she hurts herself. Or runs off with one or four of her hairy honkers. As for Poilievre he is also looking ridiculous, trying to carry on as if nothing has changed, only to look like a hamster in an exercise wheel. And yes, the media showed its true colours and what a shabby show it was. The Cons don't seem to understand how screwed they are, and I of course am enjoying every minute...

  11. Hi DDR....Yes, it is a magnificent moment, and as you say it's about time. I had all but given up on Jagmeet Singh, I was tired of the way he repeated Con lies, and tried to make himself bigger by demeaning Justin Trudeau, even though Trudeau never tried to put Singh down in the same ugly way. I could never understand why he didn't join forces with Trudeau to try to build a more progressive Canada. But now he finally stopped acting like a Con stooge, and I am really hopeful that the two parties can do some great and very Canadian things together.
    And yes, I am already enjoying the sight of the Cons and their shabby media trying to smear the deal as only they can. But Canadians have clearly said they want politicians to stop playing cheap games, and work to make Canada a better place, so they are doomed to be disappointed, and watching them turn all that Trump-like hostility on themselves will be an absolute treat....

  12. Hi Jackie....I read your blog, and I totally agree with you, those who underestimate Justin Trudeau are bound to be disappointed. Having Susan Delacourt and Paul Wells singing from the same song book made my day. I'd really like to know why Wells left MacLeans, because I suspect it wasn't pretty. But seeing that pompous gas bag forced to crawl back to the Globe is reward enough. BTW I want to congratulate you on your Twitter debut, it has been sensational, and I must admit it has left me wondering where do you get that all that energy? Because in my present dilapidated state, I badly need some... ;)

  13. Hi JD...Great comment. MAGA Barbie Bergen's performance has been truly cringeworthy. It's no wonder she loves those hairy honkers so much. She is so tightly held together, I fear that one of these days somebody is going to fart in her presence and she is going to fly apart. And as for Pierre Poilievre, his reaction was indeed absolutely creepy. He's been trying to soften his image, but that tape of him in the car made him look like a serial killer, barrelling down the road looking for fresh meat. I have no idea what makes him think that he would make a great Prime Minister of Canada, when he is such a repulsive character. Only the Trudeau Hate party would like him, and if he is their Chosen One, I wouldn't be surprised if they are forced to hold another leadership contest long before 2025...

  14. Hi Carl....Yes, it is a bizarre situation, the Liberals and the NDP commit to pass legislation that polls show is backed by most Canadians, but the Cons seem to think that attacking them will do them some good. I'll wait to see what happens, but my guess is it's just another sign that the Cons are running out of history. We're facing some really challenging times, and I believe that Canadians will support the Liberal-NDP deal because unlike the Cons they understand that only cooperation will save us...

  15. Hi rumleyfips...I feel the same way. In the grim times we are going through, it's a welcome bit of good news. I am so sick of the Con's toxic partisanship, I feel like this country is getting a new lease on life. And as for Pierre Poilievre, his anti-carbon tax campaign is absolutely sickening, so seeing him looking like a maniac and screaming with disappointment, is more than I could have hoped for...

  16. Hi RT....I wondered whether people would recognize Mr Pillow, but considering Candy Bergen's extraordinary shopping spree I thought an expensive trashy pillow maker should be part of her family picture. I'm still looking for a good king-size bed to plunk her down on, without making her look like cheap Con whore, but that is proving extremely difficult. Her party is so toxic I can't imagine what the next three years are going to look like. But as long as the Cons can't see the writing on the wall I almost absolutely sure that they will get nowhere...

  17. Hi Steve...I too wondered why Poilievre felt the need to make that ridiculous car video, but I guess he was in a state of shock, and couldn't wait a minute to reassure his dumb supporters that he isn't going anywhere. And for once he was right. As for the media they too are grasping at straws, and trying to make people believe that three years in the political wilderness will be good for the Cons. I on the other hand believe that it will lead to a civil war that will tear the Cons apart....

  18. For years I've wondered why the NDP under Jagmeet Singh were playing the role of useful idiots

    Because Singh is a useful idiot politically? He drives me crazy ever time he makes some wild campaign promise that he cannot fulfill as he is trespassing onto provincial jurisdiction. Clearly, he missed that lecture in law school.

    Of course Scheer and O'Toole were just about as bad but one expects lies and incompetence from the Cons.

    Giving the Liberals carte blanche for 3 years seems a bit too much just for the dental bill. The pharmaceuticals bill was almost surely in the works. He would have been wiser to actually knuckle down and do some real policy work that might attract some voters.

    Trudeau appears to have pulled off a brilliant coup.

  19. Let's remember that this deal will only last as long as the Liberals remain in good political shape. If the public polls consistently say otherwise sometime between now and 2025 the NDP will find some way to break the deal and force an election through a non-confidence vote.

  20. Hi Ottlib...Yes, that's true. The deal will only last as long as the Liberals remain in good political shape. Or as long as the Liberals aren't so popular they will feel tempted to call an early election, so they can grab another majority. But like many Canadians I prefer to focus on all the good things that Liberals and the NDP can do without the stench of toxic Con partisanship getting in the way. This is a chance to do some great things, and I urge both parties not to blow it...

  21. To fulfil our new Nato obligations will cost 20 Billion a year. I cant see Canada pony up another 20 Billion a year for US made war Toys, like the princess in the hanger turkey in the air G 35 JT has the perfect disarmament vehicle, the folding bike of Jagmeer. So Unlcue Sam Jagmeer wont let me.
