Saturday, February 26, 2022

What The Con Terrorists Did To The People Of Ottawa

The Con terrorists held the people of Ottawa hostage for three long weeks, so they could torment them at will.

They blasted their air horns day and night to try to deprive them of sleep, and poisoned them and their children with their toxic diesel fumes.

They intimidated and threatened them with their vile racism, misogyny, and homophobia.

And now we're getting an idea of the mental toll the Con trucker thugs inflicted on their helpless victims.

And it's absolutely horrifying.

For Juan Sosa, Saturdays were always the worst.

That's when the trucks parked outside Sosa's fourth-storey apartment on Queen Street would blare their horns day and night, with no apparent regard for him, his partner or their neighbours. 

"I couldn't hide anywhere," he said Wednesday. "I did feel like I was going crazy."

The Con trucker thugs didn't care about the suffering of so many, they were too busy having a good time. 

While many of their victims, especially the elderly and the mentally vulnerable, were too frightened to leave their homes.

"I saw firsthand what was happening to my clients," said KJ Thomas, a social worker with The Royal, Ottawa's mental health centre, who took part in home visits during the occupation.

"They were terrified. They didn't understand what was happening," Thomas said. "I had a client who was pushed to the ground, I had multiple reports of name-calling and whatnot, and then just fear to leave the home at all, fear of what would happen, fear of the unknown."

It was an absolute horror show, and what makes it even worse is that none of the trucker thugs, or any of the many Con MPs who supported them, have bothered to apologize.

On the contrary, as I reported a while back, some Cons have even compared that ugly show to a big Canada Day party...

It's grotesque, but then Lianne Rood is just one of the many SoCons in the Con caucus,  and like the others she was probably getting her orders from above.

A nation-wide network of right wing Christian Evangelical pastors have been participating in the convoy occupation of Ottawa and border blockades in Alberta, Manitoba and Ontario.

From the far right religious extremists who hate our country, its values, and our duly elected Prime Minister.

“We implore you to step back from the brink, restore the constitutional freedoms of the people, respect the God-given rights of our citizenry and above all to humble yourself and take a knee before Christ the King lest you perish in the way.”

As does the Cons SoCon leader Candy Bergen, seen here posing next to one of those "Godly" trucks...

All of which helps explain why the Cons are absolutely terrified of the upcoming inquiry, lest it shine a light on some of their other hidden supporters...

Like Putin and Trump, who according to intelligence sources, were also working to destabilize our country.

And let's not forget the ghastly bigot Pat King....

Who after trying to occupy Ottawa, is now occupying a jail cell.

Leader of the so-called Freedom Convoy Pat King has been denied bail because of a "substantial likelihood" he would reoffend, according to Justice of the Peace Andrew Seymour.

"There is significant evidence linking Mr. King to the organization of the occupation, participation in the occupation, and directing others via his social media videos to commit the alleged offences," Seymour said, noting the Crown's intention to seek a lengthy imprisonment."   

And I would be very surprised if a number of Cons don't eventually join him in the Big House.

For treason is a crime that can never be forgotten, or forgiven. 

And for what those Con traitors did to the poor people of Ottawa, they can't be punished enough.

The Day of Reckoning is coming, and it will be brutal...


  1. Anonymous6:11 PM

    The convoy truckers et al treated Ottawa residents the way the Nazis treated Jews during the 1930s in Germany. They even brought their racist flags and spouted racist bs while they were at it. P King being a prime example.


  2. Anonymous7:04 PM

    So proud to see the President of Ukraine stepping up to personally defend the threat to his country.

    Remember when Harper hid in a closet during the 2014 attack on Parliament Hill?? I was never more embarrassed to be Canadian.

  3. Hi UU....Yes, the way the Con terrorists treated the people of Ottawa was disgusting. But what do we expect when they are born cowards, and not very bright. Most of them are racists, misogynistic, and homophobic, and some of the lowest people on earth. But those crazy religious fanatics have revealed their Nazi sympathies, and they will live to regret that....

  4. Hi anon@7:04PM....Yes, the President of the Ukraine is setting a magnificent example of courage. I'm glad that Justin Trudeau is doing everything he can to help him. And yes, who can ever forget the coward Stephen Harper shitting himself in a closet? It was so embarrassing, especially coming from someone like him. He started off as a chickenhawk and ended up like a chicken...

  5. It's no surprise the cons are already trying to hijack the inquiry. It's conceivable that some of those affected people might be asked to become witnesses or perhaps even file a class action suit against the party. I wonder if the cons are scared of what the new global financial crackdown on Russian trading could mean for the future. It sure stands to wallop their cousins in the GOP.

    As an aside, if Zelenskyy survives the onslaught, I hope he will be granted an honourary Canadian citizenship and the Order of Canada. As a further aside, take note Canada because what Trump said tonight at the CPAC gathering (which I call a trailer park Nuremberg rally) should be a warning call to fortify defenses against the "elephant in the bed." Trump feels the same way about Canada as Putin does about Ukraine...

  6. Ironic that the world's attention has gone from self-proclaimed freedom fighters to mask/vax/Trudeau "oppression" to actual fighters trying to save their nation from an actual dictator.

    Unlike a lot of the Convoy leaders who screamed about holding the line while running for the hills when the cops came (in peacefully and without tanks), you can't say the same about the Ukrainian leadership who is holed up in Kyiv.

    Also not surprised that a lot of evangelical churches supported the convoy of big losers and bullies. The gathering restrictions have affected their worship of money, er, god especially those that preach "prosperity gospel." The cash must flow or prosperity gospel gets exposed for the scam it is.

  7. Hi Jackie….The Cons are in a real tizzy. I read somewhere that whenever somebody mentions the inquiry, they stop heckling and become strangely silent. I think that when those donor names were leaked it shook them to the core. I think they got carried away with the thought that the trucker terrorists were going to bring down the hated Trudeau, and they may have made some fatal mistakes. I also believe that the Trump mafia thought they could take over Canada, to please the religious right and make up for their loss to Biden. So much disappointment, so many good things for us to look forward to…😎

  8. Anonymous12:54 AM

    There will no doubt be long term psychological distress for the Ottawans who had to endure the 3 week tantrum from the cry babies convoy. I hope they win big in the courts to help pay for the therapies that will be needed to heal them. And I hope every red fucking cent possible is siphoned from anyone involved in it.

    Just what I didn't need to see today was the local CTV Ottawa news showing a small crowd of freedumb fighters that marched to the hill today chanting freedumb, freedumb. Unbefuckinglievable! I wished I was there with a few dozen eggs to greet them. I stopped watching when the reporter asked one of them why they were there and you guessed it, muh freedumbs, that's why. This was after about five minutes of heart wrenching coverage of the Ukraine crisis so excuse me covidiots, you have no idea what the loss of freedom is so please STFU and go home.

    "And I would be very surprised if a number of Cons don't eventually join him in the Big House."

    God I hope you're right, Simon. Peewee, Schmear and MAGA Barbie doing the Dean Del Mastro shuffle would be a truly Canadian heritage moment.
    What a great video from the Harper crime family years. I watch it often as it's both funny and educational. Seriously though, the sickening indifference the Cons have shown towards the affected Ottawa residents is appalling. Why? It's a Liberal riding that's why. And notice how now, the Cons are suddenly champions of the Ukranians. Why? Because there's lots of Ukranian Canadians and being white is an extra added bonus. So, I'd like to ask the many Con MPs who've appeared on Comrade Carlson's show, how do you justify going on someone's show knowing full well that he's just spent the last 15 minutes blowing Putin and calling Ukranians Nazis? And then you have the gall to say you stand with Ukranians. Sure. Let it be known, when the Cons do the "right thing", it's always for themselves. They're blatant opportunists who'd suck votes out of a skunk's ass if they knew they were there.

    As it's inescapably on my mind I have to mention with cautious optimism that Kiev is still standing. Hang in there people. The world has heard your courageous leader's call for ammunition and I wouldn't doubt there will be more weaponry to go with it. Couple that with US intelligence reports on Russian troop movements and we have ourselves a possibly long drawn out battle that Putin thought would be a walk in the park. As the body bags pile up it's safe to say that the Ukrainians didn't want this, the Russian people didn't want this and the world didn't want this. To those closest to Putin I say this, to limit the damage your leader has done, it's time for an intervention or risk WW3. Take Vlad out to the farm to spend his remaining days, where he can't hurt anything or anyone. Then, get the fuck out of Ukraine.

  9. The first casualty of war is the truth. There is much information that Putin's claim of a Nazi regime is not simply propaganda.

    I hope the war leads to a greater peace and a more prosperous and truly free Ukraine.

    Yesterday anyone watching Euronews on one screen and Russian state television on another would have been perplexed by the totally contradictory coverage of both with respect to the fate of the armed detachment of Ukrainian border guards on one island in the southeast of Ukraine. Euronews carried the address of President Zelensky awarding posthumous designation as Heroes of Ukraine to the entire detachment, which reportedly resisted the attacking Russian forces and were slaughtered. Meanwhile Russian news showed those same border guards seated at tables and signing sworn statements that they voluntarily lay down their arms and awaited repatriation to their homes and families.

    1. Anonymous11:26 AM

      I think you meant to say there is much disinformation that Putin's claim of a Nazi regime is not simple propaganda. As Russian-born American journalist Julia Ioffe pointed out, Russian propaganda takes the kernel of truth that neo-nazis were involved in the 2014 Maidan uprising and "spins it into a candy floss of lies." If you want to see who the real neo-nazis are supporting, you don't need to look further than Trump and Tucker.

  10. Hi JD....Yes, I expect the long term effects of that fascist occupation will be horrible, and I only hope that the courts will be take that into account when the add up the bill. I still have nightmares thinking about how the Cons supported those bestial bullies. But thank goodness Justin Trudeau took care of the problem. It's been a whole week since the fascists were routed, but the Cons are still squealing like pigs. And no wonder, a tiny band of anti-vaxxers headed down to Queen's Park yesterday, and one of their leaders was carrying a big sign "WHO'S YOUR DADDY GOVERNMENT OR GOD?" which again explains why Candy Bergen loves them so much. I can't wait to include that in my next post. I feel a bit guilty doing that, because my heart is in Ukraine, but what the Cons did to us must never be forgotten...

  11. Hi Steve...I would appreciate it if you don't repeat Russian propaganda on my blog. During the Second World War, Ukraine did have a a murderous fascist contingent that collaborated with Nazis and was responsible for some horrifying atrocities against their Jewish community, and others. But right now it's a democratic country, and the Russians are the Nazis. Never forget that please, and do what you can to make sure their fascist aggression is punished. Sometimes things are so clear, that where you stand determines who you are. Leave the dark side immediately...

  12. Hi Dan….When I see the heroic Ukrainian people fighting for their freedom and I think of those fascists occupying Ottawa and screaming “freedom” I feel like vomiting. How dare they pose as freedom fighters when they deliberately set out to hurt the people of Ottawa. I was disappointed that more of those Cons weren’t arrested, but hopefully the law will catch up to them sooner or later.As for the evangelicals, I noticed them right from the start, so I was surprised and disappointed that the media didn’t ask them what they were doing there. For as the days dragged on it became obvious to me at least that they were at the heart of that right-wing conspiracy, not for the money either. They wanted to topple Justin Trudeau who many of them consider the anti-Christ, for daring to champion the rights of women and LGBT Canadians….

  13. Hi anon@11:26….There is no doubt that some Nazis were involved in the Maidan uprising. But Ukraine has moved on since those days and is on its way to becoming a decent democracy. So Putin’s claims that it’s some kind of neo-Nazi cabal is simply outrageous, especially since he is the one acting like a bestial would be Fuhrer. And yes, Trump and Carlson have behaved in a disgraceful manner and deserve the contempt of all decent Americans…

  14. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Putin is a dangerous man who has ordered the execution of countless trouble makers by using poison as a means of creating fear to simply shooting or blowing them up if its more expedient. He sees Ukraine as an integral part of the Soviet empire and believes there are sufficient Russian speaking and homeland aligned nationals in Ukraine to rise up and seize control of the country. He has enough military might to flatten the country but its a delicate balance, he has to weaken the Ukrainian nationals without harming those who lean towards Russia. The longer it drags on and the more the destruction without the Russian aligned portion of the population rising up the more desperate he becomes. Losing is not an option, possibly some sort of compromise where he can declare himself as the winner is; but the man who has poisoned with radioactive materials is not beyond a calculated nuclear event!
    Background history


  15. I am already dreaming up what I think IMHO would be an ideal Liberal Party attack ad against Pierre Putin.

    The nesting doll: A Russian/Canadian/American war story.

    The first doll is Vlad the Impaler. (The big boss)
    The second doll is Trump. (The puppet)
    The third doll is Poilievre. (The puppet of the puppet)

    Optional alt version for demographic targeting purposes in Ukrainian communities: have Lukashenko be the second doll, then is turned around to show Trump's ugly face. Poilievre, again, when you crack him open, is the puppet of the puppet.

    Vote Liberal, get Zelensky's friend. He himself named Trudeau as one of his inspirations for going into politics.

    Vote Con... get Trump's puppet. (Trump being the American Lukashenko, a puppet of Putin... and Poilievre his pet pigeon in turn.)

    In other words: Cons may claim to stand with Ukraine and against Putin. But how can they be trusted if they're puppets of Putin's own puppet in D.C.? Glad to see the crowd at the pro-Ukraine rally booed MAGA Candice, which shows Canadians are very much aware.

  16. Anonymous11:02 AM

    "Vote Liberal, get Zelensky's friend. He himself named Trudeau as one of his inspirations for going into politics."

    Hi Jackie, Please provide the link to that statement. That would be political gold for Justin. Provided their next campaign team uses the damn thing.

  17. Hi JD

    It's from Zelensky's own Twitter account. He posted just after he was elected, in 2019. And it has a very nice picture of the two of them meeting for the first time. I think they've grown close over the years.

    July 2, 2019: "Justin Trudeau was one of those leaders who inspired me to join politics."

    September 21, 2021 after JT won a third term:

    "Congratulations to Justin Trudeau on election victory. ... I look forward to host my friend Justin Trudeau in Kyiv for a visit."

    All the cons who take the piss out of Trudeau for being an actor before he went into politics (as they no doubt worship Ronnie Raygun with equal fervor) are witnessing firsthand the stellar performance of one, in the real-life theater of war. Plus, Zelensky's role in his TV series was (lo and behold) a *schoolteacher*! No wonder it seems he and JT have grown close and he called JT his friend.

    There are lessons here that Canada, the Liberals and the world should take note of, considering the fantasies Trump and his QAnon acolytes like Boebert have been expressing: "liberating Canada" and putting Trudeau in the same position as Zelensky is now!

  18. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Wow! Thanks Jackie! I'd love to see that trending on twitter. Your ability to dig up dirt on the Cons is as impressive as your ability to find the good on why The Right Honorable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is our PM. It's clearly evident from the many photos I've seen of them together that they are good friends. Kind of like Obama and Justin. Knowing Justin, he will be deeply concerned about his friend and I pray Mr. Zelensky survives Putin's atrocious invasion so he and JT can have a pint or two together in better times.
    As for a peewee attack ad, here's one that might be viewed as obscene and I think the one on the right was supposed to be Comrade Carlson but it matters not. He and Pierre are interchangeable.

  19. Hi RT....Yes, Putin would have made a great villain in a James Bond movie, although I can't decide whether he is a psychopath or is just playing one. Not that it makes any difference, as you say he is dangerous. And thank you for the New Yorker article, where I learned that Lenin was Ukraine's best Russian friend ever. Although, I read another article recently where Putin was said to be a follower of some mystical cult that looks upon Russia as a religious entity, that exists to teach the world higher morals. Apparently his father was a true Stalinist, but his mother was a religious fanatic, so no wonder he's such a monster...

  20. Hi Jackie...I'm sorry to take so long to get back to you, but I'm on a day off and with all the bad news all I want to do is sleep. I like your idea for a Trump Poilievre doll, for I haven't the slightest doubt that if he came anywhere near power, his true face would be exposed and he would be a wannabe Putin. The Cons are posing as freedom fighters, but after all they did to support those who wanted to overthrow a duly elected government, I find that absurd. I also enjoyed Candy Berger getting booed at that Ukraine all in Ottawa, for it tells me that Canadians are well aware of the role the Cons played in the occupation, and they will not forget or forgive....

  21. Anonymous7:35 AM

    BTW - now that Russia is out of SWIFT and no western bank is allowed to deal with their Russian counterparts, where will Trump get his financing/income? Did Trump’s future just crater? Has the man behind the curtain been exposed, finally?

