Friday, January 14, 2022

How Erin O'Toole Knocked Himself Out

Uh oh, this is horrible. Believe it or not I'm starting to feel sorry for Erin O'Toole. How much punishment can the man take?

But then it's not hard to feel sorry for a man who has got himself into a terrible place, and now can't get out.

And to make matters worse, even some hard core Cons have looked at his deranged video, the one I wrote about in my last post.

And some of their reviews are BRUTAL.

Like this one from Stephen Harper's former flak, Andrew MacDougall.

There I was, settling into my Netflix session when Conservative leader Erin O’Toole pogoed into my Twitter feed, ranting about the latest perfidy from the Trudeau government.

“Did you hear what lil’ Stevie Guilbeault said? You know, the commie radical in the orange jumpsuit who is now the Minister for the Environment and ‘Climate Change?’ Well listen up, all you hard-working Canadians, because this will blow your truckin’ minds: that traitor wants to ‘phase out Canadian energy’ in the next 18 months. That’s right, in less time than it takes me to work out a coherent policy on vaccinations, this maniac wants to shut down our entire super-patriotic energy sector!” 

He calls out O'Toole's Big Lie, gives his delivery a failing grade.

And then there’s O’Toole’s delivery. I got tired just watching it. By flapping around like a coked-out, second-string Fox News host to roast Guilbeault in front of the Centennial Flame, it was the Tory leader who came off half-cocked and crispy, which is quite the feat when it’s minus 23 degrees outside.


And sums it all up like this:

Until the CPC builds out its membership it remains caught in a trap: rant to its most vocal supporters and repel the voters it needs to win, or appeal more broadly and rile the membership. O’Toole tried to appeal more widely in the election and failed, leaving him weary of his right flank with Parliament back in session. He is caught in a trap with no easy way out.

Trapped like a rat, as I always predicted he would be.

You know, there have been many great cartoons of the nasty little Con, but I think this one sums up the situation best...

He was always a mediocre man, he sold his soul to the religious fanatics and the kooky anti-vaxxers.

He put saving his miserable skin ahead of helping to save the lives of Canadians.

Then he got trapped in a nightmare of his own making.

And now he's going to pay for it.

So on second thoughts, I don't really feel sorry for him.

I just give thanks that we live in a great country.

And that we have a good, decent, and truly Canadian Prime Minister...

Who isn't afraid of all the Cons who would like to kill him, and is determined to show them that this is Canada, and decency matters.

For without decency we have nothing...

P.S. This is a comment I received today from some deranged Con.

In case you didn't know why I have and will always fight them...


  1. That troll's comment is disgusting, Simon. As far as I'm concerned, anyone who wants to lead this party of brainwashed Nazi rightwing authoritarian trash has a serious character deficit and is most likely a sociopath. But sure, Trudeau is the one being "divisive" when he calls them out for what they are.

    Rumour going around the Twittersphere says the council might be ready to blink and push up the leadership review sooner than later. Which makes a person wonder, who else is bereft of decency enough to want to carry the torch for the party of deplorables? Rod Phillips quit on Duggo tonight. Harper recently reemerged and is trying to get the cult to throw pity money at pathetic Potato Pete, but something tells me the base is done with him too. What was it Bush Jr said? "Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice... uh, you won't get fooled again."

    As for the old tool, no, I don't feel any sympathy for him either. He was so desperate for power that he sold out on both sides, lied to his party as well as the broader populace of Canadians, and ended up pissing everyone off. In doing so, he displayed an absolutely disgraceful level of callous disregard for human life in a pandemic. But that was the price he was willing to pay, and he failed. No backsies. To borrow a line from an old movie: He bought his ticket; he knew what he was getting into. I say, let him crash!

  2. Anonymous11:15 PM

    MacDougall is right, O'Toole is caught between his rabid base and the voters he needs to win over. His base expect him to act like Trump, or at least like Cruz. They don't understand that the wingnuts in the GOP can act that way because of their gerrymandering at the state level. Without that advantage, a Con leader needs to tack to the middle and keep the base locked in the basement in a gimp suit. But poor Erin doesn't have Harper's appetite for vicious shitkickings so the authoritarian base is looking for another strong father figure. He won't last much longer.

  3. Like the opening scence in MASH wait for his Churchillian move on Ukraine.

  4. Anonymous10:54 AM

    It's nice to see some in the Con media finally call out the tool but they always manage to take a few swipes at the Liberals as they do, so it rings rather hollow for me. However, if it hastens the likely departure of a worn out tool then so be it. I to feel no sorrow whatsoever for Erin, Simon. I think the many years of inhaling Harper's farts has caused much brain damage to him and all the other Harper lapdogs as they are clearly not mentally stable. One need not look far for evidence of that.
    So as the Con media abandons the tool, they can now start gushing over and fluffing up the next Con in line for a thorough ass kicking from The Right Honorable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Good luck with that one. It matters not what puppet they instill as leader, they will always default back to their ugly, divisive ways as it is firmly ingrained by their former (but actual) dear leader, Harper.

  5. Anonymous1:02 PM

    NDP Jagmeet Singh is an opportunist who makes videos for kids on TicToc. He got his law degree in Michigan. Is he legally qualified to practice law? Asking on behalf of 37 million voters?


  6. Anonymous2:40 PM

    @ Anon 1:02 - Singh is an Osgoode grad licensed as a lawyer in Ontario. There were 27.4 million eligible voters in the 2001 election. You might want to Google things before revealing your ignorance.

  7. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Kudos and thank you to PM Trudeau from the bottom of our hearts as a grateful nation tears up at the sight of our PM getting his booster shot and setting an example for the rest of the country to follow.


  8. Anonymous3:28 PM

    As we enter 2022 I am so grateful to have the Liberals in power instead of the party who got Canada involved in Afghanistan under Harper and who would get us involved in more wars, and the NDP who backed Harper's war in the HOC relegated to 4th party status.

  9. Hi Jackie...Sadly I get a lot of comments like the one from that disgusting Con troll. For the most part, from the time I see them to the time I delete them is about 1.5 seconds. But I thought I let that one stand to remind everyone who the Cons are, and what they have done to our country. As for O'Toole who is still seeking the support of people like that troll, e deserves what he gets. I don't know how he is going to survive the verdict of his own party, but the Cons are so corrupted, and they still have the support of the equally corrupted media, I suppose anything could happen. But whatever it is it won't be pretty...

  10. Hi anon@11:15PM....Yes, Erin O'Toole doesn't have the killer instinct required to keep his ugly Cons under control. The old Harperites who got him selected and forced him to expel people like Derek Sloan, seem to have abandoned him. And the Canada Proud gang have only made him look unhinged. But the problem the Cons have is they have no obvious candidates to replace O'Toole, so I suppose it's possible they may try to hang on to him until they can make Trudeau so unpopular they can attract outside candidates to run for leader. If that's the strategy they are going to have wait a long time, and I wouldn't be on them being successful...

  11. Hi Steve....I have tried to drive the Ukraine situation out of my mind, I find it too depressing to think of a war on top of all the problems we have at this time. I can only hope that sanity prevails, for a war in that region could very easily become the prelude to WWIII...

  12. Hi JD....I now feel sorry for suggesting that I could feel sorry for O'Toole. He may have got himself into the deep part of the pool without a life jacket, but he has only himself to blame for that. And over time he has developed a bullying streak as bad as all the other Con leaders. He has lied and manipulated the truth to such a degree that he needs to be taught a lesson him and any others who might be tempted to follow his example will never forget. This culture of lying is definitely not a part of the Canada I love. It makes us look like Americans, and will lead to the break up of this country. And you're right, that ghastly culture was Stephen Harper's gift to his party and his country. So hopefully destroying the Cons will also destroy Harper's legacy, and we can start over again...

  13. Hi anon @2:40 PM... Jagmeet Singh has been a huge disappointment as far as I'm concerned. He was supposed to be a new kind of leader, but all he has done is side with the Cons and lie like them. But I must admit I can't hate the man, and I won't question his legal credentials, I just wish he would go back to being a corporate lawyer....

  14. Hi anon@3:25PM... I too am grateful for the leadership of Justin Trudeau and his government during this nightmare time. I shudder to think what might have happened to this country if the Cons had been in charge. They would have used the health emergency to gut our medicare system, and since they don't believe in CERB payments would have inflicted untold suffering on Canadians. As long as they roam the halls of our parliament we will not be safe, and nobody should relax...

  15. Hi anon@3:28PM...The Harper Cons used the war in Afghanistan to pose as great warriors, suck up to the Americans, and damn the consequences. Many good Canadians were chewed up by that war, and for what? But despite that the Cons learned nothing. They are still beating their hollow drums, and these days they are suggesting that we take on the Russians in the Ukraine. Which of course is another big reason they should never govern this country....

  16. Curse of Politics/Herle Burly podcast is going to feature a segment next week where the hosts kick around hypothetical O'Fool replacements and project their odds in the next election. Which, contrary to what the trolls on here keep wishcasting in their vain hopes to manifest Chrétien/Martin II: Catfight Boogaloo, will absolutely feature Justin Trudeau as leader of the Liberal Party.

    But, if anyone's interested: tune in (or not) to reveal Jenny's pick... my guess, she'll be rooting for the pigeon boy she still pines for. Probably a good bet that he'd win if he runs, considering Potato Patch Pete's Patented Points Permutation™ was changed at the last convention to give the Hurtin' Bertans and socons from Saskapatch more weight in the tabulation than those heathens from back East.

    I really don't know why or how Scott and Dave continue to tolerate her. Possibly the only way anyone could stomach listening to that cackling banshee is to get unbelievably plastered well before the show goes on air. Which, incidentally, is also the only way anyone can continue to tolerate listening to Skippy himself.

  17. Anonymous10:31 PM

    When the Liberals first appointed Guilbeault I was concerned that given his past activism it could be a JWR repeat where he undermines his own cause. Its nice to see the Tool knock himself out trying jump the gun and destroy both him and the cause only to end up doing the opposite.In stark contrast to the Tool, the referenced Narwhal interview demonstrates Steven has a good balance between his personal values, ambitions and a realistic view that ultimately success depends on the engagement and support of a diverse group of people.


  18. This is Tool's model for what to do with the CBC, and undoubtedly the same of anyone who would follow him. Guardian reporting today that BloJo the drunken party clown is destroying a vaunted British institution as he burns everything down on his way out.

    Canada AFAIK does not have the "license fee" model, but the network needs to stop thinking that pandering to the Cons would save it from obliteration should press bias enable the Cons to steal an election by bamboozling the public. Natasha Fatah's sympathetic segment this morning toward the small handful of antivax truckers is an example of what needs to go.

    "Both sides" junk journalism is now an existential threat to the public.
