Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Erin O'Toole's Monstrous and Unforgivable Vaccine Failure

With the Winter Break just a few days away, Erin O'Toole is getting more and more desperate, and throwing all but the kitchen sink at Justin Trudeau.

He's accusing Justin Trudeau of being responsible for the rise in inflation, even suggesting that Trudeau doesn't care if Canadians starve.

He's blaming him for the collapse of Afghanistan, and has suggested that he's not a real Canadian, like HIMSELF.

He's even blasted Trudeau for not planting enough trees. Can you believe it? From the party that doesn't believe that climate change is real.

It's all deeply disturbing, but this is absolutely INSANE...

Can you believe that?

O'Toole and his Cons are asking Trudeau and his cabinet minister questions when they aren't in the House. So they can use the clips to claim that the Liberals didn't have the guts to answer them.

Great eh? 

All hail our diseased Big Brother.

But there is one subject the Cons aren't even pretending to want to talk about. And that's the desperate struggle to get Canadians vaccinated, as the Omicron virus surges all over the country.

In the UK hospitals are discharging patients as quickly as they can to prepare for what Boris Johnson has called a coming "tidal wave" of Covid cases.

Omicron could cause between 25,000 and 75,000 deaths in England over the next five months without tougher Covid restrictions, experts have told the government.

Some researchers like Prof Eleanor Riley, from the University of Edinburgh believe that Omicron is so transmissible, we're all going to get it sooner or later.

Riley told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “Omicron is spreading so quickly that, I think, unless you are living the life of a hermit, you are very likely to come across it in the next few weeks.“I don’t think anyone should be going around thinking they are not going to catch it. I think that situation has changed.”

And what's happening in the UK could easily happen here, overwhelming our hospitals, and leading to many more tragedies like this one.

But despite that, Erin O'Toole still hasn't lifted a finger to encourage Canadians to get vaccinated.

Unlike Justin Trudeau...

Who never misses a chance to encourage Canadians to get vaccinated.

So why is O'Toole letting down his country at such a critical time in his history?

Answer: Because O'Toole cares more about the support of the Trudeau hating anti-vaxxers, than he cares about the lives of ordinary Canadians.

And he knows what they might do to him if he does encourage people to get vaccinated.

Which isn't just cowardly, it's criminal.

And the good news?

The Cons really are becoming the Covid Cons...

The Party of the Dead.

So it looks like the loser O'Toole is going to have a very bleak Christmas...

And will most richly deserve it.

For he has shown us he isn't just ugly, he's evil.

And he is going to pay for it...


  1. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Shouldn't the Speaker be preventing questions to absent members? The Commons rules state: "Allusions to the presence or absence of a Member or Minister in the Chamber are unacceptable."

  2. Anonymous5:14 PM

    This is a shocker, from Nease of all CONtoonists !

  3. Anon, Rota is a useless milquetoast. He's a nice guy, but he tries too hard to appear "impartial" instead of hammering down the worst hecklers and smear artists, who are disproportionately Cons. Because they're disproportionately Cons, Cons would accuse him of being "partisan." So he just wags his finger or says nothing and lets them abuse the Chamber as a stage for their debased theatrics. That's why the Cons came out in droves to vote for him, because they knew he'd let them get away with it. The Liberals would have preferred the tougher broad Alexandra Mendes, who wasn't about to take their crap. She's too Pelosi for their tastes. They wanted a Manchin instead.

    You're not allowed to refer to a member by their name either, particularly not the prime minister. They hate having to call him that because it means admitting that he still is, which they've been stewing over for six years. Rota has been letting the Cons run wild with their Justinflation, Justincompetent, Justinept juvenile insults for weeks. And because you're not allowed to say that a member is lying, the Liberals can't really do anything to debunk their BS. This "parliamentary privilege" bullshit where you can say anything you want and accuse people of the absolute worst things as long as it's protected by the chamber, is a stupid, arcane standard that needs to die. But it won't, because there is no honour in politics whatsoever.

    I can't wait until after the new year when they inevitably start up with "Chrystia Freeloader" and Rota just clicks his tongue and says that's not nice. Maybe the cons will support that NDP private member's bill to lower the voting age, considering the average emotional age of the entire party is about, I dunno, 7 or 8.

  4. Trudeau says if anyone is a threat to Canada right now, it's the vote-suppressing cynics of the Greens and NDP. Reason being: the right always turns out, even for a dud like O'Toole. But the perfectionist, OCD left wants a pony in every garage, and will stay home and pout if their ransom demands aren't fulfilled. Result: Bush, Trump, and the threat of another Con prime minister. If Singh had succeeded in his suicide mission it'd be Andrew Scheer botching COVID so badly as to make Trump look like a bigly stable genius.

    And he would be correct in his threat assessment. Just like Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein persuaded people to stay home because Hillary and Obama were figureheads of the "corporate uniparty" or the "establishment." Ralph Nader ratfucked Al Gore in 2000 and look how that turned out. FYI, for all those fairweather fuckwads like Fawcett who think this is a "Trudeau problem" that can (or should) be "fixed" by replacing him, they would be seriously mistaken. The NDP are already out with their conspiracy theories about Freeland being a Nazi sympathizer. They'd Hillary her in a heartbeat.

    No one is a bigger problem than spoiled children who didn't get everything they wanted for Christmas, and so proceed to help the Grinch burn down every tree in Whoville out of spite. That Veruca Salt meme should have been a Tik Tok video featuring Jagmeet Singh. Right now everyone but Trudeau is leaning into destructive populism. O'Toole is playing footsie with the anti-vax Max crowd and Blanchet is playing his usual shit disturber separatist. But Singh is actively radicalizing a tinder box of aggressive, very online youth. Unless someone curtails his narcissistic instincts, this won't end well.

  5. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Jackie, we've had a series of weak speakers, but none weaker than Harper mouthpiece Andy Scheer. Where's Canada's John Bercow?

  6. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Yup, blaming Trudeau for every single thing that has gone wrong is crazy. Almost as crazy as blaming the leader of the opposition.

  7. Hi anon@2:58PM….I honestly don’t know. What I do know is that Rita has lost control of the House of Commons. He has allowed the chamber to degenerate into a Con zoo. They lie, they scream at government ministers like animals, they’re turning the place into a fascist circus. Unless Rota can regain control our democracy may be seriously damaged….

  8. Hi anon@5:14 PM….O’Toole wearing a Covid shirt suits him perfectly. He has clearly put Covid before his country, and he has contributed to what could prove to be one of the most horrifying episodes in modern Canadian history. So he should wear that shirt proudly….

  9. Hi Jackie….I think Rota was overwhelmed by all the nice things the Cons said about him. He acts like he doesn’t want to lose their love, and it’s an obscene spectacle. He needs to make an example out of a couple of Con MPs to restore order. But I’m not optimistic about that happening. As I said in a recent post, I can’t wait for the Christmas break. As for Trudeau’s comments about the “cynical left” I can’t blame him, the NDP has behaved almost as badly as the Cons. Jagmeet Singh is a pathetic poseur, who thinks he can bring Trudeau down by attacking him 24/7 and at the same time claiming credit for everything Trudeau does. He is a man with no principles, and he is destroying the NDP…

  10. Hi anon@8:14 PM….I sometimes forget that the sinister SoCon Scheer was once the Soeaker.of the Commons,which was also a joke. But I agree John Bercow would be a good choice, providing he was provided with a baseball bat ….😉

  11. Hi anon@9:12AM….What I am blaming Erin O’Toole for is failing to do what the leader of the opposition should do at a time like this one. A time that calls for all hands on deck to deal with a deadly enemy. It’s really that simple, and there can be no excuses….

  12. As for the casual cynicism of the left. I know it's real especially from the media.

    A political writer from the poorly resurrected Gawker site wrote about Trudeau and the media generated Tofino fiasco stating "I'm so sick of him."

    I shook my head and asked who do you (the writer) want to replace him? O'Toole? Jagmeet? It's not that fucking simple. All these choices are much poorer and worse than what we've got right now. Voting based on strictly on emotion doesn't end well. It's probably a good thing they don't allow comments at the new bullshit Gawker.

    I heard a lot of the same during the last Ontario provincial election when the same people wrote they were sick and tired of the Liberals (which was fair, but the alternative was way worse.) Yet they screamed so loudly, acted all depressed and complained when Doug Ford got elected which was kind of hilarious in retrospect. Hard to take people like that seriously. I think sometimes those people just like being miserable.

  13. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Politically motivated lawyers are ruining our democracy. Similar to the US at some point in time our federal political system degraded into a cheap made for TV courtroom drama with the voters as the jury. True to their training the honourable opposition take on the role of prosecutors revelling in the task of convincing the voting jury the prime minister and his associates are guilty of heinous crimes against Canadians. However unlike a real trial where a presiding judge rules on what evidence is admissible there is no limit as to whether the accusations are true, fabricated or just pandering to emotions. A lawyers dream, all of the tools of the trade with no limits. The defendant on the other hand is forced into a defensive position rather than respond in kind as the latter approach would just convince the jury of guilt. Minority governments are especially susceptible as legislation aimed at supporting the population or limiting the freewheeling drama is blocked. Lawyers in politics are bad news, but it can get worse when someone like Trump commands an army of them. The Tool and Singh would be laughed out of a regular court room so guess we are stuck with them for now, at least until a new twist comes long. Ruthless military commanders, religious visionaries anyone? Perhaps not so smart lawyers are not so bad after all!


  14. Hi Dan….I have never had any time for those leftists who spend most of the time fighting themselves, instead of the real enemy. And like you I wish that those who would attack our leaders could tell us who they would replace them with: O’Toole? Singh? Poilievre? The left will have to unite sooner or later, the extreme right is getting stronger and more dangerous.So playing cheap partisan political games seems to me like playing with fire….🔥🔥🔥

  15. Thought you would appreciate this. NPR had an epidemiologist on one of their programs, who described Omicron as follows: It's not an entirely new beast, like turning a pigeon into a tiger. It's still the same pigeon, just a pigeon with a mustache. Basically it's like a cartoon villain in disguise, same bad guy but with a different "identity".

    There's a comedy gold mine for you Simon. Now you can draw the Omicron variant as Pigeon Poilievre with a mustache. A pigeon in a pear tree.

  16. What if his cabinet was full of drunk drivers, would he say personal choice? I can think of one example that says this is not hyperbolic.

  17. It has been interesting watching Conservatives for the past few years. The problem for them is their goto issues no longer resonate with Canadians and that is leading to a deep sense of crisis amongst thinking Conservatives.

    For the second time in a row the Federal government announced a 12 digit federal deficit. Fifteen, hell ten years ago, that would have been an existential threat to the government and they would have been under tremendous pressure to reduce spending drastically. Instead this government announced that deficit and in the same fiscal update announced over $70 billion in new spending.

    What was the collective reaction of Canadians? *yaawwnnn*. This is the kind of issue the Conservatives of old could have grabbed hold of and used to build a case for replacing the Liberals. This time it was a one day story and the Conservatives did not touch it with a ten foot poll.

    Low deficits and restrained government spending are the central economic tenets of the Conservative ideology. They are no longer resonating with Canadians, indeed, the opposite is true. When the central tenet of a political party's ideology no longer matters to voters that presents extremely tough problems to that party.

    If the party had a sufficient number of thoughtful Conservatives they would be modifying and evolving these tenets to bring them more into line with what Canadians think. (They would not abandon them completely but they would be thinking about how to make them more palatable in the current political reality) You know, they would do what all political parties are supposed to do when they find themselves wandering the political wilderness for an extended period of time.

    Unfortunately for them, there are not enough of these thinking Conservatives. Instead the party is dominated by hard core Conservatives, Social Conservatives and the loonie hard-right fringe. The result is a party moving farther out of touch, leading to the stupidity we are currently seeing from them because they do not know any other way to "oppose" the government.

  18. Hi Jackie....A pigeon with a moustache? I hope that is true. So far there is no evidence that Omicron is more deadly than the other variants. But what we can say is that Poilievre is another Con who has yet to issue a single call urging people to get vaccinated. Considering that the Cons have so many anti-vaxxer supporters it was the lest they can do. But no, Poilievre would rather rant and rave about the deficit, or Justinflation, than help save Canadian lives. The Cons have crawled through the gutter before, but in my opinion, this is their worst and most disgusting failure...

  19. Hi Steve....O'Toole would say anything to try to cover up the mess his Cons are in right now. Most Canadians don't realize what a poisonous place the Con caucus has become. There are times when O'Toole looks terrified of them, and the worst, I mean the best, is still to come....

  20. Hi Ottlib....Yes, I agree, the Cons are out of sync with this country. It's not surprising, the Trump years corrupted them, the SoCons are out of control, and bringing in the Canada Proud gang has made them look cheaper that they ever have before. Although that brief period with Boris Johnson's media advisers was pretty low too. One thing is for sure, they are not a Canadian party and they need to be shown no mercy...

  21. I just wonder about the funding and the cross border republic freedom?

  22. Let me try being speaker. Orderrrrrrrrrr!

    Prime Minister's motion carries. Die Hard is a Christmas movie, and booster shots are the reason for the season. Opposition amendment denouncing vaccine mandates is defeated.

    Point of order from the Leader of the Opposition, demanding the defunding of the CBC at the behest of the former American president, on the separate matter of Home Alone 2, is ruled out of order. Concurrence on the motion by the leader of the fourth-place party in the Commons, the member for Burnaby South, is ruled out of order on grounds that Mar-a-Lago is well outside the jurisdictional purview of the House. Additionally, the member for Carleton is advised to refrain from any further outbursts, such as squawking or casting his feathers about, or else return to his perch in Central Park.

    Oyez, oyez, and yippie kai yay.

  23. Now that the tool is to the right of the Queen of Alberta on covid travel, will annie okalamo go home for X mass?

    In other news the tool comes out in support of the dreaded silly hats ban in Quebec. I am with him on this one, we are a secular society, if you want to wear a silly hat in public, dont work for the public.

  24. Anonymous9:43 AM

    And how did that 'best summer ever' work out for Ben & Kenney ??

  25. Hi Jackie...OK you get my vote for Speaker. I've never seen Die Hard, having no idea it was a Christmas movie. What I do know is that Rota is unable to keep the Cons under control, so they are acting like a pack of rabid hyenas. I'seen the Cons misbehaving many times before, but never as bad as they are now. As I recently wrote, they are turning our Parliament into a fascist circus, and if Rota can't restore order he should resign...

  26. Hi anon@9:43 AM...Thanks for that cartoon. Kenney, the self loathing closet queen, looks good with all those Covid roses in his hair. Too bad the ordinary people of Alberta are the ones doing the dying....

  27. Hi Steve...Yes, it really says a lot about Erin O'Toole that he should feel he can't control his caucus, any more than Kenney does. For a man who is always bragging about his mediocre military service, he really is a coward, and totally pathetic...
