Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Erin O'Toole and the Moral Corruption of the Cons

It was an amazing sight. Erin O'Toole shaking hand with Justin Trudeau, after the Bill to ban conversion therapy received unanimous approval in the House of Commons.

Staring into the eyes of the man he smears every day of the year.

Some in our shabby media proclaimed that what we were witnessing was the birth of a more moderate Con party, and even suggested that we could trust them again.

Which of course would be a fatal mistake, for the Cons are still the Cons.

And O'Toole is still O'Toole.

Who just a few days after that historic handshake, was back to smearing Trudeau again.

He can't blame Trudeau for fuelling inflation as him and Poilievre have been doing. Too many experts have made both of them look like idiots.

And he can't go after the Liberals on the vaccination front, not with this scandal.

Four Conservative MPs have been absent from the House of Commons since it passed a motion tightening the mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy, with Leader Erin O'Toole refusing to say why.

Or this one. 

Nor can he go after them on guns, as he is still doing...

Not after he has promised to make all these guns legal again if he ever becomes Prime Minister...

He can't even attack Trudeau on the burning issue of climate change. Not when so many of his supporters don't believe that climate change is real.

But while I can understand his desperation He is after all on the political equivalent of death row. And so is his fascist party.

I cannot accept this filth from his ugly supporters. Who would take this CNN story...

And turn it into this fake one.

So they can try to smear Trudeau as a pedophile. And spend hours giggling and wanking all over each other...
As only Cons can.

You know, you really have to wonder who those political pornographers are, and how  did their moral corruption become so pronounced it can never be healed?  

But I guess nobody should be surprised, when O'Toole appointed this Con, Michelle Ferreri, to be his shadow Tourism minister.

For that is who so many Cons are. Crass, vulgar, and in Ferreri's case brought to us by the gun lobby.

So why is Justin Trudeau smiling, as a tsunami of Con excrement swirls all around him? 

Probably because he knows that O'Toole's disgusting toxic Trudeau hate isn't getting him anywhere.

Although I'm sure he can hardly wait for this grotesque session of Parliament to end.

And I'm sure most decent Canadians feel the same way. 

I know I do.

We all need a break from those filthy Cons, who are debasing our country and its values. 

I don't know what country they think they're living in.

But it sure isn't my Canada....


  1. I saw that CNN graphic go viral and freaked out. Not because I believed it for one minute, but because I feared another "Pizzagate" scam like the one that took down Hillary Clinton. I should have known it was a fake, although CNN ratfucking with lies wouldn't have surprised me either (their CEO is a friend of Trump's, and they're owned by AT&T which also owns the batshit insane OAN channel).

    At what point does Trudeau take the gloves off and sue these people already, for every dime they're worth? Remember how Scheer and Kinsella floated that vile insinuation about Trudeau's teaching career, and the goddamn Globe actually took them seriously enough to ask him about it on the campaign trail? Then anyone who touts the #CdnMediaFailed hashtag gets gaslighted as a cultist. Some nerve.

    In the past week the online Trudeau-derangement fanatics have been making foul allegations about Adam Scotti and Melanie Joly. Pigeon's brother works for the Buffalo Tribune (formerly Buffalo Chronicle), a fake news blog that once published absolutely inane nonsense alleging that Sophie filed for divorce after she caught JT in bed with, of all people, Ben Mulroney. Seriously, WTF is wrong with these people? And why won't the media do a proper investigation and call out the only party that gives them a not so subtle nod of approval? Where's the "manipulated media" flag on that graphic, huh Twitter? Just going to let that lie stand?

    Dana Milbank in the Washington Post actually came right out and said it recently: by claiming "neutrality" on the sidelines and not challenging the destructive lies coming from the radical right, his colleagues in the media are aiding and abetting the destruction of democracy. Their silence and bothsiderism in Canada is complicity, just the same as it is in the USA. These cons are absolutely sick.

  2. Anonymous8:22 PM

    The Cons have been bashing Trudeau for eight years. Three leaders lost elections as a result. Leave them to their childish games. It sure beats a real strategy.

  3. Anonymous8:46 PM

    I’m curious. Has CNN repudiated this manipulation of their posrs?

    I suspect not.


  4. Anonymous10:17 PM

    The fake graphic with JT is a full-on GOP tactic that keeps creeping into our country from the Republican sewer. I'm surprised our failed media didn't try to pass it off as "fact". Conversely, I'm not surprised that our failed media didn't call it out as fake either. Selective journalism that benefits the Cons as per usual.
    I wonder what the tool thinks of his potty mouthed MP Ferreri? Isn't she special? I can't wait to hear what he has to say if our failed media screws up and asks him about it. I have one statement for her. "My condolences to your family". The video was only a minute but it captures the absolute repugnance of the far-right, alt-right, right wing. They're all the same really. Not fit for society and certainly not fit to ever run this country.
    I believe the tool, aided by our failed media, will continue to play the part of a moderate, inclusive alternative to the Libs and should they ever fool enough people into believing it, they could form government. This is Canada's version of the big lie because the Cons are anything but what the tool would have us believe. However, as you point out, Simon, they are so ugly that it's near impossible to contain their vile attacks and bozo eruptions from the likes of Ferreri, Gallant, Batters, etc. They may try to take one step forward but their deplorables will ensure they always stay two steps back. And as our failed media would like us to believe otherwise, three elections later proves we aren't a bunch of slack jawed Trumpies that gobble up the tainted red meat like a bunch of ravenous hyenas.

  5. OT, but look who else is facing a mutiny. LOL. #NoDamnPrinciples

    I've no dog in this fight. It's just hilarious right now to watch the Narcissistic Delusional Prince of virtue signallers finally get hoisted by his own bespoke petard. Wait, kids, don't quit the party yet! Stick around to pull a Mulcair on the Tik Tok twerp when he comes up for a review! Ask Auntie Denise how to speed one up.

    Why is Justin Trudeau smiling? Because contrary to Paul Wells' unsellable spec script of his political obituary, PMJT is the only national leader to have legit unity in his party. Yippie kai yay.

  6. Hi Jackie....The Cons and their far right supporters are debasing this country like no other scumbags before them. The Cons are bad enough with their lies and drive-by smears. But their supporters are truly diseased. I was reading their comments in the Globe and Mail this morning, and I've never seen such a collection of crazy old white men shaking their fists at the sky. They were reacting to another ridiculous column by Andrew Coyne, who was claiming that Trudeau didn't have the right to call this country a democracy. When in fact Dana Milbank is right, by not challenging the drooling of the far right our shabby media is aiding an abetting and the destruction of democracy. They truly are disgusting, but we are better than them, and we will destroy them...

  7. Hi anon@8:22PM...I understand your point of view, but I don't share it. The Cons may be desperate, and are not likely to be able to form a government soon, but their supporters are debasing the values of this country, and inciting violence against Trudeau and his government.
    It's clear that Donald Trump and his corrupt Republican gangsters are still inspiring them, and unless we denounce them and work to destroy them, they will eventually destroy this country...

  8. Hi UU...I doubt CNN even knows what the Cons are trying to do. And even if they did, denouncing them would only give those political pornographers more publicity. But those of us in social media can help expose those grubby Cons and help make sure that they never govern this country again....

  9. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Simon, Trump is a twice-impeached, one-term president who was so toxic his party lost control of the House and the Senate. If the Cons want to take inspiration from a loser like that, I'm all for it. It will continue to drive voters away from them.

  10. Hi JD...There is no other way ro describe the situation; the Cons are now an open sewer, spewing the same kind of filth that the Republicans are using in their attempt to undermine U.S. democracy. I've said it many times and I'll say it again, the Cons are no longer a Canadian party, and along with their bestial supporters are a real threat to this country and its values. A lot of Canadians are not aware of how extreme Con supporters have become, so the more we expose them, the less likely the Cons will ever govern this country. I am on final approach to Christmas, but in the New Year I intend to go after the Cons harder than I ever have before. And I hope I can get as many people as possible to join me....

  11. Hi Jackie....I must admit I have totally given up on Jagmeet Singh. He clearly believes that principles are for others, and his clown act is demoralizing even some of his most loyal supporters. I had hoped that he might get serious and join with the Trudeau Liberals to pass some great progressive legislation, but once again my dreams are dashed, and I'm back to dreaming about a Liberal majority...

  12. Hi anon@10:15AM...You are right to call Trump a miserable failure, but some in the U.S. believe he could still win the next election. While others believe that his Republican Gauleiters and Trump's supporters are planning what would amount to a fascist coup. Read this and decide whether we should be worried.

    I think we should. Many Con supporters are being motivated by what they see in the U.S. and the situation in my opinion can only get worse and more dangerous...

  13. Ouf. And from ARI of all firms. Blue Xmas indeed. That's not coal in O'Toole's stocking. That's something dredged up from the outhouse.

    Ignore the wording in the report because it's biased bullshit. Kurl doing everything possible to polish the blue turd, with more empty Ottawa bubble "speculation" about Trudeau being a supposed disappointment and Freeland ready to take over practically by the new year. Someone is really desperate to make fetch happen.

    Naturally Kurl won't admit to her role in the minority government result. She feels vindicated after this week in QC. Regardless, ARI's own math doesn't support what she's selling. Tool is the one with the epic abysmal levels of dissatisfaction. Not Trudeau. He's going to have a happy holiday (and birthday) while the tool is... humbugged?

  14. When a turd rises like a man, it can hide itself for a while, but one day the expiry date comes. That day is commix for the tool, a few weeks after the penis.

  15. Ugh, the pigeon this morning in so many words described the daycare program as a Liberal slush fund. He weasel-worded his incendiary rhetoric in such a way as to make it sound like working parents are lazy layabouts siphoning off the taxpayer spigot, who don't contribute to society and want the "nanny state" to mind their children. I can already hear the ghost of Ebenezer Reagan past, hearkening all the way back to 1980 with his diatribe about welfare queens. Skippy is what happens when obnoxious yuppie parents forget that Family Ties was a satirical comedy. He's like some kind of bastard hybrid mutation that is 10% Alex P. Keaton and 90% Biff Tannen. "Now make like a maple, and... get outta here!"

    Meanwhile, the sewer rats on social media, who worship their pigeon messiah as a bigly stable genius, are fomenting QAnonsense conspiracy theories that the "Kleptoburgers" are involved, that the daycare program is another "scam" funneled through WE Charity, and that "Justin Pedeau" must be using it to groom innocent children. But sure, media, this is a new and improved "moderate" CPC and not a Canadian ripoff of the Rethug meth lab downstairs. Putting up this shrill, penny-pinching, tinfoil mook as the mascot for "FiScAL ReSpOnSiBiLiTy" is why the GOP North is circling the drain.

  16. Did anyone here read Max Fawcett's bullshit this morning? What the fuck are some of these fair-weather Liberals smoking??? That shit is a 2019-tier take and it's a shit read of "feminism". Replace Freeland/Joly/McKenna for JWR/Philpott. and it's recycled birdcage liner from Postmedia from two years ago. Christ, I know Max has had a 'Berta Boy crush on Frida for some time now, but this article is eyeball cancer. If anyone's interested, be sure to load up heavy on the dramamine. Or the aspirin, because your hand will hurt from punching a wall.

    Honestly, if I were Freeland or any of the women mentioned in this article I'd actually be offended by this crap. It reads like a fucking Ivison column. Justin should be so chivalrous and gracious to... rig the leadership race and put his thumb on the scale like a woke Stephen Harper judging a beauty pageant or spelling bee? What an asinine, patronizing, garbage take. And no, he has not stayed too long at the fair. Trudeau should take that "baton" and hand it off to Drip Fawcett to stick it where the sunny ways don't shine.

    Now, a part of me wants to see Trudeau take the bait and bid Ottawa au revoir, just to watch the useless Anglo chattering class have a Shocked Pikachu face when Blanchet sweeps Quebec coming off the fight over Bill 21 and neither party gets a majority for a third election in a row. Then they'll go right back to ignoring Quebec and scratch their heads why did this happen if Trudeau isn't there. Must be the estrogen, right? Or her emails. SMH.

    Why does everyone keep ignoring the Bloc being the one to "block" anyone from getting a majority? Why is this supposed "failure" only on the shoulders of Trudeau? Why is it even regarded as a "failure" warranting resignation? Remember when Harper resigned after winning two minorities? Oh wait, no one does, because he didn't. But Trudeau is long in the tooth? HE'S FIFTY YEARS OLD!

    Louder for the folks in the back: He would have won the goddamn majority if it wasn't for Shachi fucking Kurl. Fawcett is a good writer and I usually find myself in agreement, but this is absolute bullshit. Now he's on Twitter trolling "Tru-Anons" like a common Andrew Coyne. Maybe just step back and take the L on this one mate? Learn some French for Chrissakes? Or just stick to doing sports analysis on the UCP dumpster fire and let Trudeau do his fucking job.

    I'm sorry to keep butting in but this just made me so damn angry.

  17. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Good read.

  18. That guy's not a progressive. He's a vicious homophobe who accuses Simon of supporting the Liberals out of an unrequited crush on Trudeau. Methinks the PM's enemies doth protest too much.

    Maybe Simon has never lost the drive to "do battle with right-wing monsters" because they haven't been crushed the way they deserve, but instead continue their warpath and even co-opt supposed self-declared "progressives" into doing their dirty work for them. Who colluded with Harper to destroy childcare? Jack Layton that's who. And who managed to resurrect it from the dead? Justin Trudeau that's who. Someone ask Charlie how did wasting a whole year on a witch hunt against Maggie Trudeau get Canada any closer to supposed NDP policy goals? Do they even have policy goals or just Tik Toks?

    He says "Trudeau has neither the courage nor inclination to stand up to Calgary or Bay Street" -- and clearly that's why Kenney hates his guts, and the old-guard business Liberals are having conniptions that he plans to tax banks. They ran crying to Fife with anonymous sniping that austerity is off the table. Finance is full of stuffy old men and yuppie bros in suits who are still butthurt that they have to answer to Telford and Freeland. (Which apparently still doesn't make JT feminist enough for some reason, because he's still PM and plans to be for some time.) Wow, Trudeau is such a "right-wing monster."

    Insert Simpsons high school principal meme here: "Maybe thwap is out of touch? No, no, it is the Liberals who are wrong."

    What a dick.

  19. Hi Jackie....It's good to be back, but boy what weirdness out there.
    Max Fawcett suggesting that Trudeau should step down in favour of Chrystia Freeland, to show he's a feminist? In a country where misogyny is such a problem, and the Cons are drooling for Trudeau to step down? I rather like Max, I think he's a good guy, but in this case he's must be suffering from terminal PANDEMIA. Freeland may one day make a good even great Prime Minister. She is many good things, but in my humble opinion she's not a good enough politician, to take on the Con Hate Machine, to the Cons and their bestial misogyny. Their hate machine would tear her to pieces, and in the process wreck plans for a much needed progressive renaissance.
    Then there are the Cons, smearing Trudeau and claiming he has no answers to their questions, when Trudeau isn't even in the Commons.
    Even as the fifth wave of a pandemic bears down upon us.
    And lastly, and leastly, there is Thwap.
    I can never get too angry at the old geezer. He has become a living, breathing, stereotype of an old Con sitting on his porch, shouting at passersby, and claiming that he's right about EVERYTHING. And his homophobia is surging.
    But sometimes he can be quite amusing. Like when he calls me Simple Simon, even though I'm at least three times more educated than he is. Everyone should read it before he goes completely crazy....

  20. Hi anon@5:41PM....Thanks for recommending Thwap's latest post. To be honest, I thought he was dead. But I do enjoy reading him now and again. And I found his latest old man on a porch diatribe quite amusing. Sadly, his homophobia is now more pronounced, and his belief that he is right about everything, is becoming quite disturbing. And him calling me Simple Simon and spewing venom in my direction, for daring to criticize some old teachers at Progressive Bloggers for making no mention of the banning of conversion therapy in Canada, is simply pathetic.
    He deserves to be confined to a rubber room, and for suggesting it was a "good read" so do too.... ;)

  21. Eat it Max. You too, @ChinlessPW.

    "Trudeau also confirmed [to Evan Solomon] he will run in Canada's next election."

    Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals. Yippie ki yay!
