Thursday, November 25, 2021

The Ugly Cons and the Road to Fascism

It was a magic moment. And a very Canadian one.

Mary Simon, our new Governor General, reading Justin Trudeau's Speech from the Throne, in English, French, and Inuktitut.

And the speech too couldn't have been more Canadian..

But sadly that magic moment didn't last.

For when Erin O'Toole and his Cons returned to the House of Commons, they turned it into a monkey house.

A place where the Cons holler and yell and try to drown out Justin Trudeau every time he speaks...

A place where Cons like Pierre Poilievre, lie like a thieves, and try to blame the Liberal government for the worldwide rise in inflation.

A place where Michelle Rempel feels free to accuse the Prime Minister of being a chicken for not doing anything about a problem he has nothing to do with.

And although we know that all that noise is just an attempt to deflect from their leader's cowardly failure to deal with all the anti-vaxxers in his party...

For he is desperate, the ghastly porky pig.

And this is so ugly, so full of lies, and so hate mongering, it borders on fascism.

For when a leader can only unite a party by making it the Trudeau Hate Party, this is what that party resembles.

And the good news?

If you take a closer look at that Con pick-up truck you can see that it won't be long before its wheels fall off.

For the writing is on the wall...

And who can be surprised?

The Cons have confused what's good for their party, with what makes them feel good.

They are now a fascist party, with a desperate leader so ugly he's evil...

No decent Canadians should ever vote for him or them.

And if this country is going to survive, it can't send them all to the scrap yard of history soon enough...


  1. The Grits need to get better at messaging. Aaron Wherry's piece from earlier today was a canary (or pigeon) in the coal mine: a lie repeated often enough and loud enough eventually becomes believable as "alternate facts." What the cons want is to exploit concerns over inflation and pump their ludicrous arguments that spending on pandemic aid, childcare and climate programs is to blame. It's worked so far for the GOP and their media handmaids like the crooked failing New York Times, attacking Biden over the Build Back Better bill. The GOP's branch plant in Canada is hoping for the same effect. You can tell they're using Republican talking points verbatim by the fact that "Bidenflation" gets translated as "Justinflation."

    The Big Lie on inflation works on two fronts to appeal to low-info swing voters and the red-meat base: on the surface, present a "respectable" argument using the tired meme of government budgets as household budgets, and attack the governing party as profligate spendthrifts who piss away tax dollars on a "big government nanny state." The underbelly, however, is to ignore COVID as the root of all this, thus appealing to the fringe nutbars who are still convinced that COVID doesn't exist. Protesting vax mandates like they disgracefully keep doing is part and parcel of that. They're still on the denialist kick that the pandemic was always a "hoax" to push a "great reset" that only the "patriots" are able to prevent.

    The ultimate goal of the Big Lie is to bring in privatization and austerity on steroids, and sell off the country to the highest bidder with the goal of "balancing the budget" and "addressing the cost of living." Hopefully the Liberals can do a better job than their US counterparts, in finding a way to cut through the BS and the screeching from the shit-flinging howler monkeys. They will need every weapon they can pull out to deflect the kind of sharp, pointed attacks that can only come from the end of a petulant pigeon's beak.

  2. Anonymous7:20 PM

    O'Toole isn't narcissistic enough to be a fascist leader. Mussolini, Hitler, Pinochet, even Trump, all loved strutting around to the adoration of their followers. O'Toole's just a loser trying to hold onto power over a party yearning for a fascist leader. He'll soon be toast, but watch out for the next guy.

  3. Anonymous10:39 PM

    And here we are having our senses assaulted once again by the Cons newest steaming pile of K-Tel classics, Part 4. The songs remain the same fact deprived, contextually twisted screeching of their lead singers warbling out one turd after the other. " And the Grammy for fictional gothic punk rap goes to... the Cons".
    And it's no surprise to see how our massively failed media continues to headline the Cons "greatest hits" without rebutting any of it. Haha. Of course they wouldn't for fear of inadvertently exposing the truth and actually doing their jobs. I guess they're still pouting over the #CdnMediaFailed comments from all of us "Truanons" so I hope it continues to grate on them. I'd rather be afflicted with Truanonism than the odious infection of Conorrhea. What really galls me is how they like to attack JT's mother for nothing yet they give Portly Premier Ford a pass on his daughter Marjorie Taylor Ford. It's so silly.
    It's comparable to picking on an elderly lady struggling with mental health issues while ignoring the petulant little snot who's spreading misinformation that could kill people. It's no accident that they ignore it, it's a conscious choice. To hell with them all. They have no integrity, no honor, nothing.
    Thank God the Christmas break is coming soon and the noise will abate for a while. Erin can spend some quality time with the family for their last Christmas at Stornoway while the contenders to replace him plot the failure's demise. Hohoho! Have a merry Con Christmas.

  4. Hi Jackie...I found Aaron Wherry's piece shocking. The Cons lie about inflation, enrage Canadians, and make people hate Justin Trudeau with a passion that verges on the homicidal. But according to Wherry the lie might work, and it's just politics? What? Too many Cons, and too many in the stooge media seem to have lost their moral compasses.
    Too many Canadians say that doesn't matter. But it does.
    Let's hope they get it before it's too late....

  5. Hi anon@7:20 PM....I'm not saying that O'Toole could become Canada's Great Dictator. But what worries me is that his deranged Trudeau hate is contributing to the bonfire of hate that already exists out there, and could lead to violence and tragedy. People need to pay more attention to what the religious fanatics and other right-wing extremists are doing out there. Or they could get a nasty surprise...

  6. On that note, Simon and JD -- #CdnMediaFailed by not paying attention to the QAnon "Queen of Canada" and her demented drones. David Suzuki's sensationalistic and now-recanted pronouncements notwithstanding, the fourth estate's failure to connect the "mainstream" CPC's enabling of anti-vax sentiment to more extreme manifestations risks leading Canada to a very, very bad conclusion:

    Add "duck hunter" along with "friendly sausage maker" and "gravel thrower" to the list of sanitized euphemisms for would-be assassin. But the bruised egos of the world of junk journalism insist that so-called TruAnons are a bigger threat?

    Again, I roundly despise the orange man and would never find myself agreeing with him on anything, except this (and for far different reasons): by not doing their due diligence in honest reporting, and thereby putting their thumb on the scale for the radical right, the lying fake news media truly is the enemy of the people.

  7. Hi JD…..Once again our crappy media is letting Canadians down. I can’t believe that they are letting the Cons blame the government for the rise in inflation, when it’s a worldwide situation, and a post pandemic and supply chain problem. They should have stomped on O’Toole and his flunky Poilievre, and made it absolutely clear they are lying. But instead we have even a reasonably decent reporter like Aaron Wherry foppishly dismissing it as “just politics.” As you said, they have no integrity, no honour, no nothing. And yes, like you, I am looking forward to the Christmas break, so the Liberals can concentrate on rolling out there agenda without having the porky Cons try to oppose everything just for the sake of opposing things, even though we are still in a critical moment in Canadian history. I’ve started to see them as traitors and I don’t think I’m being too harsh….

  8. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Hi Simon, you are by no means being too harsh. I cant believe that Wherry would dismiss it as "just politics". It's a stunning failure for someone who I thought was a balanced journalist. Facts be known, "Just politics" is a lame excuse for "it doesn't fit with our business model to contradict the Conservatives as it does not generate the desired clicks to sustain the required outrage against the PM". Stick a fork in our MSM because they're done. Have been for a long time now. It's evident that the entire basis of journalism doesn't apply if you want to work for these Con friendly corporations. I have to wonder though, how does someone who worked hard to obtain their journalism degree so easily sacrifice their integrity by giving the Cons a pass on most of their bullshit narratives and ignoring embarrassing news like Dougy's little princess Qanon or the tool hiring a despicable, criminal proud boy? Nothing to see here folks! Please, move along!

  9. Anonymous3:29 PM

    As a new Covid variant emerges from Africa, the Cons scream Trudeau slow to close the borders and warn the people. Last week the same antivax idiots were pushing for fewer restrictions and more open borders.
    The whole covid virus mutation vs the antivax movement is starting to look like a ticking timebomb. To date vaccines are somewhere between 65 to 90% effective against reinfection with the more recent variants better at circumventing vaccine protection. The longer a significant proportion of the population remains unvaccinated the easier it is for the variants to spread and mutate further, especially if we reduce other measures at the same time. To anyone but a Con the basics are simple to understand. In order to spread an infected person must infect another person within 24 days or the virus dies out. A vaccinated population combined with other Covid measures such as masks makes it very difficult for the virus to average at least one other infection before the host is cured or dies. Low vaccination rates combined with early lifting of restrictions make spread easier and the doomsday scenario where the vaccines no longer work a more realistic possibility. Should it happen the Cons will shout I told you so,the vaccines are useless Trudeau failed as the dead pile up. Its still unlikely as we will go into strict lockdown before that but why are we letting these assholes play with fire?


  10. Visitor - Pierre D.4:30 PM

    MSM has been outrage-based for a while now. Just look at Mercedes "Married to the (CPC) Mob" Stephenson bringing up Tofino after the Speech From the Throne" where Reconciliation was a key element.

    They put all their eggs into the "Justin Trudeau is going to resign, no he won't run again! No..." and now that the LPC is polling at near-majority levels and the CPC is down to NDP levels...with Erin O'Toole having to go full authoritarian to head off internal protest, it's over. And once (if...) the LPC gets another majority in the next election, they will have nothing but fake scandals and petty jealousies to keep them going.

    But none of that will matter. The only important thing is that the CPC never get majority status ever, ever again.

  11. Hi JD....Thank you, I was just so disappointed that someone like Aaron Wherry could call the Con's serial lying "just politics." I still can't believe it. But I guess you're right, our sodden Con media is only interested in clicks. Journalism used to be a calling rather than a mere profession, but not any longer. The ones we have now are more like presstitutes, and proud of it. But the good news is that Cons and their precious presstitutes are going down down together...

  12. Hi RT...The emergence of that new variant has made the Cons look like absolute idiots. And it makes the anti-vaxxers look even worse. If this variant is as dangerous as some suggest it could be, the authorities are going to have to treat them as the domestic terrorists they are. Last weekend, a very large group of them came marching down the street in front of my place. I got some shots and maybe I'll use some in a post, because they make only too clear how deeply disturbed they are. It's some kind of mass psychosis, in normal times I could tolerate them, but they have been going after doctors and nurses, and are even trying to sabotage the 5-11 vaccination campaigns. So we need to forcibly quarantine them, or jail them, before they do any more damage....

  13. Hi Pierre...Yes, the Cons are so desperate they are chasing their own tails. They have spent so much time demonizing Justin Trudeau, it helped cost them the election. But as you point out, O'Toole can't stop demonizing Trudeau or his rabid kooks will turn on him, so he's only digging himself an even deeper hole. I don't know if I would say that it's over, not with the scummy media on their side, but they are definitely heading for The Abyss...

  14. The Wherry piece is a clear demonstration of what is wrong with the media.

    It is a very good summary of inflation and why it is happening and if it would have stopped there it would have been a useful piece of journalism.

    But then he had to go and provide his "opinion" about inflation's impact on the political scene.

    I gave up consuming the MSM because all of the journalists decided to become political pundits instead of just reporting the facts. They cannot provide information without opining on on what it all means and in many cases trying to tell me what I should think about it.

    That is not what I want. I want information so that I can form my own opinions. I do not need journalists telling me what they should be. As well, it has been my experience that journalist make lousy political pundits. They are wrong way more often than they are right and they lack the intellectual rigour and honesty to actually provide anything resembling objective analysis and to admit when they are mistaken.

    Next time Mr. Wherry just stick with the facts. Thanks.

  15. Frank has some interesting new poll results. National VI demonstrating gridlock, polarization and pessimism, but also broad support for a generally progressive agenda. Regionals break down well for the government. B.C. breaking so hard for the cons despite climate disaster seems to demonstrate that the left coast has stumbled upon the renewable energy source of human stupidity.

    I'm always fascinated by the demographic dive. The Liberals continue to be the party of women and a handful of enlightened men, while the cons continue to be the party of Petersonian incels and their subset of handmaids. Childcare will only bolster that gender divide.

    NDP continues to bank and fail on Tik Tok teenagers. while there are surprising results for youth with the PPC. More broadly, Tool continues losing support to Max, in a clear sign that there is no hope for conservative "moderation" anytime soon. Especially not with the orange man coming back in 2024...

  16. Hi Ottlib….I agree, Aaron Wherry’ story was initially a pretty good explainer. But then after establishing that the Cons are wrong and/or lying he concludes that’s OK it’s just politics. And you’re right, it’s what our shabby media does all the time. I understand that many media organizations are in a bad financial state so they feel they need to torque every story by letting their reporters add
    their opinions, even if that means the Cons get away without being punished or at the very least denounced. It’s not right, it cannot be tolerated, if the truth is to mean anything….

  17. Hi Jackie….I saw that Ekos poll, and although it’s depressing in some respects, it’s hardly surprising. There are a lot of depressed people all over the place, and the poll reflects that state of mind. The fact the people in B.C. can support a party that doesn’t believe in fighting climate change says a lot about the people who live there. Despite its progressive gloss it’s full of really dumb Cons and ghastly old weirdos like the Disaffected Lib. The arrival of the Omicron variant will hopefully help concentrate their dementia addled minds…

  18. Throughout the election campaign the polls kept saying the Liberals would be creamed in BC. Some pollsters even stated that the only Liberal that would be re-elected there was Hedy Fry.

    They were wrong then and they are wrong now. In fact it would appear that they have not bothered to do the work necessary to fix their the problems that made them wrong. Then again, why should they? They do not make any money doing polls so they have no incentive to make certain they are right.
