Friday, July 23, 2021

Erin O'Toole And The Scandals That Will Destroy Him

Erin O'Toole knows that an election is coming, and he knows that he is going to lose.

So he is becoming more and more desperate, and trying to smear Justin Trudeau in any way he can.

But it's just not working, in fact it's backfiring.

For  yesterday O'Toole was using that attack ad to try to accuse Trudeau of corruption.

But today that ad had disappeared, and for good reason. 

Erin O’Toole’s office gave nearly $240,000 worth of taxpayer-funded contracts to Conservative insiders in his first six months on the job, Global News has learned, even while O’Toole and many of his MPs were hammering the Trudeau Liberals for sending taxpayer-funded contracts to Liberal-connected firms.

Because now it's O'Toole who stands accused of corruption AND gross hypocrisy.

But if that's totally disgusting, this is horrifying.

Erin O’Toole’s second-most senior staffer is personally involved with helping social conservative candidates secure party nominations, the Star has learned.

Four conservative sources told the Star that Steve Outhouse, a longtime Conservative operative and deputy chief of staff in O’Toole’s office, is moonlighting as a consultant on multiple nomination campaigns across the country.

The majority of the nine candidates who have contracted Outhouse’s firm,Intercede Communication, come from the social conservative faction of the party.

Can you believe that?

As if the Cons didn't have enough ugly SoCons in their Bigot Party.

Cruel religious fanatics who would bless the torture of gay kids, and tell women what to do with their own bodies. 

There are already so many of them, but still they want MORE.

And Erin O'Toole is too cowardly to try to stop them... 

He needs them too much. 

So the Cons are quietly becoming a far-right religious cult.

And that along with the stench of corruption could cost them next election.

Although, to be fair, this latest poll suggests that many Canadians have already made up their minds.

And they can't get rid of the Cons soon enough.

Oh boy. Isn't life great?

The polls couldn't be better...

The Cons have started fighting themselves.

The toxic Trudeau haters are squealing like pigs.

And the cowardly Captain Outhouse is finally fading to black...


  1. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Got to love PSAC. Hehehe.

  2. Canada is setting up a program whereby Afghan interpreters are to be effectively airlifted out of peril before the religious fanatics completely take over. I hope they set up something similar for us Yanks now that the garbage southern Confederate politicians have begun their final push to overturn Roe v. Wade. If the dog catches that car it's a foregone conclusion that other landmark civil rights decisions will be next. From marriage equality to school integration. IDU RWNJs all over the world salivate at the success our Repukes are having at turning back the clock to the Bronze Age.

    I suspect developments down here, and the inability of our Democrats to overcome betrayal in the ranks and the psychotic mission of obstruction and destruction by the GQP, will influence their Canadian cousins to march in lockstep. Or should I say, they'll be dancing the Canadian Goose Step. The Liberals will undoubtedly scream from the rooftops that the Conservative Republican American Party have been completely cannibalized by the Tea Party Taliban of the north.

    Taliban Tories, that's what they should be called. And Canadians will hopefully send them a message accordingly, that Gilead politics is not welcome in their backyard. Margaret Atwood was prescient. Once the border opens up, you're going to see a mass of handmaid refugees from south of 49 stuffing themselves on buses and booking flights to Pearson the minute Boof Kavanaugh's gavel bangs down.

    The "corruption" angle that Barrett and O'Toole were/are pushing, and Cons have been pushing in general since 2017, is the absolute most barefaced hypocrisy coming from the most crooked party in Canadian history. They should face sanctions of their own for co-opting officers of Parliament to be their personal oppo researchers. I never again want to hear another Con or media puppet crying about Liberal "CoNfLiCt oF iNtErEsT". All that wonky inside-baseball BS aside, though, their use of taxpayer dollars to stuff their ranks with theofascists is the most unforgivable sin of all. Jesus wept.

    Disband the Conservative Party of Canada. It is beyond saving.

  3. Hi anonymous...I haven't the faintest idea what you are talking about. It's summer, I'm trying to organize a BBQ, so whatever the PSAC story is about, I'm afraid {that at this time } I couldn't care less. Sorry...

  4. That's probably the same anonymouse who alluded to damaging leaks before the election. He was completely correct although I don't think he expected them to come from the reformatory establishment.

    I don't think the old fool is too cowardly to get rid of the Neandertals, I think he is as racist, homophobic and misogynistic as they are. Another Mike Pence hiding his rotting soul behind a bland smile.

  5. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Longtime Conservative operative and deputy chief of staff in O’Toole’s office Steve Outhouse, eh? Bwahaha! You just can't make this shit up!

  6. Looking at the comments below the article, it seems that the conservatives are having much more support than the liberals though...?🤔

  7. Hi Jackie…..I have been watching the way the Trump cult is behaving and it’s absolutely disgusting. But Thankfully I think they are making a big mistake. They are going for short term gain, but in the fullness of time they are only hurting themselves. We will have to set up a new Underground Railroad to make sure that no American woman is hurt by those religious fanatics. It’s also frustrated to see some ultra left assholes dividing our side, just as they are doing here. I find the anti-Cons are looking a little flabby these days, but I’m confident you and I can stir things up a bit….😉

  8. Hi Rumleyfips….Yes, I think you’re right. Expecting O’Toole to do the right thing is probably ridiculous. He is a grubby opportunist and the religious fanatics are leading him around on a leash. I know a lot of Canadians don’t think misogyny and homophobia are important. But I could never live in a country where misogyny and homophobia run rampant…

  9. Hi anon@8:58….I know it’s too funny. Captain Outhouse paging first officer Outhouse. However I looked into his background and he is a real religious fanatic. If most Canadians knew how powerful they are they would be very afraid…

  10. Hi Jsb…..*sigh* The only thing the numbers of comments reflect are the motivation of those writing them. It’s like this blog, hundreds read it but most are too lazy to comment. Which at the end of the day means absolutely nothing…
