Saturday, April 03, 2021

Why Do Erin O'Toole and His Cons Lie All the Time?

I have never found anything Erin O'Toole and his Con clowns have ever done to be even remotely amusing.

I consider them to be foul far right extremists who are threatening our country and its precious values.

But I have to admit this is hilarious.

Can you believe that?

From the party of oil pimps that doesn't even accept that climate change is real. 

From the grubby leader who in 2016 voted against ratifying the Paris Climate Agreement.

And who now lies about EVERYTHING.

Including "forgetting" to mention that the carbon tax comes with a rebate, that favours rather than punishes the poorest.

It's depressing that a Canadian political leader should feel that he can lie or twist the truth so openly. 

But what I find outrageous is that he can get away with it over and over again.

And that what started with Andrew Scheer in the shadow of the bestial Trump...

Lying like a thief every day for years.

Has been continued by O'Toole...

And yet nobody in our debased media has bothered to call him out. Trump had the Canadian Daniel Dale to keep track of his many lies. But we got nobody and nothing.

I also wonder why I am the only one at Progressive Bloggers who regularly calls O'Toole a liar.

What are the other bloggers doing? Are they too lazy or too dumb? Have they lost their moral compasses or their marbles? Or do they just hate Justin Trudeau that much? And if so, how low have we fallen?

It's depressing, but there is good news.

Most Canadians are better than they are, so Justin Trudeau's popularity is rising like a rocket.

While Erin O'Toole is becoming more and more unpopular... 

“The Liberals have opened up the largest lead since October 2020 with critical advantages in Ontario and Quebec. Erin O’Toole continues to struggle to connect with Canadians as his negatives continue to rise.

The Liberals are now the clear favourites: they have a sizeable lead in the horserace, the desire for change remains much more muted than back in 2019, and none of the opposition parties are gaining any traction.

And with summer on its way, and more and more Canadians getting vaccinated, I'm looking forward to the next election whenever it comes.

So Trudeau can get the majority he needs so badly...

To lead us out of the Valley of Death to a better and greener future.

And the lying O'Toole can get the hook he so richly deserves....


  1. we are still waiting for the brilliant call me Andy solution to climate change and as I understand it it was more or less ethical oil

  2. Anonymous9:08 PM

    I was talking to my true blue Con neighbour yesterday. After his usual rant about "that drama teacher" failing to deliver a vaccine, he then totally unprompted said "the Tool" would be worse. He admitted that he regretted voting for Ford and said he was staying home next election. I was gobsmacked. I hope that becomes a trend.

  3. Anonymous11:34 PM

    The problem for the tool party is that there's no advantage whatsoever to them by telling the truth. The truth is their enemy in so many ways that they have created false narratives on every subject of their "grievances" against the Liberals. Other than "I Erin O'Toole...", nothing that's come come out of his bovine shithole is even remotely true either by omission or repeated, blatant lies. He is a true O'Trumplican. Aided and abetted by a thoroughly useless Con media that drowns out the few that calls them out. In spite of that, a majority of Canadians are proving to be a wary lot by showing continued support for a government who's priorities are helping Canadians get through this pandemic. The Cons have their slack jawed yokels forever in their spiteful fold but it will never be enough to vanquish the majority of decent, informed Canadians who are increasingly repulsed by what the Harper party has become.

  4. Why then did Ford fart sniffer Robert Benzie say on Goebbels News that Trudeau was "inept" at procuring vaccines and his numbers were plummeting? Man, the ToryStar's new editorial direction really is showing, and it's as ugly as the day is long. Apparently Kouvalis the pathological liar released another bullshit survey to run interference for Ford, but that's not what the reputable firms were showing this past week. There's no supply backlog except up Doug's fat ass, and the glut of lies being spewed from Aryan O'Foole's loud mouth. Unfortunately, science hasn't developed an injection of truth serum that will ever make an honest man of a "true blue" Con.

    I know that Trudeau doesn't want to go for an election yet, because the third wave that these sadistic Cons are responsible for is proving to be the worst of all, but gawd I wish there was a way he could dispose of them sooner rather than later like so much surplus COVID toilet paper. Last I saw from one of the French-language outlets was that the TruGrits were contemplating the possibility of August as a window. I can't wait until the Cons will have to go back to the outhouse or the o'toolbox and come up empty on the "leadership" front yet again. Our long national nightmare can't be over soon enough.

  5. When everyone over 60 is vaccinated the cons want a snap election, that day with the proviso only those vaccinated can vote. Can you believe what is happening in Georgia? Look at the way the Ontario vote is being twisted.

  6. I am telling you buy a house with a root celler or as realeastate call it a
    cold room. Because we are headed into something unmanageable from every side, and we as a nation can be prepared and actually thrive rescuing the others who lived in the wrong place. Canada and Russia have the best real estate available to live through Global Warming.

  7. Hi Steve....Don’t hold your breath waiting for O’Toole and his scurvy gang to come up with a plan to fight climate change. It would be like asking pigs to fly, they just can’t do it. As for moving to Russia, as much as I like the Russian people, I think I’ll pass. I know a very nice cellar under a Scottish castle and I think I’ll live there...😉

  8. Hi anon @9:08 PM....please be really nice to your neighbour. A true blue Con who has decided he will not vote for O’Toole or Ford is the kind of Canadian we need to encourage. I don’t think we have to worry about O’Toole winning an election, but sadly despite his disastrous record Ford would win a majority if an election was held tomorrow. So we have our work cut out for us. The 🤡 must be defeated....

  9. Hi JD....I realize that the Cons think that lying will fool enough people to help them win, but I will never accept that kind of behaviour from Canadian politicians, and the way the media ignores those blatant lies infuriates me. As I wrote in the post, where’s our Daniel Dale? But as you point out, all that lying doesn’t seem to be doing Captain Outhouse any good. Even though Canadians have been living through such hard times they still appear to be able to appreciate decency when they see it. I truly believe the future of our country will depend on that continuing that when the time comes to vote....

  10. Hi Jackie....I heard about what Benzie said, and I must admit I was surprised. As you point most of the polling is suggesting the opposite. But if Kouvalis was involved it was probably a poll where the questions are designed to make Trudeau look bad. The Cons are still playing that game with losers like Kinsella trying to use vaccines as a weapon. It’s disgusting but I don’t think they can beat that hollow drum for much longer. The vaccines are flowing in and if useless Cons like Ford can get them into the arms of Canadians it will soon become a non-issue. And a September election should bury the Cons once and for all. I was sitting on a pier this afternoon when I looked up and saw a beautiful sail boat cruising by, and I took that to be a good omen...😎

  11. Anonymous10:23 AM

    The Cons are controlled by special interest groups that are offering up the past as the way of the future. Something like trying to convince car enthusiasts that the 1959 Ford Edsel is the best choice for all their future transportation needs. They have no choice but to reframe the discussion by lying about the modern benefits of the Edsel while trashing the alternatives.


  12. Simon, what's your take on Carney being the keynote speaker at the LPC convention? Cons seem to be losing their shit over it while a handful of Very Online present Liberals are hoping he runs in Carleton to make quick work of Pigeon Pete, but there also seems to be a subset of exiled former Blue Grits who've wanted Carney as their messiah to replace Trudeau for a long time. I even remember you had written a piece about it at the peak (low point?) of the Lavghazi brouhaha.

    One of the rumors I've seen is that Freeland is being prepared to take the reins sooner rather than later, assuming Trudeau goes out on top shortly after the next election (or is forced out if he doesn't). But this group doesn't like Freeland either and doesn't want to see her as PM (with Carney as FM), because they're trashy old men in suits who can't stand to see a woman calling the shots (even going so far as to make "insinuations" about how she became DPM "under Trudeau"). Which shows just how deep their misogyny goes. And I don't know what Carney himself thinks of it. He and Trudeau might even be close and it's possible he wants nothing to do with the whole divisive gambit. But it's "out there" floating in the wind, so I'm really curious to know.

    I don't really follow back room gossip and wouldn't even know who to look up on Twitter who does, so I'm just curious, is Trudeau being set up for another Chrétien/Martin knife fight or are rumors of Carney's candidacy being launched at LPC21 way overblown? I thought Trudeau said he wanted to stay, he told Peter Mansbridge about a week ago. Is the party brass getting restless or is this all just idle chatter? I'd love to see someone dispose of Skippy, but at the same time I'd like to see Trudeau in office for a while longer yet...

  13. Hi RT....O’Toole’s Cons are about as popular as syphilis, except in the Quebec City area and some backward parts of rural Quebec, so I don’t think his absurd campaign will get very far. But his hysterical language offends me because I do love my province, and he’s appealing to its lowest elements. The Trump years affected Quebec as much as it did the other parts of Canada, and the combination of that far right philosophy and the worst kind of old style Quebec nationalism is a really toxic mix. I didn’t think O’Toole could disgust me more than he already has, but sadly I was wrong....

  14. Hi Jackie....My view of Carney has changed over the last two years, and mostly because of his views on climate change. And also because I now think he would he could be ideally suited to come up with an economic program to repair some of the damage caused by the pandemic.So I would be happy to see him and Chrystia Freeland compete for the top Liberal job. But only after Justin Trudeau has decided he has had enough, and hopefully that won’t be for many years. Judging by the negative reaction from Con pundits, they know Carney would make a great candidate and are already trembling in their boots. Anyone who can help keep the Cons out of power for at least a generation Is my kind of candidate....😎
