Saturday, April 10, 2021

The War On Covid and the Spirit of Vimy Ridge


It has now been exactly 104 years since Canadian troops assaulted German positions on Vimy Ridge.

The four divisions were fighting together for the first time, they were proud to be all in it together. At last.

And despite suffering more than ten thousand casualties they carried the day, and their victory was a significant milestone in the birth of this nation.

So you can imagine how disgusted I feel when I see that even as we battle the Covid monster threatening the lives of thousands of Canadians, the Cons are making it clear that this time we are NOT all in it together.

For even as our heroic, exhausted frontline workers struggle to save lives and keep hospitals from being swamped.

This is all Erin O'Toole and his Cons are bringing to the battle.

Nothing but a feverish desire to put their own country down, and see Team Canada fail.

For grubby political reasons.

Captain Outhouse seems to be panting with excitement at the thought that thousands of deaths might make him prime minister.

Even though our vaccine situation is nowhere near as bad as he claims it is.

Even though it's about to get even better...

And even though thousands of health care workers are working so hard to get as many doses as possible into the arms of the old and the vulnerable...

But if you thought Captain Outhouse was disgusting for dropping his pants and shitting on all that goodness, how about this latest turd he squeezed out this afternoon... 

Yes, believe it or not, at a time when health workers are demanding more and stricter lockdowns to try to keep the dangerous variants from spreading

O'Toole is suggesting that restrictions be lifted.

Even though that can only encourage all those Cons who don't believe in any kind of lockdowns, and would turn our country into a burning circle of hell.

Where anarchy ruled, and death was everywhere.

For which the Cons would blame Justin Trudeau, instead of the Con premiers who were either too right-wing or too ignorant or both to put human lives before big business...

And even though Trudeau has been the only one to act like a real leader.

But of course we know why the ugly Cons are more interested in trying to destroy him instead of the virus. 

They can see the writing on the wall... 

But while they are desperate, we know what we must do.

Fight, fight, fight, the deadly enemy and its Con collaborators until the day of victory.

The heroes of Vimy Ridge were all in it together, and we must follow their example.

Until the virus is vanquished and so are the Cons.

And our country is clean and safe at last...


  1. Anonymous7:51 PM

    It’s cute you mention military service, something actively avoided by the Trudeau clan.

    1. Anonymous9:45 PM

      Really? Trudeau père was the last Canadian PM to serve in the military. Anyway, what's the big deal about avoiding a volunteer military? Most Canadians do.

  2. Idiot. Jim Sinclair served Canada with tremendous honor both in Parliament and in WWII. Sacha Trudeau was a reservist and Michel sadly wasn't around long enough to achieve a full life. Justin, as we all know, was a schoolteacher. There weren't any wars for him to go to. So he honored his family ancestor Talbot Papineau by bringing his story to life, in a movie on the very public broadcaster that the skinhead putz Aryan Tool wants to get rid of. Why don't you go ask Sergeant Schultz how many vets he subjected to the indignity of having to prove they were amputees. I bet I know his answer: "I know nothing." Well, on that he'd at least be telling the truth.

    So we've covered maternal grandpa and the three Trudeau boys. One actually was in the reserves. One was serving his country in a civilian capacity by working in a childcare profession. The other tragically died before he could reach his full potential. That leaves, um, what, Kyle and the other stepsister? What do you want, for Maggie to go entertain the USO? Or Sophie? Oh, no, wait, that would spark endless rounds of Chuckles and Pigeon's Benghazi hearings about the USO being corrupt because a Trudeau appeared on their stage. Then again, come to think of it, I might like to watch Bob Hope clobber Skippy at committee with his golf clubs. But I digress.

    There hasn't been a just war since the 1940s. Chretien was smart to keep you guys out of the Iraq debacle we started, and there are plenty of us Yanks who are damn grateful to Pearson and PET for letting in the draft resisters during Vietnam. Pierre might have been a rabble rouser in his younger days, but he wasn't a saboteur like today's cons aligning themselves with fascists. Where did Harper serve besides the mailroom of Uncle Presto's Maplejugend organization? Go look at the cesspool of Con social media expressing support for QAnon and the MAGA insurrectionists. You know as well as I do that the brownshirts in blue suits would be on the side with the Krauts, shooting at the Canadians or selling them out for a buck-a-beer.

    It's cute you mention serving one's country, something actively avoided by the Kudatah Klutz Klan.

  3. Anonymous10:22 PM

    "Figures don't lie but liars figure". Canada may be ranked # 45 but when countries with small populations that only require less than a few million doses to show impressive vaccination percentages are removed the story changes significantly. Of the 44 countries with vaccination percentages greater than Canada there are only 5 countries that have actually administered more doses. The remainder just have lower population numbers so the percentages look better.
    Considering lack of domestic supply capabilities, the Canadian procurement team has performed an excellent job in securing an above average volume of the best of the best Covid vaccines. Perhaps they could have padded the numbers with a massive supply of Covid xxx but thankfully there were few Cons on the procurement team.
    The Tool promises inquiries as if the pandemic actually means something to him, it does not, and at the first opportunity he will revert back to the zero sum game of amassing wealth and power for his cronies by conning others. In their view if all else fails and nature goes completely rogue, power and wealth buys a first class ticket on a luxury life boat. If Cons actually took the time to to think through what life would actually be like if the mother ship sinks perhaps they would be willing to make sure the ship was sea worthy before embarking on zero sum 'I win only if you lose' games. But then they would not be Cons would they?


  4. I'm no supporter of the conservatives and O'Toole won't get my vote, he offers nothing, but he's not wrong on this, Trudeau massively screwed up getting vaccines (and yes Prime Ministers going back to Chretien and Mulroney share the blame, damn neoliberalism). Doug Ford shares the blame.

    If Tom Mulcair had won this wouldn't be happening to us now, Tom was a skilled manager and big pharma wouldn't be able to walk all over him like they did to Trudeau. We needed the Grizzly, instead we ended up picking the cub.

  5. Anonymous1:03 PM

    You know Ygor, stating that the Libs screwed up vaccine acquisitions with no proof to back it up is pretty lame. Just as lame as people are with Trudeau Derangement Syndrome.

  6. Tom Mulcair? LOL. The same Hangry Tom who sided with Doug Ford and put the feds on the hook for paid sick days? Not so much a grizzly bear as a grouchy old man yelling at clouds, who shrugs off the malicious incompetence of provincial murderclowns if it suits his political aims.

    Boy, the NDP are some terrific managers. Can't even run their own convention, and they discard the constitution when inconvenient to their hand-wavey populist bluster, thus letting the murderclown premiers off the hook because "jurisdiction is a Liberal Twitter meme". Why the hell is Charlie going and pursuing his WeGhazi conspiracy outside of Canadian jurisdiction by bothering Gavin Newsom and giving fodder to the GOP? Did you ask Jagmeet what happened to the money from the women's commission and the local EDAs yet? Cozying up with cons to own the Libs seems to be such a longstanding NDP tradition, it kinda makes you wonder if he put a down payment on Andy's milk van. But I digress.

    I guess you missed the memo that Pfizer is kind of pissed that the feds are holding their own on drug-pricing regulation. Rapid-fire R&D comes at the expense of highway robbery in the more "conducive environment" of the U.S. So the NDP's answer when facts don't fit their narrative is to nationalize everything and obliterate capitalism (while blaming Trudeau for why Ford is a crook, or pretending Ford doesn't exist), because ACME dynamite in a cartoon is a substitute for actual policy process. The Dippers above all owe a major apology to Canadians in this pandemic for siding with Michelle Rempel just to spite Anita Anand. And an apology to Min. Anand too.

    Just take the L and fold up the orange tent, man. PMJT and the LPC government did a damn good job considering the circumstances, and made the NDP irrelevant. But thanks for giving away the plot, that the NDP have been fighting the wrong enemy so viciously for six years because they're still bitter that Tom lost the brass ring. Hope the rose bros enjoy spamming hashtags and shouting into the void at Chrystia Freeland when Mark Carney delivers the first budget of her first-term majority government in 2029.

  7. My Grandfather fought, there after losing a lung in a gas attack in an earlier battle. He signed up when he was 17, died in his 80's. No one should pretend they are at that level ever. Justin is giving common sense to the Common dollar party. Lets not forget the cons robbed us with free trade, destroying the New Energy Policy and closing down Connaught labs because it was better than big pharma.

  8. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Dippers a Cons give a shit about covid only as a weapon to take down Trudeau. It’s truly disgusting.

  9. Hi anon@7:51PM...You Cons are such losers. Trudeau lives in your heads and all you can do think about him morning day and night. The only reason I brought up the Vimy analogy was to encourage my fellow Canadians to join together to fight the pandemic. Try to do better...

  10. Hi Jackie...Thanks for schooling that pathetic Con. I honestly thought that some of them at least might be able to raise themselves out of the gutter to join in the war on Covid. But I couldn't have been more wrong. And to see them hoping that Team Canada will fail just so they can blame Justin Trudeau is absolutely sickening. As I've mentioned before I was raised in a family with generations of military service, so I was glad to get away from all of that, and live in a country that welcomed anti-war resisters, and managed to avoid getting dragged into the Iraq war. And thank you for reminding me of Sgt Shultz, I think the absurd Erin O'Toole was made for the part...

  11. Hi RT....Thanks for pointing out that the numbers the Cons use to try to put down Team Canada's vaccination campaign are distorted by the small side of some of the countries. When the truth is when compared to some of our peer countries we are more than holding our own. In fact, I recently read an article that mentioned that vaccine hesitancy in the U.S. military is at about 40% and maybe higher. That's just a small measure of a much bigger problem, so I wouldn't be surprised if we end up beating our massive neighbour to the finishing line. Not that it matters, the idea of a vaccine race disgusts me, when so many poorer countries are not as lucky as we are. And the race will only be over when the whole world is vaccinated....

  12. Hi Gyor.... Trudeau did not massively screw up getting vaccines. We were the first to put in massive orders of different vaccines, and thanks to those orders we are now reaping the rewards. No leader in the world has a perfect record, none could have predicted the impact of this calamity. But Trudeau not only got the vaccines in the pipeline, he also set up the support programs that have allowed millions of Canadians to not only survive but prosper economically. As for Tom Mulcair, I remember watching him when he was in Quebec's national Assembly. And though he was the PQ government's nightmare, I don't remember him as a particularly good administrator. The fact is the only ones who have screwed up the vaccine rollout are the Con premiers, and their criminal incompetence must never be forgotten or forgiven...

  13. Hi Jackie...I decided to skip the NDP convention, the pandemic is all I can handle. But I did see a clip of Jagmeet Singh attacking Justin Trudeau like a Con, and claiming credit for everything Trudeau and his team have done. He really is a poseur and it's really disappointing. He could have raised the NDP from the bitter morass Mulcair left the party in, but he just wasn't big enough...

  14. Note to the Cons who have been leaving ugly comments attacking Trudeau and the decent people who contribute comments to this site. I don't allow that kind of ugly Con talk, and will delete your comments on arrival....

  15. Hi Steve...I am glad that Justin Trudeau is finally attacking the grubby O'Toole. Captain Outhouse has been smearing him forever, and I'm glad he's finally getting a taste of his own medicine. The pandemic has been an absolute nightmare, but at least it has exposed the real O'Toole, and boy is he ugly...

  16. Well it seems like the liberals are struggling somewhat currently... honestly I think that it's going be tougher from now on maybe...?πŸ€”

  17. JSB, I think we'll have a clearer picture by the summer. Frank Graves who did release a poll with some mixed results, just tweeted that it's going to be a "tough slog" for about the next 60 days. Even in that poll though, the regionals were still favorable. The hick provinces as usual skew the toplines. Wait and see how people respond to Chrystia's budget next week. It's not a marathon, but a sprint.

    Per a recent article in the Quebec press, the Liberals are aiming for August as the next window for a possible election, so it seems they anticipated hiccups or at least hedged their bets. Canada is getting there, though. This is the final stretch. The media is bored right now with nothing to report. People are frustrated and generally saying "fuck politicians" at this present moment, even though the feds aren't to blame. But nobody, and I mean nobody, is going to the polls now.

    One last thing, ignore CNN. They're not news, they were founded by an eccentric billionaire who used to host pro wrestling on another cable network (Ted Turner). Even down here, people think Jake Tapper is a dope. Put into a Canadian context, he's Evan Solomon with salt-and-pepper hair.

    Might be time for another headline hiatus if number crunching and "jab jealousy" is bringing you or I down.

  18. Hi Jsb....Actually the latest Ekos poll has Trudeau heading for a super majority. The Cons are pulling out all the stops to try to smear Trudeau but I suspect most Canadians will stand by him, for what choice to they have? O’Toole and Singh? I don’t think so....

    1. Just look at the results in the Yukon... the liberals there lost! their majority, and the right-wing party there won most the incumbent advantage doesn't seem to hold anymore πŸ€” or is it because of their name? I am not saying that this can be used in the national context, but it seems that the liberals aren't doing strong... the right-wing parties seem to be doing better...

  19. Hi Jsb....Please let me correct myself. The poll predicting a supper majority is the latest Ipsos poll. I’ve never had much time for Ipsos polls. But I do now..l.πŸ˜€
