Monday, April 12, 2021

Ezra Levant and the Revolt of the Covidiots

There is only one story I wanted to write about today. The story of our heroic front line workers who are in a desperate struggle to try to stop Covid's deadly third wave from swamping our hospitals.

But they know how I feel about them.

So instead I'm going to write about one of the so-called Covidiots, who is trying to stab those heroes in the back.

The ghastly bigot Ezra Levant.

Levant and his grubby Rebel crew spent the weekend in Montreal living in a large floating AirbnB, and making plans to cover a number of Covidiot demonstrations in my hometown.

But before they could get organized they were busted by the police for allegedly violating Covid regulations. 

Access to their boat was cordoned off, and when a Rebel "journalist" David Menzies assaulted a police office, he was carted away.

And much hilarity ensued.


I don't know why Levant wasn't detained for yapping away without a mask, but the Rebel Commander wasn't finished.

And after many years of following his career, at a safe distance, I can categorically declare that this was his most deranged rant EVER...

The hideous hate monger is clearly losing his marbles.

And this video made me laugh so loudly, I can't blame Seb for wondering whether I was losing mine, like so many other Canadians.... 

But of course this is what Levant and his far-right Rebel gang are promoting these days and it's not funny...

Those louts are threat to all those fighting the pandemic, and a threat to all of us.

As are these religious Covidiots at the Grace Life Church in Alberta...

It's beyond belief, it's a redneck horror show. They look like the cast of a b-movie remake of "Deliverance." You can almost smell the ignorance.

But please don't tell Michelle Rempel that, because even though Covid is surging in Alberta as in other places, she's against more lockdowns...

And she's the Con health critic, can you believe that?

You know, in the UK those supporting the health workers came up with this poster...

And I think we need some signs like that one to let the Covidiots know exactly what we feel about them.

For unless the useless Con premiers come down like a ton of bricks on those lowlife scumbags, the battle against Covid will go on forever.

And there will be more dead than we can count...


  1. These are the crybabies who ruin civilization for the rest of us.

    Wearing a mask didn't have to be a political act. These clowns made it one.

    Instead of punishing them with jail and fines then they should be sentenced to burying the dead.

  2. Anonymous10:37 PM

    "For unless the useless Con premiers come down like a ton of bricks on those lowlife scumbags, the battle against Covid will go on forever."
    Exactly, Simon. I wish they had tased Levant so he could have done the funky chicken for us. Another missed opportunity. I've been saying it for months that kid glove treatment of these assholes clearly doesn't work. My theory is that the Con premiers are allowing this behavior to go on because they know that when the time comes, those same covidiots will be overwhelmingly voting Con. Guaranteed. They don't want to piss off their base too much so we'll fine some here and there but incarceration? Not a chance. Meanwhile, Fatboy Ford claims he's adding 350 ICU beds in the province with seemingly no one to staff them. His presser today was a depresser to say the least. Tall tales and gross fails from the murderclown posse. So stressed is Dougy that he even issued a challenge to walk in his shoes for 24hrs. No thanks, Dougy. I can't stumble around that long.

  3. Simon, as glad as I am to have seen Ezra and the little shitstain known as Racist Caillou get their asses handed to them by the Montreal PD, I wanted to draw your attention to that garbage report from CNN that was as much BS as anything Rebel puts out and which Ezra and Brian are cheering on tonight because it deliberately ignores Ford fucking up.

    As I wrote to JSB in an earlier comment on the previous post, Jake Tapper is regarded as a hack even by a lot of liberals in the U.S. I tried writing an email to him but it bounced back. So I used CNN's feedback form and uploaded my letter to Google Drive. I doubt he'll read it, let alone on-air, but it needs to be said. These hacks are now a menace to society who are actively undermining the COVID response with disinfo and incomplete reporting that aids and abets the right-wing liars, and they need to be called out on it.

    So I did. I posted the introductory email up on my blog and a link to the Google Doc with further details. You have a broader social media pull, so I'm asking you to share it, and to encourage your followers to tweet at @JakeTapper and @PaulaNewtonCNN to alert them that they're not only wrong but dangerously giving help to the cons by uncritically repeating their BS, ignoring constitutional realities about Canada's government, and shifting the blame to Trudeau. Tweet @Bruce_Arthur who commented upon it, @gmacofglebe Greg MacEachern who's been begging for CNN's "Reliable Sources" to do a dive into Postmedia, and to anyone else among the few decent Canadian columnists you can think of. @journo_dale @wickdchiq @EmmaMcI and any others. Ask them if you could, to retweet Jake and Paula. This is dangerous disinfo and it's getting absolutely ridiculous.

    Here's my blog article and here's the Google link to my letter in full. I'm doing my best to give Canada all the help they can get.

  4. It happens all the time as an attempt to dominate in argumentative situations, but Menzies clearly shouldn't have stepped into the policewoman's space. That's why she pushed him back. It may not be relevant, but I wonder whether he would have done it to a person of a more intimidating size. Is that how they're justifying his arrest?

    It's sickening what we're coming to. This situation needed a Sergeant-Major, or at least an Orderly Corporal. My granddad could have handled this better when he was in his eighties without any arrests or help.

  5. Anonymous11:19 PM

    I see Mad Max showed up at CovidLife Church a day late and a dollar short to complain about the "increasingly authoritarian government" that jailed the church's pastor. That would be the Con government of Jason Kenney! Always nice to see Cons at each other's throats.

  6. It is good to hear that Ezra in planning on another lawsuit. I am sure he will be as successful as ever. Last time I did a casual check he had a perfect record of failures but he may have successfully contested a traffic ticket somewhere.Come to think of it, those accusations of anti-semitism should be good for a slander suit by the Montreal Police. Good work Ezra.

    For an ex-lawyer, he is not doing all that well. His law profs must keep asking themselves "Where did we go wrong?".

    I don't think Ezra is getting worse. I remember seeing him on one or two Sun TV episodes several years ago and he was just as unhinged. From what I have read he went this way when he was in his early adulthood. He just manifests his derangement in different ways.

    IANAL but it looked to me that Menzies was almost certainly guilty of assault under the Canadian Criminal Code.

    That Loon video is brilliant.

  7. Hi Dan...I agree, making wearing mask a political act is beyond belief, and as depraved as they come. And I like your idea about making them bury the dead. I believe that's what happens the Philippines and from what I hear is pretty effective. They are selfish cowards who don't give a damn about the old and the vulnerable, and they need to be taught a lesson they'll never forget...

  8. Hi JD...I think the sight of Levant doing the funky chicken after being tasered would have been fatal...for me. I would have laughed so hard I might have forgotten to breathe. But you're right, something has to be done to get those Covidiots under control, and the Con premiers aren't doing anything g because they don't want to offend their rancid base. And as I've said before, if Ford can't handle the heat he should get out of the kitchen before he kills more Canadians....

  9. Hi Jackie...Thank you for standing up for our country by challenging that idiotic CNN report. But I feel that the person who should get most of the blame is Paula Newton, the mediocre Con hack who should be working for a local TV News station in a place like Loserville, Saskatchewan. The fact that she is CNN's Canadian correspondent is an absolute disgrace. So I greatly enjoyed your letter to Tapper... and I hope you and the others can embarrass him and CNN. It's like the Washington Post employing the Con moron J.J. McCullough to cover Canada. I've written several letters written to the Post editors to demand he be fired, but since he's still writing, I think I will fire the Post...

  10. Hi John...I noticed that the Rebel gang directed their fury at the policewoman and the smallest male police officer. Which doesn't surprise me because like all Cons they are low cowards. As for whether Menzies should have been detained, I think he got what he deserved. He did push a cop and you don't get away with that, not in Montreal. And they did let him go in time to get to the demo, where if you look carefully you can see Menzies running around wearing a large hat, probably so he wouldn't get recognized. How absolutely pathetic...

  11. Hi anon @11:19...Yes I saw Bernier was heading for that church, and I also saw him posing with the ghastly religious bigot Artur Pawlowski, and bragging about it on his Twitter feed. But while Kenney must have been annoyed, the guy who was really spooked was Erin O'Toole, for obvious reasons. At a time when some Con kooks are accusing Captain Outhouse of being a Liberal, he's really afraid Bernier could steal some votes from him. Not that there are too many votes left to steal...

  12. Hi Steve...yes, one of the first things Levant did after founding the Rebel was declare himself the Rebel Commander. I thought that was hilarious, and I mocked him relentlessly. But strangely enough few others did. I was one of the first people to be blocked by Levant, and I'm proud of that...

  13. Hi jrkrideau...I couldn't believe my ears when I heard Levant accusing the Montreal police of calling the Rebel gang the "Jew media." The Montreal cops are no angels, but I'm sure most of them have never heard of the Rebel, and since most of them are French-speaking the idea of them calling the Rebel losers the "Jew media" is patently absurd. I realize the pandemic has taken a toll on the mental health of many Canadians, but Levant looks like he's about ready for the rubber room, which is the next best thing to the jail cell he deserves...

  14. Anonymous8:21 AM

    I should remind everyone that it was Dear Leader Trump who originally made wearing mask political, which goes to show that Trump remains the ReformCon party's ideological north star.

    As for Cobra Commander Levant's lawsuit, I predict it will go the way most of his lawsuit have gone: a total loss. Here is a link to Cobra Commander's lawsuit against Richard Warman.


  15. Best comment re Tapper
    David Hamer
    Mr. Tapper now realizes that Canada is a hockey-playing nation, and what clearing the bench means.

  16. Hi BX....Yes, we should never forget that Trump made mask wearing political. I’ll always remember the day he came back from the hospital, climbed onto a White House balcony and ostentatiously removed his mask. He was criminally irresponsible and goodness knows how many people he led to their deaths. And thank you for reminding me how Richard Warman humiliated Levant. Warman has always been a terrific fascist fighter and I greatly admire him....

  17. Hi Unknown....yes I saw that, and I loved it. David Hamer is a real gentleman but he knows how to clobber the Cons...

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