Saturday, January 30, 2021

Erin O'Toole's Monstrous Vaccine War

As we all know, Erin O'Toole has disgraced himself over and over again trying to sabotage the battle against Covid-19, in his desperate attempt to destroy Justin Trudeau.

And we also know that grubby opportunist would do or say ANYTHING to try to become our prime minister or Big Daddy.

But his latest attempt to undermine Team Canada, by using vaccines as weapons, should horrify all decent Canadians.

For there he was during an "emergency" debate on the vaccine situation, trying to scare Canadians, for crass political purposes.

Even though he knows that many Canadians are already frightened.

Only to end up looking like a Con man or a serial liar.

For as you can see in this devastating interview, even Vassy Kapelos was able to take O'Toole to the cleaners...

But sadly, O'Toole and his NDP stooges aren't the only ones trying to spread misinformation...

Many in our mediocre Con media have been trying to discredit Trudeau by turning the scramble for vaccines into a horserace.

Which as I made clear on Twitter, also horrified me...

And then to make matters even worse, the toxic Trudeau haters joined in the hate fest, including some at Progressive Bloggers like Warren Kinsella, or the Disaffected Lib...

The increasingly senile old man who like the other Con zombies likes to blame Justin Trudeau for EVERYTHING.

Even if it only encourage crazies like this one.

A Quebec man linked to social media accounts that spoke of taking weapons to Parliament to “clean up house” has been charged after RCMP officers raided his homes and allegedly found 18 firearms.

Anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim and anti-Trudeau posts also appeared on the account, including one that called the prime minister a “scumbag” and said “maybe you and your family need to be tough [Sic] a lesson.”

When the truth is vaccine wars are raging all over the place.

And Justin Trudeau should be praised not vilified for his excellent work in making sure that Canada gets its share.  

For while there have been temporary production problems with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, three more vaccines are now coming on line, Novavax, AstraZeneca, and Johnson and Johnson.

And the Trudeau government has bought a share of ALL of them.

So we should soon be floating in enough vaccines to help ourselves and others.

No wonder the Canada hating Trump Party supporters and other dirty old men want to destroy him so much.

Finally, it's important to remember that vaccination campaigns are not sprints but marathons.

There is only so much vaccine in the world, so it's going to take many months not a matter of weeks, even if things go smoothly, to vaccinate everyone in this country.

No matter how loudly the Disaffected Lib squeals ME! ME! ME!

And until then the only thing that will save us are the things that people all over the world already know.

Be patient, be disciplined, observe social distancing, and stay home as much as possible...


  1. The interesting thing about all of this is the government is still sticking to its timetable of everybody who wants a vaccine will receive one by September.

    Many in the media and the Opposition Parties are saying this is not possible. However, this government has not been one to overpromise. If they are maintaining that timetable then they know something that the rest of use do not know, considering the news of the past few days.

    I am reminded of the PPE scare last spring. It was all over the news. The US was sending agents all over the world to bribe pilots to fly their cargo of PPE to the US and everybody was worried about running out. Of course, the issue was real but it was temporary. By the summer no one was talking about it anymore because the companies that made this stuff ramped up production to meet demand. Now, I have no problem buying surgical grade masks and gloves at my local convenience store.

    I imagine the same is going to happen for vaccines. There was always going to be a slow start until the makers of them perfected the manufacturing processes and developed capacity. Once that happens the shoe will be on the other foot and it will be up to the Federal and Provincial governments to have adequate processes in place to use up the supply of vaccine in a timely manner.

    I am going to go out on a limb. By June the issue will not be the lack of vaccines. The issue will be an oversupply of them.

  2. To paraphrase Thomas Hobbes and T.S. Eliot, February might be the cruelest month but it is nasty, brutish... and short. Those vaccines are going to come online within a matter of weeks, and then the idiot premiers won't know what to do with themselves again.

    Ford and Kenney should be using this lull in deliveries to prepare for the influx and implement proper lockdowns. Instead they're throwing caution to the wind with reopening, and making macho posturing noises towards Biden, towards vaccine manufacturers, towards Trudeau, towards doctors, towards anyone they can lash out at so as to deflect from their own failures. Cons lied and people died.

    The media as usual is guilty of gross malpractice, extrapolating their obsession with superficial horse race polls to a subjective "vaccine Olympics" that completely obfuscates the guilty role of previous Con governments in eroding Canada's manufacturing capacity. Best to be ignored until cooler heads prevail.

    The "back of the line" hysteria leading up to the holidays didn't last very long, and this too shall pass. Trudeau seems to see sunny ways at the end of this tunnel; I have no reason to believe that he is bluffing, other than to rope his opponents into a trap like usual, only to see them punch themselves in their own faces.

    The fact of the matter is, like the old Canadian expression goes, Trudeau is doing as good as possible considering the circumstances. And in spite of the doom and gloom narrative being pushed by the usual suspects, it really isn't all that bad.

  3. Despite the name " Progressive" here some bloggers have been pushing misinformation in their anti-Trudeau crusades. The cbc vaccine tracker has the correct information , is up to date and easily accessible. It shows, for example , that Ontario has a stockpile of ~80,000 unused vaccine doses.

    We now see a growing demand for Canadian vaccine research and production facilities. Great idea: the research is ongoing and the plant is under construction. What the advocates miss is that problems like Moderna's raw material shortage would affect a Canadian producer too. Capacity shortfalls that affected the Begian plant could happen here.

    Canada should have a vaccine programme but delays could happen here too.

  4. Anonymous9:40 AM

    "Why are we in this bind? We gave up the opportunity to manufacture anything at home." (O'Toole @ 6:30) Yes, that would be about the time that Lyin' Brian sold off Connaught Labs to the lowest bidder. And O'Toole blames that on Trudeau. What a buffoon!

  5. The China spin is Trump like. Canada put all its eggs in the China basket and that is why we have no vaccine?

    The reason we have no domestic vaccines goes back to good old Lyn Bryan, who put Canada down the wrong path in so many ways.

    The European say they wont allow export of vaccines, Trudeau failed. The astra vaccines may not be 100% effective against the South African Variant, Trudeau failed.
    The polar vortex will make transmission more violative outdoors, Trudeau failed.
    Pzier says you can get six shots from a five shot vial, Trudeau failed.

  6. Anonymous11:32 AM

    The tool and his far right Trump party, along with and amplified by their media enablers are a repugnant disgrace, plain and simple. The pile on over vaccines is a desperate attempt to deceive Canadians into voting them into power for the sole purpose of being in power, not to make life better for Canadians. Lets not kid ourselves, their goal is to enrich themselves, their friends and their corporate benefactors. The hysteria they're creating over vaccines and anything Covid related is their last gasp at mass voter deception because they know an election could be called at any time. Just like Trump, this is their big lie. The difference being is that Trump had the center left media constantly calling him out on his hugely big lie(s) and up here? Not so much. What we get are tough questions answered with lies and a complete failure to point out said lies with verifiable facts. Why???!!!! What are these supposed journalists afraid of? The proof is easy to find that Postmedia is nothing more than a propaganda arm of the CPC. Conman Black's ugly baby is still spewing out the same garbage he presided over when he ran the show and now he still scribbles out his bile where he's either berating JT or felating DT. Lest we forget the shriveled, old nutsack Rex Murphy who does the same thing, berating and felating. Well, fuck you Gollum. Go play with your precious.
    Then there's the sun line of trashy tabloids who were the Con's state media long before Postmedia came along to save them. They're constantly churning out the anti JT propaganda led by the demented Brian Lilley who's Trudeau Derangement Syndrome has no bounds. I'm guessing he and his fellow 5th grade writers have side bets on who can write the most anti JT propaganda per month and probably get bonuses for doing so. Here's a great read from a while back on where their journalistic "integrity" lies.
    Yep. They write what they're told to write and most always favors the right. That's what were fighting against and if they're allowed to continue their multiple big lies without rebuttal or consequence, we may just end up with a PM O'Trump.
    To all journalists who aren't in the Postmedia propaganda unit. Show your integrity by asking the tough questions and when they fling shit at you, fling it right back. You owe it to Canadians to speak the truth and banish the bullshit once and for all.

  7. Hi Ottlib....I agree with you, by early summer I think we’ll have enough vaccine to vaccinate everybody, and start thinking of sharing some with poor countries who need them. By that time oversupply will be a problem. The New York Times had an article by Fareed Zakaria the other day where he noted our oversupply and as time goes on it will become an even bigger issue. Which makes the Cons, the Kinsellas, and the Disaffected Libs of this world look even more hysterical and cowardly. Like all of us, Justin Trudeau isn’t perfect but we are lucky to have him as our prime minister at a terrible time like this one...

  8. Hi Jackie....I admit I have always been an optimist, but I don’t know any other way to live. If people don’t have hope they will struggle to overcome this nightmare. I believe in solidarity, and that we are all in this together, and I know no doctors who feel otherwise. Which is what the Cons and their pathetic stooges like Kinsella and the Disaffected Lib annoy me so much. Playing cheap politics in the middle of a pandemic is as low as you can go. I expect Canadians to be better than that. And if we are patient, and stay strong, and do what we must, we will be victorious...


  10. Hi Rumleyfips....Yes, with Kinsella spewing his anti-Trudeau venom, and the Disaffected Lib behaving like an organ grinder’s monkey, on certain days Progressive Bloggers doesn’t look very progressive. We need to be better at a time like this one. When I read about poor countries who haven’t yet been able to buy any vaccines, the way some people in this country are reacting disgusts me. We will have all the vaccine we need, and what we should be focusing on right now is flattening the curve...

  11. Hi anon@9:40:AM....Every time I hear O’Toole blame Trudeau for not manufacturing our own vaccines I feel like throwing something at the TV. O’Toole knows that it was the Mulroney Cons who sold off Connaught labs, but he is counting on the ignorance of Canadians to smear Trudeau. The Disaffected Lib has also been beating that hollow drum, and he should also be ashamed of himself.Honestly, those ghastly Cons would turn us into a nation of ninnies...

  12. Hi Steve....Yes it’s horrible isn’t it? The Cons and other toxic Trudeau haters will use every angle to try to bring down Team Canada. But then they are the Trump Party, they will lie like thieves, and we are just going to have to go after them harder than ever. I’m looking forward to that...😎

  13. Hi JD...You said it, they are a repugnant disgrace. I thought nothing Cons did could surprise or shock me. But the ways the Cons are using pandemic anxiety to try to smear the decent Justin Trudeau is the worst and most disgusting thing I’ve ever witnessed. When I see our heroic and exhausted health workers working so hard to save lives, and then I see the Cons, and people like Kinsella and the miserable greedy Disaffected Liberace, I can’t believe I’m living in Canada. Like most Canadians the pandemic has beaten me up, and exhausted me . But I still have my fighting spirit, and I can’t wait to help teach the Cons a lesson they’ll never forget....

  14. But JD, it's not just Postmafia. CTV has revealed itself yet again as the bullpen for Con senate seats. Somewhere Mike Duffy is laughing at the pathetic performances of Evan Solomon and especially Bobo Fife.

    Makes me wonder if Evan keeps lobbing softballs to the old tool and having on a parade of Trudeau derangement junkies because he wants the old tool to defund his former employer out of revenge. Are Rosie and/or Catherine beating the golden boy in the ratings, inquiring minds want to know. Or perhaps the Ken doll art dealer with the shit-eating grin found some dogs-playing-poker posters in his garage, that he's desperate to hock to the highest bidder. Either way it's a bad look.

    CTV aka Con TV is like the the public access cable version of Fox News, where Solomon makes Hannity look like Cronkite or Mansbridge. And don't even get me started on Goebbel News and Mockingbird Mercedes either. Both of them vacuous prompter readers with zero awareness of the importance of checking facts.

    But maybe I'm being too hard on them, after all they're just actors out of central casting paid to play a role on TV, not do a public service on behalf of the free press. It's not even junk journalism at this point, what the MSM offers up. It's paymaster propaganda.

    1. Look I'm definitely no con, but I still think your partisanship and all-out aggressive rhetoric is not very productive... overall liberal partisans like you (and a few others here), are just the other side of the coin, with toxic rhetoric...if it would only be against the conservatives that would be ok, but overall this seems not like a great idea to get more progressives on board ...🤔

  15. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Yes Jackie, I definitely agree that Grossmedia is not alone in the vilification of JT but they are among the most persistent. The leaked memo clearly indicates where the Grossmedia scribblers get their motivation from and would bet that the same applies to the others. Add to that their disturbing disdain of JT and it must be a labor of love for them. I wonder what they see when they look into a mirror?

  16. Simon, if you want to write up a new post about optimism, there's reason to believe things are looking up. Here's some links if you want to include:

    And PMJT talked to VP Harris to discuss vaccines (!) and a potential meeting in February. The Trudeau/OBiden bromance is back, and now Chrystia and Kamala can be BFFs too.

  17. Hi JsB....I’ve been blogging for many years, against first Harper, then Scheer, and now O’Toole, and I have no intention of changing my style. I hate racists,misogynists, homophobes and since the Cons are riddled with those kind of scumbags, I don’t intend to pussyfoot around and feel I must work harder, if we are to avoid what is happening in the U.S. And if you are concerned about what I said about the Disaffected Lib, it’s because he is a vile homophobe who used to send vile messages to young gay bloggers, and once suggested that Trudeau is a “bitch” who should be raped in jail. I don’t tolerate that kind of filth, and you shouldn’t either....

    1. Hey I know that you have your own style and that's cool 👍 I was just saying that taking the paranoid right-wing style and applying it to a left-liberal POV might not necessarily work very well... that's all!

  18. Hi Jackie..Thanks for that list, I will use at least two of them as I try to put a more positive spin on the vaccine situation, For while the situation is dire, I’m absolutely sick of those who would make it appear even worse for crass political purposes...

  19. I am trying to remain optimistic, but I got so mad this morning that I wrote The Globe & Mail should be put on the terrorist list with the Proud Boys. First they publish Levant, then they run a disinfo campaign on the front page to slam Trudeau for things outside his purview. While giving the premiers a free pass.

    Those Der Sturmer rich fuckers won't be happy until they've Hillary's Email'ed every last Canadian to death. Fuck them to all oblivion. Absolute steaming shit pile of fash trash.
